Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Adobe Bridge "Not Responding"


Greg K Retouching

Posts: 407

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Ever since I've switched to Windows 10, Adobe Bridge has been unresponsive. I've checked the Adobe Site and a few other forums but they don't have any information regarding the specific issue and their suggestions didn't help. Has anyone else had this problem? Did you fix it? If so, how?

May 24 16 02:56 pm Link


Rick Hughes

Posts: 43

Richmond, Virginia, US

I've been avoiding Win-10 on the general principle of never changing something that works.  So I won't be of much assistance with the Win-10 side of it.   In general is it unresponsive to the mouse or to a tablet or both?  How about key commands like Ctl-N?  If it is just the mouse it could be the mouse driver - I had trouble using a MS Intellipoint mouse one time with PS. A de-install of the driver fixed it.  The tablet might need to be re-installed and the preferences looked at.  You might also try a re-install of Photoshop.  Hope this is of some help.

Whoops - I just saw the prob is with bridge not Photoshop.  Can't help - I use ACDsee.

May 26 16 11:48 am Link


Brooklyn Bridge Images

Posts: 13200

Brooklyn, New York, US

I just installed Bridge CC(its free no monthly subscription) on my windows 10 netbook
Seems to be working fine
Did you do a fresh install after upgrading ?

May 26 16 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 5295

Pacifica, California, US

This recently happened to me for a couple of months - I got the impression Bridge would hang if the contents of its current directory changed (e.g., if I created a new file in the directory using Photoshop).

The problem started by itself and resolved itself - the only changes to my Windows 7 PC during that period were Windows updates.

May 28 16 07:41 pm Link


wr not here

Posts: 1632

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Phoenix Fate Retouching wrote:
Ever since I've switched to Windows 10, Adobe Bridge has been unresponsive. I've checked the Adobe Site and a few other forums but they don't have any information regarding the specific issue and their suggestions didn't help. Has anyone else had this problem? Did you fix it? If so, how?

I had that happen the first time I used Bridge on my new Win10 install. I just walked away from the computer for an hour or so, took the dawg for a walk and came back. I don't know if it had to build it's own catalogue of the drives or what, but it's been fine ever since.

Jun 06 16 08:29 pm Link