Forums > General Industry > Whats With The Skinny Girls??


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

I have been shooting a very long time..

Because of where i live i get my Models where ever i can.

Mostly students from my school of martial-arts and thier friends..

So when i am on a site like MM i feel kinda like a kid with both hands in the cookie jar!!

Lots of all shapes and sizes and colors and ya know what i mean..

I dont have any problem shooting who i want..

I do really beautiful classy work...

But when i get a reply like this it just makes me wonder!!

This happens so much!!!!

From a 48 year old female Model ..

Hi Hugh and Dreampretty,

Thanks for the note, your work is great, very beautiful images.

My name is XXXXX, XXXXXX husband. She doesn't spend much time near the computer so I handle all the correspondance etc. I did drag her over to look at your note and profile here and her reaction was the same, great work, beautiful images, but she added "but they are all young and skinny". Although she really is not a shy woman and the reaction to her pictures here has been very positive she still doesn't think anyone would enjoy images of a woman her age.

Again, thanks for the note and the interest, keep up the good work,


Now is it my Port that makes people have this reaction?
Should i just put up photos with older larger models?
I thought i have a very diverse port.




Nov 21 06 08:11 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

No, it's not your port, it's her own insecurities..... I have seen many women over 40 on this site who have no problem posing nude and I have seen some non "skinny women".... my favorite being Shyly wink

Nov 21 06 08:14 pm Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Hugh  Jorgen wrote:
My name is XXXXX, XXXXXX husband. She doesn't spend much time near the computer so I handle all the correspondance etc.

Could it be that he "handled" your letter the way she never even seen it?

Nov 21 06 08:59 pm Link



Posts: 631

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

You could put up an alternative website with just those images, and reference that one for more 'alternative' model inquiries. Lots of free sites available out there.

Nov 22 06 03:11 am Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Hugh, good morning!  I check your MM portfolio on a regular basis, and would pose for you at the drop of a hat.

Nov 22 06 07:33 am Link


Kali Doom

Posts: 136

Nashville, Arkansas, US

Why can't she speak for herself?

Nov 22 06 07:36 am Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

Get rid of your models.  Use the old, larger ones.  Send the rest to central Illinois.  Will be glad to send the aforementioned back to you.

Nov 22 06 07:48 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Good grief... you really have no one to answer to but yourself as far as your portfolio goes. You should write her back and tell her that she could be the first non-skinny girl to grace your port. Just be sure to get images of her that you'd want to see!!
Some people are bizarre. My question is are you really supposed to care what her opinion is? How does it influence you or your business??

Nov 22 06 10:22 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Kali Doom wrote:
Why can't she speak for herself?

That's what I can't figure out.

Nov 22 06 10:24 am Link