Forums > General Industry > Scary Chaperone/Escort Stories


Sarah Marie Hilker

Posts: 136

Los Angeles, California, US

A friend's livejournal inspired me to make a post on here.  Please tell any of your scary, annoying, insane, or just plain dumb chaperone/escort stories.  I'm sure some of you have to have some good ones.

I'll start.

When I was 16 my mother and her bf took me to the West Coast on vacation.  While we were in Seattle, I met with my online friend whom is photographer and his assistant.

My mother stayed at the shoot with me and her bf went wandering around the city.  The photos were coming out pretty crappy because my mother kept saying things to make me uptight, nervous, and umcomfortable.  My friends could definately see my plea for help, so we went outside to do some shots while my mom stayed around the apartment.  The further we got away from her, the better the photos came out.

The rest of the day went okay, until her bf came back.  She and her boyfriend started a fight right in the middle of his apartment.  They were screaming and throwing things.  All of this was over his assumption that I'm a little whore that shoots porn and blah blah etc etc...definately not the case.  I was so humiliated I started crying.  I got my stuff gathered and led them out the door still screaming at each other.   My photographer friend and his assistant were like OMFG and didn't know what to do at all.  They were in shock.

While they continued their fight in the parking lot, I ran back into the apartment bawling.  I told them I was so, so sorry.  I didn't know how to make things okay again.  They hugged me and told me it wasn't my fault until my mom came back to the apartment and told me we were leaving.

I will never trust my mother or her boyfriend enough to attend another photoshoot with me.

May 02 05 12:03 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Sindel, I feel for you. I have dealt with obnoxious escorts a few times.

May 02 05 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

As a Seattle Photographer, allow me to state, on behalf of all Seattle Photographers, that we feel your pain :-)

I have tons of stories from the photographer's side... after lunch :-)

May 02 05 12:09 pm Link


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Wow that's really fucked.
Similar story but it was a non-relative.

I made the very HUGE mistake of bringing my boyfriend along as an escort. It was a total last minute descision, As my other escort bailed for personal reasons.
So we get to the shoot, it was a paid shoot, fine-art nude figure study for a local museum gallery show.
As the shoot progressed, he didnt understand that these photos were going to be in black & white, & that the blur filter was going to take out all my flaws, he started screaming that I was this porn star, like "oh you take your clothes off for money, your a Porn Queen, strippers have more class cause they have to wear some clothes, bla bla bla".
I was totally embarrased, & I apologized to the photographer who was alos a good friend, & made my boyfriend leave, because I was comfterable enough at that point to stay without him. I Now I highly advise AGAINST taking boyfriends/girlfriends to shoots, its such a hassle.
I dont even talk about shoots with him anymore, cause I know Im not a fucking porn star whats up with that.

This thread is a really good idea.

May 02 05 12:10 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

I'm sorry, but I don't have any stories.  Out of all the models I've worked with, only a handful brought escorts.  How do I deal with escorts?  Wait in the waiting room.  Here's $10, take yourself to the bar and bring me back a drink.  lol

May 02 05 12:31 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
I'm sorry, but I don't have any stories.  Out of all the models I've worked with, only a handful brought escorts.  How do I deal with escorts?  Wait in the waiting room.  Here's $10, take yourself to the bar and bring me back a drink.  lol

You do give them a map to the bar right?

May 02 05 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

My wife does some modeling from time to time and I never escort her on shoots, not that I would be a problem, but I know she is more relaxed that way, and relaxed = better pictures. I am a firm believer Partents and S/O's are best out of the room when shooting is going on.

May 02 05 02:03 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
You do give them a map to the bar right?

If we are shooting in our studio, there's a liquor store across the street.  If we are shooting in a hotel, there's the bar downstairs.  lol

May 02 05 02:03 pm Link


Sarah Marie Hilker

Posts: 136

Los Angeles, California, US

Now, I will agree in some cases, that bringing your spouse or significant other to a shoot is a bad idea. 

My boyfriend, on the other hand, is very cool.  He sits there on his laptop and if he has any suggestions or has any questions, he will kindly ask and then go back to his work.  If the photographer or I need some help with setting things up or moving them, he helps.  If I'm uncomfortable, I let it be known, and if I'm having any problems with the photographer, my boyfriend will help gather my things and we will leave.  I'm totally comfortable at the shoot with him there.

May 02 05 03:00 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by Ty Simone: 
You do give them a map to the bar right?

If we are shooting in our studio, there's a liquor store across the street.  If we are shooting in a hotel, there's the bar downstairs.  lol

A lot of drinking goes on around your studio! LOL

May 02 05 03:18 pm Link



Posts: 24

Toronto, Iowa, US

Ill have to agree with SindelChaos.  My fiance is good when it comes to escorting me.  He supports me in my modeling/acting career.  He doesn't get in the way of the production and offers suggestions and comments if need be.  He helps me feel relaxed if I'm nervous or uptight.  He's the guy who drags my bags back to the car after a wrapped shoot!

May 02 05 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 10

Louisville, Alabama, US

I make my fiance drive me to every single shoot and carry all my stuff around.  If I think the photographer's going to be a perv (and believe me...they're out there), I make him stay...otherwise I tell him he's free to go.

But when he stays, he sits in the corner and reads something and doesn't say a word.  He doesn't understand enough about what I'm doing to justify saying anything. 

I've heard horror stories too, and there's the occasional photographer that mandades "Absolutely no escorts" (I won't work with them if they say that), but for the most part, the photographer is always really good about letting him stay if I want him to.  Just as long as he stays quiet.

May 02 05 03:20 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

It all depends on the person. I've had husbands and boyfriends escort models and in all the 20 some years of shooting, I've only had to throw one out of the studio so far. I'm a pretty good judge of people!

May 02 05 03:20 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by SpaceGoddess: 
I make my fiance drive me to every single shoot and carry all my stuff around.  If I think the photographer's going to be a perv (and believe me...they're out there), I make him stay...otherwise I tell him he's free to go.

But when he stays, he sits in the corner and reads something and doesn't say a word.  He doesn't understand enough about what I'm doing to justify saying anything. 

I've heard horror stories too, and there's the occasional photographer that mandades "Absolutely no escorts" (I won't work with them if they say that), but for the most part, the photographer is always really good about letting him stay if I want him to.  Just as long as he stays quiet.

I ask models to bring people so I can put them to WORK! It saves on labor charges for grips and assistants!  LOL

May 02 05 03:22 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

I like the 1 strike method myself. I encourage the model to bring a chaperone. I let them know ahead of time that I don't want any direction from the peanut gallery. If I have problems with a chaperone. I either pack up and go home, or I have that model leave (if tehre are more models there).

Works well. So far I have sent only 2 models home.

May 02 05 04:24 pm Link


Joe Tomasone

Posts: 12619

Spring Hill, Florida, US

I'm not terribly enamored of having someone with an emotional investment in a model (s.o., family, etc) present when shooting lingerie or any flavor of undress.  It either makes the model uncomfortable, or the chaperone, or the photographer, depending on how big the chaperone is.  smile

All kidding aside, I don't terribly mind escorts as long as they stay out of the way and don't make a pest of themselves.  If I think trouble is going to occur, I stop the shoot and clarify matters.  I haven't had to toss anyone out yet, and, in fact, have met some pretty cool people, last night included. 

Bottom line: Choose your escort from amongst the most level headed and open minded people you know.

   - Joe

May 02 05 04:29 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Brian Kim: 
I like the 1 strike method myself. 

Yep yep! I strike 'em once then strike 'em again ... until they behave! ROFLMAO!  Sorry I'm so easily amused, I'm such a happy guy today!

May 02 05 04:29 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Joe Tomasone: 
I'm not terribly enamored of having someone with an emotional investment in a model (s.o., family, etc) present when shooting lingerie or any flavor of undress.  It either makes the model uncomfortable, or the chaperone, or the photographer, depending on how big the chaperone is.  smile

All kidding aside, I don't terribly mind escorts as long as they stay out of the way and don't make a pest of themselves.  If I think trouble is going to occur, I stop the shoot and clarify matters.  I haven't had to toss anyone out yet, and, in fact, have met some pretty cool people, last night included. 

Bottom line: Choose your escort from amongst the most level headed and open minded people you know.

   - Joe

I agree! But I still put escorts to work holding stuff. There have even been times I include the "escort" in the pictures. I did a copy of the Janet Jackson cover on Rolling Stone where I had the boyfriend stand behind her an cup her breasts! He did not mind holding those at all! Apparently it was Janet Jackson's boyfriend who held hers too!

May 02 05 04:32 pm Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

My boyfriend has escorted me on countless shoots... especially here in Vegas since I really know no one else... and I don't think my boss would be too interested smile. He has to be the most level headed person I know and encourages me to do what I wanna do when I want to do it. My mom will actually be escorting me to a nude shoot in Colorado... by the end of the shoot she'll probably be asking to have her picture taken too lol.

May 02 05 04:35 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by SindelChaos: 
...They were screaming and throwing things.  All of this was over his assumption that I'm a little whore that shoots porn and blah blah etc etc...definately not the case.  I was so humiliated I started crying...

You were 16 at the time that happened? Today, most people have three words: Child Protective Services

What you went through can be classifed as mental abuse on a minor and both mom and boyfriend can experience a world of shit if CPS (today) was on the case.

May 02 05 04:37 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by SindelChaos: 
...They were screaming and throwing things.  All of this was over his assumption that I'm a little whore that shoots porn and blah blah etc etc...definately not the case.  I was so humiliated I started crying...

You were 16 at the time that happened? Today, most people have three words: Child Protective Services

What you went through can be classifed as mental abuse on a minor and both mom and boyfriend can experience a world of shit if CPS (today) was on the case.

Joe, I am sorry that Sindel had such a terrible experience, but it could be an isolated event. To call out for help from CPS may have caused more misery for her.  Many times adults can be less mature about things than their children. It's in the past now, so maybe people can learn from this.

May 02 05 04:43 pm Link



Posts: 16084

Herkimer, New York, US

Well I have only two that seem to qualify.

The first was a shoot with a female underage model who was chaperoned by her mother.  Mind you I tell all my models to bring somebody with em, especially the minors. 
I usually prefer a chaperone to be behind me and be quiet, but this girl's mother simply would not SHUT UP!  She kept telling me how to pose her and piping in with her two cents worth and simply screwing up my vibe while I was shooting.  I finally had to diplomatically ask her to PLEASE be quiet or step outside. 

The other was with a model I shot last year.  The model was great to work with, and her chaperone was very nice, but he had a tendancy to wander around.  I have six shots that were some of the best poses at that location that I couldn't use because he wandered into the shot.

Now I tell models and their chaperones that I REQUIRE that they stay behind me and be absolutely quiet.

May 02 05 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I can't say i've ever had a bad experience with an escort...most often, i put 'em to work as sherpas [here, come hold this, pal] or even undress 'em and put them in the shot.  The last escort I dealt with kept asking the model why she wouldn't just do nudes and g/g with the other two models in the room...he was more into the spirit of the shoot than SHE was!

May 02 05 05:40 pm Link



Posts: 16084

Herkimer, New York, US

I feel bad that Sindel had such a lousy experience from her mother of all people.  Had it been me there, I might not have called CPS, but if they were fighting and throwing things in my place of business, I probably woulda called the cops, then sent em a bill for anything that was broken.

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by SindelChaos: 
...They were screaming and throwing things.  All of this was over his assumption that I'm a little whore that shoots porn and blah blah etc etc...definately not the case.  I was so humiliated I started crying...

You were 16 at the time that happened? Today, most people have three words: Child Protective Services

What you went through can be classifed as mental abuse on a minor and both mom and boyfriend can experience a world of shit if CPS (today) was on the case.

Joe, I am sorry that Sindel had such a terrible experience, but it could be an isolated event. To call out for help from CPS may have caused more misery for her.  Many times adults can be less mature about things than their children. It's in the past now, so maybe people can learn from this.

May 02 05 05:42 pm Link


Ian Powell

Posts: 246

Columbus, Ohio, US

how a about a mother pretending to be the model... so when you get there the model has no clue who you are. and then you find out afterwards the mother has been bad mouthing you and she's trying to get photographers so she can sue them to make money so she doesn't have to spend as much time being a hooker.

May 02 05 05:45 pm Link


Miranda StCroix

Posts: 116

New York, New York, US

Wow Sindel that's terrible.  I'm so sorry that happened to you. I don't go anywhere without an escort. My husband always comes with me. He is very good. He sits there and doesn't say a word. Sometimes he actually ads to the shoot because I'll make a face at him the photographer will like and we'll get a great shot from that.

May 02 05 05:47 pm Link


Amanda Nicole

Posts: 21

Elyria, Ohio, US

I always bring my fiance, Chris, with me to shoots. At all but 2 of them, he was asked to pose with me ,lol. And he is now a model himself. He has been put to work, asked his opinion on all kinds of stuff, and just generally made friends with the photographers. And when its time to really concentrate, he just sits and reads or whatever. I have never had any complaints and I actually feel more at ease with him there. We pretty much have an understanding where I can look at him a certain way and he knows..thats it, I'm uncomfortable, lets leave.
I'm sorry about your experience Sindel! I had a similiar experience...not modeling wise...but with Chris's mom...more than once unfortunately. I was mortified! Its hard not to feel embarrassment when someone is making a scene about you. I feel for you on that one hmm


May 02 05 05:50 pm Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by Ian Powell: 
how a about a mother pretending to be the model... so when you get there the model has no clue who you are. and then you find out afterwards the mother has been bad mouthing you and she's trying to get photographers so she can sue them to make money so she doesn't have to spend as much time being a hooker.

Wow!! Did that really happen Ian? Sheez!!! Glad I don't shoot below 18 years old...

May 02 05 05:51 pm Link


Sarah Marie Hilker

Posts: 136

Los Angeles, California, US

Oh of course, my mother is messed up. It wouldn't have been the first time Child Services have been brought up. I've had a hard life due to her stupid decision making. 

She is still with the same guy.  My mother has no respect for anyone or even herself.  Everytime she is around me she has to say something to either piss me off or make me feel like the lowest person on earth, when in fact, she's probably the lowest. 

She's 5'1, weighs over 300lbs, thinks she's god's gift, and makes lame excuse for everything bad that's happened to me, just so she can feel better about herself.
EX:  I can put up with him compulsively calling you and all women sluts and walking in on you while in the shower because at least he doesn't beat me.

I moved out before I went on vacation with them, but things seemed to be going a little better at the time, so my boyfriend(at the time) and I decided to accompany them on their vacation (big no no).I now live over 10hrs away from her and rarely see her.  I think it's wonderful.

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by SindelChaos: 
...They were screaming and throwing things.  All of this was over his assumption that I'm a little whore that shoots porn and blah blah etc etc...definately not the case.  I was so humiliated I started crying...

You were 16 at the time that happened? Today, most people have three words: Child Protective Services

What you went through can be classifed as mental abuse on a minor and both mom and boyfriend can experience a world of shit if CPS (today) was on the case.

May 02 05 06:14 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by SindelChaos: 

I moved out before I went on vacation with them, but things seemed to be going a little better at the time, so my boyfriend(at the time) and I decided to accompany them on their vacation (big no no).I now live over 10hrs away from her and rarely see her.  I think it's wonderful.

and that is why my family lives so far from me as well Sindel. They are great as long as I am not there :-)
If I am there for any duration......
I feel for you, I really do.

May 02 05 06:17 pm Link



Posts: 16084

Herkimer, New York, US


I can see why you left then.  Sounds like a real winner of a pair there.  I'm surprised he didn't go farther than that. (he probably would have given enough time) 

I work with teenage kids in the summertime and I've had more than one that came out of situations like that from dad's (or step dad's) "special attention".  Walking in on them in the shower is usually how it starts.  My feelings on this subject are not exactly politically correct to say the least.  (I'm thinking tall tree short rope here)

Posted by SindelChaos: 
Oh of course, my mother is messed up. It wouldn't have been the first time Child Services have been brought up. I've had a hard life due to her stupid decision making. 

She is still with the same guy.  My mother has no respect for anyone or even herself.  Everytime she is around me she has to say something to either piss me off or make me feel like the lowest person on earth, when in fact, she's probably the lowest. 

She's 5'1, weighs over 300lbs, thinks she's god's gift, and makes lame excuse for everything bad that's happened to me, just so she can feel better about herself.
EX:  I can put up with him compulsively calling you and all women sluts and walking in on you while in the shower because at least he doesn't beat me.

I moved out before I went on vacation with them, but things seemed to be going a little better at the time, so my boyfriend(at the time) and I decided to accompany them on their vacation (big no no).I now live over 10hrs away from her and rarely see her.  I think it's wonderful.

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by SindelChaos: 
...They were screaming and throwing things.  All of this was over his assumption that I'm a little whore that shoots porn and blah blah etc etc...definately not the case.  I was so humiliated I started crying...

You were 16 at the time that happened? Today, most people have three words: Child Protective Services

What you went through can be classifed as mental abuse on a minor and both mom and boyfriend can experience a world of shit if CPS (today) was on the case.

May 02 05 06:22 pm Link


Joe Tomasone

Posts: 12619

Spring Hill, Florida, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
I still put escorts to work holding stuff. There have even been times I include the "escort" in the pictures. I did a copy of the Janet Jackson cover on Rolling Stone where I had the boyfriend stand behind her an cup her breasts! He did not mind holding those at all! Apparently it was Janet Jackson's boyfriend who held hers too!

I never expect an escort to help out, but gladly accept help if offered.  smile

May 02 05 06:26 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Wow. Well, Sindel, there is a technical, psychological term for the actions of your mother and her boyfriend.

I believe Sigmund Freud called it, "Dude, that's Fucked Up."

The good news is, now you are 18 and don't need to bring them along.

Posted By SindelChaos:
Please tell any of your scary, annoying, insane, or just plain dumb chaperone/escort stories. I'm sure some of you have to have some good ones.

Hmm. Actually, no. No stories. My models never bring escorts. I always encourage them to check my references. And I always make an effort to talk on the phone or hang out at a coffeeshop or something before the shoot. So, by the time we shoot, we are comfortable with each other and they don't bring escorts. I always say models are welcome to bring them. But they don't. Which is cool with me. I'd rather make an effort to establish a rapport and a comfort-level that allows them to feel confidently safe without one.

Once, I shot with a married porn/fitness model and her husband wanted to meet me before the shoot. Okay. That's cool. I went down to the car and met him. He was nice and friendly and left to buy groceries. I thought it was odd that we literally shook hands and spoke for about 15 seconds. I was like, "Um. You are welcome to stay during the shoot."

And he was like, "No. That's okay. I'll be back later to pick her up."


Suit yourself, mack.

... Man, that model and I had some GREAT sex with him gone ...

KIDDING! I'm just kidding!

May 02 05 08:11 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Amanda Nicole: 
I always bring my fiance, Chris, with me to shoots. At all but 2 of them, he was asked to pose with me ,lol. And he is now a model himself. He has been put to work, asked his opinion on all kinds of stuff, and just generally made friends with the photographers. And when its time to really concentrate, he just sits and reads or whatever. I have never had any complaints and I actually feel more at ease with him there. We pretty much have an understanding where I can look at him a certain way and he knows..thats it, I'm uncomfortable, lets leave.
I'm sorry about your experience Sindel! I had a similiar experience...not modeling wise...but with Chris's mom...more than once unfortunately. I was mortified! Its hard not to feel embarrassment when someone is making a scene about you. I feel for you on that one hmm


Hi Amanda, Looking at your pictures, I must say I love the black and white of you and Chris in an embrace. That is my style of pictures! We would get along great! Too bad there is a long distance between California and Ohio!

May 02 05 08:24 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by SindelChaos: 
Oh of course, my mother is messed up. It wouldn't have been the first time Child Services have been brought up. I've had a hard life due to her stupid decision making. 

She is still with the same guy.  My mother has no respect for anyone or even herself.  Everytime she is around me she has to say something to either piss me off or make me feel like the lowest person on earth, when in fact, she's probably the lowest. 

She's 5'1, weighs over 300lbs, thinks she's god's gift, and makes lame excuse for everything bad that's happened to me, just so she can feel better about herself.
EX:  I can put up with him compulsively calling you and all women sluts and walking in on you while in the shower because at least he doesn't beat me.

I moved out before I went on vacation with them, but things seemed to be going a little better at the time, so my boyfriend(at the time) and I decided to accompany them on their vacation (big no no).I now live over 10hrs away from her and rarely see her.  I think it's wonderful.

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by SindelChaos: 
...They were screaming and throwing things.  All of this was over his assumption that I'm a little whore that shoots porn and blah blah etc etc...definately not the case.  I was so humiliated I started crying...

You were 16 at the time that happened? Today, most people have three words: Child Protective Services

What you went through can be classifed as mental abuse on a minor and both mom and boyfriend can experience a world of shit if CPS (today) was on the case.

You are a stronger person for coming through all this stuff that you didn't deserve. We don't get to choose our parents, and they can make mistakes that hurt us.  So you have to do what it takes to make it on your own.  I think you are doing great!

May 02 05 08:29 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Joe Tomasone: 

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
I still put escorts to work holding stuff. There have even been times I include the "escort" in the pictures. I did a copy of the Janet Jackson cover on Rolling Stone where I had the boyfriend stand behind her an cup her breasts! He did not mind holding those at all! Apparently it was Janet Jackson's boyfriend who held hers too!

I never expect an escort to help out, but gladly accept help if offered.  smile

I don't "expect" ecsorts to help either, but when it comes to holding breasts, most boyfriends or husbands are eager to help! LOL Naaw, I don't shoot that many implied nudes that require an extra pair of hands!

If an escort shows interest and we have chatted before, quite often they ask if they can help!

May 02 05 08:32 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
Wow. Well, Sindel, there is a technical, psychological term for the actions of your mother and her boyfriend.

I believe Sigmund Freud called it, "Dude, that's Fucked Up."

The good news is, now you are 18 and don't need to bring them along.

Posted By SindelChaos:
Please tell any of your scary, annoying, insane, or just plain dumb chaperone/escort stories. I'm sure some of you have to have some good ones.

Hmm. Actually, no. No stories. My models never bring escorts. I always encourage them to check my references. And I always make an effort to talk on the phone or hang out at a coffeeshop or something before the shoot. So, by the time we shoot, we are comfortable with each other and they don't bring escorts. I always say models are welcome to bring them. But they don't. Which is cool with me. I'd rather make an effort to establish a rapport and a comfort-level that allows them to feel confidently safe without one.

Once, I shot with a married porn/fitness model and her husband wanted to meet me before the shoot. Okay. That's cool. I went down to the car and met him. He was nice and friendly and left to buy groceries. I thought it was odd that we literally shook hands and spoke for about 15 seconds. I was like, "Um. You are welcome to stay during the shoot."

And he was like, "No. That's okay. I'll be back later to pick her up."


Suit yourself, mack.

... Man, that model and I had some GREAT sex with him gone ...

KIDDING! I'm just kidding!

Hey Eric, know what you mean! I always invite the model to bring an escort too. If they don't have one, it might be because they heard I was going to put them to work! LOL

May 02 05 08:34 pm Link


Amanda Nicole

Posts: 21

Elyria, Ohio, US


Hi Amanda, Looking at your pictures, I must say I love the black and white of you and Chris in an embrace. That is my style of pictures! We would get along great! Too bad there is a long distance between California and Ohio!

Thanks so much! I really appreciate that....well, if you ever come out this way to Ohio, where winter doesn't want to leave, let me know smile Maybe I will get lucky and get to see California sometime in my life. Stranger things have happened,lol.

Thanks again,

Amanda smile

May 02 05 08:46 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Amanda Nicole: 

Thanks so much! I really appreciate that....well, if you ever come out this way to Ohio, where winter doesn't want to leave, let me know smile Maybe I will get lucky and get to see California sometime in my life. Stranger things have happened,lol.

Thanks again,

Amanda smile

You are welcome! smile

May 02 05 09:02 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

I don't have any bad stories either.  I've had two shoots where the model brought an escort.

First one, the guy vanished as soon as we started, didn't see him again until we finished when he suddenly appeared out of nowhere.  I dunno how he did it.  Actually, if it wasn't for him, the model probably would never have found the place.

The other time, the guy was totally cool, and I put him to work holding the reflector and carrying my flash equipment along the beach, 1/4 mile each way smile (That was the shoot with Leia in my port, oh, and to the left

May 02 05 09:11 pm Link