Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Fixing strong pores?


Andrew Chen

Posts: 5

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

When it comes to strong pores like so:

What's the best solution? Dodge and burn each individual pore? Or perhaps healing brush?
Would love to hear your opinions!

Mar 11 16 01:48 am Link


a k mac

Posts: 476

London, England, United Kingdom

They're goose bumps, not pores. But either way the technique I tend to try first involves working in either lighten or darken mode. For example, where the pores/goose bumps are darker than the surrounding skin I would work on a blank layer set to lighten. I would use one of the cloning tools to sample from the surrounding skin. I might back off the opacity later.
As ever, there are many techniques and approaches and it's good to experiment.

Mar 11 16 03:07 am Link


3 Leaves Left Imaging

Posts: 140

Hoboken, New Jersey, US

Patch tool and healing brush to start with. Start with the biggest pores (or whatever you call those things!) and work to the smallest. Of course be VERY careful to keep it from looking smudgy. From there dodge and burn, I will create a lightening and darkening curve layer and work it from there. And at times the clone tool. Mix it up. Each area or problem may  need to be handled differently. It's time consuming and you have to be patient. Good luck!

Mar 11 16 09:43 am Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

D&B, with maybe a bit of juditious cloning where needed. You don't necessarily have to "fix" every one. Start fixing scattered ones.

Mar 11 16 11:46 am Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

Aetherei wrote:
What's the best solution?

It depends on what the actual problem is in relation to the whole picture. From this crop it is not clear. They might not need to be fixed at all.

Mar 11 16 12:35 pm Link


a k mac

Posts: 476

London, England, United Kingdom

Regarding your choice of technique, consider that they are going to be small, and that there are going to be a lot of them. So you need to adopt an approach that is appropriate to the situation.

Mar 11 16 12:43 pm Link


The Invisible Touch

Posts: 862

Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain

All depends on the output of the image.. is this a fashion image? Beauty? How this is going to be printed? ETC..

Mar 11 16 05:25 pm Link