Forums > General Industry > Giving Props where they're due.


Jack Elliott

Posts: 231

I just had to say something nice, after all of the horror stories about models, and even photographers, flaking that get bounced around on here.
Yesterday I had my first shoot with two models from MM.
We had been planning this shoot via email for about three weeks. Thursday morning the weatherman decided he wasn't my friend and starts the doomsday forecasting.
Being as I'd never actually talked to either model, at this point I'm thinking if I hear from either of them it will be to cancel because the weather is iffy.
I sent a message that I would call about 5 or 5:30 p.m.
At a little after 5 my phone rings. the models are coming into town that night to make sure they don't get caught in the weather, could I tell them a good place to stay.
We did the shoot and both of them were a lot of fun to work with. I hope to be posting shots shortly.
But I just had to bragg that my first MM shoot was not only a success but a joy, and give props and thanks to both models.


and Cazz

Thanks guys.

Dec 02 06 08:23 am Link


Dogbone Alt-Process

Posts: 1016

Llano, Texas, US

Glad to hear your experience was such a happy one. There are some amazingly talented and creative individuals here. It is always a delight to work with a dedicated professional. Although too often we spend our time bemoaning no-shows and flakes, my own short experience working with MM models has been that the pleasures of collaborating in the creative process with an intelligent and inventive model far outweighs the disappointments.

So I will happily join you in a tip of my hat to the marvelous models of MM.

Dec 02 06 08:47 am Link