Forums > General Industry > Potential headache or opportunity?


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I got an e-mail today from a very very smokin' hot model. She wants to know if I currently have any paying opportunities for her. Unfortunately, all of my current paying jobs involve some form of nudity and her profile states that she will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES shoot any form of nudity.

Well, she absolutely would fit many of my projects, so I'm thinking that I'll e-mail her and clarify the jobs I have open. You never know.. Maybe she's a selective nude model. Never know till you ask.

So, I e-mail her and inform her of the situation and I point out that it contradicts her profile. Yada yada yada, but if you're interested, let me know and we'll git'r done.

Now if she had just e-mailed back and said that she was interested I'd have gone ahead with setting up the shoot without batting an eye.

But her reply has me concerned. (I'm paraphrasing) "I normally wouldn't even consider shooting nude at all, but I really need the money right now and if this is what I gotta do, I'll do it."

I've been there done that. Anytime a model shoots nudes and goes against her moral values just because she needs the money it's been a disaster. Six months down the line, I'll get an e-mail saying it was a mistake and she regrets it. And oh, by the way take my photos down.


Not only that, I would feel really guilty about taking advantage of the situation. Contrary to public opinion, some smut peddlers do have a conscience. And as much as I would like to use this particular model for one of my paysites, I think it's in my best interest to pass on it.

Why am I posting this? Models: Don't compromise your values simply because you really need the money. There will always be someone out there willing to take advantage of the situation and chances are they will not take your photos down should you have a change of heart.

That is all.

Nov 13 06 10:03 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

from the depths of despair (perceived) a person will sometimes be amazed at just how far (s)he thinks (s)he is willing to go ...

... and then yes, something snaps that reality check ribbon, placing all the previously held values & mores back into place.

regret settles in.


Nov 13 06 10:08 pm Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

It is one of the reasons for a written and signed agreement with witness if possible.
Things happen, we compromise from time to time but there are those who do have a change of heart. In any event, if it was lawfully agreed to by consenting adults, then by the info agreed to it stands. If by thought of heart or conciousness, you agree not to post (verbally) then so be it. But for the most part, it is great to have an agreeable relationship with your clients.

Nov 13 06 10:09 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I couldn't agree more, and I respect you all the more for posting this.

There are plenty of models who wish to pose nude - there is no need to be a part of someone doing something uncomfortable out of necessity.

Nov 13 06 10:12 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18922

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

I understand your concern but we cannot and shuld not make decisions for other people, it sould result in a problem or it could open opportunities for her. In the end you can only decide what risks you are willing to take.
Yes there are a lot of predators who are just looking for situations like this but you made a good taith offer which she considered and may accept. The question now is do you want to withdraw the offer

Nov 13 06 10:24 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

JJ has stepped it up. You deserve a beer dude!
Never step on people when they are down.

Give her the same speech. tell her think six months down the line,

Two beers dude !

Nov 13 06 10:34 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
JJ has stepped it up. You deserve a beer dude!
Never step on people when they are down.

Give her the same speech. tell her think six months down the line,

Two beers dude !

I e-mailed her back and told her that I didn't feel comfortable and explained why. I told her to let me know when her financial situation is back in line and if she still wants to do this type of shoot then we'll do it.

Nov 13 06 10:37 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

I've done the same thing when a model refers a friend to me ''because she really needs money right now''.  No thank you, come back when you WANT to shoot.

Nov 13 06 10:43 pm Link



Posts: 1438

Niles, Michigan, US

I agree in not shooting under the duress of her needing money. I'm sure if she posed under those circumstances with you or anyone else, her posing would be restrained and uncomfortable for her and the pictures would suffer for it.
By the way, is she near me? smile

Nov 14 06 06:49 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

John Jebbia wrote:

I e-mailed her back and told her that I didn't feel comfortable and explained why. I told her to let me know when her financial situation is back in line and if she still wants to do this type of shoot then we'll do it.

What was her response?

Nov 14 06 06:53 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

CAP210 wrote:
I agree in not shooting under the duress of her needing money. I'm sure if she posed under those circumstances with you or anyone else, her posing would be restrained and uncomfortable for her and the pictures would suffer for it.
By the way, is she near me? smile

You are right!  You would see it in the pictures.

Nov 14 06 06:55 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Well, I don't know.

You hire an agency model and you don't ask what the fee is going to be used for, do you?

You hire a model off MM.  Do you make sure the model is going to use the money for something frivolous?  What if she really really needs it?

Are you a social worker?

Get a Model Release signed, and make sure the model knows what it means.

And remember, if you turn her down, what has she got to offer someone else?  Could the alternatives be worse?

Nov 14 06 07:10 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Yecchh.. a shoot with an uncomfortable model, followed by the "Now that I've been paid, my mother/father/BF/minister found your pics magically and now you have to take them down or I'll tell everyone you're a heartless pervert!"? No thank you!

Nov 14 06 07:21 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

RED Photographic wrote:
Well, I don't know.

You hire an agency model and you don't ask what the fee is going to be used for, do you?

You hire a model off MM.  Do you make sure the model is going to use the money for something frivolous?  What if she really really needs it?

Are you a social worker?

Get a Model Release signed, and make sure the model knows what it means.

And remember, if you turn her down, what has she got to offer someone else?  Could the alternatives be worse?

did you click on the old thread John referenced?

Nov 14 06 07:31 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

While I applaud your moral and ethical stance, I'm concerned about the real-world implications of second-guessing other people's choices and lives.

If you've ever had your back up against the wall financially, you know that under those circumstances, you ARE willing to do a lot of things that you might not ordinarily do. And you may well regret them in the future. Or not.

But here's the thing -- you had an opportunity to help this girl out in a way that you don't believe is immoral or unethical. Yes, some people think nude modeling is immoral -- but then, some people think not beating the crap out of your wife when she gets mouthy is immoral. You have to live by your own standards, not in fear of every thing that some group somewhere thinks is immoral.

Anyway -- my point -- she needs money -- you could have given her a legitimate job, but you didn't. Who knows what she will now have to do to get the money? Maybe she'll end up doing something a lot more dangerous, like turning a few tricks, or stealing the money. By not helping her, you increase the possibility that she may have to do something that will actually harm her.

Tough call. But I think if people start limiting the options other people have in a paternalistic attempt to steer them into the "right" thing, we lose the goodness of freedom and personal responsibility.


John Jebbia wrote:
I got an e-mail today from a very very smokin' hot model. She wants to know if I currently have any paying opportunities for her. Unfortunately, all of my current paying jobs involve some form of nudity and her profile states that she will not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES shoot any form of nudity.

Well, she absolutely would fit many of my projects, so I'm thinking that I'll e-mail her and clarify the jobs I have open. You never know.. Maybe she's a selective nude model. Never know till you ask.

So, I e-mail her and inform her of the situation and I point out that it contradicts her profile. Yada yada yada, but if you're interested, let me know and we'll git'r done.

Now if she had just e-mailed back and said that she was interested I'd have gone ahead with setting up the shoot without batting an eye.

But her reply has me concerned. (I'm paraphrasing) "I normally wouldn't even consider shooting nude at all, but I really need the money right now and if this is what I gotta do, I'll do it."

I've been there done that. Anytime a model shoots nudes and goes against her moral values just because she needs the money it's been a disaster. Six months down the line, I'll get an e-mail saying it was a mistake and she regrets it. And oh, by the way take my photos down.


Not only that, I would feel really guilty about taking advantage of the situation. Contrary to public opinion, some smut peddlers do have a conscience. And as much as I would like to use this particular model for one of my paysites, I think it's in my best interest to pass on it.

Why am I posting this? Models: Don't compromise your values simply because you really need the money. There will always be someone out there willing to take advantage of the situation and chances are they will not take your photos down should you have a change of heart.

That is all.

Nov 14 06 09:18 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Huh, there are some pretty heavy responses here...

I honestly don't think that its fair to peg the OP with "not helping the girl" schpiel. Its HIS job to decide what risks he's willing to take. If helping someone out with some money by allowing them to do something they wouldn't do otherwise is too risky for him, then thats HIS choice. If he wanted to help the girl AND keep a clear conscience then he can tell her that he'll find some clothed work that he can pay her for, even if he can't pay as much. THAT would be congruent with his feelings and her need for money.

Its NOT fair to blast him for being reluctant to take a risk that really could make his life HELL for a long time just because she changed her mind down the road. Even with a release signed it can still cause him a lot of trouble, and there is no end of lengths that some people will go to when they made a "mistake" and don't want to take responsibility for it.

Finding something to shoot her in clothes and pay her is fair. Putting himself in a position where he is concerned about risk is not a fair thing to attempt to tell him to do.

Nov 14 06 09:55 am Link



Posts: 9865

Hollywood, Florida, US's a sticky situation here. I do sort of agree w/ Red that it's nice u want 2 help her, but at the same time everyone else has a good point that she'll regret it later and could cause future problems. I know it's your projects and it's up 2 u, but if you really want to shoot her while not making her uncomfy maybe u could do implied nudes? Ultimately it's up to you so do whatever you feel comfortable with as both a photographer and person.

Nov 14 06 10:04 am Link