Forums > General Industry > Comments on images



Posts: 371

In my book there is a line to be drawn between what is an acceptable comment and what isn't. Whilst some comments may well be harmless and/or the person themselves harmless, I feel there should still be a standard of behavior that people should adhere to.

An unprofessional comment such as 'nice tits' or 'me next' could easily be translated to 'this image captures your figure perfectly' or 'great shot, I'm looking forward to working with you'. How long does it take to think of and write a sentence like that?

When inappropriate comments are posted I think they should be deleted. Accepting and leaving unprofessional remarks in place sends a message to the next person to view that image. It says that you are willing to accept lazy or unprofessional behavior. On some occassions I have rejected models because they have left such comments on their ports

Isn't it strange how photographers never get those sort of comments on identical images? The person making those remarks is taking into account your gender and pre-conceived ideas about your worth as a human being and they therefore drop their standard of decency.

As a photographer I protect my work (and the models who helped create it) by deleting those entries immediately. If I didn't, future models would be reluctant to work with me because they would think I shared the views expressed by those tacky viewers.

What do you think.


Nov 28 06 04:55 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I think you're up against a mighty tough crowd. There is a large portion of the members on this site (and many many others) that are the "lazy" type as you put it (so kindly!). Professional doesn't matter to them, for the most part. To some it does, and their market includes the  "laziness." They are successful in their own right, and thats really all they care about.

You can do what you choose to do. However, I'd caution you against turning away a model because she leaves such comments up. Isn't that judging her by the comments, not on her merrit alone? I honestly don't care what kind of comments someone was getting. I care what their images look like.

Nov 28 06 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Frisson wrote:
An unprofessional comment such as 'nice tits' or 'me next' could easily be translated to 'this image captures your figure perfectly' or 'great shot, I'm looking forward to working with you'. How long does it take to think of and write a sentence like that?

What do you think.


I think that the photograph that attracts such comments should be deleted along with those comments.

And I think that everyone should keep saying what comes to their mind about photo - speak their mind.  If the first thing that comes to their mind is: Nice tits - that probably is a photo about nice tits. 
If a comment such aa beautiful figure comes to mind - that probably what the shot was about.

Nov 28 06 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 371

I wouldn't use it as my only criteria but I still think it says something about the attitude or pride they have for their work.

Nov 28 06 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 371

Madcitychel wrote:
I think that the photograph that attracts such comments should be deleted along with those comments.

So if I upload a beautiful art-nude and someone says 'nice tits' I should delete it?

Don't think so.

Nov 28 06 05:10 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Frisson (I hope I spelled that right) I think what the other commenter is trying to say is that the style and quality of the image helps to dictate the kind of responses that people make.
You can check my port, I pretty much have all high art quality images. And there are VERY few (I can think of one off the top of my head) "nice tits" type comments. And honestly, if I got one, it would really make me laugh.

The quality of the image has a lot to do with the quality of comments it recieves.

Nov 28 06 05:12 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Frisson wrote:

So if I upload a beautiful art-nude and someone says 'nice tits' I should delete it?

Don't think so.

IF those were the only comments from different people, that I were getting on the photo - I would.

Of course I always keep in mind who is the person that speaks out.

In general however - I have a rule: I don't delete anything from my port - unless I am changing a photo.  Because people have the right to speak out.  And sometimes what they say is far from what I think it is, but I doesn't mean that one of us is necessarily right.  Just different views.

Nov 28 06 05:14 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

NC17 wrote:
Frisson (I hope I spelled that right) I think what the other commenter is trying to say is that the style and quality of the image helps to dictate the kind of responses that people make.
You can check my port, I pretty much have all high art quality images. And there are VERY few (I can think of one off the top of my head) "nice tits" type comments. And honestly, if I got one, it would really make me laugh.

The quality of the image has a lot to do with the quality of comments it recieves.

You should be a teacher with your patience, I wish I could speak out as clearly as you do.  For some reason nothing but sarcasm comes out of my mouth most of the time. 
Or some B.S. - that's when I try hard enough, like right now

Nov 28 06 05:16 pm Link



Posts: 371

Madcitychel wrote:

IF those were the only comments from different people, that I were getting on the photo - I would.

Of course I always keep in mind who is the person that speaks out.

In general however - I have a rule: I don't delete anything from my port - unless I am changing a photo.  Because people have the right to speak out.  And sometimes what they say is far from what I think it is, but I doesn't mean that one of us is necessarily right.  Just different views.

If they were the only comments I'd have to re-appraise my work I agree.

As for allowing other people to tarnish my work with their words, no chance. Criticism is fine, no problem there.

Nov 28 06 05:18 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Madcitychel: You did fine, I understood your point completely smile Thanks for the complements. I don't have the patience to teach children... horses and adults though are something that I routinely work on. And horses are in some ways worse than children, they can't even speek a verbal language!

Thank you.

Nov 28 06 05:20 pm Link



Posts: 371

NC17 wrote:
The quality of the image has a lot to do with the quality of comments it recieves.

Surely that goes without saying. My point is not about commenting 'nice butt' on an obvious booty shot, but with comments that are inappropriate to the image.

Nov 28 06 05:21 pm Link


Sarah Ellis

Posts: 1285

Portland, Oregon, US

Frisson wrote:
So if I upload a beautiful art-nude and someone says 'nice tits' I should delete it?

Don't think so.

I would delete the comment though - why leave it if it bothers you?  You should mold your port to fit you.  I erase a lot of tags and photo comments.  I have get tons of comments that I don't feel are complementary, even though they may have been meant to be.  Comments like "nice tits / ass" etc. usually get erased, as do comments by people who make value judgments about my work.  I get a lot of comments on my fashion and glamour work along the lines of "you should stop doing that nasty porn stuff and do more of this," or "you look like a nice girl why do you do nudie pix?" (those are real ones) and those go right to the trash.

Nov 28 06 05:22 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Frisson wrote:

Surely that goes without saying. My point is not about commenting 'nice butt' on an obvious booty shot, but with comments that are inappropriate to the image.

I suppose that you assume it goes without saying. However, this has never been a problem to me. As I said, there is maybe one "inappropriate" comment in my port right now. And the only reason I deem it inappropriate is because the person couldn't bother to spell out words and abbreviated with singular letters instead. To me that is a serious lack of professionalism.

Obviously your idea is your idea, and you're sticking to it. I'm glad it works for you.

Nov 28 06 05:30 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I say, focus on your own body of work and do what you feel is best to help represent your work.  If others don't mind or if they have some sort of point to be made, let them.

For me, I delete all rude comments.

Nov 28 06 05:33 pm Link



Posts: 371

NC17 wrote:
Obviously your idea is your idea, and you're sticking to it. I'm glad it works for you.

Well it works for me big_smile

As for booty shots and the like I don't bother commenting.

Your work is beautiful by the way. I'll try and remember to come back and comment on a few when I have more time.


Nov 28 06 05:37 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Thank you for the wonderful comlement, Terry!

Nov 28 06 05:56 pm Link