Forums > General Industry > actions speak louder than words... right?


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

I know I'm new, especially on this site, but I seem to always get so many compliments and very few people ever acting on them. Does anybody else get this? Am I not pursuing it enough or in the right way? I just feel like so many people tell me I have great potential and a really good start... I'm still "starting," I need more "chances" now. What do you think?

Nov 30 06 05:20 pm Link



Posts: 765

Kent, Washington, US

I think it comes down to who's close enough to work with you. 95% of the models I comment on are nowhere near me so I'll never prob work with them..just focus on people near you. Also do a search yourself for local photogs. Be pro active!

Nov 30 06 05:24 pm Link



Posts: 765

Kent, Washington, US

And you do have a great look by the way!!wink

Nov 30 06 05:25 pm Link


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

Thank you for the compliment! And yes, I do need to work a little more locally. I'm hoping to do that after Christmas break. I really would like to build up to the point where I travel for this. If I could get expenses reimbursed, I'd be so happy, and if someday I can get regular paying jobs.... I don't know what I'd do with myself! Perhaps I'm being impatient though...

Nov 30 06 05:28 pm Link



Posts: 765

Kent, Washington, US

Yep! I think MM can be a stepping stone to that goal, in building your portfolio and getting proffesional shoots you can get into agencys Im assuming? Im not sure how many people get travelling/paid shoots out of this site (prob not many?) but any exposure is good.You never know who you will meet or what contacts you can make! Just dont rely on it totally, keep all options open!
Good luck with it!big_smile

Nov 30 06 05:32 pm Link


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

any other opinions?

Nov 30 06 05:36 pm Link


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US


Nov 30 06 05:38 pm Link



Posts: 11110

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Previous posts nailed it pretty well, maybe people you talk with or recieve tags from you will never work with, but it is a great way to build a network.  Focus mainly on local talent and once you are established you can start looking farther away (Read: Kelowna, BC)  smile


Nov 30 06 05:40 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

If you mean getting paid work through the 'net, good luck with that.  Others can advise you on the probabilities.  If you mean mainstream (commercial) jobs, you have to be where the jobs are to get them.  There's not much work to be had in Manhattan.

Nov 30 06 05:42 pm Link


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

Even if it's travel with expense reimbursement, I'd be VERY happy with that. I have a friend on here who seems to be getting quite a few of those offers. She may be a rare case, (she does do great work) I just wonder if I need to work up to that or perhaps if I am even capable of it.

Nov 30 06 05:45 pm Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

Kansas is a bit far from me.
I  have worked with several models who post travel notices and try and book work with several photographers at each city visited.

Most of them stay with friends in that city to cut down on expenses. Some travel in pairs with another model. Some stay with a photographer.

I would be very happy to work with you if you planned a trip east.

best of luck to you.

Nov 30 06 06:11 pm Link


Artbroken Images

Posts: 235

Chicago, Illinois, US

As a new photographer I get a lot of the same thing. No one follows through. It is hard for me to know if they don't want to travel here because there is nothing going on (in a small city) or if they feel that I am just not good enough. I don't know if they would come to an area like this that was just as far away for a better photographer or not. *shrug*

Nov 30 06 06:29 pm Link


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

Thank you to everyone who's responding. That's a little helpful to begin with. smile

Nov 30 06 06:42 pm Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

TXPhotog wrote:
There's not much work to be had in Manhattan.

That is sad, isn't it.  This girl lives in Manhattan, and still can't find work.  And she moved there from KC because everyone told her it would help her career.

Nov 30 06 08:38 pm Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Ivan123 wrote:

That is sad, isn't it.  This girl lives in Manhattan, and still can't find work.  And she moved there from KC because everyone told her it would help her career.

that's crazy...because I thought Sarah came to Manhattan to go to college...weird.

Nov 30 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

Jessalyn wrote:
that's crazy...because I thought Sarah came to Manhattan to go to college...weird.

You think that people in Kansas know that there is ANOTHER Manhattan....

Nov 30 06 09:02 pm Link


Shadowscape Studio

Posts: 2512

MARCELL, Minnesota, US

If you want to go about it in the right way you should be talking with agencies in your area.  At your height you will not get runway work, but there are other areas you can fit into nicely.   Modeling school is a scam for anyone under 5'8".  Don't bother even bring that up to an agency when you talk to them.   They will not be impressed.
If you are happy working with amature photographers this is a reasonable site to do that.  Be honest when you contact one and respond when one contacts you.  Getting blown off by a model or photographer gets around fast in this business and can put one on a do not call list quickly.  Respond to all inquiries, even if you are turned off by them.  A simple, NO THANK YOU, I AM NOT INTERESTED, can keep you in good standing.  A pissed off photographer can trash an internet model in short order when your back is turned.
Grand luck to you,

Nov 30 06 09:03 pm Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Ivan123 wrote:

You think that people in Kansas know that there is ANOTHER Manhattan....

yea. we do. and you thought she was talking about the one in NY didn't you? you'd think people could read profiles.

Nov 30 06 09:04 pm Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

Jessalyn wrote:

yea. we do. and you thought she was talking about the one in NY didn't you? you'd think people could read profiles.

Once again, feable attempts at humor fall prey to the literalists of MM...  And there is no one to turn to.

Nov 30 06 10:05 pm Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

You've probably heard, it ain't easy.

But one art director told me never take no for an answer. I said suppose someone said I'll call you don't call me?  He said, say ok, then call next week!

Dec 01 06 02:50 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Ivan123 wrote:

Once again, feable attempts at humor fall prey to the literalists of MM...  And there is no one to turn to.

yes, your attempts were feable, that's true.

Dec 01 06 08:00 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Jessalyn wrote:

yes, your attempts were feable, that's true.

RAAAAWR... Someone is in a good mood today. smile

Dec 01 06 08:06 am Link


Keith Goodman

Posts: 775

Sarasota, Florida, US

Travel must be paid means a financial committment from the photographer.  So distance is the main factor for most.  Also your shooting limits reduces the number willing to pay for travel.

I know there are some good photographers in your general area... just a matter of hooking up.

Best of luck to you.

Dec 01 06 08:06 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Mark Reese Photography wrote:

RAAAAWR... Someone is in a good mood today. smile

LOL, I took a test in Federal Taxation yesterday, I'm unloading my brain.

Dec 01 06 08:08 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

to address Sarah's original post:

Sarah we live in the same town so we have the same limitations. I love your photos that you already have and you will definitely get plenty of work once it starts flowing in. People that leave you tags mostly just WANT to work with you but know it's unlikely. Those that actually have a likely chance of working with you will send you a message. So don't let tags of encouragement get you down when they don't follow through.

Just start tagging other photographers profiles and pictures to get your face out there and people will start to notice.

Dec 01 06 08:10 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

neoracer_xox wrote:
And you do have a great look by the way!!wink

I second that. I wish I was closer as well.

Dec 01 06 08:15 am Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

Jessalyn wrote:

yea. we do. and you thought she was talking about the one in NY didn't you? you'd think people could read profiles.

OK, Little Miss Unloaded Brain:  You'd think you would read the POST and think!  I think it was pretty obvious I DID read her profile, how else would I confirm she is in Manhattan KS? Jeesh.  From now on, we should have disclaimers on posts: 

Caution!  the following post may contain non-literal statements with humorous intent.

Anyway, hope you did well on your tax exam and do your best to make the OTHER Manhattan jealous.

Dec 01 06 09:54 am Link


Caspers Creations

Posts: 11409

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Sarah Hutch wrote:
Am I not pursuing it enough or in the right way?

I dont know if there is truly a "right way", but since Jessalyn is in the conversation as well I would like to use her as an example of a "right way"

Jessalyn will be a 5 month vetreren of MM this week.
Within her first 30 days I received the following tag from her..."I love your work! Maybe we can work together sometime. I travel to KC quite often."

Simple and short.  Im sure that she sent the same kind of message to  Stephen Melvin, Eyeworks, and others in the area.
I responded immediately and we started an Email exchange.  After a few weeks it became clear that our travel schedules didnt coincide at the time so we jointly decided to wait and try again at a later date.

She was prompt with responses, not afraid to ask questions and she was always friendly and professional in her Emails.  There was never any one word responses.
Because of the attitude conveyed I have kept an eye on her portfolio and other words....I've kept her in mind.

Also, at the time of this post she has over 3700 posts on the board.  THAT is networking. THAT is making the most of this site.  3700 posts in 5 months = 740 month = 25 day.

So, the key learnings? 
Reach out to others, dont wait to be found.
Want to be treated and rememberd as a proffesional......always act proffesionaly.
Use the boards to learn and to NETWORK.
Shoot, shoot, the portfolio with your best images.

Dec 01 06 11:09 am Link



Posts: 765

Kent, Washington, US

So it boils down to networking, being pro active! I think I said all that to begin with ah well big_smile

Dec 01 06 11:12 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Sarah Hutch wrote:
I know I'm new, especially on this site, but I seem to always get so many compliments and very few people ever acting on them. Does anybody else get this? Am I not pursuing it enough or in the right way? I just feel like so many people tell me I have great potential and a really good start... I'm still "starting," I need more "chances" now. What do you think?

You're in Kansas. There is no real market in Kansas. Make a trip to NY, LA, or Miami and go see some commercial agents and photographers.

Dec 01 06 11:15 am Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

Sarah Hutch wrote:
I know I'm new, especially on this site, but I seem to always get so many compliments and very few people ever acting on them. Does anybody else get this? Am I not pursuing it enough or in the right way? I just feel like so many people tell me I have great potential and a really good start... I'm still "starting," I need more "chances" now. What do you think?

Do what I did. Graduate, get a real job and get the heck out of Kansas. smile

Dec 01 06 11:55 am Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

Jessalyn wrote:

LOL, I took a test in Federal Taxation yesterday, I'm unloading my brain.

I thought you love accounting. wink

Dec 01 06 11:55 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


TXPhotog wrote:
There's not much work to be had in Manhattan.


Dec 01 06 12:12 pm Link


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

Wow, again, I want to thank everyone for responding. I posted this, kept up for a while, and apparently left it for too long. So, I'm going to try to catch up and respond in general...

Ivan, not trying to act mad or anything, but I think I'll just clarify a little history of me. If nothing else, you guys get to know me better, which I think is a good thing... I'm an army brat so I've lived quite a few places. I ended up in southeast KS because my parents WERE going to retire there, then came to college at KSU. Hoping to leave AS SOON AS I'm done with my degree.

I understand this is a very difficult career to actually develope, but I do work very hard at what I want/need to do. I also understand my limitations due to height and weight, but I still mention that I was with an agency because I do believe I gained from being there (it was for acting and modeling, and for modeling, I took the commercial print class).

Casper, I hadn't run across your portfolio yet; it's amazingly different from alot of stuff I see! Good job. I know I'm probably falling a little short, but I am trying to network, tag people, etc. I'm starting to line up several photoshoots come the new year. I am going to New Jersey to see family and have at least one photoshoot lined up while I'm there, but I've stopped advertising this trip because I want to see my family. I am talking to some photographers about planning trips this spring and summer. It is certainly a matter of time at this point, I think. It just never hurts to get second opinions (or third, or fourth, or 32nd) smile

Thank you again to all who have responded.

Dec 01 06 05:16 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Sarah Hutch wrote:
any other opinions?

Yes, sit and wait for somebody to come and make you are star.

Dec 01 06 05:29 pm Link


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

Madcitychel wrote:

Yes, sit and wait for somebody to come and make you are star.

Sarcasm? I hope... I would never expect anything from just sitting around except a swift kick in the aRss.

Dec 01 06 05:35 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Sarah Hutch wrote:

Sarcasm? I hope... I would never expect anything from just sitting around except a swift kick in the aRss.

Yeah, Nothing nice ever comes out of my mouth.  But sometimes I have nice thoughts wink

Work hard, be active - nothing new.

Dec 01 06 05:45 pm Link


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

point taken smile

Dec 01 06 05:48 pm Link