Forums > General Industry > How Much do Photographers Charge for Shoots?


Tim Baker Photo

Posts: 74

Lynbrook, New York, US

I understand that if a model has been in magazines, worked with many photographers and has lots of credits, that person most likely will refuse to pay a photographer for a photo shoot, unless they really love his/her work.
These are the kind of models where, if anything, the photographer will have to be paying the model for their time (paid assignments only).

On the other hand, I think it's really funny when I see a model here on Model Mayhem that has never done a shoot, has pictures their friend took of them on their page and they are paid assignments only and have checked in very experienced.  I just don't get need some credit to yourself as a model to have rates!

So the big question is:

How much do all of the photographers here on Model Mayhem charge a regular (never done a photo shoot) person to do a shoot?

The person that never done a shoot in his/her life can't expect the shoot to be TFCD/TFP every time since they have no experience and never done a shoot ever.......

My shoots are usually 2 hours long with 3-5 different outfit changes to get different looks for the pictures.

What's everyones take on this?!?!?!------

Tim Baker
Long Island, NY

Nov 26 06 09:46 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Timothy Baker wrote:
How much do all of the photographers here on Model Mayhem charge a regular (never done a photo shoot) person to do a shoot?

However much they want. This thread has been done over and over. It varies depending on your skill, who you're photographing, what style you're shooting. What one photographer charges may be too low, or too high for you, because you are not the same photographer.

Nov 26 06 09:53 am Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

Nov 26 06 10:17 am Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
However much they want. This thread has been done over and over. It varies depending on your skill, who you're photographing, what style you're shooting. What one photographer charges may be too low, or too high for you, because you are not the same photographer.

Not only has this thread been done over and over, this photographer has done this thread before, over and over. And as we told you before, Timothy, it all depends. As I also told you before, I would practice some more by paying/doing TFP with experienced models if I were you, as I personally still don't think your portfolio is up to snuff to be charging for portfolio development. (Though your work is improving - I like this shot. Still think some of the Photoshop work is really cheezy, though.)

Nov 26 06 10:20 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Timothy Baker wrote:
What's everyones take on this?!?!?!------

Your post contained four major misconceptions and misstatements of fact.  Given that, my take is that you don't understand when and why paid shoots are appropriate, or what the criteria are for being paid - on either side of the lens.

Fix that first, then worry about rates.

Nov 26 06 10:55 am Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

Agree with the rest. Test shoots range from $0 to $500 in most area. You're probably not in the ballpark of those who can charge yet. Those who charges $500 because they have potential paying jobs for the models who paid for the test shoot. Else, you can look at the market for senior pics for pricing.

Nov 26 06 11:01 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

I just looked at your portfolio and it made me think of a question I have never asked any of the "Photographers" that pose all these questions about what models should pay them.

What makes you think you should be charging anything. I have years of experience and ad industry credits to my name and I still feel a need to practice my craft with as many models as will have me. I don't have anywhere near the experience that some of the glamour shooters here at MM have and I would feel utter shame in asking a model to pay me to help build his/her portfolio. So where does all this BS come from about rates for building portfolios. I would understand if Jerry Avenaim were asking, I'll never understand why you are.

Nov 26 06 11:14 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
I just looked at your portfolio and it made me think of a question I have never asked any of the "Photographers" that pose all these questions about what models should pay them.

What makes you think you should be charging anything. I have years of experience and ad industry credits to my name and I still feel a need to practice my craft with as many models as will have me. I don't have anywhere near the experience that some of the glamour shooters here at MM have and I would feel utter shame in asking a model to pay me to help build his/her portfolio. So where does all this BS come from about rates for building portfolios. I would understand if Jerry Avenaim were asking, I'll never understand why you are.

I felt that slap on the other side of the country..

Nov 26 06 11:17 am Link


Studio Spike

Posts: 978

New York, New York, US

supply and demand and all that economic theory kinda hooey.  You're in NY and wanting a model to pay you.  I'm in NY and am thrilled if a model doesn't charge me.

Nov 26 06 11:23 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Studio Spike wrote:
supply and demand and all that economic theory kinda hooey.  You're in NY and wanting a model to pay you.  I'm in NY and am thrilled if a model doesn't charge me.

Thank you! We needed that.

Nov 26 06 11:27 am Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
I just looked at your portfolio and it made me think of a question I have never asked any of the "Photographers" that pose all these questions about what models should pay them.

What makes you think you should be charging anything. I have years of experience and ad industry credits to my name and I still feel a need to practice my craft with as many models as will have me. I don't have anywhere near the experience that some of the glamour shooters here at MM have and I would feel utter shame in asking a model to pay me to help build his/her portfolio. So where does all this BS come from about rates for building portfolios. I would understand if Jerry Avenaim were asking, I'll never understand why you are.

Hee hee hee - the less diplomatic version of what I was trying to say. Why is it that it's frequently the least talented people who ask the most questions about when and how much they can charge people?
OP, you are in New York, competing with some of the most well-known and talented photographers in the world.
Want to make money on photography? Shoot weddings.

Nov 26 06 11:52 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Catriona wrote:
(Though your work is improving - I like this shot. Still think some of the Photoshop work is really cheezy, though.)

What was it about this shot that tweaked your interest. Was it the lines on the skin just under the chin made from previous wardrobe or maybe the blotchiness on her forehead or wait, I know, that ever popular plastic barbie doll cheek bone look.

I'm headed for the oven now. It's electric, but it will make me feel like I'm at least doing something to stop the madness.

Nov 26 06 11:58 am Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
What was it about this shot that tweaked your interest. Was it the lines on the skin just under the chin made from previous wardrobe or maybe the blotchiness on her forehead or wait, I know, that ever popular plastic barbie doll cheek bone look.

I'm headed for the oven now. It's electric, but it will make me feel like I'm at least doing something to stop the madness.

"Like" compared to the rest, you - you have to admit that it looks more professional than, say, the shot of the girl stepping over a bridge with him Photoshopped in at the bottom. Or all the ones with the same girl put in multiple times, or the ones with half a dozen PS filters put on them, or...
At least that one looks like something a model MIGHT want to put in her portfolio, rather than a simple exercise in digital goofery.

[edit] Speaking of, that's another question - OP, do the models you work with ASK you to do all this stuff to their pictures? Do you really think a model with professional aspirations wants to put pictures of herself manipulated to be sitting on a parking meter in her portfolio? If not, what makes you think a model would want to pay for this? And if so, where are you finding these girls?

Nov 26 06 12:20 pm Link


Tim Baker Photo

Posts: 74

Lynbrook, New York, US

All I meant by this post is that if there is a regular person that's not even a model or models, the shoot should not be free?  If I'm not going to use it for my portfolio, why should the shoot be free?   You have to charge the client, they expect you to!

Don't get all mad at me on here now! lol

If you shoot everything and anything for free, how do you expect me to live? 
I need money in order to run a company! lol

Thanks all---


Nov 26 06 12:46 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Catriona wrote:
"Like" compared to the rest, you - you have to admit that it looks more professional than, say, the shot of the girl stepping over a bridge with him Photoshopped in at the bottom. Or all the ones with the same girl put in multiple times, or the ones with half a dozen PS filters put on them, or...
At least that one looks like something a model MIGHT want to put in her portfolio, rather than a simple exercise in digital goofery.

[edit] Speaking of, that's another question - OP, do the models you work with ASK you to do all this stuff to their pictures? Do you really think a model with professional aspirations wants to put pictures of herself manipulated to be sitting on a parking meter in her portfolio? If not, what makes you think a model would want to pay for this? And if so, where are you finding these girls?

I wasn't pointing out your lack of taste. I was pointing out the lack of quality in the picture and using you as a beard. Sorry if I hid that too well. Your edit question is particularly great. Also, in fairness to the OP, I wouldn't be pointing out any of this stuff if he had asked a more reasonable question. This is simply my on line pet peeve. (apparently one of many)

Nov 26 06 12:49 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Timothy Baker wrote:
All I meant by this post is that if there is a regular person that's not even a model or models, the shoot should not be free?  If I'm not going to use it for my portfolio, why should the shoot be free?   You have to charge the client, they expect you to!

Don't get all mad at me on here now! lol

If you shoot everything and anything for free, how do you expect me to live? 
I need money in order to run a company! lol

Thanks all---


The answer is Get a job.

Nov 26 06 12:51 pm Link



Posts: 447

New York, New York, US

Timothy Baker wrote:
All I meant by this post is that if there is a regular person that's not even a model or models, the shoot should not be free?

Send her to the mall!   $50 will make her GWA dreams come true.

Nov 26 06 12:54 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

As has been said before, you get paid when people actually pay you...
You take that silly portfolio of your and you take it to local buisnesses that have asked about your photography and show them what you can do. You take that same book to what ever model events you go to and you have a price list ready. The next time a model askes what your rates are you tell her...
If no one is asking do what Bob Randel said and get another job.

Nov 26 06 01:40 pm Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
The answer is Get a job.


Nov 26 06 01:40 pm Link


Images by Yancy

Posts: 1703

Roseville, California, US

You know, excuse me if the OP has some kind of history of asking these types of questions but, I gotta say, some of you people are so friggin' harsh!

I know I'm learning, I know I have a long way to go. But God help me if I want to ask a question around here. I'd have to weed thru all of the villification and comments about what a crappy photographer I am and how I need to consider a new career before I'm close to being good enough to even TALK to some of you.

Sorry, I don't give a shit how good you are or how good you THINK you are. There's no justification for talking down to someone that looking to those more experienced for answers.

And, for the record, what's on my port is a miniscule representation of the types of pics I take. People, and maybe because they don't know any better, have purchased some of my work and/or have wanted to pay me to shoot them. So far, aside from selling a few framed pieces, I've never charged anyone to shoot them but I shoot them nonetheless. I don't feel as if my skill level is high enough to charge. But that's my own decision and I'll charge when I decide. Not when someone on the internet says it's okay to.

P.S. - I'm cranky because I'm suffering from pumpkin pie overdose. I'm sure no one gives a crap about what I'm saying anyway.

Nov 26 06 10:36 pm Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

jon mmmayhem wrote:

LMAO!!!!! too funny!!!!

Nov 26 06 10:40 pm Link


Caspers Creations

Posts: 11409

Kansas City, Missouri, US

OK......Here are my rates

Art/concept shot - Free
Weddings - $10,000
Senior Pictures - $10,000
Headshots - $10,000 or Trade for some Art/concept shots
Product Shots - $10,000 or trade for alot of free goods
Suicide Girl Sets - $1,000,000 dollars ( if your really nice - $50,000 )

But hey.......thats just me.

Nov 26 06 10:47 pm Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

Well OP... there you have it !   Judge, Jury and Executioner... 
I'm sorry... I can't stop laughing at what happened to you.   Instead of posting these questions...why don't you ask a 'friend' on here that is a photographer? 

Part of me feels bad for you because you really got torn a new *&^%$#,  but c'mon you should've known better, right?   

keep youe chin up and work on what makes you happy....whether it makes money or not doesn't matter.  you need to be happy first (assuming you have another means of income)

Nov 26 06 10:57 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Project Photography wrote:
Part of me feels bad for you because you really got torn a new *&^%$#,  but c'mon you should've known better, right?

One would think so because this is at leaset the 2nd time he has posted this question...

Nov 26 06 11:01 pm Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

Experimental Photoworks wrote:

One would think so because this is at leaset the 2nd time he has posted this question...

yeah I'm guessing he didn't get the answer he was looking for the first time so he thought maybe he would PS some more pics and try again....  stay tuned cause we may see this post again.. wink

Nov 26 06 11:05 pm Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

Timothy Baker wrote:
All I meant by this post is that if there is a regular person that's not even a model or models, the shoot should not be free?

When shot by a regular person who is not even a photographer or photographers, yes.

Remember, qualifications are relative. There is a wide range of qualifications (skill, beauty, etc.) between a "regular person" and a "supermodel," but there is just as wide a range between a "camera owner" and a "master photographer."

I need money in order to run a company!

No, you need a business plan. Your "market" is 90% penniless, college-age people who can likely find a dozen photographers who will do better work on a TFCD basis.

That's not directed at your portfolio specifically (since you did not ask for a critique)--there's *always* a better photographer offering a freebie in these genres of photography, and that's the way it goes.

Sorry, but the only time models pay for shoots is when (a) they need content to sell (pay site, etc.), (b) they want to step up their portfolio and can't find TFCD/TFP offers with qualified photographers, or (c) someone dupes them into it and promises them it will get them into an agency, into a magazine, etc.

Nov 26 06 11:56 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

as much as they can

Nov 27 06 01:49 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

couple yrs ago i had an accident that tore up my leg pretty good; had to go see a surgeon for repairs ...

... but i'd never seen a surgeon before; never been to one.

yet, you guessed it, he charged me for his time & his work.

life. funny thing, huh?!?


Nov 27 06 01:58 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Timothy Baker wrote:
How much do all of the photographers here on Model Mayhem charge a regular (never done a photo shoot) person to do a shoot?
What's everyones take on this?!?!?!------

Tim Baker
Long Island, NY

Read the other threads you started on this topic. There are some excellent answers--and questions--in them.

Paid Assignments Only - But you have no experience
How much Photog Charge Models - No Experienced?

Images by Yancy wrote:
You know, excuse me if the OP has some kind of history of asking these types of questions but, I gotta say, some of you people are so friggin' harsh!

See above.

Nov 27 06 04:17 am Link



Posts: 1312

Santa Cruz, California, US

money is only dirty paper right?  smile

Nov 27 06 04:32 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
What makes you think you should be charging anything. I have years of experience and ad industry credits to my name and I still feel a need to practice my craft with as many models as will have me. I don't have anywhere near the experience that some of the glamour shooters here at MM have and I would feel utter shame in asking a model to pay me..

That's funny. I've always felt just what you said but kind of kept it to myself whenever I see these kind of threads. It's never ever crossed my mind to charge a model for anything. It's an honor working with a good one. I need so much practice and I'm not on a level I can start charging people. Even if I was as good as some of the people on this site, I probably wouldn't charge anyway because I just enjoy it too much and then it would become more of a job and I'd have to hire an accountant, secretary, complaints dept.. blah blah. I pretty much will work with as "many models as will have me." Photography is so much fun that I don't care if I ever make a living from it, or if anyone likes it but me. If the OP is into photography to pay his bills, then he should pick another line of work or maybe do the wedding and bar mitvah scene. I don't think you truly love photography if you're already so concerned about rates and all.

Nov 27 06 04:57 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Timothy Baker wrote:
......If you shoot everything and anything for free, how do you expect me to live? 
I need money in order to run a company! lol

You're running a photography company?  Ok.  Have you done a local market survey?  That would be much more valuable than asking here. Basically, you charge what you can get. That was my advice the first time you asked.

Of course, I really like OGR's response the first time you asked this question:

oldguysrule wrote:
I charge experienced/non-experienced at the same rate.

I do not TFP [TFP should never be refered to as working for free. it is a barter arrangement where there is supposed to be value, otherwise why do it?] as I've never found the need. I cannot see the logic of experienced photographers shooting TFP with inexperienced models. Makes no sense to me, but thats me.

I will now and then shoot free tests for an exceptional new face, I'm curious, bored, for a friend, or a well-established model I've worked with on campaigns, or the odd editorial project.

Gary's reply on your second thread on this topic probably sums up my thinking...

Gary Davis wrote:

Nov 27 06 09:24 am Link


TA Craft Photography

Posts: 2883

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Star wrote:
as much as they can

No,  twice as much as you think you dare ask, then double it again..

Nov 27 06 10:30 am Link


Madcrow Photographics

Posts: 7805

Boston, Massachusetts, US

As an aspiring amateur, I'll usually work on a TFCD basis. That said, if there's somebody I really wasn't interested in who REALLY wanted me to do a shoot with them, I'd charge in the $20-$40 range.  The odds I could get anybody to pay me are minimal, but if somebody really was that desperate, who am I to say "no" to a little extra income.

Nov 27 06 10:43 am Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Richard Tallent wrote:
No, you need a business plan. Your "market" is 90% penniless, college-age people who can likely find a dozen photographers who will do better work on a TFCD basis.

That's not directed at your portfolio specifically (since you did not ask for a critique)--there's *always* a better photographer offering a freebie in these genres of photography, and that's the way it goes.

Sorry, but the only time models pay for shoots is when (a) they need content to sell (pay site, etc.), (b) they want to step up their portfolio and can't find TFCD/TFP offers with qualified photographers, or (c) someone dupes them into it and promises them it will get them into an agency, into a magazine, etc.

Quoting this because I think that this very salient point should be reiterated in every thread about charging models.

Dear OP (and anyone else asking similar questions): Models almost never have money. The vast majority of us simply do not have hundreds of dollars to spare for pretty pictures, period. If you want people with little or no money to spend to consider you worth saving up for, you have to be really, really good - much better than the dozens of other photographers in your area who will be happy to do TFP or even pay the models. Otherwise, if you're determined to make money from photography, try hitting up people who have more money and less of an idea of what makes a good or usable photo - weddings, senior portraits, etc. Unless you're famous and really fucking good, trying to make any kind of a living off models is a business model guaranteed to fail. Sorry if you have a hard time accepting that reality (which you clearly do, since you keep asking).

[edit] Oh, and: You keep asking, over and over and over, how much you should charge models with no experience, since they "can't expect to get a shoot for free" (although, actually, yes they can - pretty much every model I know, myself included, was bombarded with TFP offers the minute they signed up on this or any other modeling site, regardless of experience). Has it occured to you that maybe there's a reason why the "models" who want to work with you seem to overwhelmingly have no experience? Just a thought.

Nov 27 06 12:22 pm Link