Forums > General Industry > new experience - unnerving but nice



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

My normal routine:

I take the pictures.
I click through them and get depressed, realizing how much better I could've done or how inept I was.
I find an odd gem or two in there. I work them, and it helps a little.
Reaffirmed, I look again and find a few more gems and edit them.
I move on to the next project.

(Even a routine filled with insecurity can be comforting, as a routine.)

I just finished a shoot this last weekend, and flicking through the first couple dozen... unimpressed... what was I thinking... and then hit a dozen, then another dozen, then another dozen, where I just flat out liked them, like I couldn't believe that I actually captured what I was trying to see.

I'm not a glamour guy, not a fashion guy, not a portrait guy, but it's good to keep pushing your comfort level and trying new things. So I was trying to help this lady out with her wish to get some more variety and body frame into her portfolio. It helped that she was accomplished and intuitive and just kept posing and taking direction wonderfully.

So is this what it feels like to be a real pro? To just get the angles, the pose, the lighting, the exposure, and the results right, just as a matter of routine, without feeling unaccountably lucky that the experimentation actually worked?  Well, I tip my hat, if I wore one, to you guys. It must be great to feel that good about your work that often.

And I know that the pictures aren't perfect. I'm not posting this for critique. I know that the reflection is too bright off the cover. But I like the shot, as well as a bunch of others that we took, and it's a new and unexpected feeling to like that many that much, and I'm wallowing in it for a day or two.

OK. Back to reality and trying to produce a little Art.

(She was good with that, too.)

Nov 07 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 413

San Diego, California, US

U trippin, Those are some great shots.

I too know what youre talking about, I always just tell myself "next time, next time" then when it is that next time comes I still screwup on the same thing I said "next time about..Ha go figure!

Nov 07 06 01:02 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Wow great shots!

I just did a shoot where I was determine not to over shoot but get the best I could, never shot so little, but the shots came out great, I guess it helps to focus, which I have a hard time doing when I'm not getting paid.

Sorry but it is true, since it is for free I think I should get more shots and ideas and then maybe I get lazy.

My avadar is from the focused shoot.

Nov 07 06 02:36 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

It's good to see someone who can be critical of their own work. The photos are ok but I think the lighting needsd work if I can hazard a guess as to where you want to go.

The lighting is a bit flat. Try multiple lights and reflectors to bring out some texture. Keep the lighting softer for a more glamourous effect, warm it up a bit.

Did I understand that correctly???

Nov 07 06 08:20 am Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Justin, good morning!  big_smile  What a feel good post!  I appreciate you.  Kathy

Nov 07 06 08:29 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

There is a process that we all go through when learning.
The first stage is Unconscious Incompetence - we don't know what we don't know. And let me tell you, ignorence is BLISS! The next stage is Conscious Incompetence. It sounds like thats where you are in most of your work. You are struggling because you know that it should be better and you want it better, you just haven't quite gotten there yet. The next stage is Conscious Competence - thats where I think you are on the verge of. You know what you know, and you're very aware of it. Finally, you reach Unconscious Competence, when you know it and it just comes naturally. You'll get there eventually. Its always a journey.

Congrats on creating something that you are proud of! One day you'll look back and wonder how you ever thought those were good smile

Nov 07 06 08:39 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

KathyJean wrote:
Justin, good morning!  big_smile  What a feel good post!  I appreciate you.  Kathy

I agree with Kathy. You have made me realize that it is ok to be where I am. I always tend to beat myself up when I see the results of my shoots, even though I am being told I am being too critical.


Nov 07 06 08:45 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

NC17 wrote:
Congrats on creating something that you are proud of! One day you'll look back and wonder how you ever thought those were good smile

So, true. That's not saying the photos aren't good. Just saying as you get better and better, more experienced you'll look back on work you thought to be great from earlier years, compare it and think, 'What was I thinking!?'. I was going through some boxes a few weeks ago of old prints from my film days looking at work I used to be so proud of, thinking 'Wow! That doesn't even compare to some of my work today...'

I remember the days when I'd go through four/five rolls of film, being so excited to see the results, thinking I'd have so many good ones and then when I see them I'd pick them apart over and over and be left with only a few I was happy with (sometimes none). I think we all go through that.

Trail and error...

Before you know it, each shoot will be better and better.

Nov 07 06 08:56 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

sd photo: Thank you.

CL: Thank you. I relate. In theory, I want to just have the know-how to take fewer shots and make them each count more, rather than sorting through 250 and plucking the pearls. In reality, I have to do whatever gives me the best consistent results.

FKV: Thank you. I really don't do glamour. I was trying for deeper shadows for a more artsy feel, and I did use some hot lights for fill so the shadows wouldn't be as pronounced. Frankly, if the model had said, "I need glamour shots," I would've referred her to someone else.

Kathy: You are too kind. What a nice thing to say. Thank you.

NC17: I know exactly what you're saying, having gone through that process in my real line of work. I'll suggest an approach to someone, and they'll say, "How did you know to do that?" Well, at some point what you've worked hard to do just starts coming naturally.

Perhaps at some point I'll consider this mediocre, but for now, I'm feeling pretty good about this stuff, and the model expressed approval. Thank you for the comments.

GLB: We are self-bruisers, aren't we? I'd like to think it helps make us better. Here's hoping, or else we ought to get over it.

Rossi: Like NC17, thank you for the observation.

As I look back over my posting, it sure can sound like I'm either fishing for compliments or asking for critique. But neither one, although I appreciate both here. They're not great glamour, but I wasn't trying for glamour. I was just feeling good about myself, where I beat the insecurities into submission rather than the other way around. I wanted to share the joy and express admiration for those people who have the talent, technique, and knowedge to get it right all the time.

Nov 07 06 04:43 pm Link



Posts: 4532

Breckenridge, Colorado, US

I adore the second shot. Reminiscent of a Rennaisance painting, yet thoroughly modern. Gah-geous Dah-link!

Nov 07 06 05:12 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

If you're absolutely entranced by and addicted to this process, for all the pain and joy, agony, excitement and misery brings, then you know you're a photographer.

Enjoy! (Some of the time.) ;-)

(Several images in your port are really very interesting, by the way.)

Nov 07 06 06:10 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Justin wrote:
As I look back over my posting, it sure can sound like I'm either fishing for compliments or asking for critique. But neither one, although I appreciate both here. They're not great glamour, but I wasn't trying for glamour. I was just feeling good about myself, where I beat the insecurities into submission rather than the other way around. I wanted to share the joy and express admiration for those people who have the talent, technique, and knowedge to get it right all the time.

Naa, it doesn't sound like you're fishing for complements at all. It sounds like unabated joy and wonder at having created something. Surprise when the artist discovers that he might actually be kinda good at this smile

Congrats, I hope you can continue to capture that feeling more often.

To note your struggle to capture few better images: Slow down some. Sure digital is instant gratification, but if you pay attention to the details you'll discover that you can get the better shots more often, and in the end it will save you time. Practice thinking about composition. Thats the biggest kicker. The technical stuff is easy compared to coming up with the vision of framing and setting up a good shot. The technical things will always be there, the laws of physics can only be bent so far.

Best of luck with your art, though I don't think you need it... I think you've already found it.

Nov 07 06 10:16 pm Link


wishingtree photography

Posts: 1042

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

cool shots.....i get the same feeling when i play golf!

Nov 08 06 12:20 am Link

Clothing Designer

Damsel White Label

Posts: 438

Houston, Texas, US

I recently went through my portfolio and re-sketched all my croquis from college.  Great ideas...hoooooooorrible rendering.  But man, I thought they were some hot stuff at the time. 

You just keep hoping to improve.  smile

Nov 08 06 11:26 am Link



Posts: 923

Hudson, Florida, US

Justin's went outside his comfort it!

Nov 10 06 06:16 pm Link