This thread was locked on 2006-11-26 22:16:33
Forums > General Industry > WARNING!!! Unprofessional Toronto Photographer


Alida Elisabeth

Posts: 6

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This post is due to the unprofessionalims that i experienced with photographer XXXXXXXXXXXXX.  (ID removed: No Outing in Forum; Moderator)

XXXXXXX was kind enough to ask me if he could photoshop one of my images for me, and at first I said no, but then after he emailed me again about a month later I agreed since it did need some photoshopping.  So he photoshopped it, and I do have to admit that it did turn out very well, but that was not the problem. 

He had added me to his msn and he was ranting and raving to me about these actresses that he wanted to 'bang' (I'm trying to be polite here) He went on and on about them and then told me that I looked like them and starting making hints towards me that were inappropriate.  He kept requesting photo of my rear end which i kept declining and then told me that he would never have done my photo for me if he had known that I wasn't going to send him the photo and that his intentions from the beginning were to get a photo of my rear.  He even went as far as to say that it was the only reason that he worked so hard on my photo because of what he would get in return for it.  To try to sucker me in he even talked about maybe taking me to Vegas with him... Nice try....When he finally realized that there was no way he was getting a photo from me he kindly told me good bye. 

I'm sorry, but that is highly unprofessional and any respect that I had for him is lost.  XXXXXXXXXX said that I did not respect his work since I would not reward him... that is truely disgusting.  I even went as far as to question the real reason why he was on mm and he stated that it was for photos for a 'personal' collection.  I know that people's intentions on here are for other reasons, but I just didn't think that I would have someone like this contact me.  I am disgusted in his behaviour and would just like to warn all of the other female models about him.... 

It's people like him that are unfortunatley the reason why an escort needs to be brought to the first shoot. 

F.Y.I. - the entire conversation that I had with him is saved if this needs verification... (so it's not a he said/she said thing)

Nov 26 06 10:08 pm Link


Darker-Side of-Midnight

Posts: 1822

Southfield, Michigan, US

it is most unfortunate that there are people like him out there....

Nov 26 06 10:12 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Nov 26 06 10:12 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

This will be locked, and you entertained it for much too long if it really offended you so much.  The good thing about instant message boxes is the little X in the upper left hand corner that makes people go bye bye.

Nov 26 06 10:14 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US


How many times do we have to say this?

No Outing in public forum.

Nov 26 06 10:14 pm Link