

Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Photographers: If you're going to cancel on a model (repeatedly) please, please please don't complain about no shows in the SAME email. Its annoying, and the end result will be that you will chase off the model you are seeking!

That is all.

Nov 16 06 10:27 am Link


stan wigmore photograph

Posts: 2397

Long Beach, California, US

No shows and cancellations are a serious problem,if you gave more info on the situation it would help.

Nov 16 06 01:07 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

There really isn't much more that needs to be detailed. I dealt with a photographer attempting to arrange a shoot. He cancelled on me, and in the very next paragraph went on to moan and complain about the fact that he's had so many models cancelling on him. It REALLY was rude and poor business form. One would think that would be common sense, but again that has proved to be not so common.

How would you feel if I approached you to shoot, I cancel not once but twice, and then proceed to complain about how bad it is to try to set up shoots because I've had so many cancellations?

Make more sense?

Nov 16 06 07:09 pm Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

Was it a 2 model shoot, that would make sense.


Nov 16 06 07:11 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

No, just a shoot with me. Nobody else. :-/

Nov 16 06 07:12 pm Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Maybe he wanted to change the subject and blame models that he [may] have had cancel on him to make himself look better.

Nov 16 06 07:12 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

model7299 wrote:
Maybe he wanted to change the subject and blame models that he [may] have had cancel on him to make himself look better.

Too bad it doesn't work that way in reality sad
I was wondering if it was the "poor me I can't get anyone to shoot" mentality... but that just seems far fetched too. I dunno, but it really put me off.

Nov 16 06 07:16 pm Link


stan wigmore photograph

Posts: 2397

Long Beach, California, US

Yes,It does make some more sense but cancellations usualy mean rescheduling and if he is a busy pro or just a busy amuater, it sounds like he is explaining to you why he has to cancell out on you,even you say that..What is so wrong or rude about that,providing it wasn't done in a nasty way..Happens all the time,one last minute call can screw up a whole week of plans and then it is a scramble to reschedule.Atleast he had the courtesy to contact youWait till you get one that doesn't even bother to take two seconds to send an email

Nov 17 06 04:01 am Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

NC17 wrote:
Photographers: If you're going to cancel on a model (repeatedly) please, please please don't complain about no shows in the SAME email...

That is all.

So if I cancel a shoot with a model, you want me to save my whine for the following e-mail?

Nov 17 06 04:16 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

NC17 wrote:
Photographers: If you're going to cancel on a model (repeatedly) .....


I don't know why anyone would let themselves be cancelled repeatedly.

Nov 17 06 05:05 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

It wasn't a cancellation due to working with other models. The cancellation was due to health reasons. However, it was the constant whining about models cancelling that really finally ticked me off enough to say forget it.
Thats why I bothered rescheduling, it was a paid shoot, and he did have valid reasions, he's in poor health. Again, just please don't complain to me about models cancelling when you're cancelling on me. Its just rude. I don't care about what other models do with you, to you or for you. Thats none of my business, nor is it my problem.

Nov 17 06 09:02 am Link