Forums > General Industry > Shoot Safety…Crucified for Art?



Posts: 5216


This is from a locked post in another forum. I am re-presenting here because I believe the safety issues surrounding this type of activity warrant additional discussion.

fit_50 wrote:
This best be done by a photographer who spiritually identifies with the Crucifixion of Christ. I'm looking for someone who is interested in doing a time lapse shoot ( as an art project ) of myself hung as if crucified. I suggest staps to the cross, not nail to the cross, but none the less the weight would be supported by my wrists and ankles only.

I would think a shot every 30 seconds over a period of 15 to 20 minutes would document the ordeal of the muscular failure. I suspect we could see the shift of internal organs also.

Please offer your thoughts on the safety concerns one should be aware of before attempting this.
Is it possible to do this with a relative degree of safety?

Nov 21 06 05:12 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

NewBoldPhoto wrote:
This is from a locked post in another forum. I am re-presenting here because I believe the safety issues surrounding this type of activity warrant additional discussion.

Please offer your thoughts on the safety concerns one should be aware of before attempting this.
Is it possible to do this with a relative degree of safety?

It's been done.  I forget the photographer's name, but there was a guy in the early 20th century who went to great lengths, including starving himself to lose an exreme amount of weight, to replicate the Crucifixion in a series of self portraits.  He even had himself cut for real.
In some countries (the Philipines come to mind) it's not unusual for people to have themselves physically crucifed at yearly religious fesitvals, sometimes even with nails.  They're then paraded thru the streets.
As long as the weight's distributed correctly half an hour or so won't do any permanet damage.  The risks will be placing the subject so as not to tear any tendons or ligaments, and making sure not to cut off circulation for too long to the extremeties.  This's not an uncommom position for experienced fetish photographers to use & I'd reccomend having a rigger who knows the craft & the danger signs.
The MAIN risk of T versus X style crucifixion is that the strain eventually cuts off the ability to breathe but it's not TOO rapid.  Still, T crucifixion was considered more merciful due to the faster death whereas an X crucifixion could last days.

Nov 21 06 05:25 pm Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

Some issues that come to mind right away:

- What protection is there in case of the need of sudden release? Crucifixions were generally a slow form of suffocation, not exsanguination, but if the model passes out or shows signs of oxygen deprivation, you need a sure-fire way to end the shoot immediately.

- Is there EMS personnel on-hand? Bottled O2 and PulseOx monitor?

- Have the photographer and all other parties consulted with their lawyers about liability issues? Photographing someone doing something dangerous for the camera (base-jumping, etc.) could open up a legal can of worms should something go wrong, even if there is no employer relationship.

- How will the documentation of muscle fatigue look any different than faking the same by just going limp?

Nov 21 06 05:34 pm Link



Posts: 5216


While I do not deny the importance of the liability issues, what I was interested in here was a discussion of the possible safety concerns to be addressed in this type of shoot.
The model in this case is 195lbs 5’11” and 56 years old
My first concern here would be keeping the cross upright with a nearly 200lb man strapped to it.
Second would be the stress placed on the wrists and shoulders along with the loss of blood flow to the hands.
Then I wondered about the possible stress placed on the heart and lungs.
Any other thoughts?

Nov 21 06 09:13 pm Link



Posts: 796

"This best be done by a photographer who spiritually identifies with the Crucifixion of Christ."

More importantly...
This best be done by a photographer who knows what the hell he/she's doing!!!

Nov 21 06 09:17 pm Link



Posts: 5216


Savvy1007 wrote:
"This best be done by a photographer who spiritually identifies with the Crucifixion of Christ."

More importantly...
This best be done by a photographer who knows what the hell he/she's doing!!!

Just because your religious icons tend to be “more rounded” we shouldn’t look down on the “new” religions icons. wink

What dangers pop into you head Savvy?

Nov 21 06 09:30 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

NewBoldPhoto wrote:
While I do not deny the importance of the liability issues, what I was interested in here was a discussion of the possible safety concerns to be addressed in this type of shoot.
The model in this case is 195lbs 5’11” and 56 years old
My first concern here would be keeping the cross upright with a nearly 200lb man strapped to it.
Second would be the stress placed on the wrists and shoulders along with the loss of blood flow to the hands.
Then I wondered about the possible stress placed on the heart and lungs.
Any other thoughts?

Those were basically the dangers I outlined
As I said, those're all the things you have to be aware of in bondage photography
Bracing the cross should be fairly simple, there're numerous ways to do it
You just need to find someone experienced in fetish suspensions to supervise

Nov 21 06 10:32 pm Link



Posts: 4039

Chicago, Illinois, US

Crucifixion victims die of suffocation, which is brought on by fatigue and dehydration leading to weakness. As long as the person is healthy, they really shouldn't have any problems for such a short duration. Of course, safety precautions would have to be in place, maybe some sort of "stop" word and an easy way to untie the model in case things got too intense.

Nov 21 06 10:59 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Are we talking about cruxificitons only or dangerous shoots in general?

Nov 21 06 11:07 pm Link



Posts: 7840


i must be misunderstanding as this is patently ridculous from what i read here

albeit tired, my brain can vaguely recognise a few points not even mentioned

a) the body cannot be supported TIED at the wrists only with arms outstreched for more than a few minutes before long term damage is done to all the softer tissues of the shoulder girdle

b) ropes were used to tie the arms out to the cross to hold them there not just the hands in place anyway

c) this man wants to suffer and be hurt
and be documented doing so
the ''images''  are not meant to portray / look like the crucificaion but actually be one

BTW I would not advise anyone whatsoever to touch this photography  ''project'' with a 200' pole.

Nov 21 06 11:08 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Alexis Silsbe wrote:
Crucifixion victims die of suffocation, which is brought on by fatigue and dehydration leading to weakness.

As long as the person is healthy, they really shouldn't have any problems for such a short duration.

Of course, safety precautions would have to be in place, maybe some sort of "stop" word and an easy way to untie the model in case things got too intense.


and this scenario as described here is an S&M scene not a shoot per se
so he's Bottom not a MODEL

Is it possible to do this with a relative degree of safety?

and tho nothin is impossible I'd say is not gonna be reasonable to expect this to go well
even re the cross itself alone

Nov 21 06 11:09 pm Link



Posts: 5216


Mhana wrote:
Are we talking about cruxificitons only or dangerous shoots in general?

All human activity has an element of danger, so I see this discussion as more about crucifixions or similar attempts to suspend a human being.

Nov 21 06 11:27 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Before we put you up there... would you mind signing this disclaimer first? Oh, and the model release too.

Nov 21 06 11:30 pm Link



Posts: 7840


All human activity has an element of danger,


so I see this discussion as more about crucifixions or similar attempts to suspend a human being.

RULE ONE for that is the pelvis must be supported

Nov 21 06 11:30 pm Link



Posts: 5216


Anjel Britt wrote:

You have a much different view of the world than I.
What human activity is 100% safe?
BTW If you respond sleeping I will counter with SIDS.

Nov 21 06 11:38 pm Link



Posts: 7840


wel I'm watching the music awards right now
not much danger there
i indulged in an ice cream and salad earlier
might stretch out a bit or do some Pilates...
finish  drying my hair

i have alot of email & several calls to deal with
i paint in my free time got one 1'2 done here
i need to print some photos...
i drew up about 6 birthcharts over the last 24 hours

i work with awesome SCIO machine thats complex qunatum physics - I'm still studying...

i called someone i dislike then didnt answer when they called back LOL guess that was the most dangerous thing (only a stress causes disease and i dont like him)
i might have gone out for dinner & a healing energy treatment with the great ASTARIUS tonight
shopping is fun
maybe go to a movie like Borat tomorrow with a friend

i went swimming in the pool today  - but is not deep
i also lift wieghts but they are waay light and i know how
I'm a good driver, but  didnt even drive today so...
get the idea?

How silly to state that ALL HUMAN AVCTIVITIES are dangerous!
I'm not against risks ... but your attitude is coming across as unbalanced.
& I'm getting the feeling that you're contemplating this foolhardiness

and thats a worry.

Nov 22 06 12:09 am Link


HEF Photography

Posts: 1817

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Here's my 2 cents worth....

Nov 22 06 05:27 am Link


Kali Doom

Posts: 136

Nashville, Arkansas, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
RULE ONE for that is the pelvis must be supported

If you don't heed this, you are going to rip his shoulders and arms to pieces.  Create something for him to actually STAND on the cross and either photoshop it out later, or make it hidden in the shots.  Or, you could hide under the loincloth portion another rigging that straps his pelvis and keeps it stable and the weight off of his shoulders.

I'd have to agree with Anjel on this one, no doubt, though.  I wouldn't touch this project.

If he's looking for the real effect of all of that weight hanging on his arms and his organs shifting, he's going to have to deal with the real effect that he's doing permanent damage.  Like she said, he's not going for "looks like", he's going for the real thing.

Nov 22 06 08:02 am Link



Posts: 5216


Anjel Britt wrote:
wel I'm watching the music awards right now
not much danger there
i indulged in an ice cream and salad earlier
might stretch out a bit or do some Pilates...
finish  drying my hair

i have alot of email & several calls to deal with
i paint in my free time got one 1'2 done here
i need to print some photos...
i drew up about 6 birthcharts over the last 24 hours

i work with awesome SCIO machine thats complex qunatum physics - I'm still studying...

i called someone i dislike then didnt answer when they called back LOL guess that was the most dangerous thing (only a stress causes disease and i dont like him)
i might have gone out for dinner & a healing energy treatment with the great ASTARIUS tonight
shopping is fun
maybe go to a movie like Borat tomorrow with a friend

i went swimming in the pool today  - but is not deep
i also lift wieghts but they are waay light and i know how
I'm a good driver, but  didnt even drive today so...
get the idea?

How silly to state that ALL HUMAN AVCTIVITIES are dangerous!
I'm not against risks ... but your attitude is coming across as unbalanced.
& I'm getting the feeling that you're contemplating this foolhardiness

and thats a worry.

Again, Different views…
Every activity you describe comes with associated risks; while these risks may be minimal they are still real. We accept these risks everyday, every time we get in a car or step on a wet tile floor. If we are aware of the dangers we are in a position to manage the risk, to mitigate at least a portion of the danger. If we are ignorant of the risks, as I believe our would be Christ is, we are running blind hoping that fate, luck or some divinity will remove the obstacles from our path before we crash.
I have no intention of involving myself in a project such as this where the obvious dangers appear so unmanageable. I started this thread because I thought it a worth while endeavor to, at least, highlight the risks involved before anyone attempted this, blindly following our would be Christ to his own demise.

This brings up another thought: assuming that the model is conscious, he might not have the mental capacity to even notice the damage that may have or may be occurring once fatigue starts setting in.

Nov 22 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 5216


Harry Forsythe wrote:
Here's my 2 cents worth....

I fear that such an approach would not satisfy this model.

Nov 22 06 01:45 pm Link


3rd Floor Photography

Posts: 932

Tucson, Arizona, US

....this creeps me out.


Nov 22 06 05:07 pm Link