This thread was locked on 2006-11-19 22:38:44
Forums > General Industry > Stop with the unasked for, unwanted critque's



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

So apparantly people want to hi-jack this thread. I have attempted to get it back on track to no avail. If the next mod who sees this could please lock this thread?


I am taking a one week hiatus from the boards as of today. I am sick and tired of people. Not just MM people, but all people.


Nov 19 06 09:28 pm Link


Model X

Posts: 29

New York, New York, US


Nov 19 06 09:35 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Star wrote:
you know the old saying, if I wanted your opinion I would beat it out of you. smile

But seriously, I don't know why people use these forums as a way to make themselves feel better by putting someone else down. If a posting is on Vogue vs. Elle (Vogue would win duh!) the appropriate response is to argue which is better Vogue or Elle.,

It is not to say 'well what do you know anyway your avatar, portfolio, webpage, etc. is no good so you shouldn't talk about it.' That is just bullcrap, and it is inappropriate behavior in the forums. (Except the pit of course.)

So please, if your opinion on someone's port isn't asked for, don't give it. We have a critique section for a reason.

Or to put it bluntly, if you can't find something nice to say shut the fresno up!

p.s. I am not nice

i totally agree with this.
there's a certain group of idiots on this site who are so guilty of this.
it's annoying.

Nov 19 06 09:55 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Star wrote:
you know the old saying, if I wanted your opinion I would beat it out of you. smile

But seriously, I don't know why people use these forums as a way to make themselves feel better by putting someone else down. If a posting is on Vogue vs. Elle (Vogue would win duh!) the appropriate response is to argue which is better Vogue or Elle.,

It is not to say 'well what do you know anyway your avatar, portfolio, webpage, etc. is no good so you shouldn't talk about it.' That is just bullcrap, and it is inappropriate behavior in the forums. (Except the pit of course.)

So please, if your opinion on someone's port isn't asked for, don't give it. We have a critique section for a reason.

Or to put it bluntly, if you can't find something nice to say shut the fresno up!

p.s. I am not nice

If the photographer that took that shot of Nicole was an MM member, would it have then been inappropriate for you to critique the cover?

If the answer is no, then how is what Bob did inappropriate?
If the answer is yes, then...well, that's kind of fucked up isn't?  We can talk trash about anyone we want as long as they aren't MM members?  Oh how special we are!

Nov 19 06 09:57 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
If the photographer that took that shot of Nicole was an MM member, would it have then been inappropriate for you to critique the cover?

If the answer is no, then how is what Bob did inappropriate?
If the answer is yes, then...well, that's kind of fucked up isn't?  We can talk trash about anyone we want as long as they aren't MM members?  Oh how special we are!

sorry, not going to respond to your trolling

[2] No THREAD HIJACKING. Start another thread if you have a different topic.

Nov 19 06 09:59 pm Link


Memi Haute

Posts: 7241

Star wrote:
you know the old saying, if I wanted your opinion I would beat it out of you. smile

But seriously, I don't know why people use these forums as a way to make themselves feel better by putting someone else down. If a posting is on Vogue vs. Elle (Vogue would win duh!) the appropriate response is to argue which is better Vogue or Elle.,

It is not to say 'well what do you know anyway your avatar, portfolio, webpage, etc. is no good so you shouldn't talk about it.' That is just bullcrap, and it is inappropriate behavior in the forums. (Except the pit of course.)

So please, if your opinion on someone's port isn't asked for, don't give it. We have a critique section for a reason.

Or to put it bluntly, if you can't find something nice to say shut the fresno up!

p.s. I am not nice

I say if you think you're so high and mighty as to be able to critique someone else's work (Even if it's Vogue), you should be able to deal with critique yourself.

And since you don't like critique, I guess that means you want people to stop commenting on your pics and giving you tags.

Nov 19 06 10:00 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

pamela mars wrote:

i totally agree with this.
there's a certain group of idiots on this site who are so guilty of this.
it's annoying.

I agree.

I think that we're thinking of the same group of people, aren't we Pamela?

Nov 19 06 10:03 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

If the photographer that took that shot of Nicole was an MM member, would it have then been inappropriate for you to critique the cover?

If the answer is no, then how is what Bob did inappropriate?
If the answer is yes, then...well, that's kind of fucked up isn't?  We can talk trash about anyone we want as long as they aren't MM members?  Oh how special we are!


Nov 19 06 10:04 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Gina McNeil wrote:

I say if you think you're so high and mighty as to be able to critique someone else's work (Even if it's Vogue), you should be able to deal with critique yourself.

And since you don't like critique, I guess that means you want people to stop commenting on your pics and giving you tags.

You go girl!


Nov 19 06 10:09 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

So apparantly people want to hi-jack this thread. I have attempted to get it back on track to no avail. If the next mod who sees this could please lock this thread?


I am taking a one week hiatus from the boards as of today. I am sick and tired of people. Not just MM people, but all people.


Nov 19 06 10:10 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Star wrote:
you know the old saying, if I wanted your opinion I would beat it out of you. smile

But seriously, I don't know why people use these forums as a way to make themselves feel better by putting someone else down. If a posting is on Vogue vs. Elle (Vogue would win duh!) the appropriate response is to argue which is better Vogue or Elle.,

It is not to say 'well what do you know anyway your avatar, portfolio, webpage, etc. is no good so you shouldn't talk about it.' That is just bullcrap, and it is inappropriate behavior in the forums. (Except the pit of course.)

So please, if your opinion on someone's port isn't asked for, don't give it. We have a critique section for a reason.

I can relate.

I'm not nice, either.

Coming from someone that has amassed over 3,000 posts in 18 months, some of which are very critical , I'll take these remarks with a grain of salt.

Or to put it bluntly, if you can't find something nice to say shut the fresno up!

p.s. I am not nice

Nov 19 06 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 982

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

the type of pictures you take are more aggresive.  someone will always talk shit about you.  but in the end you obviously know what your doing as a photographer.   so anyone commenting on your work in a shit talking manner is obviously someone that does not even understand basic concepts of photography.

Nov 19 06 10:15 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

So apparantly people want to hi-jack this thread. I have attempted to get it back on track to no avail. If the next mod who sees this could please lock this thread?


I am taking a one week hiatus from the boards as of today. I am sick and tired of people. Not just MM people, but all people.


Nov 19 06 10:17 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Star wrote:
you know the old saying, if I wanted your opinion I would beat it out of you. smile

But seriously, I don't know why people use these forums as a way to make themselves feel better by putting someone else down. If a posting is on Vogue vs. Elle (Vogue would win duh!) the appropriate response is to argue which is better Vogue or Elle.,

It is not to say 'well what do you know anyway your avatar, portfolio, webpage, etc. is no good so you shouldn't talk about it.' That is just bullcrap, and it is inappropriate behavior in the forums. (Except the pit of course.)

So please, if your opinion on someone's port isn't asked for, don't give it. We have a critique section for a reason.

Or to put it bluntly, if you can't find something nice to say shut the fresno up!

p.s. I am not nice

it takes a lack of self worth to try to biuld yourself up at anothers expence

Nov 19 06 10:17 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

So apparantly people want to hi-jack this thread. I have attempted to get it back on track to no avail. If the next mod who sees this could please lock this thread?


I am taking a one week hiatus from the boards as of today. I am sick and tired of people. Not just MM people, but all people.


Nov 19 06 10:18 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Star wrote:
edit: I should mention a critique takes into account all of someone's work. It implies a certain level of discourse. It is when someone actually not only refer to the work of art, but than goes on to explain what is so dreadful about it, or what they like.

I should have said talking shit. Please stop with the unasked for talking shit about other people's work. Especially when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

When you open up a critique topic, you open yourself up as well.  When you talk shit about an ugly Vogue cover, some shit may come enthusiastically bouncing back.  None of us are immune.  It is that simple, no need to complain...

Nov 19 06 10:19 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Star wrote:
Cool can you post links to the posts where I attack someone's work?

Nov 19 06 10:20 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

there's a lot of sht here about not talking sht. ironic, lol.

Nov 19 06 10:22 pm Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

If the OP had taken a few minutes to describe the pent up frustrations and annoyances that led her to create this thread, we might have a piece that harkens back to classical writers such as Steinback or Hemingway. As it is, the piece comes across more as a blog post rather than an example of american literature.

Nov 19 06 10:23 pm Link


Doug Jantz

Posts: 4025

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

This is all gonna get ugly and fast.  I am gonna sit back and watch.  LOL  It is amazing to think one could just tell others to stop something and they would!  LOL  Like that is going to happen.  The more you tell people NOT to do something the more they are going to do it.  Basic Psych 101.

Nov 19 06 10:25 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

So apparantly people want to hi-jack this thread. I have attempted to get it back on track to no avail. If the next mod who sees this could please lock this thread?


I am taking a one week hiatus from the boards as of today. I am sick and tired of people. Not just MM people, but all people.


Nov 19 06 10:28 pm Link


Memi Haute

Posts: 7241

Gina McNeil wrote:
I say if you think you're so high and mighty as to be able to critique someone else's work (Even if it's Vogue), you should be able to deal with critique yourself.

And since you don't like critique, I guess that means you want people to stop commenting on your pics and giving you tags.

Star wrote:
Whatever Gina. I'm supposed to care or something, right?

but I can't. Not when you can't see the difference between someone talking shit about someone else on a forum, and a god aweful nationally published magazine cover.

I have only once started an argument that starts with "well your images suck."

I have always tried to be even handed, but when the simple posting of a horrible Vogue cover can end with people attacking your work and your person that it has gone too far. Luckily I honestly couldn't give two hoots so I guess I will be just fine.

You have a beautiful face and take spectacular photographs. I hope you find an agency soon so that you can go on to do even better work. I don't agree with your assessment that my work isn't very good, but that is your peragative.

I do disagree with Bob Randall giving me an unasked for critique. I will be vocal about it, because it is happening all the time,

a model starts a post about pimple relief and gets told that she is too ugly to be asking that question.

it is stupid and it is juvenile.

and how do I know that Bob didn't look at my whole port? He said stones, or balls. He obviously thinks I am male. Since I am a woman, I know he never even looked at my port,

I don't spell well, but shit I can sing high C

Thanks for the kind compliments, and just to make it clear I do have an agency.

I made no comments about your pictures being bad, I decided to just keep my thoughts to myself than say what I really think of them. Sometimes I do say what I think, sometimes I don't...I didn't feel it particularly important to say anything at that time in the other thread. And I don't feel that it's important now either.

Nov 19 06 10:30 pm Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

is this...

I'm looking at this through a dial up modem connection which has given me forever to see it come up and analyze it for the characteristics the OP has stated. She used the word troll. Certainly the hairstyle is out there and maybe not to everyone's liking and the broad flat light makes her look a bit wider than she really is. My first reaction to the cover is that at least tried something different. My second reaction came when I saw this cover shot right next to the OP's avatar. I have to ask where you found the stones to be critical of anything.

,,,,what this thread is about?

Grow up


Nov 19 06 10:37 pm Link