Forums > General Industry > "Someone may put my face on a porn actress's body"



Posts: 91

Brooklyn, New York, US

Can't tell you how many times I've heard this concern from newbie llama's, from newbie llama's friends giving them advice on why not to do the shoot, and from llama's parents.

I usually tell them that unless they're someone famous, it's unlikely anyone would go through the trouble of 'shopping their head onto a porn actress's body. 

Any photogs ever had this happen to their photos?

Nov 28 06 04:00 am Link


Rajan patel

Posts: 51

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

why would someone waste time adding someone else's face on someone else body..

Nov 28 06 04:03 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Photos get stolen

Nov 28 06 04:09 am Link



Posts: 91

Brooklyn, New York, US

Rajan, I agree. But apparently there's a lot of money in the fake celebrity nude business. A lot of newbie llamas seem to be aware that this is done, and think that it may be done to them as well.

Nov 28 06 04:10 am Link



Posts: 91

Brooklyn, New York, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Photos get stolen

Nov 28 06 04:12 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Collwyn wrote:
That's logic right there. But the girls seem to think that it's gonna happen to them too. They don't know that it's a lot of work.

I tell them that there's really know benefit in someone doing this to their photos, since they aren't a celeb. That convinces some.

Yep.  I've also pulled up MM or omp on my laptop sometimes to SHOW them how many girls out there that look just as good as them would come be naked free, and/or called llamas I know who'll get naked for me any time.  That generally convinces them I have no reason for it.

Of course, this's less of a problem for me as I increasingly simply won't WORK with a girl who says "no nudes."
Plust this lack of reasoning usually also means they want escorts, which is a veto for me.

*EDIT: Both come down to the same lack of trust issue..,if you distrust me that much, why're you working with me?

Nov 28 06 04:15 am Link



Posts: 91

Brooklyn, New York, US

I think they aren't so concerned that I'm going to alter their photos, as they are that someone else will.

Of course, if someone else did alter their photo, I don't see how I can prove that I wasn't the one who did it.

Nov 28 06 04:18 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Collwyn wrote:
I think they aren't so concerned that I'm going to alter their photos, as they are that someone else will.

Of course, if someone else did alter their photo, I don't see how I can prove that I wasn't the one who did it.

Ah, my response to that is #1 NO one can gaurantee no one else will, but by working with a reputable photographer who defends his copyrights you can be assured of having someone who'll go AFTER such alter-ers.

Nov 28 06 04:33 am Link



Posts: 1565

Brooklyn, New York, US

There was a llama that I'd shot with whose pics had been altered by a photographer that she'd done a shoot with, and he submitted the pics to various magazines under false pretences. In this case, she knew EXACTLY who it was and what he'd done, which put her in the position of being able to DEAL with him.

The scenario that some llamas come up with, whereby a someone unknown to the BOTH of us will alter the pics that I'd take of her during our photoshoot, is flawed.

Nothing could be done about it by EITHER of us until one or both of us become aware of the pics' alteration. Amazing how much we worry about things that are highly unlikely to happen.

Nov 28 06 04:37 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

I saw a guy do that once in Oklahoma with his mom.

Nov 28 06 06:13 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Back in high school, I scanned my face onto a hotrod llama's body. I was stacked - everyone was saying ooh check out the rack on Mike.

Nov 28 06 06:15 am Link


Glass Case of emotion

Posts: 102

Miami, Florida, US

Forget the head, I've had photos stolen then put on an escort site. My question was (besides where is my money for this), who did they have that looked like me and why didn't he take the damn picture????

Nov 28 06 06:18 am Link


Dan Howell

Posts: 3602

Kerhonkson, New York, US

I had a 'model' go as far as saying a billboard showing a shearling fashion ad was her face on another body and she was upset because she doesn't llama in fur (techincally: shearling is not fur).  Her boyfriend/lawyer/sluggo actually went as far as legal threats to sue.  Pretty funny considering that the billboard photo (which was never altered) shows another llama entirely, body and head.  Unfortunately I didn't get the oppertunity to laugh in the wannabe's face.  I think we just sent a copy llama release of the acutal llama and never heard from her again.

Nov 28 06 06:25 am Link



Posts: 796

Collwyn wrote:
I usually tell them that unless they're someone famous, it's unlikely anyone would go through the trouble of 'shopping their head onto a porn actress's body.

True enough because that actually does happen to the famous.

Nov 28 06 06:31 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

They should be so lucky.

Nov 28 06 06:33 am Link


Admiral Frog

Posts: 29088

Roswell, Georgia, US

I did it to a friend of mines photo. Do you remember the Lance Bass People Magazine. Well if not it is Lance Bass on the cover with the title "I am Gay". I took a photo of my firend wearing a tophat, he looks like Mr. Peanut in a tophat. Anyway I nearly wet myself when I was done.

Nov 28 06 06:39 am Link


Paz Crystal

Posts: 373

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

some people are messed up in the head and they will do it

Nov 28 06 07:04 am Link



Posts: 61

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Some may do it but why,what benefit would a photographer benefit  except to ridicule the llama and what would that accomplish, I think that they are mislead usually but someone who is so unaware of why and what we do as professionals,besides how many llamas do it nude because they enjoy it...........

Nov 28 06 07:11 am Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I have heard that old claim that someone could take my face and put it on a nude body so many times I am sick of it.  My response is.....Did  you have your photos taken in school for the year book?  Did you ask them the same question?  The only way to be sure it never happens (said to young ladies) is never have your photo taken and make sure you get back all those year books where someone could scan the image and put it on Paris Hilton's body.....geesh

Nov 28 06 07:11 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

this took all of 30 seconds... in fact it took more time to find the pictures i used than to do the work..

point is, here you can see why i went to the trouble, i hate bush.. in your case.. who are you? you're a nice person and all, but you aren't a celebrity that someone would want to screw around with..

there's no motive..

Nov 28 06 08:22 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

rajan patel wrote:
why would someone waste time adding someone else's face on someone else body..

you'd me surprised at why people do the things that they do. It does happen.

when I was in highschool, there was a teacher that some of the students did't like, Someone took and pasted her face onto a x-rated picture from a book of a lady sitting on top of a man's face getting eaten out. The lady on the original picture had her head leaning back having a orgasim, but the teacher's face had that highschool year brook profile smile. Someone had posted the image in the hallway for all to see. I laughed to I had cied.

Nov 28 06 08:49 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

A little Photoshop; a touch of texture; a soupçon of selective colour... and ANY model can resemble this little beauty:


Nov 28 06 11:26 am Link


Caspers Creations

Posts: 11409

Kansas City, Missouri, US

If someone wanted to do that they could use MySpace, LiveJournal, FaceBook, or any of the other photos that are out there.  If they have ANY photos of themselves on the web then they dont have an argument.

Nov 28 06 11:38 am Link


FYH Photo

Posts: 462

Santa Clara, California, US

lotusphoto wrote:
point is, here you can see why i went to the trouble, i hate bush..

Actually all you bush haters sure spend a lot of time doing disgusting photoshop joke pics.  A lot.  One thing about the Clinton haters .... they had a life ....

Dec 09 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 2514

Montclair, New Jersey, US

Collwyn wrote:
Can't tell you how many times I've heard this concern from newbie model's, from newbie model's friends giving them advice on why not to do the shoot, and from model's parents.

OMG- my mom still says this. She just doesnt get it. Its actually pretty funny.

Dec 09 06 12:54 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

lotusphoto wrote:
this took all of 30 seconds... in fact it took more time to find the pictures i used than to do the work..

point is, here you can see why i went to the trouble, i hate bush.. in your case.. who are you? you're a nice person and all, but you aren't a celebrity that someone would want to screw around with..

there's no motive..

Okay, so it took you some time to find a shot of Bush and block in a fake background.  Now if you had had to PS his head onto someone else's body, that might have taken some work.

Dec 09 06 12:57 pm Link


FYH Photo

Posts: 462

Santa Clara, California, US

Collwyn wrote:
Can't tell you how many times I've heard this concern from newbie model's, from newbie model's friends giving them advice on why not to do the shoot, and from model's parents.

I usually tell them that unless they're someone famous, it's unlikely anyone would go through the trouble of 'shopping their head onto a porn actress's body. 

Any photogs ever had this happen to their photos?

It's been an URBAN LEGEND amongst the non photogapher / non PRO model community for a LONG TIME.  There was an episode of the 1960s television show "THAT GIRL" with Marlowe Thomas where she modeled for some sort of Sears Catalogue ad and her head ended up in on the body of a centerfold in some sort of Men's magazine.  Her boyfriend ends up seeing it when a passenger is reading it in the subway.  Hilarity ensues.......

People for a while have thought that it was easy and COMMON for photographers to swap the heads off of people and put them onto other bodies.  And in the days before photoshop IT WAS NARY NEAR IMPOSSIBLE.  This has been an urban legend by the 'ignorant' that refuses to die.  That ... and the myth that photographers will SELL some unknown newbie model's TFP pics OVERSEAS and make millions of dollars off of them ....

Remember how obvious and SLOPPY 'doctored photos' were in the days before Photoshop?  And it took a really LONG time. 

I have a series of doctored photos by the Soviet Union that are a hoot.  They used to regularly 'erase' people who fell out of favor out of official group pictures (very 1984 stuff).  I have a shot of nine Russian scientists, a really crappy removal of one of the guys in the back (which looks like they smear liquid paper on the photo!) but the official soviet censor forgot to remove the guy's LEGS.  There are nine torsos in the pic but TEN sets of legs and shoes in the shot! LOL!

If snopes doesn't have this in their urban myth section, I'm gonna campaign for them to do so.

Dec 09 06 12:58 pm Link


Somewhere in Time Studi

Posts: 1247

Winter Haven, Florida, US

I hate it when someone puts my stunning and sexy body on someone's body!
Man, I really hate it when that happens!

Now I've put my face on some bodies before................but it was concentual!!!(and she wanted me.....I could tell!)

Damn.......................are we talking about the same thing??

Dec 09 06 12:59 pm Link


FYH Photo

Posts: 462

Santa Clara, California, US

Luminos wrote:
Okay, so it took you some time to find a shot of Bush and block in a fake background.  Now if you had had to PS his head onto someone else's body, that might have taken some work.

It also wasn't very good.  Most of the posters to this thread were pointing out how hard it was to make it look real, not an obvious insulting parody.  Any kid can do that, and judging by the internet, often do.

Dec 09 06 01:00 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

That's not a concern of new models only.I see girls on here that have modeled for years and are with agencies for acting and modeling and they have stated in their port that their images are not to be used in  800/900#'s or anything of the sort and they have that you have to put that in writing before you can shoot with them.I dont see that as a bad idea at all.

Dec 09 06 01:08 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Yep.  I've also pulled up MM or OMP on my laptop sometimes to SHOW them how many girls out there that look just as good as them would come be naked free, and/or called models I know who'll get naked for me any time.  That generally convinces them I have no reason for it.

Of course, this's less of a problem for me as I increasingly simply won't WORK with a girl who says "no nudes."
Plust this lack of reasoning usually also means they want escorts, which is a veto for me.

*EDIT: Both come down to the same lack of trust issue..,if you distrust me that much, why're you working with me?

The more I read from you the more I like you. I too am starting to only shoot models who are open to nudity. Mind you, not because I only want to shoot nudes. But because when I do want to, it's not an issue with them.

Back on topic. It's paranoia. There was a thread a couple months ago on this topic where people were pointing out to the model that no one would go through all of this trouble for a non-celebrity. She got offended. WTF?

Dec 09 06 01:08 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Collwyn wrote:
I think they aren't so concerned that I'm going to alter their photos, as they are that someone else will.

Of course, if someone else did alter their photo, I don't see how I can prove that I wasn't the one who did it.

In a court of law, you don't have to prove you didn't do it. They have to prove that you did. Burden of proof.

Dec 09 06 01:10 pm Link


Ayse Daenet

Posts: 224

Fayetteville, North Carolina, US

My mom and my boyfriend have told me this and I haven't even taken the time to try to explain to them why it's a dumb reason not to take photos... So I just don't let them see the nude pics that I have taken.. lol

Dec 09 06 01:12 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I asked an attractive cocktail server that I work with to shoot with me about 6 months ago.

Her response was the same. She was concerned that someone would put her face on someone elses body.

That was the last conversation that I had with her. It kind of scared me.

Dec 09 06 01:15 pm Link


global vision

Posts: 1681

Bowling Green, Ohio, US

i think its something of a social comment on how american society has evolved....all they teach is "self esteem" in schools....with no reason to have it of course.....then all the lil kiddies come out of school with huge egos and delusions of grandeur.....then couple that with jerry springer, montel, and oprah....americas' moral compass end up with brain dead bafoons all convinced they are more beautiful than cleopatra and that everyone on earth would do anything to see them naked....and therefore if you take their perfect face and paste it on a porn stars body (who will, in 99% of all cases, be FAR more beautiful than these wannabe goddesses) ...their immaculate reputations might be soiled by some evil horrible photographer......oh terrifying!!!!!  i actually had some jackass acuse me of doing that to her and putting it on the playboy site...playboy wouldnt even grace their garbage can with this girls face....i demanded to see the photo and the pic she came up with wasnt even the vaguest similarity to her.....then she said her friend kind of thought it sort of looked like she just wanted to be "safe" ugh....

Dec 09 06 01:15 pm Link


Len Cook Photographer

Posts: 599

Fremont, California, US

One terrific model I had -- who was having a BALL doing the pictures -- abruptly quit when her mother went ballistic.

The argument?  "What happens if someday when your husband is a Senator and somebody brings out those pictures?"

Dec 09 06 01:18 pm Link


Len Cook Photographer

Posts: 599

Fremont, California, US

Paz Crystal wrote:
some people are messed up in the head and they will do it

Do you use ordinary aluminum foil on your windows, or do you find that only the heavy duty stuff blocks the alien thought beams?

Dec 09 06 01:20 pm Link


global vision

Posts: 1681

Bowling Green, Ohio, US

Len Cook Photographer wrote:
One terrific model I had -- who was having a BALL doing the pictures -- abruptly quit when her mother went ballistic.

The argument?  "What happens if someday when your husband is a Senator and somebody brings out those pictures?"

its all your own fault really....i always have all my models sigh a release stating that they will never join the senate or congressional dating services wink

Dec 09 06 01:27 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

There are plenty of 15 and 16 year old Congressional Pages to keep those guys happy...

Dec 09 06 01:29 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Yeah, I hear it all the tme, but not from "aspiring models" as much as "regular people" I see in the hood who I approach about shooting.

Dec 09 06 01:31 pm Link