Forums > General Industry > Somebody is shooting baby portraits like this ....



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Other topic here reminded me of this shocking article: … ngels.html

Dec 03 06 04:47 pm Link


Ron Casas Photography

Posts: 813

Chapin, South Carolina, US

Yeah I saw the article in one of the news magazines about a month or two ago. The photographer would give the children candy then take it away to make them cry. A little sadistic if you ask me, but the lighting is really good in all of the photos in the series…I am sure I would be sued in a heartbeat if it were me taking the photos…lol

Dec 03 06 04:56 pm Link


Loretta Lightningbolt

Posts: 4127


That is the oldest trick in the book.

Remember Judy Garland's accounts of what directors would do/say to make her cry?

I think the photos are beautiful, as much as it sucks to see a kid cry.

Dec 03 06 04:58 pm Link


Brian Ziff

Posts: 4105

Los Angeles, California, US

It's Jill Greenberg.  She's amazing.

Dec 03 06 05:00 pm Link



Posts: 1361

Huntington Beach, California, US

I absolutely hate hearing babies cry.  This photographer is punishing herself, in my opinion.

Dec 03 06 05:01 pm Link


Natural Wonder

Posts: 105

Chicago, Illinois, US

After looking at the rest of the pictures....I love it!

Dec 03 06 05:05 pm Link


Dan Howell

Posts: 3602

Kerhonkson, New York, US

Thyronne wrote:
I absolutely hate hearing babies cry.  This photographer is punishing himself, in my opinion.

umm...herself.  She is a well known, accomplished photographer.

Dec 03 06 05:06 pm Link



Posts: 164

Chicago, Illinois, US

these pictures are awesome. the kids will get over it anyway : )

Dec 03 06 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 104

Escondido, California, US

It's all depends on what it for. I'm sure it's not for the parents, LOL.

Dec 03 06 05:08 pm Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

in one of the pics on the link the baby looks so mad.

Dec 03 06 05:10 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Dan Howell wrote:

umm...herself.  She is a well known, accomplished photographer.

The weird part is, the pictures are intensely political, at least in concept, but nobody ever says anything about that. You'd think that the Republican-leaning critics would be saying how this was cruel mistreatment of children for the evil Godless liberal agenda.

Incidentally, children of this age suffer no lasting trauma of any kind from having candy taken away for a few minutes. It *is* sort of a mean thing to do, but I wouldn't call it abusive.

Also incidentally, human brains are hardwired to respond to children crying. There's a biological reason as to why it's such an *unbearable* noise.


Dec 03 06 05:33 pm Link



Posts: 830

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I love them... I want a redo at life! haha Someone tranfer me into a screaming baby so I can have a kick ass baby photo!

All my baby photos are lame


Dec 03 06 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

I love it!  Kids cry, why not capture the moment.  They won't even remember the experience.

Dec 03 06 06:00 pm Link


Brian Ziff

Posts: 4105

Los Angeles, California, US

smo1869 wrote:
I love them... I want a redo at life! haha Someone tranfer me into a screaming baby so I can have a kick ass baby photo!

All my baby photos are lame


mine just scream "sexy."

Dec 03 06 06:24 pm Link



Posts: 416

Baltimore, Maryland, US

i know a couple of one year olds that would have fought her for that candy

Dec 03 06 06:28 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

yeah, they're definitely going to be scarred for life.

or, two minutes later she'll give them more candy, and the world will be okay again.
and the photos look more like illustrations than photographs, to me.

Dec 04 06 02:22 am Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

The images are grotesque.


Dec 04 06 02:27 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

TroisCouleurs wrote:
Other topic here reminded me of this shocking article: … ngels.html

There is a call for stuff like this, especially for medical websites and such. You better believe that if I got paid big bucks for stock photography,little johnie would be cryin if need be,lol.

Dec 04 06 02:31 am Link


Uber Dami

Posts: 5551

New Haven, Connecticut, US

oh its not like she's burning them with a hot iron to get them to cry...they wont have any life long trauma or grow up to become serial killers because of a piece of candy being taken away.  get over it, shes obviously taking the pics for a collective series to stir up controversy for publicity, and its working! i dont see whats so wrong with it at all, i think at least she had an original idea which is more then most people have now.  ever see the brutality book? a photog who collected pics of people about to be murdered? now thats something to get pissed off about or rant about, more so then kids crying anyways

Dec 04 06 02:33 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Think of it this way. Their lungs are a little stronger from it smile

Dec 04 06 02:35 am Link


In The Dark

Posts: 211

Santa Cruz, California, US

Poor kids will probably have an aversion to photographers for the rest of their lives.

Dec 04 06 03:07 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Photographyby Ken Duret wrote:
Poor kids will probably have an aversion to photographers for the rest of their lives.

You're probably closer to the truth than anyone else on this thread.

One of the many things I did to learn this profession was to take a position as a child photographer in my early years with a company called Sweetheart Portraits. They used to have the franchise for Sears Studios.

I shot A LOT OF KIDS! It never ceased to amaze me when parents used to spank their kids in order to make them STOP crying????????? Then expect me to make them smile!!!! No wonder everytime a kid sees a camera and a light stand they wail their lungs out.

Dec 04 06 08:41 am Link


Tom Winstead

Posts: 551

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Über Dami wrote:
shes obviously taking the pics for a collective series to stir up controversy for publicity, and its working!

Bingo! It's all about making bank for Ms. Greenberg, and I hear she's doing quite well in that department...

Dec 04 06 09:39 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Dan Howell wrote:
umm...herself.  She is a well known, accomplished photographer.

StMarc wrote:
The weird part is, the pictures are intensely political, at least in concept, but nobody ever says anything about that. You'd think that the Republican-leaning critics would be saying how this was cruel mistreatment of children for the evil Godless liberal agenda.

Incidentally, children of this age suffer no lasting trauma of any kind from having candy taken away for a few minutes. It *is* sort of a mean thing to do, but I wouldn't call it abusive.

Also incidentally, human brains are hardwired to respond to children crying. There's a biological reason as to why it's such an *unbearable* noise.


Very thoughtful reply. Thus, it's uniqueness leaps out at the reader!  wink

Dec 04 06 09:52 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Photographyby Ken Duret wrote:
Poor kids will probably have an aversion to photographers for the rest of their lives.

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
You're probably closer to the truth than anyone else on this thread.

That the kids will experience anything from this 10 minutes after it occurs is so unlikely as to be non-existent.  I would be fascinated if you could come up with any credible research to support tihs claim. Fascinated because I don't believe it exists and I'm pretty knowledgable in this area.

This is also at least the 3rd thread on this series of photos from this photographer.

Dec 04 06 09:56 am Link



Posts: 567

Alexander, Arkansas, US


Dec 04 06 08:08 pm Link


PK Brazil

Posts: 4265

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Best baby photos EVAH!

Dec 04 06 08:14 pm Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


StMarc wrote:

The weird part is, the pictures are intensely political, at least in concept, but nobody ever says anything about that. You'd think that the Republican-leaning critics would be saying how this was cruel mistreatment of children for the evil Godless liberal agenda.

Incidentally, children of this age suffer no lasting trauma of any kind from having candy taken away for a few minutes. It *is* sort of a mean thing to do, but I wouldn't call it abusive.

Also incidentally, human brains are hardwired to respond to children crying. There's a biological reason as to why it's such an *unbearable* noise.


That's not completely true, if the child reacts enough the stress will actually kill brain cells. I'm not kidding either, of course you can loose most of them without any problems, thus the reason people can drink so much and still function, but it does damage their brain. It's just not even close enough to the amount you would need to notice smile

Dec 04 06 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Would you feel better about it if the photographer set up a blue background in a doctor's office, and photographed kids right as they were getting shots?

(Don't all call your doctors at once!)

Dec 04 06 08:26 pm Link


Mr Maki

Posts: 633

Tallahassee, Florida, US

you know I have kids... I could take photos like that too (although not as good lighting) and add 'em to my port.  My kids cry for no reason.

Dec 04 06 08:30 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think it's wonderful... and very realistic... as opposed to the sleeping baby or oh so sweet baby shots that sell items in stores... her work is very good , and really compared to most things that child will go through in its life , having candy taken away or a toy .... i mean that's really nothing.... i doubt the kids will be emotionally acarred from it...most kids cry becuse you don't stop for everything that catches their eye in a store... most adults do too... i know i do sometimes... when my boyfriend is in a rush and I just want to look or touch or smell...I mean I dont even want to buy anything and hes in a rush!!!

Dec 04 06 08:31 pm Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


David Maki wrote:
you know I have kids... I could take photos like that too (although not as good lighting) and add 'em to my port.  My kids cry for no reason.

Kids don't cry for no reason. If for nothing else it is for attention, to test the type of noises they can make, or to test how others will react.

Dec 04 06 08:33 pm Link


Ashley Haven Nudes

Posts: 2442

Queen Creek, Arizona, US

Personally, I think they're awesome. You can tell they've all been digitally enhanced some to appear a little more teary than they were really.

It's crazy though... if you google this woman, you'll find pages and pages of people freaking out about this. Calling it child abuse, etc. They're crying over candy for god sake! People are insane.

Dec 04 06 08:35 pm Link


Brian Morris Photography

Posts: 20901

Los Angeles, California, US

AAAGHwesumfuh-   fuh- fuh aaaaggghhh whaaaaaaa  fuh fuh fuh Tears, aaa awesome! Human emotion is priceless. rawk on!!!!!!!!

Dec 04 06 08:37 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Wow.. I must be hardwired wrong. I found the images utterly disgusting. They were overly hyper-realistic and ugly as hell. This has nothing to do with her taking candy from the kids- I couldn't care less. It's the aesthetic of the images that makes me queasy. I'd rather look at Anne Geddes' saccharine work than those things. At least they aren't quite as revolting.

Dec 04 06 09:39 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Some of those shots remind me of an ex when I took away her Neiman Marcus card.
(about 20 years older though) lol

Dec 04 06 09:41 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

A little cruel if that is how the crying state is achieved but the images are fantastic smile You can almost hear the wailing cries lol smile

Dec 04 06 11:25 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

I saw this on Inside Editon or Entertainment Tonight ( same thing,lol)
The parents are there, they want the images that way..and hell you know they're paying out the butt for them,so who freaking cares? She's rich from it, so go her.

Dec 04 06 11:32 pm Link


Serene Death

Posts: 541

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

While I have no qualms on taking pics of crying children, I prefer the sleeping peaceful ones because that's so much rarer... Still the criticism amazes me, I swear some people just sit around poised like vultures waiting for a 'cause' to pick apart and harp on and on about... It reminds me of those people who watch disney movies frame by frame to find "dirty words" so they can sue, who has time for this?

Dec 04 06 11:44 pm Link


Stacey S

Posts: 3131

Long Beach, California, US

I love these images!
its something i've never seen before in photos

this photographer is awesome!
esp. with the lighting!

soo what if their crying
if candy is used to make them cry
be glad their not being spanked or anything

Dec 05 06 08:43 am Link