

Posts: 64

Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Hi fellow retouchers!
I'm basically a newbie here, and I've been retouching the photos posted in the forum by many great photographers here, and that leads me to the question I want ask from your own experiences. Oftentimes,  many photographers have gotten back to me after I showed my touch-up version of their photo asking for a hi-rez jpeg/ tiff.
And I wonder if you ever / I should charge them / asking them for payment or just give it out for free.
I know my passion is there, however, everybody got a stomach to be fed, school fee to be paid.  Some photographer even stated in their port that they do paid-assignment only and that I can't seem to get over it while someone is making money over my hours-long labor and I get nothing.
How do you think?

Dec 19 15 05:50 am Link


The Invisible Touch

Posts: 862

Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain

Buntha wrote:
Hi fellow retouchers!
I'm basically a newbie here, and I've been retouching the photos posted in the forum by many great photographers here, and that leads me to the question I want ask from your own experiences. Oftentimes,  many photographers have gotten back to me after I showed my touch-up version of their photo asking for a hi-rez jpeg/ tiff.
And I wonder if you ever / I should charge them / asking them for payment or just give it out for free.
I know my passion is there, however, everybody got a stomach to be fed, school fee to be paid.  Some photographer even stated in their port that they do paid-assignment only and that I can't seem to get over it while someone is making money over my hours-long labor and I get nothing.
How do you think?

Buntha, you forget that those clients are allowing you to work on their images for free. They own the images therefore they can ask you anytime they want for a free High Resolution in return as again.. they are doing you a favour by allowing you to work for free and practice. So not sure how you thing you have the right to sell them their own image when you actually were allowed to play with it for free..

Dec 19 15 06:12 am Link

Digital Artist

Joe Diamond

Posts: 415

Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Actually they are not allowed to ask for high resolution if they want to follow forum section rules smile And yes, as retoucher are allowed to ask for payment in case photographer request a high resolution.The rest yes, they own the image and you dont have any rights for that image except post it here with all credits

Dec 19 15 06:50 am Link


Cole Bettelyoun

Posts: 635

Martin, South Dakota, US

I get asked the same and I usually send them out.

Dec 19 15 07:04 am Link


AK Retouch

Posts: 82

Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Joe Diamond wrote:
Actually they are not allowed to ask for high resolution if they want to follow forum section rules smile

I really do not understand why photographers should give RAWs for free having no right to ask for retouched images... How can it help a photographer? So, I think a photographer should have a right to ask for a retouched image, a retoucher then should have a right to give or not to give the image, it's up to him. But there have to be a right to ask (not demand) for a retouched version of your own photo...

Dec 19 15 07:18 am Link

Digital Artist

Joe Diamond

Posts: 415

Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

I didnt make the rules but i think both sides are earning something if they have common sense, photographer gets a free retouching and the retoucher gets experience and another work for his port.

Dec 19 15 07:40 am Link



Posts: 109

Atlanta, Georgia, US

It is not customary here to charge photographers for high-rea copies of their work that they  have allowed you to practice on for free.

The rules do say that photographers cannot require a high-res file in exchange for providing their pictures and allowing you to use them for practice. They can certainly ask for one. You are of course free to decline sending one, and they are free to tell you that you don't have permission to post their copyrighted work anywhere except here on Model Mayhem.  So you cannot use it in your portfolio outside of MM nor post on Facebook or  Twitter or Instagram or anywhere else.

You can occasionally find photographers here who offer up their files and state quite clearly they don't want anything back, they don't care what you do to them as far as retouching style, they don't care where you post them, and they don't want the high-res.  If you do not want to provide high-res at all, you might look for those types of posts and only select practice images from them.

Dec 19 15 08:19 am Link


The Invisible Touch

Posts: 862

Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain

I really would like to know what would you all do without photographers letting you play with their images? Imagine you had to buy images in order to practice.. regardless the rules, I think it is really rude to try to charge the owner of the image after they let you play with it.. also wrong approach to business, if the photographer ask you for the HR is probably because they liked it.. by you trying to charge them.. you are also blowing out any changes of future/possible jobs with this person.

A little less selfishness and a bit more gratitude will do a lot of good in this world.

Dec 19 15 10:12 am Link



Posts: 64

Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Thanks all for your response. big_smile
Really appreciate it.

Dec 19 15 10:49 pm Link

Digital Artist

Joe Diamond

Posts: 415

Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

We were talking about rules, MM rules wink what is moral or not is something else.

Personally, i cant afford working on forum images, tho couple of times photographer offered to pay me for high resolution and i am very positive i am not the only one, as im not the best. I have a huge number of works in my port and i dont need more, i just want some fun when i have some free time. Same happen with others, i am sure.

If you are a beginner and you want to get more experience, giving photographer high resolution would also be a compensation for you by getting exposure and also a new potential paid work.

So its not only black and white, If someone like Natalia (retouching  guru) would have fun with one image, i dont think she would be disrespectful if she ask for compensation to provide the high resolution as she is a brand and she doesnt need exposure.

Dec 20 15 02:29 am Link



Posts: 109

Atlanta, Georgia, US

It's not about "exposure." There is no exposure anyway. The retoucher is rarely credited.

Providing a high-res file is a courtesy in exchange for the photographer providing his own original high-res file for practice. The alternatives are to pay a photographer to shoot samples; pay for stock photos (that will  almost always only be in JPEG and already be retouched to some extent ); or shoot photos yourself.

Dec 20 15 04:49 am Link

Digital Artist

Joe Diamond

Posts: 415

Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Dec 20 15 06:33 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Moderator Note!

ME_retouching wrote:
The rules do say that photographers cannot require a high-res file in exchange for providing their pictures and allowing you to use them for practice. They can certainly ask for one.

See 3A.

Challenges, Contests, and Samples Rules wrote:
These rules are effective starting 11/22/2014; any threads started after that date, or whose OP is modified after that date are subject to these rules.

Purpose: This forum is a place for challenges ("Photoshop Tennis"), unofficial retouching/manipulation contests, and a place to provide samples for others to work on/experiment with. It is not a forum to have your retouching done for you.

1. Images which are posted in this forum must have permission and explicitly state that permission from the copyright holder has been granted, and that he/she agrees with the following rules.

2. If you offer an image here for a contest, challenge, or as a sample, you are granting permission to any Model Mayhem member to alter and use that image in his or her Model Mayhem portfolio.  If you do not wish to grant such a license, or do not have the authority to do so, do not offer images in this forum.

2A. Permission to use said image on another site or elsewhere requires permission from the copyright holder; it is not automatic.

3. This forum is not a place to have your retouching done for you. Use of the forum for that purpose is prohibited.

3A. You may not require, request, suggest strongly, or otherwise advocate that high resolution images be supplied.

4. Posters may not start more than one thread in a 7 day period. Excessive bumps of older threads will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

5. All embedded examples are to be no wider than 800 pixels; posts containing embedded images larger than this are subject to being hidden. We do however encourage providing a link to any larger files in your posts.

6. Critiques of the original images are not permitted. (AKA Play Nice.)

Dec 20 15 01:25 pm Link



Posts: 109

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Kevin – I always read that as "you may not request high-res files as a condition of offering your files for practice." There are many posts that I've seen that say "I love your retouching, can I get a high-res file?" Or "I loved your version; if you're so inclined and wish to send a high-res file, my email is blah blah blah."  I've never noticed those post being deleted.

Are you saying that under no circumstances can a photographer even ask for a high-res file of a version that he liked? Which the retoucher is of course free to decline?

Dec 20 15 01:39 pm Link

Digital Artist

Joe Diamond

Posts: 415

Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

ME_retouching wrote:
It's not about "exposure." There is no exposure anyway. The retoucher is rarely credited.

In your case may not, a professional retoucher is rarely not credited.

You are at the start right now, in time when you will get experience you will understand. And also try not to lie about MM  rules as it might get you in trouble.

Dec 21 15 05:37 am Link



Posts: 109

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Joe Diamond wrote:
You are at the start right now, in time when you will get experience you will understand. And also try not to lie about MM  rules as it might get you in trouble.

1. A professional retoucher is rarely credited. If you insist they are, show me a bunch of ads and layouts where they are. 

2.  I haven't "lied" about the forum rules. But if you really have a problem with what I said, by all means "report me."

Dec 21 15 06:07 am Link



Posts: 109

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Joe Diamond wrote:
In your case may not, a professional retoucher is rarely not credited.

You are at the start right now, in time when you will get experience you will understand. And also try not to lie about MM  rules as it might get you in trouble.

By the way, that sounds like a critique which is VERY CLEARLY against the rules. Don't do it again. You might get in trouble.

Dec 21 15 06:17 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

ME_retouching wrote:
Kevin – I always read that as "you may not request high-res files as a condition of offering your files for practice." There are many posts that I've seen that say "I love your retouching, can I get a high-res file?" Or "I loved your version; if you're so inclined and wish to send a high-res file, my email is blah blah blah."  I've never noticed those post being deleted.

Are you saying that under no circumstances can a photographer even ask for a high-res file of a version that he liked? Which the retoucher is of course free to decline?

See rule 3 above.

Joe Diamond wrote:
In your case may not, a professional retoucher is rarely not credited.

That depends very heavily on circumstances.

Editorial fashion frequently credits the retoucher (and makeup artist, hair stylist, stylist, etc).
Advertising virtually never credits anyone.
Retail photography only very rarely credits anyone but the photographer.

Dec 21 15 09:53 am Link


a k mac

Posts: 476

London, England, United Kingdom

Kevin Connery wrote:
.....Editorial fashion frequently credits the retoucher (and makeup artist, hair stylist, stylist, etc).

In my experience editorial/fashion rarely credits the retoucher. The MUA, Hair Stylist, Stylist etc, but rarely the retoucher. Occasionally if the budget is tight you can squeeze a credit out of them, but it's usually just not done.

Dec 21 15 10:21 am Link


Casama Photography

Posts: 3

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

here is what my opinion is

photographer spend time,money and professional creativity for his photo let say.

if a person says i am retoucher you must provide a sample for a first time and 1 time only for each photographer to get their attention. photos in your profile maybe stolen from other sites who knows.

you can use photographers photo as your work after giving HR. if a photographer does not agree to use retouched  photos in your profile that mean he just want to benefit that is not good at all.

but its all up to you how to act. if you think you are really professional do charge for all photos who ever ask.

if you are not professional and get paid before retouches and you send retouched photos to photographer and he is not happy that will be your last work with them and you will have bad feedback.

think about it. when a newb photographer start working always shoots free or pays for some studio shoots

would you like to pay for my photos or use them free retouch?

until you make a name on the business you really need to sacrifice as all we did

Dec 28 15 09:50 pm Link