Forums > General Industry > Would you let.....


TA Craft Photography

Posts: 2883

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Would you let your daughter be a model? 

I don't just mean model for you, but to enter the big wild world of professional modelling.  Would you have issues with it?

If my daughter wanted to then I would encourage her, but I would make sure she was accompanied to her shoots to begin with.

Nov 16 06 08:04 am Link


Lee Gillies

Posts: 1560

London, England, United Kingdom

well thats all very good but y'know a lot of photographers insist on no escorts.


Nov 16 06 08:08 am Link


Conspicuous Photography

Posts: 86

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Good thing I don't have a child yet.. hell I'm not even married haha

But.. if when I have one in the future, I don't see a big problem with modelling, but at least for the first while, I'll be pretty much with her every min. I don't want her to get scammed right. Of course, during photoshoot, I'll read my book or something and just shaddup...

Nov 16 06 08:10 am Link


Ron Casas Photography

Posts: 813

Chapin, South Carolina, US

I would let my girls be models if they wanted, though I think I may have to help filter out some of the GWC's, and also try to go with land based work.

My oldest.


Nov 16 06 08:20 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

I would , but i don't have any children so it hypothetical.

Point questioned is at what age? I would escort a child and teach them how to handle their own and be selective on the type of people they shoot with,also to look for the signs of a scam.. so they dont need an "Escort" when they are old enough to be independent and are of legal adult status.

Nov 16 06 08:23 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

every time I get new pictures I forward them to my mom and dad. my dad has been a photographer since he was 16. my mother was his muse so there are nekkid pictures of my mom all over the house.

they have never asked any questions. I just forward my mom my travel itineraries and I have a phone call plan with my roommate. I.e. I'm flying to Florida after Thanksgiving. When I land in Florida I call my roommate to let her know I'm there. When I fly back I call my roommate to let her know I have touched down at the airport here at home. If she doesn't receive either of those calls she then calls my mother to let her know. If my mom doesn't receive a call she is to assume everything is fine.

I never take an escort with me and my parents have never even inquired about it. I'm 21 by the way.

Nov 16 06 08:28 am Link


Madcrow Photographics

Posts: 7805

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Depends. If she was good-looking and people-smart then of course. Of course I'm not married and (as far as I know) have no children, so it's all academic at this point.

Nov 16 06 08:46 am Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

I've been asked this before, and it seems like a ridiculous question to me.  It seems even more ridiculous when a photographer asks it.

First, it implies that there's something "wrong" with modeling.  Are you ashamed of what you do?  Do you think the models you work with should be ashamed?  I don't.  I photograph other people's daughters, photograph them nude, and we produce work that we're both proud of.  Why would I object if my daughter wanted to participate in the same art form?

Second, she's my daughter, and it doesn't matter what profession, avocation, or hobby she chooses, whether it's exploration to see what she wants to do in life, or whole-hearted dedication to a career, she'll always have 110% of my support.  Even if she wanted to be a tabloid journalist or a telemarketer, I'd shudder, but I'd never crush her dreams.

Nov 16 06 08:49 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Jessalyn wrote:
every time I get new pictures I forward them to my mom and dad. my dad has been a photographer since he was 16. my mother was his muse so there are nekkid pictures of my mom all over the house.

they have never asked any questions. I just forward my mom my travel itineraries and I have a phone call plan with my roommate. I.e. I'm flying to Florida after Thanksgiving. When I land in Florida I call my roommate to let her know I'm there. When I fly back I call my roommate to let her know I have touched down at the airport here at home. If she doesn't receive either of those calls she then calls my mother to let her know. If my mom doesn't receive a call she is to assume everything is fine.

I never take an escort with me and my parents have never even inquired about it. I'm 21 by the way.

Florida? Did I hear a Florida trip being mentioned? "Puts hand on chin thinking of a way to get Jessalyn to shoot with him".

Nov 16 06 08:50 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

I have always encouraged my daughter to pursue things that make her happy.

Nov 16 06 08:51 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

My daughter has already done a fashion show... so I guess the answer is yes.

Nov 16 06 08:51 am Link


Cassandra Rae

Posts: 12

Saint Paul, Alaska, US

My parents have no porblem letting me get into this. My mother was the hesitant one, however my aunt was a model and after my mom talked to her about it she was fine with me being a model. My father on the other hand said "go for it, let's see what you've got" the first time I asked him.

In the end my parents really share no opinion on me modeling. They think it's great I've found another goal.

Nov 16 06 09:10 am Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

TA, good morning - good thread!  I have two daughters (born:  7/99, 12/91) and four sons (4/96, 11/93, 9/89, 4/87), each of whom enjoys coming from an amazing gene pool - looks and brains both.  Whether or not any of them do depends, obviously, on several important factors.  To answer your question:  yes, I would fully support an informed decision from any of them to pursue modeling as a career in addition to their academics and extracurricular activites, in which each excels.
Truly, Kathy

TA Craft Photography wrote:
Would you let your daughter be a model? 

I don't just mean model for you, but to enter the big wild world of professional modelling.  Would you have issues with it?

If my daughter wanted to then I would encourage her, but I would make sure she was accompanied to her shoots to begin with.

Nov 16 06 09:44 am Link


TA Craft Photography

Posts: 2883

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Tim Hammond wrote:
I've been asked this before, and it seems like a ridiculous question to me.  It seems even more ridiculous when a photographer asks it.

First, it implies that there's something "wrong" with modeling.  Are you ashamed of what you do?  Do you think the models you work with should be ashamed?  I don't.  I photograph other people's daughters, photograph them nude, and we produce work that we're both proud of.  Why would I object if my daughter wanted to participate in the same art form?

Second, she's my daughter, and it doesn't matter what profession, avocation, or hobby she chooses, whether it's exploration to see what she wants to do in life, or whole-hearted dedication to a career, she'll always have 110% of my support.  Even if she wanted to be a tabloid journalist or a telemarketer, I'd shudder, but I'd never crush her dreams.

Sorry Tim, but there is nothing ridiclous abour posing this point, as I would fully support my daughter in her choosen path. As stated in the OP. But I know there are some folk in here with opinions which differ from mine, just trying to tease em out. Think of the question as a variation on the 'Photographing Photographers' thread that has been running a few days

Nov 16 06 10:09 am Link



Posts: 7840



Nov 16 06 12:03 pm Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

leegillies photography wrote:
well thats all very good but y'know a lot of photographers insist on no escorts.


Many insist, but there are also many who will allow it - especially for a minor.

Nov 16 06 12:16 pm Link