Forums > General Industry > Light a Candle



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Ironic in that we were talking about spoof Playboy covers - I just saw the Fedex online tracking report that shows that my first "real" submission to Playboy has been received. Yeah, it'll be at least two or three months before I hear anything, but I'm even more nervous than the model is!

Light a candle for my (miniscule) chances, would you? :-)

May 02 05 04:47 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Some people don't receive a reply at all.

May 02 05 05:05 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
Some people don't receive a reply at all.

Yeah, I know. I'm trying to be optimistic. Work with me here :-)

May 02 05 05:18 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45344

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Best of luck to you Chris!

My friend Luana Lani got a spread in a recent Playboy Special Edition, and she came along ways to get there! She had many obstacles in her way, but she never gave up!  She now has a very successful website, and she makes her living doing what she loves.

I'm running into problems getting my websites up and the way I want them, but I will never give up either! Hang in there!  It's worth it!

May 02 05 05:21 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Good luck, Chris!  That's pretty exciting stuff.  I'll keep a finger or two crossed for you.  wink


May 02 05 06:42 pm Link


Miranda StCroix

Posts: 116

New York, New York, US

Fingers are crossed for you!

May 02 05 06:54 pm Link



Posts: 1343

Los Angeles, California, US

Light a candle for my (miniscule) chances, would you? :-)

what will shooters and models aspire to (i.e., request candles lit for) when playboy no longer exists in print media? (something that, i predict, might not be all that far down the road... along with the same for more than a few other print pubs)

May 02 05 07:11 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45344

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by jimmyd: 

Light a candle for my (miniscule) chances, would you? :-)

what will shooters and models aspire to (i.e., request candles lit for) when playboy no longer exists in print media? (something that, i predict, might not be all that far down the road... along with the same for more than a few other print pubs)

Have you been in a "chain owned" bookstore recently? Rows and rows of magazines! I could read my newspaper online but I choose to get the physical thing because it jsut isn't the same reading it on a screen. Now when paper is so scarce after we cut all the forrests, only then I could see reading being done by compuer screen only. But people still prefer the feel of a book or magazine in their hands.

Well heck! My favorite magazine is Performing Songwriter, and I can't get the entire article off the website unless I subscribe, so I'd rather get the magazine ... it feels better than holding a computer monitor! LOL

The music industry is another story! Record stores, even the big "chain" ones are going out of business as people burn more and more of the music off the 'net! Record labels, watch out! They are in for a bumpy ride in the future as more go unsigned or independent!

May 02 05 07:43 pm Link



Posts: 331

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

GOOD LUCK!! I'm crossing my fingers, lighting candles, and sending all my happy energy your way!! I really hope you reach all of your dreams!

May 02 05 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 1343

Los Angeles, California, US

Have you been in a "chain owned" bookstore recently? Rows and rows of magazines!

i didn't mean to infer it was going to happen tomorrow. and i didn't say the whole magazine publishing industry was going belly up at once.  but playboy hasn't distributed their own product for some time now. (can you guess who has playboy's fullfillment contract?) playboyTV just recently took a lengthy hiatus. All's not well in the bunny's empire. and how about penthouse? will their new owners pull off a "flight of the phoenix" trick? LFP has folded a number of its magazines and layed off a bunch of people.

I'm not wearing a chicken suit and running around yelling "the sky is falling," but in spite of all those rows of magazines, the pulp industries' future is not so rosey.

May 03 05 12:13 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

But until that time comes, it's still in my top-5 goals (two of which I've already accomplished) to get a shot in there. In this case, I doubt my shot will be used, but if the model gets in, I'll consider this mission-accomplished on her behalf and use it as a springboard to at least get some face time with an editor.

Again, my chances are slim-to-none, of course, but that doesn't mean I'll give up.

And I doubt the Playboy franchise will be gone any time soon. If the industry morphs (which it will, and I suspect I have a good guess as to how), I believe Playboy will morph with it.

But I digress.

May 03 05 12:24 am Link



Posts: 1343

Los Angeles, California, US

And I doubt the Playboy franchise will be gone any time soon. If the industry morphs (which it will, and I suspect I have a good guess as to how), I believe Playboy will morph with it.

of that, i'm quite sure. good luck on your submission. i wish you the best in achieving your goals.

May 03 05 03:58 am Link



Posts: 370

Dallas, Georgia, US

Good luck to you smile

May 03 05 09:31 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

All the best!

May 03 05 10:18 am Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 

My friend Luana Lani got a spread in a recent Playboy Special Edition

I feel so childish for laughing at this like teehee. playboy. spread. heh.

good luck, though!

May 03 05 12:47 pm Link