Forums > General Industry > Good books on the industry



Posts: 14

New York, New York, US

Hello beautiful people!

Anybody know of good books out there, that are CURRENT, on our industry? Like a self-help/how-to type of book about the modeling world?

I have some on my bookshelf, but they are dated.

Share the knowledge,
Truly Mahogany

Nov 29 06 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Nov 29 06 08:31 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Commercial Modeling:

1.  Here’s Looking At You (An Actor’s Guide to Commercial Print), Scott Powers, Publisher:  Heinemann Press, 1997.  An instructional guide from the point of view of an actor who supplements his income with commercial print work, and explains in detail how to be successful making the crossover.  Mr. Powers is also a casting director and operator of commercial print and acting seminars in New York City.  Information available at

2.  How to Become A Successful Commercial Model, Aaron Marcus, Publisher:  Marcus Insitute of Commercial Modeling, 2003.  A hands-on guide to being a commercial model from a man who has done over 1,000 commercial jobs.  An excellent how-to resource from a model’s perspective.  Mr. Marcus continues to act and model, and makes numerous presentations in modeling conventions, model searches and seminars nationwide.  Information available from,

3.  Kids Plus Modeling Equal Money, Donna Lagorio Montgomery, Adventure Publications, 1984.  Written by the mother of four successful child models, this book presents a somewhat optimistic view of the market for children, but is chock full of well thought-out advice that applies specifically to the problems the parents of child models face.

Fashion Modeling:

Many books are available, of highly varying quality and utility.  Below are the ones that seem to be the best:

1.  The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Being a Model, Roshumba Williams and Anne Marie O’Connor, Publisher:  Alpha Books, 1999.  The best of the how-to books for a new model from a model’s perspective, full of useful inside tips on how to be a model.

2.  Model, The Ugly Business of Beautiful Women, Michael Gross, Publisher:  Harper Collins, 2003.  A thick, complex page turner, full of all the gossip and behind the scenes goings-on you could imagine.  Richly researched and documented, this book presents the seamier side of the fashion modeling world.  In large measure (but not entirely) the practices he documents are reduced or gone in today’s American fashion modeling scene, although not much changed in Europe.  A must read for parents and young women who are considering becoming editorial fashion models.  It is an extreme look at reality, not representative, but sufficiently accurate that it’s message should be understood.

3.  The Professional Model’s Handbook, Linda Balhorn, Milady Publishing Company, 1990.  An enormously detailed, thorough discussion of how to be a model, from creating your image, makeup and hair styling, and wardrobe to the business aspects of modeling.  Includes some useful data and reference information not available from any other source.  Unfortunately it has not been updated, and much of the “image” related information is now obsolescent.  Still, a wonderfully useful and unique resource for the very committed professional model.

Nov 29 06 10:11 pm Link