This thread was locked on 2006-12-02 09:33:32
Forums > General Industry > Models who have kids


Tiia Secor

Posts: 190

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

I'm not talking about bringing them to work, using them in shoots or anything of that sort. I just want to know what people honestly thought about models with children. I ask cause I recently was contacted by a photog, who seemed very interested in working with me, till I mentioned that I have a daughter. He then asked about my weight, I said I was not even 5 pounds heavier, but his intense curiousity went south from there. So I was just wondering if anyone else has/had this issue? if your a photog, MUA, Hair stylist or wardrobe stylist reading this what is your opinion?

Dec 02 06 02:48 am Link



Posts: 981

New Liskeard, Ontario, Canada

Tiia Something wrote:
I'm not talking about bringing them to work, using them in shoots or anything of that sort. I just want to know what people honestly thought about models with children. I ask cause I recently was contacted by a photog, who seemed very interested in working with me, till I mentioned that I have a daughter. He then asked about my weight, I said I was not even 5 pounds heavier, but his intense curiousity went south from there. So I was just wondering if anyone else has/had this issue? if your a photog, MUA, Hair stylist or wardrobe stylist reading this what is your opinion?

Personally, after viewing your entire portfolio, here is my response......My opinion is simple...I shoot what I like, and I dont care if my subjects have 30 kids opinion is that the photographer in question had alterior motives....Loved your profile, and portfolio....and I have never even asked a client wether or not they had kids....unless it was in passing the time between setup....keep it professional, and if there are red flags going off..( I believe in this case there was...) distance yourself or turn him down flat.

Dec 02 06 02:55 am Link


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

There are photographers and there are GWCs.  Photographers photograph people for what those people can give the photographer.  How many children a model might have is irrelevant.  I photographed beautiful women, some quite young and some pushing fifty or sixty.  When the work is finished there is no evidence the model has one, four or more, or none (children, that is).  My guess is the GWC is a novice that doesn’t know what the industry is about and/ or a guy with ulterior motives.  Models with children might not be (probable are not) interested in extra benefits for GWCs.

BTW, your portfolio certainly doesn’t indicate any thing negative.  Come to Lake Dry Bed any time.  Oh, and you can bring your daughter and an escort.


Dec 02 06 05:35 am Link



Posts: 119

Dallas, Texas, US

I dont qualify a model based upon whether or not she has kids.  If the model and I develop a working relationship and I find out she has a kid, I sometimes offer to do "mommy/child" photos - and it gives the model the chance to be a mother in the photos instead of a model - I have gotten some beautiful/cute photos this way for the model to give to her family, and made a friendship as well.

If someone is qualifying you based upon your family - move on to the next photog - I would certainly work with you if you were in Dallas.

Dec 02 06 06:15 am Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

I don't allow children along for the ride anymore. In my experience, it leads to too many distractions even if the SO tries to keep them occupied in the other room, and my house is not exactly child-proof.

As long as their profile measurements and portfolio shots are representative of their current body type, whether a model *has* children is none of my concern, any more than their politics, religion, sexual orientation, job history, etc.

Dec 02 06 06:39 am Link


Jimi V Photography

Posts: 133

Omaha, Nebraska, US

If your look hasn't changed, what difference could having kids make to me as photographer? Sure it might limit your availably, but otherwise it's a non issue for me. 

Over the years I've shot models before and after they had children. When they got back to their fighting shape, there were never any problems.  I think you were just talking to a jerk.

Dec 02 06 07:49 am Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Well, if I were hiring a model, and liked her look, irregardless of whether or not she had kids, she'd still be a candidate.....however I would have more concern because of common fears of what could go wrong. Of course when planning an important shoot, you want to leave as little rooom for error as possible.

My concerns about a model with kids would be:

-Stretch marks, loose skin, any other unforeseen extended Photoshop time

-Kid gets sniffles and the shoot's off

-stuck at last minute without a babysitter, shoot is off or the kid must come, neither option is good.

But I would give the benefit of the doubt before ceasing communication....I'd feel the situation out and make sure things are in place, and either ask about potential photoshop repairs, or ask to see unedited pictures if available.

Dec 02 06 09:28 am Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

I've shot with models who have had no kids up to four kids.  It really doesn't matter at all, except if it's a paid shoot and part of the model's expenses is baby-sitting fees (then more kids means a little extra for the sitter...)

Oh, and the model with 4 kids, you couldn't tell she's had that she's had any kids.  She's in great shape and looks terrific.  smile

Dec 02 06 09:29 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

One thread on this topic is sufficient.  Please comment here:

Dec 02 06 09:33 am Link