Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > How To Remove AndEdit Ring Light From Eyes???



Posts: 4

London, England, United Kingdom

Hi guys, i've checked on youtube for tutorials on how to remove/edit ring light from the models eyes.
I would like the ring light to have less of a presence, I've even tried swapping eyes around.......never leads to a good look.

Any advice, help or point me in the right direction of someone who specialises in this part of editing.

Thank You,


Dec 01 15 09:50 am Link


Pelle Piano

Posts: 2312

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

I think it would be good if you post the unaltered eye. Then you may get examples of the methods that are suggested.

Dec 01 15 10:09 am Link


D a v i d s o n

Posts: 1216

Gig Harbor, Washington, US

Theres multi bale ways of doing it and is quite simple, it's basically an amateur photoshop process. It would be nice to see the picture you're talking about, and exactly what you want done...

Dec 01 15 02:50 pm Link


Don Garrett

Posts: 4984

Escondido, California, US

Hey, this is the same question you asked a few days ago, and I am still giving the same answer:

Cole Bettelyoun wrote:
Be easier to answer if we could see a sample.

I agree with this. When I see an actual example, I know how I would attack it.
   HOWEVER, I have always said, "If you can think it, you can do it, in Photoshop". Without seeing an example, I believe I would zoom WAY in, and use a very small "paintbrush", in Photoshop, on a separate layer, (over the "base" layer), and "paint" back in the details that are blown out by the lights, sampling from the colors that are there, (the paintbrush becomes a color sampler, when the ALT key is pressed), then merge that layer down, after it looks "perfect". I have about three before and after examples of this technique in my portfolio. I agree with TMA photo and retouch, above, that you can paint back in the desired catchlights afterward. (see other thread)

Dec 01 15 04:30 pm Link