Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > How much are you charging for batch editing?


MB retouching

Posts: 112

London, England, United Kingdom


I am in need of advice and am wondering how much you would charge for editing a large amount of photos say from 75-100? Obviously it would depend on what needs to be done but lets say very basic edit. Do you offer discount because of the large quantity? need help pleaseeeeee smile



Jun 03 16 08:35 am Link


The Invisible Touch

Posts: 862

Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain

It all depends on the type of images you are working for. Are those fashion/catalogue/beauty/lookbook/advertising?

Jun 03 16 10:29 am Link

Digital Artist

Joe Diamond

Posts: 415

Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Actually your rates must reflect your skills no matter what you are doing

Jun 03 16 11:17 am Link


MB retouching

Posts: 112

London, England, United Kingdom

Well some people want product shots retouching so clean backgrounds

Jun 03 16 02:44 pm Link


Rob Photosby

Posts: 4810

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Is this a hypothetical question or have you been asked to quote on a job?

If the latter, take a sample of five or six images, edit them and record the elapsed time.  Scale up the time to how long it would take to edit the rest of the job to the same standard, multiply by whatever hourly rate you think you should get, and then add another 20% (or whatever fraction you think appropriate) to cover unexpected complications (which always arise) and you have your price.  If you are desperate for the job, discount by whatever amount you like.

Jun 03 16 04:44 pm Link


Thomas Andreas

Posts: 550

Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine

retouching prices are as random as the stuff that happens in CERN

Jun 04 16 12:11 am Link


Kami Fore

Posts: 150

Los Angeles, California, US

Even if they're quick edits, it can still be taxing.

I wouldn't charge less than a ball park of $300 for it. Minimum $250 at a haggle rate if it isn't commercial or something that's going to be really big. Just make sure you're good and your work reflects the market standard.

Jun 04 16 12:42 pm Link