Forums > General Industry > Become a working model?? Scam or opportunity??



Posts: 154

Lea Hill, Washington, US

  I was contacted by this agency that has you pay $2000 a month with a 2 month min. to live in a house, food provided, 2 "?professional?" shoots a month, and other various things to help you in the industry, basically a version of America's Next Top Model, but you have to pay for it.  I was always taught never pay for anything because if someone is interested in you they know they can get you work, and work with you and take a cut from a working job they get you. I just wonder does anyone ever invest in this sort of thing, and what are the outcomes?

This is the site to the ones that contacted me

May 01 05 10:32 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Looks like BS to me.  Why only 2 shoots per month?  You ought to be able to do that in a couple of days.  You have to live in a house with no privacy?

I wish I could talk 8-10 people into paying $2000 a pop to live with me for a couple months.  That's $120,000 per year, and all I got to do is shoot each of these people a couple times a month?  Hell of a deal!

The whole thing sounds highly odd to me.

May 01 05 10:54 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Sure alot of unfortunat People do thats how these buisness survive..
They will put you in a contract and force you to pay them with scare tactics..
They are hoping that you will quit so they can keep the flow of new recruits comming in..while you still pay under contract..
Sorta like fitness centers

May 01 05 10:55 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by LarryB: 
Looks like BS to me.  Why only 2 shoots per month?  You ought to be able to do that in a couple of days.  You have to live in a house with no privacy?

I wish I could talk 8-10 people into paying $2000 a pop to live with me for a couple months.  That's $120,000 per year, and all I got to do is shoot each of these people a couple times a month?  Hell of a deal!

The whole thing sounds highly odd to me.

Dang that sounds like a great idea now i think about it.. I mean for me !!

May 01 05 10:56 am Link


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

It seems like a scam to me, I mailed the webmaster, & "director" of the project, & asked for refrences as to models & photographers who have already gone thru the program, because if people have, its a public right to ask them questions about it.
I got a reply email saying that that information is "confidential".
Looks Like they have something to hide to me.
You cant shortcut good old fashioned hard-work.
Business cards, comp cards, zed cards, website, self promotion, that's all alot more effective than someone putting 10 girls in a house, making them pay 2 grand each & shoot with "photographers" who they probably split the money with in the first place.
There are ways around paying TONS of money to get the stuff you need.
ex: - free business cards, you just pay like 5-8$ for shipping.
buy portfolio book for cheap, has 8.5x11 portolio books that hold 20-40 pictures for 11.50$, fits 8x10 prints.
I say old fashioned never dies. That doesnt mean go stand in a cattle call line for 10 hours, but it does mean be careful.
If you need any help with anything, please dont hesitate to msg me.

May 01 05 10:59 am Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237


Yes, models with little knowledge.

You say you have quite a bit of experience in such a small amount of time. Unfortunately experience is not the same as knowledge. But even with your experience and what industry knowledge you now have, you should be able to answer your own question on this.

Have you done any investigating on their background? Spoken to any models that have done it? Checked with the BBB? Etc. Etc. Etc.

Sounds like one of those great deals where they're preparing a piece of white meat to be shipped to a Middle Eastern slave camp 8~0

May 01 05 11:06 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Yup.  The website sells itself on the pretense that this Sanjata person is doing this as a favor so other models dont have to go with what he/she went through.

Yet, just doing google searches I cant find anything on or or Sajate Stephanie the "Ceo."

Also, I checked the internet name registration and found that website name was registered in March of this year (hence, why no track record).  The site was registered just a few months earlier last Fall.  They are being hosted by a 3rd party company who does $300 do it all packages (create website and host and name registration).  That also means none of this "companies" info is on the public internet name registration- just the hosting company.

Finally, the rules say you must be willing to live with 5-9 people with 0 privacy.  That tells me you will be stacked 4 or 5 to a room.  So counting you that means 10 models paying 2000.  That equals 20,000 a month or 240,000 a year.

Lets say they put you up in a NICE LA 3 bedroom (which I dont think they would as they havent promised you nice).  Lets say that rent is $2500 (again, Im being nice and assuming that they are putting you in a NICE place).

Where does the other $17500 go every month?

Hmmm, some favor.


May 01 05 11:09 am Link


David Holloway

Posts: 713

Liberty Lake, Washington, US

Definately sounds like a scam to me.. Although I am new to the industry I know the only person benefitting is this so-called CEO. I will have to warn my model friends about this.

Take care and good luck in your careers!


May 01 05 11:38 am Link


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Posted by David Holloway: 
I will have to warn my model friends about this.

Im warning people about this too.

May 01 05 11:46 am Link


12 First

Posts: 82

San Jose, California, US

ahh ahhh ahhh  BULL SHIT.... sorry to sneez in the middle of such an important question...

This sounds like some guys personal agenda to me.


May 01 05 12:01 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by chelsey: 
I was contacted by this agency that has you pay $2000 a month with a 2 month min. to live in a house, food provided, 2 "?professional?" shoots a month, and other various things to help you in the industry, basically a version of America's Next Top Model, but you have to pay for it.

BRILLIANT! I always said that I wanted my career to be a Cult Leader but I never knew how to go about starting a cult. After all, you get good real estate. You don't have to work. You can create a harem. And people give you all their money.

THIS IS THE ANSWER! I'll be like Hugh Hefner, but the Playmates will PAY ME to live in my mansion.

GENIUS! But, I need to start small...


"Attention: all models on Model Mayhem, I am renting out my 2 bedroom townhouse in Los Angeles to the first 5 models who contact me. Cost for each of you is only $1000 a month per person. You must be female, super-hot, from out-of-state, young, naive, and 'willing to do ANYTHING' to be a top model. Because, you know, ALL of us LA photographers have some serious 'connections' in the industry."

May 01 05 02:25 pm Link


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Posted by chelsey:

"Attention: all models on Model Mayhem, I am renting out my 2 bedroom townhouse in Los Angeles to the first 5 models who contact me. Cost for each of you is only $1000 a month per person. You must be female, super-hot, from out-of-state, young, naive, and 'willing to do ANYTHING' to be a top model. Because, you know, ALL of us LA photographers have some serious 'connections' in the industry."

HAHAHAHA!!! That's fucking hilarious.
Oh my god you just quoted their flyer! oh me oh my.

May 01 05 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 24

Toronto, Iowa, US

Hi there,

Actually, mymodelhousing also contacted me.  I applied online to see if I would actually get a reply back and I did and they followed up with me by calling me on the phone.  Thing is, the requirement to get in is 5'7 and I'm waaay under that requirement.  I haven't called them back.

May 01 05 02:50 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Amabelle: 
Thing is, the requirement to get in is 5'7 and I'm waaay under that requirement.  I haven't called them back.

Don't worry. You still qualify for the "Eric Muss-Barnes Cult-Leader Model-Harem" as posted earlier in this thread.

May 01 05 03:14 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 

Posted by Amabelle: 
Thing is, the requirement to get in is 5'7 and I'm waaay under that requirement.  I haven't called them back.

Don't worry. You still qualify for the "Eric Muss-Barnes Cult-Leader Model-Harem" as posted earlier in this thread.

do ya need any really old preverted photographers i know of

May 01 05 03:46 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Hugh  Jorgen: 

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
Don't worry. You still qualify for the "Eric Muss-Barnes Cult-Leader Model-Harem" as posted earlier in this thread.

do ya need any really old preverted photographers i know of

Dude! I saw your photos! You already live in the middle of the woods, with a hot girl less than half your age! You've got the jump on ME! You have the real-estate and Wife #1 in the bag. You don't need MY help. You're halfway to "cult leader" already.

Just a few more models living in the house and a Grizzly Addams beard and you're all set.

May 01 05 03:58 pm Link


Ian Powell

Posts: 246

Columbus, Ohio, US

i've run into want to be models who think these modeling hostles are the place to be... It's more or less insane because if you don't have what someone wants you won't get the work. Prepaying for representation, or funky housing situation like that is just not the right thing for a career

May 01 05 04:00 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Posted by chelsey: 
  I was contacted by this agency that has you pay $2000 a month with a 2 month min. to live in a house, food provided, 2 "?professional?" shoots a month, and other various things to help you in the industry, basically a version of America's Next Top Model, but you have to pay for it.  I was always taught never pay for anything because if someone is interested in you they know they can get you work, and work with you and take a cut from a working job they get you. I just wonder does anyone ever invest in this sort of thing, and what are the outcomes?

This is the site to the ones that contacted me

LOL - I just posted about how this is a scam on the boards! LOL - this thing is CRAP!

May 01 05 04:05 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Could you name the agency because that does sound high?
Model apt's are usually small and crampt. (read cheper) Often they go on your account.

Them main problem is at 5'2" I don't feel any agency that has a place like that would be interested. Nor would they be interested in the type of work you have been doing.

May 01 05 04:08 pm Link