Forums > General Industry > Nonsensical Concept Books



Posts: 930

San Francisco, California, US

Like many artists, I keep a series of concept sketchbooks that I'll randomly grab and jot down/sketch out quick ideas in from time to time.  Most of the time it's a couple words and a stick figure.

Then some months/years later I'll go flipping through one of them when I'm at a loss for ideas and sometimes I find the most bizarre stuff that must have made some sort of sense to me at some point, but when taken out of context makes me wonder what the hell I was thinking/how much I'd had to drink when I did it.

For instance I just came across a page with a crude stick figure of a duck with breasts and the note "Ace Ag."  WHAT?!  A few months ago there was also a person swimming and the note "MODEL IN SOUP" underlined emphatically.

Does this happen to you?  Share your nonsensical ideas!

Nov 11 06 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

something about a model's dog peeing on a tree.

probably been done already.

Nov 11 06 04:44 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

- Animal crackers

That's it... no qualification... I just wrote that, and I don't remember at all why...  Leaving it in my Projectideas file just in case I remember some day.

Nov 11 06 04:48 pm Link


Creativity Farm

Posts: 1772

Westville, New Jersey, US

I can't draw to save my life, so I use a word document which usually has enough detail for me to figure out what I had in mind.

I did try keeping a pad by the bed to jot down ideas in the middle of the night... But in the morning, all I had were random lines that I had no idea what they were supposed to mean.

Nov 11 06 04:51 pm Link