Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > How achive this effects



Posts: 210

Rome, Lazio, Italy

Hi Guys

I've saw this pictures by Mario Testino. What do you think about this effect? Deep dark and black? More contrast in the image?

Any suggestions?


Sep 07 16 07:49 am Link


Thach of FotoHouse

Posts: 31

Seattle, Washington, US

Yes, pretty much what you've mentioned.  Contrast, color saturation, and many colors especially from the garments etc.  Deep blue sky.

Nov 05 16 07:45 pm Link



Posts: 18

Pforzheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

and move earth closer to moon

Nov 06 16 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 115

New York, New York, US

What effect? It's just contrast image with good lighting.
You can try add more black in image, a bit saturation.
Also you can try this technique: create new hue/saturation layer and change mode to soft light. It add a nice contrast to image. Play with settings this layer you can get many variations. You can reduce saturation to get more natural colors or click "Colorize" to give the photos the desired shade. Just play as you wish.

Nov 07 16 07:29 am Link


TMA Photo and Training

Posts: 1009

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US

I agree with your analysis.

By using a curve, level, contrast, or HSL adjustment layer... I am able to selectively paint on these visual characteristics of a darkened sky,  or an edge vignette, or make the blacks go extra black, or add in extra high contrast where everI want it.

I am able to change colors to whatever color I want...where ever I want, however deep I want it.  The colors are infinitely adjustable even after you apply them.  They are completely transparent and dont hide pores.  I dont have to ever use selections or marching ants again...and I dont have to use a history brush ever again either.  I just use a black brush to instantly erase what I just did... the part Ididnt like.

These adjustment layers come with a mask already added to them.  I do a control or command  I  to invert the white layer to become a black layer... that then hides the adjustment I just put over the whole image (adding a darkening effect for example).  Then I paint the effect back in selectively using a soft, low opacity white brush.  It allows me completely adjustable visual control for however im feeling that day!  If my images arent perfect when I take them in my camera... I make them to become whatever I want them to become. 

So, Lighter here, darker there, more contrasty on the dress, change of color on the hat, darken up that sky to make it look ink blue if I want!  I just love the effects that using level, curve, contrast and color adjustment layers creates for me!!

Got questions you cam PM me


Nov 07 16 08:08 am Link


a k mac

Posts: 476

London, England, United Kingdom

It's relatively easy to observe the qualities of the images (especially the top one), in terms of contrast, tonal distribution, saturation etc. But to work out how they were achieved is virtually impossible. Even if you could see the originals before they were produced, it would be hard to know how they were treated. There is almost certainly a combination of global and local adjustments, and it might have been done using only a handful of adjustment layers or perhaps hundreds.
However, although it's impossible to work out how they were achieved, it is certainly worthwhile trying to replicate the treatment on images of your own. And in doing so you will come up with processes and combinations of technique that Mr Testino and his team would not be able to unravel.

Nov 07 16 11:06 am Link



Posts: 210

Rome, Lazio, Italy

thanks guys

Nov 07 16 11:27 am Link