Forums > General Industry > an artists responsibility



Posts: 413

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Does anyone else have a feeling of responsibility toward art?

Does anyone help those who need it whether theyre a newcomer or not?

"I dont do TFP unless youre awesome" Does statements like this take away from the artform?. Are we all together in the fight to create interesting things and make this world more appealing to be in?

Im not ranting because of any particular incident, Ive had this tought as an artist for years.

I help those who need it whether its with their own creative projects or if I have to adjust a price to accomodate a real art lover. I dont think that we should give away our product obviously but I have no problems helping those who need it for the sake of art itself.

This topic might have been covered previously and if you dont want to respond to it....then dont. It seems that whenever a newcomer posts a topic thats been talked about in the past theyre made to feel as if theyve wasted the "Great Masters" time. "check the forum....duh" " Im so sick of this topic"....if you dont like it dont participate in the thread, why make someone feel less because their issue bores you?

Are we trying to evolve the artform here or just caught up in the egotistical banter.

Jason ( I apologize, I read it was annoying to sign posts......sorry Im new to this OP thing)

Nov 18 06 12:20 am Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


At first I priced my paintings very low. my logic was I just wanted them to be loved and appreciated by whoever loved and appreciated them not just someone rich, so I charged as little as possible ( I never do prints, I feel dirty about copies). None sold. I was told if I wanted them to sell to increase the price. I did, they did. People apparently think they're worth whatever you say they're worth so when priced low people thought they must not be fine art. I don't know how much this applies just a tangent.

Nov 18 06 12:29 am Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

What I like to do most is artistic.  Creating that is enjoyable, but doesn't pay the bills.  So, in order to eat, raise a family, etc., I often have to do what I'm paid to do, regardless of whether I can turn it into art or not.  A wedding is a perfect example.  Often a photographer is faced with 150+ images, inviolving every conceivable combination of people.  Bride with mom, Bride with dad, Bride with brother, Bride with sister, Bride with mom & dad and Bro and sister, and well you get the idea.  There just isn't time to make it art, so it's generally focused and the heads aren't cut off.

Do I feel compelled to fill the world with beautiful art via, not really.  I don't believe that's my "role" as a photographer.  I also don't feel I "owe" that to anybody. So, I do what I want, with whom I want when I create things for me. Sometimes I get paid to do that even.  Then I can eat.

Nov 18 06 12:37 am Link



Posts: 5216


You have a few different topics all in one here.
Responsibility to the “Art?”--- Only in that I stay true to myself and my vision, but then I label myself an artist purely for the convenience, the fact is I am just a guy trying to get his ideas on film err…silicon or whatever the sensor is made of.
Yes, I’m willing to help, although newcomers tend; to disregard what they don’t want to hear, fail to show up when you have gone out of your way to set up a shoot for them, refuse to use the tools afforded to them to obtain the information they seek on their own. So…yes, I will help but show me you are serious. Attempt the first step on your own. Read the info section; use the search function
Why respond if the issue is boring---m the answer is because it is offensive to many to have answered a question 5 or 10 or 256 time only to see yet another person ask the same question again simply because it to less effort than looking it up in the list of questions already answered or by using the search function.
Actually the question about ones responsibility to the art seemed a good one the rest gets posted at least weekly.

Nov 18 06 12:51 am Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

Pleeeeeeeease stop using that word.


Nov 18 06 12:53 am Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


RBDesign wrote:
Pleeeeeeeease stop using that word.



Nov 18 06 12:55 am Link



Posts: 5216


RBDesign wrote:
Pleeeeeeeease stop using that word.


which word?

Nov 18 06 12:57 am Link



Posts: 5216


RBDesign wrote:
Pleeeeeeeease stop using that word.



Nov 18 06 12:59 am Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

little apple blossom wrote:


Stop stop stop... you are hurting my ears.


Nov 18 06 01:01 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Money because of art even better....

I have no illusions...


Nov 18 06 01:03 am Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

Iconoclastic imagery

Looks good from here.

Nov 18 06 01:06 am Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Very few artists her on MM. Lots call themselves by that name. Others besmirch the name either outright OR by calling the crap they do art. So your appeal will fall on mostly the deaf ears of the art haters and general postabators who are always up for a good berating of posters. For me I try to help others when ever I can. Even when I get talked down here for it. And I ALWAYS sign my posts because I approve their content. Art is my reason for..well…most everything. Spreading any knowledge I may have around is my second great pleasure.

Nov 18 06 01:25 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

The only responsibility an artist has is to create,imo. The rest is up to the viewer.

Nov 18 06 01:53 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1736

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, US

For me, it's not so much about feeling a responsibility to create something artistic but rather an innate drive.  This isn't true only for my modeling and photography, but also other art forms (drawing, writing poetry, sculpture, etc.)... There's something inside me that just HAS to have an outlet and creating something provides this outlet.

To give you an idea, I've written some of my best poems with lipstick and a napkin when a pen and paper weren't available. I've climbed into scary holes in abandomned buildings knowing there were spiders (and probably bats) inside just because the hole/window "called to me". 

As for the issue of not jumping down someone's throat for asking a question that's been asked before, etc., well said, IMHO...

smile Caroline
-225 lbs

Here's an example

Nov 18 06 02:44 am Link



Posts: 413

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Mike Walker wrote:
Very few artists her on MM. Lots call themselves by that name. Others besmirch the name either outright OR by calling the crap they do art. So your appeal will fall on mostly the deaf ears of the art haters and general postabators who are always up for a good berating of posters. For me I try to help others when ever I can. Even when I get talked down here for it. And I ALWAYS sign my posts because I approve their content. Art is my reason for..well…most everything. Spreading any knowledge I may have around is my second great pleasure.

I totally agree.

Thank you everyone for your intellegent responses and not making this topic into "grade school level" arguement. There are actually people who feel as I do on here and thats refreshing, I was beginning to discredit this site figuring it was full of people labeling themselves artists without knowing that art is a lifestyle, not a job.

Signing this proudly now


Nov 19 06 12:31 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

jasontheartist wrote:
Does anyone else have a feeling of responsibility toward art?

Does anyone help those who need it whether theyre a newcomer or not?

"I dont do TFP unless youre awesome" Does statements like this take away from the artform?. Are we all together in the fight to create interesting things and make this world more appealing to be in?

Im not ranting because of any particular incident, Ive had this tought as an artist for years.

I help those who need it whether its with their own creative projects or if I have to adjust a price to accomodate a real art lover. I dont think that we should give away our product obviously but I have no problems helping those who need it for the sake of art itself.

This topic might have been covered previously and if you dont want to respond to it....then dont. It seems that whenever a newcomer posts a topic thats been talked about in the past theyre made to feel as if theyve wasted the "Great Masters" time. "check the forum....duh" " Im so sick of this topic"....if you dont like it dont participate in the thread, why make someone feel less because their issue bores you?

Are we trying to evolve the artform here or just caught up in the egotistical banter.

Jason ( I apologize, I read it was annoying to sign posts......sorry Im new to this OP thing)

money keeps some excellant artist from creating the images that they could create

Nov 19 06 12:45 am Link