Forums > Photography Talk > what do you regret buying for gear?


Stephen Fletcher

Posts: 7501

Norman, Oklahoma, US

I very rarely need an on camera flash so I bought a Sunpac D3000 for my Nikon.  Pretty useless.  I think it is not as good as my pop up flash.

Jun 17 14 12:18 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

I've never used my ring light -- it just wasn't bright enough, except for too close photography.

I never used my smoke machine (bought for $5.00 the day after Halloween 10 years ago).

I rarely use my telephoto-zoom.  I would love to swap it for an ultra-wide angle lens/zoom.

I got a kit for modifying my soft box (grid, oval mask, etc.) -- I haven't used it.

Jun 17 14 12:20 pm Link


Marin Photo NYC

Posts: 7348

New York, New York, US

Smoke machine - never used it other than Halloween. LOL

Jun 17 14 12:23 pm Link


Phantasmal Images

Posts: 690

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Canon 430EXII speedlight. Not because it hasn't performed flawlessly, but because I could have gotten a YN568 with more features, and more power, for $100 less.

Jun 17 14 12:29 pm Link


Andrew Thomas Evans

Posts: 24079

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

My needs for what I do are pretty basic, so I don't regret buying much, maybe the rolls of black and grey paper I have that are a year old and not used, that's about it.

Never really was into a lot of expensive or exotic gear, and most of the fun stuff I have (like the light my avatar was shot with and that I never use) was pretty cheap.

Andrew Thomas Evans

Jun 17 14 01:43 pm Link


Noah Russell

Posts: 609

Seattle, Washington, US

I generally regret buying something until I figure out what it's good for. Each piece of gear has strengths and weaknesses.  Use stuff for what it's good at, not what it's bad at. :-)

Jun 17 14 02:08 pm Link



Posts: 3436

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Jun 17 14 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 1218

Orlando, Florida, US

R.EYE.R wrote:
5D MkIII went there.  Now we're getting honest  wink

Probably the MkII is practically the same thing?   I dunno....I really don't.  I have a Rebel for the one and only lens I use on it.  It seems to take pictures when I click the button.

Jun 17 14 03:57 pm Link



Posts: 1218

Orlando, Florida, US

I have 3 of these now.  The first two broke.  They are now expensive paper weights.  Impossible Film is a bit finicky to begin with,  and maximally finicky in these cameras, which don't forgive in the way that newer polaroid cameras do.

Jun 17 14 03:59 pm Link


Ed Woodson Photo

Posts: 174

Savannah, Georgia, US

When I reentered the world of Photography in 2006, because of past experience I bought into Pentax.  5 years of nothing but QC problems moved me to Canon.  I regret having bought anything made by Pentax.  And I further regret spending five years dinking with crappy gear.

Jun 17 14 04:20 pm Link



Posts: 3436

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Eyesso wrote: went there.  Now we're getting honest  wink

Probably the MkII is practically the same thing?   I dunno....I really don't.  I have a Rebel for the one and only lens I use on it.  It seems to take pictures when I click the button.

Essentially I skipped 5DmII since it's mirror box was same if not larger than original 5D (which I own), and since I am shooting only adapted glass I was excited that 5D MkIII sported a smaller mirror by 0.45, which essentially would relief me of lugging a 1DS battlecanon (pun intended). The 100% coverage of viewfinder was added bonus.
For example the CY Zeiss 45/2.8 causes only mirror hang at infinity, CY35-70 that caused mirror hang with 5DC/5D MkII is absent, and so is CY 35/1.4

Sadly, the high ISO performance at a cost of reduced dynamic range even compared to 5D MkII, it's CFA read out is inadequate for my needs and I am not a big fan of Canon's optimisation in favour of Oranges. Plus I would really have opted for a smaller pixel count at a cost of higher pitch.
1DS MkIII still outclasses it in tonality - but then again, 1DS MkIII is probably the best camera Canon produced in terms of tonality/detail/ISO performance balance.

It's still a great camera for night life/wedding, it's just not what I shoot smile

Jun 17 14 04:55 pm Link


Filles de Pin-up

Posts: 3218

Wichita, Kansas, US

Natural Body Photo  wrote:
I regret my low end tripod.  It is too flimsy for the older, heavier camera and flash which have become my workhorse system, over my lite weight, entry-level dslr.  I won't make that mistake when I purchase my video equipment.  Lesson Learned:  Sturdier equipment, backed up by good performance reviews is easy enough to find and will allow me more flexibility in my work and be a greater trade-in/resale value or at least last longer.


Jun 17 14 05:47 pm Link


analog light

Posts: 221

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

I regret buying into several brands at once. I started out on pentax film gear and bought a pentax DSLR in college. I was given an old Nikon N90S so I started buying nikon glass. Not much later I bought an old minolta XD11 and started buying lenses for it. Before I knew it I had so many lenses across all 3 lens systems and soon realized it was a total waste of money (and space). I found myself starting to shoot more digital and not being able to use my nikon and minolta glass on my pentax dslr was a pain so I sold off my nikon and minolta gear and bought some pentax "limited" and *(star) lenses and haven't regretted it one bit. Its much better to have a few pro level lenses than several lower to mid level lenses across several different systems.

Ed Woodson Photo wrote:
When I reentered the world of Photography in 2006, because of past experience I bought into Pentax.  5 years of nothing but QC problems moved me to Canon.  I regret having bought anything made by Pentax.  And I further regret spending five years dinking with crappy gear.

Must of had really bad luck, all I own now is pentax gear and never had any serious issues. Did you have the SDM issues?

Jun 17 14 07:50 pm Link


Ed Woodson Photo

Posts: 174

Savannah, Georgia, US

analog light wrote:
I regret buying into several brands at once. I started out on pentax film gear and bought a pentax DSLR in college. I was given an old Nikon N90S so I started buying nikon glass. Not much later I bought an old minolta XD11 and started buying lenses for it. Before I knew it I had so many lenses across all 3 lens systems and soon realized it was a total waste of money (and space). I found myself starting to shoot more digital and not being able to use my nikon and minolta glass on my pentax dslr was a pain so I sold off my nikon and minolta gear and bought some pentax "limited" and *(star) lenses and haven't regretted it one bit. Its much better to have a few pro level lenses than several lower to mid level lenses across several different systems.

Must of had really bad luck, all I own now is pentax gear and never had any serious issues. Did you have the SDM issues?

I had issues with the DA* 16-50 and the DA* 50-135.  centering issues and SDM problems.  At one point, I had three K7 Bodies because two were in the hands of CRJ more than they were in mine.  I started out with the K10D and it was a joke.

I wouldn't say that I had bad luck.  I'd simply say that the Pentax gear was nothing but junk.

I kept hoping.......   But.........

Jun 17 14 08:20 pm Link



Posts: 956

North Las Vegas, Nevada, US

DougBPhoto wrote:
I don't regret buying anything.

Granted, not everything has worked out as well as I'd have hoped, and I've needed to return or sell things, but I am glad that I took the chance and tried them.

I'd rather try something and have it not work out than to simply not try at all.

I second this...


Jun 18 14 12:57 am Link



Posts: 629

Newcastle, Limerick, Ireland

Elinchrom BX500ri by 3. Thought that by going for a 'quality' brand and top range models that I could shoot trouble free for many years. The oldest of the heads are just over three years old, the other is six months newer. All have been to the repair shop at least twice.

They have never been used outside of the studio and no one else has ever used them. I'm very careful in how I use them and they are handled gently, always keeping in mind what I've paid for them.

At one point two of them were in the repair shop together and I've had to buy a cheap Chinese made set, to fill the gap. I use these most of the time now and they have been trouble free, so far. The two heads, plus stands, cables, carry bag and soft boxes cost the same as one Elinchrom head.

Jun 18 14 08:45 am Link


the lonely photographer

Posts: 2342

Beverly Hills, California, US

Locutus wrote:

Time to hire a muscular assistant. big_smile

nah just getting OLD!

Jun 18 14 09:04 am Link



Posts: 194

Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

Mola Euro. Great modifier, but way to big to lug around. Has been standing on a stand for more than a year now. Collecting dust...

Jun 18 14 10:47 am Link


Toto Photo

Posts: 3757

Belmont, California, US

Third-party battery grip. Hate it. Its shutter release is sticky and difficult to press halfway. Wish I'd paid the additional to go with the Canon.

Jun 18 14 11:09 am Link


IMAK Photo

Posts: 537

Eureka, California, US

Did a work trade for a Pentax 645 and a bunch of lenses. Never cared for the Pentax as it could only sync to 1/60. Being used to the FM2's sync speed of 1/200 I never even thought to check that out before making the trade. Made it kind of useless in the studio for anything other than still lifes. Shortly after getting it I went full on digital anyways because it was a bitch getting film processed locally.

Jun 18 14 11:40 am Link


Dirk Linton

Posts: 228

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, US

Cheap tripods are always a bad move. I have purchased a few used and old Bogens for very little money. I still have them or let students use them. I am a sucker for a good deal on a tripod.

Jun 18 14 11:59 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

SCAM Photography wrote:
Cheap lenses. Nikon Kit lenses, Sigma, and Tamron lenses. I wish I would have just bought quality lenses the first time

Don't be so quick to group all 3rd party lenses into the same boat. Some Tamron lenses are actually rated as good as, if not better, than their Nikon/Canon counterparts. For example, the new Tamron 70-200mm F/2.8 lens is just outstanding, especially considering the price.

HOWEVER, I can agree with you on Sigma. At the very top of my "regret" list is a Sigma 24-70 f/2.8 I bought a few years ago. What a piece of shit. Aside from the horrible build quality and constant focusing problems, their customer service is a complete joke. After it taking 4 months to repair the lens once because of the moronic Sigma parts ordering and shipping system, the lens still didn't work right. I hate it so much I took to a gun range and shot it with a .308 sniper rifle and vaporized it. The only surviving piece was the front element which popped up about 10 feet in the air is now a paperweight on my desk as a reminder to never buy a Sigma product ever again.

Jun 18 14 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 1746

Bangor, Maine, US

I regret buying third party batteries for my nikon and canon digital bodies.
USED nikon and canon batteries have lasted longer than these brand new pieces of crap.

Jun 18 14 06:34 pm Link


analog light

Posts: 221

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

Ed Woodson Photo wrote:

I had issues with the DA* 16-50 and the DA* 50-135.  centering issues and SDM problems.  At one point, I had three K7 Bodies because two were in the hands of CRJ more than they were in mine.  I started out with the K10D and it was a joke.

I wouldn't say that I had bad luck.  I'd simply say that the Pentax gear was nothing but junk.

I kept hoping.......   But.........

Maybe I've had good luck then. I have a K200D (basically a smaller K10) for 6 years with no issues and just bought a used K7 no issues yet. I skipped the SDM issue all together and had my 50-135 converted to screw drive.

Sorry to hear you had so many problems.

Jun 18 14 09:22 pm Link


HV images

Posts: 634

Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

7' parabolic umbrella, I don't have the room to make good use of its focussable beam.

Trying to decide between selling or getting a sock for it sad

Jun 20 14 03:01 am Link



Posts: 166

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

Not much.

Cheapo suitcase-style equipment cases.

10x16-foot white vinyl background. (Well, I should have had it delivered to the studio. It’s in my basement at home. If I put it in the back seat of my car, it would stick out the window about 5 feet.)

Offbrand 12x60-inch strip box. I used it three times, and one of the rods poked a hole through the corner of the box.

28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 Nikon AF-D lens. Totally unsharp.

Portrait Professional. Never used it much. Haven’t used it in years.

That’s about it.

Jun 20 14 04:02 am Link



Posts: 470

Palm Beach, Florida, US

White Lightning 3200. What a lemon. Serviced once after failing and has failed since. Actually started smoking the second time. I hate sending stuff back. Don't know even if its still under warranty.

Jun 20 14 04:17 am Link


Revenge Photography

Posts: 1905

Horsham, Victoria, Australia

I don't really regret anything

Sure I have gear that I don't use, but each piece of gear I bought taught me something. It has all been part of a progression towards developing a style of my own.

Jun 20 14 04:20 am Link



Posts: 120

Palm Beach, Florida, US

Nikon 58mm/1.4g. What a soft piece of crap. Sold it and lost no money, though.

Jun 20 14 05:26 am Link


Photographic Adventures

Posts: 326

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

As I read this thread these lyrics from Frank Sinatra's 'My Way' kept popping into my head:

"Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way"

And, of course I've had my share of disappointment along the way, but I learned something with each step.  So, I really have no regrets, so to speak.  However, I do have some equipment that I either never or rarely ever use, but it was part of the journey and served a purpose at the time.

Jun 20 14 05:48 am Link



Posts: 2191

New York, New York, US

+1 for cheap tripods.

Jun 20 14 06:05 am Link


Open Mind Photography

Posts: 20

Hazel Green, Alabama, US

SCAM Photography wrote:
Cheap lenses. Nikon Kit lenses, Sigma, and Tamron lenses. I wish I would have just bought quality lenses the first time


Jun 20 14 06:13 am Link


L o n d o n F o g

Posts: 7497

London, England, United Kingdom

Nikkor AF-S 24-70 2.8N, completely useless focal range, not wide enough at 24, not anywhere near long enough at 70. Hideous distortion at the wide end, heavy, focussing ring and zoom round the wrong way, and questionable sharpness.

Glad to see the back of it!

Luckily I flogged it for not much less than I paid for it!

Jun 20 14 06:20 am Link



Posts: 1032

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

If my Canon 5d mk3 doesn't start focusing better in low light, it's going to be that!!

Jun 20 14 06:23 am Link


Jakov Markovic

Posts: 1128

Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia

TDSImages wrote:
If my Canon 5d mk3 doesn't start focusing better in low light, it's going to be that!!

It's these kind of things I don't understand. There are so many great images throughout history, and lighting wasn't always perfect, but the images were. So why do you absolutely need to shoot in the dark unless you're a spy or something? big_smile

For me, it's a battery pack. Sure it works great, but it is quite heavy. If it were available for rent where I live, I'd always rent it, never drag it myself.

OMG I completely forgot my first digital camera! Yes, the Canon 1000D/Rebel XS. It was fine, but it wasn't full frame and I went 35mm at the first chance I got.

Jun 20 14 06:43 am Link


Warren Leimbach

Posts: 3223

Tampa, Florida, US

Regrets I've had a few but then again too few to mention.

Invested in 4x5 when the world was going digital. 

Invested in ridiculously expensive early digital like the d30 and 128 MB cards.

Invested in repairing a friend's old 2401 power pack (long story.  it was a point of honor.). It would have been cheaper to buy the power pack and throw it in the gulf.

Jun 20 14 06:37 pm Link


Gary Melton

Posts: 6680

Dallas, Texas, US

Nikon 50mm f/1.8 lens...most worthless lens I own.

I know plenty of people swear by this lens, but it is simply a focal length which I never need/use.  I use 14, 28, 85 and a few zooms MUCH more of the time.

Jun 20 14 06:54 pm Link


Jakov Markovic

Posts: 1128

Belgrade, Central Serbia, Serbia

Warren Leimbach wrote:
Regrets I've had a few but then again too few to mention.

Invested in 4x5 when the world was going digital. 

Invested in ridiculously expensive early digital like the d30 and 128 MB cards.

Invested in repairing a friend's old 2401 power pack (long story.  it was a point of honor.). It would have been cheaper to buy the power pack and throw it in the gulf.

... and those decisions made you the top sports photographer you are today, so they are not something you should regret.

I forgot: Every PC I ever owned.

Jun 21 14 03:39 am Link



Posts: 5164

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

Canon G10.
I wanted a compact camera to lessen my load when just 'out and about'. Acknowledging that Canon made better compacts than my DSLR maker's I tainted myself. Short distance people snaps fine, anything requiring fine detail, landscapes etc - useless, appalling.

Jun 21 14 07:43 am Link


Northern Sights

Posts: 186

Soldotna, Alaska, US

Pocket Wizards. I don't use them because the particular models I bought don't do what I thought they would.

Jun 21 14 08:23 am Link