Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Complex Automation - I need some serious help


Militant Photography

Posts: 61

London, England, United Kingdom

Hi there
Thanks a lot for taking your time to read this. I am a photographer and I can do basic things on PS but I'm not a genius when it comes to automation and scripting.

So here is my dilemma. I have thousands of pictures I need to carefully place on top of a few possible "digital frames". I can't do it one by one because I'd finish in 3020, it's simply too time consuming. So I was wondering if you guys knew how I could do it on PS

So here are my issues
How can open the files I need, resize them, place them perfectly centred on my chosen frame (another file), flatten and save them as jpeg with particular name?

And get the same process done for a batch of say 100s of images at one time and then repeat it again with another frame?
Please help, I'm going bananas here

Mar 17 16 03:38 am Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

You can record an action in Photoshop while doing the desired repeated operations on one image and then batch process all the images with that same action.

Mar 17 16 05:54 am Link