Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Any Eizo owners here?

Clothing Designer


Posts: 5436

Bakersfield, California, US

I've been pondering buying an upper-grade Eizo.

The piezoography and QTR forums (B&W) boards seem to think the Eizo monitors produce better shadow detail than say an Apple Thunderbolt which seems colorful, albeit contrasty.  I found a B&W test image on the piezo  ( website.  Took it to an Apple store and they loaded it into their Thunderbolt screen and it would only resolve down to maybe 12 at best for shadow detail (Claims are the Eizo CG series can get down to 1-3).  My Windows IPS screen can get down to maybe a 9 at best.

Example of their test chart here: … hecker.jpg

No one in CA has an Eizo CG for display to try, not even Samy's in LA.  Anyone own one who can say if they are that much better for shadow detail?

Only wondering as the x-rite webinars seem to push them a lot over generic brands.


Dec 19 15 10:42 am Link


a k mac

Posts: 476

London, England, United Kingdom

The Eizo CG monitors are superb. I work with an Eizo and a NEC Multisync side by side, and it's always the Eizo that gives me the most faithful tonal detail.

Dec 19 15 11:23 am Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 5436

Bakersfield, California, US

AKMac wrote:
The Eizo CG monitors are superb. I work with an Eizo and a NEC Multisync side by side, and it's always the Eizo that gives me the most faithful tonal detail.

Thanks a lot for that info AKMac!

X-rite told me I need to look to the Ezio brand when I had to do some online 'Team Viewer' software matters with their hardware.  I've been doing B&W a lot more and seem to be moving to it.  If I can see better tonal separation in shadows, then Eizo it will be since I am now mixing my own B&W inksets from scratch for the printers here.

Aside, I see Eizo now has some even higher-def 4K units in their CG series:  ColorEdge CG248-4K-BK 4K Monitor ($2.7K) , and ColorEdge CG318-4K-BK ($5.7K).  Ugh!  A CG247 for $1.9K may suffice for now...maybe.

Dec 19 15 11:45 am Link



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Eizo is the King of monitors...

In FireFox can only see the 5 and almost can not see the 4, loading into Photoshop and assign a sRGB
profile I can see the 1, but not the 0.
Sadly here is not an Eizo, but a Dell U2410...
The reason I can see the 1 is also because the calibration is made using  Argyll+dispcalGUI + i1Display Pro
the X-rite software does not give-me the same excellent calibration results with true detailed neutrals.
The white is white, the gray is gray, the black is detailed without black crush or banding.

With your current IPS monitor I would try  Argyll+dispcalGUI with this settings
(do not forget to use the right correction matrix for the IPS panel)

And create 2  different profiles, one simple  "Single Curve + matrix"
and another "XYZ LUT + matrix"

The "Single Curve + matrix"

The "XYZ LUT + matrix" for sRGB

The "XYZ LUT + matrix" for Adobe RGB

The "XYZ LUT + matrix" for Prophoto RGB

BTW, in Photoshop use the Menu>Edit>Preferences>Performance>Graphics Processor Settings>Advanced Settings>Drawing Mode = Basic

Dec 20 15 11:59 am Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 5436

Bakersfield, California, US

I need to look into Argyll I guess.  I got a headache with the old non-GUI interface long ago and gave it up.

I have a few spectro-heads:  The i1 Photo Pro 2, ColorMunki Photo, and their Display Pro to work with, and a couple of old DataColor Spyders as well.  But yeah, the blacks seem 'crushed' (Good word for that!) with the x-rite software so far.

I'd like to see the new Eizo 4K monitors in person, but no one short of B&H has them that I've found, and who knows if they even have those on their show room floor either?  The older non-4K's CG series are being discounted now too, but I still cannot find a dealer who has them on the sales floor in CA to compare them in person.  Only high-end here was the Apple Thunderbolt but that seems more movie oriented than for printing for non-crushed blacks (i.e. A glossy black and high vibrancy screen.).

Downloading Argyll 1.83 64X for Windows 10 now...

Dec 21 15 10:10 am Link



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Use the i1 Photo Pro 2 to create a custom correction matrix for the i1Display Pro to use.
This way you will have the best of both worlds...

The Eizo CX241, CX271, CG247, CG277, CG248-4K and CG318-4K does not have or it
is a lot less IPS glow than all the other monitors.

Use the monitor RGB channels to achieve the desired temperature and the monitor
brightness/contrast  to achieve the right luminosity level, this way you get better quality

Dec 21 15 02:19 pm Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 5436

Bakersfield, California, US

Eizo had a demo day at Samy's in LA.  Got a good deal on a CG248-4K there.  It would show me all the way down to 1 in the above image in stock calibration on their floor.  So all was good and I bought it.

Now comes the new issues of dual monitors.

So my MSI Windows 10 notebook may have some sRGB screen which is good enough for web display.  It was calibrated with an x-rite i1 Photo Pro 2 and seemed good enough.  However, I surmised the Eizo should be better for the 9-12 color ink printers since those are closer to Adobe 1998 RGB for a wider gamut than any sRGB screen (or web) can show.  Call it an $$$ upgrade - maybe.

I ran the Eizo's internal color calibration and although it is colorful, the notebook now looks like crap.  Images look somewhat yellow and less contrast.  Eizo shows much more vibrancy in the blues and reds as well as enhanced contrast.  I'm guessing the Eizo took over both screens profiles so I should ignore what the notebook is showing me now?

Issue is what screen to rely on for retouching.  Do I use the Eizo strictly for print, and the notebook only for web images?  Don't know if it is possible to make them appear somewhat alike with all these calibrators I have (e.g. Spyders, x-rites, etc.).  Sounded like I needed to use the i1 initially, and then follow up and use the CG28 internal to verify and maintain the i1 profile.  Dunno.

Jan 20 16 12:00 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

A CX-240 has been my main monitor since late 2013 ($1,500 at the time), and I'm very happy with it.

Jan 20 16 06:24 pm Link



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

For the CG248-4K use ColorNAvigator 6 + monitor built-in calibration device.
For the notebook display use Argyll+dispcalGUI + i1Display Pro.

When using the notebook display you have to load the profile for it, the same for the Eizo.
As long you use color managed software like Adobe stuff, you can keep the Eizo
into wide gamut mode and work into sRGB or any other color space, if the software
is not color managed you can set the Eizo to sRGB and you will have a perfect sRGB display.
Forget the notebook screen, they always looks crap...
The notebook display = Ford Pinto
The Eizo CG248-4K = Ferrari

Jan 20 16 07:17 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

I'd look at the new Benq 2700pt before spending crazy money on what was out there. It''s pretty much taking the retouching community by storm. It's going to be my soon to be purchased option. Getting recommendations right and left. … _with.html

Jan 20 16 08:54 pm Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 5436

Bakersfield, California, US

Pictus wrote:
For the CG248-4K use ColorNAvigator 6 + monitor built-in calibration device.
For the notebook display use Argyll+dispcalGUI + i1Display Pro.

When using the notebook display you have to load the profile for it, the same for the Eizo.
As long you use color managed software like Adobe stuff, you can keep the Eizo
into wide gamut mode and work into sRGB or any other color space, if the software
is not color managed you can set the Eizo to sRGB and you will have a perfect sRGB display.
Forget the notebook screen, they always looks crap...
The notebook display = Ford Pinto
The Eizo CG248-4K = Ferrari

Thanks Pictus!

Yes, I am using its internal calibrator and ColorNavigator 6.  Bit of a learning curve and something happened since it was on an Apple Thunderbolt to try in the store and I moved it to Windows 10 HDMI port once home.  The shadow detail is less so something is wrong in my setup of it with Windows as I'm not seeing even 16 in the above, but could see #1 in the store.  Don't know why the Apple Pro Thunderbolt feed was different than the Windows HDMI feed with the same image off my flash-drive of the above test image.  Guess I'll spend a few days with their PDF book on ColorNavigator software and see what is wrong.  Probably some black point setup is wrong.

There is also the issue of co-integration or something where it needs to agree with the i1 PhotoPro 2 head off the notebook as well as the Eizo's internal calibrator setup.  Sounds like it sets up some look up table for the i1 but not sure yet.

I tried Argyll+GUI with the notebook but the thing is limited and Argyll wanted some look-up-table and adjustments the notebook doesn't have.  I had to stay with the x-rite software and ignore contrast etc. since the software doesn't do that.

The notebook, and I think most all notebooks, are sRGB with their screen since they are mostly web imagers.  The Eizo with Adobe 1998 RGB kicks up more a lot more red and blue.  The only one that is saying 100% RGB is the new HP DreamColor (or something like that) according to the Eizo rep I talked too.  The Eizo CG248 RGB triangle is a bit bigger than Adobe's RGB in the red area, but it doesn't quite touch the green so its claimed 99% RGB although the actual area of that CIE gamut is more aside from the green.  Sort of interesting in all these color claims.

Oh.  Eizo has a 5 year warranty (6 months on dead pixels.) or 30,000 hours (It has a hour counter on it.).  Sort of funny why some sellers push for an extra warranty for a few years, but they already come with it.  No need to spend money there.

Aside, the PhaseOne 100MP is really sweet as they were tied into the Eizo monitors at Samy's for their team demo day.  They had huge prints 60" wide and maybe 96" long made off the thing.  No noise or grain appearance at all.  In Photoshop, you could zoom in on some building across a river and see what people were working on with their office computers.  But the price!

Jan 20 16 10:02 pm Link



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

J O H N  A L L A N wrote:
I'd look at the new Benq 2700pt before spending crazy money on what was out there. It''s pretty much taking the retouching community by storm. It's going to be my soon to be purchased option. Getting recommendations right and left. … _with.html

Looks good in the review … w2700.html

Jan 21 16 03:59 am Link



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

GRMACK wrote:
Thanks Pictus!

Yes, I am using its internal calibrator and ColorNavigator 6.  Bit of a learning curve and something happened since it was on an Apple Thunderbolt to try in the store and I moved it to Windows 10 HDMI port once home.  The shadow detail is less so something is wrong in my setup of it with Windows as I'm not seeing even 16 in the above, but could see #1 in the store.  Don't know why the Apple Pro Thunderbolt feed was different than the Windows HDMI feed with the same image off my flash-drive of the above test image.  Guess I'll spend a few days with their PDF book on ColorNavigator software and see what is wrong.  Probably some black point setup is wrong.

Glad to help, I do not like HDMI and prefer DisplayPort, for HDMI you may need to proper configure the GPU, see … res-a-fix/
Make sure you are using updated GPU drivers...

There is also the issue of co-integration or something where it needs to agree with the i1 PhotoPro 2 head off the notebook as well as the Eizo's internal calibrator setup.  Sounds like it sets up some look up table for the i1 but not sure yet.

I do not know,  maybe it is for the Eizo monitor to simulate the notebook display, not a good idea...

I tried Argyll+GUI with the notebook but the thing is limited and Argyll wanted some look-up-table and adjustments the notebook doesn't have.  I had to stay with the x-rite software and ignore contrast etc. since the software doesn't do that.

The Argyll+dispcalGUI probably was unable to access the GPU  LUT(look-up-table) because of bad video driver or the X-rite software/services blocking...

Oh.  Eizo has a 5 year warranty (6 months on dead pixels.) or 30,000 hours (It has a hour counter on it.).  Sort of funny why some sellers push for an extra warranty for a few years, but they already come with it.  No need to spend money there.

Aside, the PhaseOne 100MP is really sweet as they were tied into the Eizo monitors at Samy's for their team demo day.  They had huge prints 60" wide and maybe 96" long made off the thing.  No noise or grain appearance at all. In Photoshop, you could zoom in on some building across a river and see what people were working on with their office computers.  But the price!

That is very dangerous, we may get LAW problems for voyeurism... smile

Jan 21 16 04:31 am Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 5436

Bakersfield, California, US

Pictus wrote:
Glad to help, I do not like HDMI and prefer DisplayPort, for HDMI you may need to proper configure the GPU, see … res-a-fix/
Make sure you are using updated GPU drivers...

Well, that Nvidia HDMI reading link was an eye-opener.  I suspect the reason I could see all of the numbers in the above link in the store was they likely used DisplayPort and not the HDMI port with their Apple.  They had some issues out of the PhaseOne camera into the Eizo via the Apple, but it seemed related to the cables and adapters from the camera into the Apple.  The flash-drive with the above image into the Mac's USB port there worked fine.  Dunno.

Reading your link, I have the newest NVidia driver for their wiz-bang GTX980M G-sync card so I thought they might have addressed it in the past year...maybe.  But I see buried deep in the Nvidia Control Panel they still have the "Dynamic Range" still set to RGB 16-235 by default!  When I selected the Eizo, it stayed grey and stuck at RGB 16-235 too.  That ain't right!

Went back and selected the notebook's "How Do You Make Color Adjustments" > Checked "With the NVIDIA setting" bubble > "Advanced" tab and "Dynamic Range" was now able to go "Full (0-255)."  Coming out of the menu now has the notebook at 0-255 as well as the Eizo.  So YAY!  But what a pain that Nvidia's default monitor range is still small (i.e. RGB = 16-235) and bad overall once it hits the LCD screen where PS reports a full RGB 0-255 (But it ain't that way later on the screen!).

What a learning curve!

I think the external calibrator (i.e. x-rite i1 something, or ColorMunki Photo they show in the drawings, etc.) alters the Eizo internal calibrator into agreement when I get to their "Corrleate with Reference Measurement Device pg.85" but I ain't there yet.  There are selected drivers for external calibrators in the ColorNavigator 6 software.  Don't know if "Correlation" has to be done on each of the three defaults in the monitor either: Photography, Web, and Printing.

Headache still hurts from too much input and reading massive PDF manuals (I really dislike PDF instruction manuals and hunting around in them too!).

Thanks again Pictus!  Been a great help.

Jan 21 16 08:45 am Link



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

You are welcome, look at this new info … c=108348.0

Mar 09 16 08:13 pm Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 5436

Bakersfield, California, US

Pictus wrote:
You are welcome, look at this new info … c=108348.0

Looks like the Apple folk are a bit annoyed too with the blacks and the Eizo since Snow Leopard went away.  I suspect Apple is heading towards movie screens and not so much for printing.  Apple likes resolution and bright contrasty colors which isn't so good for us printers that like shadow detail.

Recently, I got some notice to update the nVidia card to a newer version.  Didi it.  Lost the blacks and shadow detail again!

Back to the above, the RGB was again set as default out of the HDMI port to the Eizo.  Need to set it to that YCbCr444 setting in the nVidia Control Panel in order to get the blacks "black" again, else suffer with the compressed RGB-15-235 or whatever they set by default instead of RGB=0-255.  They set it for old TV outputs maybe.

When you click on that box area to change it from RGB, it pops up this saying: "Black does not appear as pure black."  Need to change it to that YCbCr444 thing or else suffer from "Not so black" on an external monitor.

Fwiw, Corel's PaintShop Pro X8 is also having color issues.  It's as though they are running on the reduced RGB color space too compared to PS which shows the entire 0-255 range. Their forum had a thread on it some time back.  They are working on it.

Least all is well now here...until the next nVidia driver update comes out and I forget to change it from the default.

Mar 10 16 08:09 am Link



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Any way, best deselect the "reflect black level in tone curve." in the ColorNavigator.

Mar 10 16 09:42 am Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

GRMACK wrote:
Looks like the Apple folk are a bit annoyed too with the blacks and the Eizo since Snow Leopard went away.  I suspect Apple is heading towards movie screens and not so much for printing.  Apple likes resolution and bright contrasty colors which isn't so good for us printers that like shadow detail.

Recently, I got some notice to update the nVidia card to a newer version.  Didi it.  Lost the blacks and shadow detail again!

Back to the above, the RGB was again set as default out of the HDMI port to the Eizo.  Need to set it to that YCbCr444 setting in the nVidia Control Panel in order to get the blacks "black" again, else suffer with the compressed RGB-15-235 or whatever they set by default instead of RGB=0-255.  They set it for old TV outputs maybe.

When you click on that box area to change it from RGB, it pops up this saying: "Black does not appear as pure black."  Need to change it to that YCbCr444 thing or else suffer from "Not so black" on an external monitor.

Fwiw, Corel's PaintShop Pro X8 is also having color issues.  It's as though they are running on the reduced RGB color space too compared to PS which shows the entire 0-255 range. Their forum had a thread on it some time back.  They are working on it.

Least all is well now here...until the next nVidia driver update comes out and I forget to change it from the default.

The only way I've ever been able to get truly perfect prints is to have two monitors, one for print (Eizo) one for Web (Apple - since most of my people use Macs).  The print monitor I keep at a gamma of 1.8 and my prints are dead on.  Once I have a finished file, I apply an adjustment to get the same look on the Apple monitor at a gamma of 2.2.  Since returning to this practice (standard pre-press) I have had zero print issues.

Mar 10 16 09:51 am Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 5436

Bakersfield, California, US

Pictus wrote:
Any way, best deselect the "reflect black level in tone curve." in the ColorNavigator.

Never found it.  Must be for a newly made-up profile, or from an external spectrometer and not the two built-in ones?  I just did an Adjust and Validate with CN 6 on the default "Web" setting in CN 6 and it never showed anything like that.  I'm not a member of LuLa so can't see their images.

No biggie since it is working okay here with Windows 10-64 and I can see a difference in RGB=0 and RGB=1 in the piezo test target.

Mar 10 16 10:05 am Link



Posts: 1379

Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

From … #msg892855
"In the Eizo ColorNavigator software, when you are creating a new profile for your display and manually setting up the various parameters, you get to the last screen (see attached screenshot) where you can name your new profile before you proceed with the calibration and profiling.  At that dialog, select the "Customize profile" button.  It will take you to a dialog where you can adjust things like the version (as Andrew pointed out above - maybe select v2 if you want here)."

Mar 10 16 11:08 am Link