Forums > General Industry > **A portfolio with no photo?..or crappy ones..**??


Tania Lin

Posts: 392

Tampa, Florida, US

Ok I thought I would question this. It came up in a former post of mine. Ok obviosly I am someone who thinks she may be able to model. I am very new to this. I joined model mayhem in hopes of finding some talented people that I can get to know a view their work. So in hopes of trying to get something started I joined model mayhem. I have only done one shoot ever. It was an at the last minute kinda thing just to get some shots on my port. Evevn though they aren't that great people have told me that my pictures suck. I took a fae of them myself. The shoot was like 3 months ago and I have improved alot but unfortuantly because of my crappy pics I don't think anyone thinks I am capable of achieving the image they want to capture.

So should I not post any pics at all until I get better ones or leave the ones I keep getting crap about on here?

Nov 06 06 06:36 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Taneia wrote:
So should I not post any pics at all until I get better ones or leave the ones I keep getting crap about on here?

Well you have to have at least four in order to remain a member smile

When I get out of my bubble bath I'll write more smile

Nov 06 06 06:38 pm Link


Tania Lin

Posts: 392

Tampa, Florida, US

oOk well enjoy your bath I can't wait to hear what everyone's view is on this...

Nov 06 06 06:44 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Get rid of the ones you took your self. The ones that are too dark and you are not very visible. Just keep the top 8... no need to take it down to top 4...

Start contacting photogrphers in your area, either ask them for TFP, or hire a really really good one to give your protfolio to head start above all the other models in your area weho are just starting out.

Three months is quite a while for no shoots if you want to be a model you need to get your name and face out into the market and keep it there..

ie shoot as often and with the best photograhers you can find.

Nov 06 06 06:47 pm Link



Posts: 413

San Diego, California, US

Leave them up, Search for good photogs in your area, This site is good for TFP/CD.

Go ahead and be selective on who you want to work with.

Nov 06 06 06:48 pm Link


Tania Lin

Posts: 392

Tampa, Florida, US

Thank you I am on a mission to find the best. Based on some ports of some in the area. I am not finding alot that I think I could work with. I need to keep searching and hopefully soon. Thanks!

Nov 06 06 06:59 pm Link


Tania Lin

Posts: 392

Tampa, Florida, US

anything new?

Nov 06 06 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 413

San Diego, California, US

How do you know that they will not work? What is it about their work that makes you think that.... Is it not better than what you have up?

Nov 06 06 08:05 pm Link


Things To Look At

Posts: 44

New York, New York, US

Just a few good photos will go a long way, especially when you are just getting started. You don't need 200 images.  Of course, no one will want to shoot with you if you don't have at least a couple good shots.  But pick your very best and ditch any that don't make you look as good.

Nov 06 06 08:15 pm Link


A Traveler

Posts: 5506

San Francisco, California, US

drive on over to fort lauderdale smile

Nov 06 06 08:24 pm Link


Warren Leimbach

Posts: 3223

Tampa, Florida, US

In general, a few good photos are better than a few good photos surrounded by 20 bad ones.  So edit mercilessly and only show your best.

By the way I took a look at your photos and you don't need to worry.  I have seen far worse photos in some portfolios.   Yours are not nearly so bad as the dark murky cellphone photos that often get posted by beginners.

Keep shooting and practicing.  Do lots of TFP with talented amateurs and lower budget pros in your area.  As you collect tear sheets and photos from better and better photographers, gradually replace the old photos in your portfolio with your latest and greatest.

If you have more money than God, you could hire a photographer to create a series of "professional" portfolio pieces for you, but that could be quite expensive -- at least $100/outfit.   It's much cheaper to become friends with the local camera club and you will get some valuable experience doing TFP work.

Also realize that Tampa is not the most happening town for photography.  There is a lot more work in Orlando and Miami.  If you are serious about making a career out of modeling, you may have to consider moving closer to a major market.

And by the way, I have a TFP shoot coming up in Tampa Nov 17 you might be interested in.  Low budget band PR photo.  Needs 3-4 models to wear bikinis and pose outdoors in a group photo with the band members.  No nudity, but it is sexy glamour type posing.  Obviously you must be comfortable with a bathing suit or Brazillian workout gear.  If you are interested contact the band directly by email:
[email protected]

Nov 06 06 08:30 pm Link


Elizabeth Susann

Posts: 97

Sacramento, California, US

You should definitely leave your pics up.  They are an expression of your beauty and artistry. 

Where you go from here in the shaping and/or improvement of your portfolio depends on what you are hoping to do with modeling.  And as I'm sure you know, there are strong opinions out there that only certain types of girls should model.  In the real world, there is a market for nearly everyone.  If you model occasionally for fun and for the sake of art (because you said you have an appreciation for art) then I say screw whoever is giving you a hard time for your pics.  When I viewed your port I was inspired by them and saw bits of your personality shine through. 

Whatever your hopes with modeling- the best thing to do is capitalize on your strengths (eyes, hair, height, attitude) and learn how to strategically hide the possible negatives (lacking a super professional portfolio because you're new! and whatever physical attributes you are not so happy about).  Practice posing and what you think would look good in an image, spend time in front of the mirror to check out your facial expressions, etc..... and find some better photographers.  I think that photographer (the one that took your pics in your port) did a great job... and seriously, screw the people that are giving you crap- exact same thing happened to me when I first joined.  Just wait for them to come back in three months and tell you how much you improved wink

In the meantime, write a bio in the "about me and my goals" section.  Give people an idea of what you are looking for in modeling, what you do when you are not on model mayhem, and talk more about that appreciation and passion for art because that alone will get you much farther than you think. 

Good luck in everything and keep in touch.  Hope this helps...

Nov 06 06 08:39 pm Link


PK Brazil

Posts: 4265

Baltimore, Maryland, US

A lot of people start with sub-par photos. No biggie.  Just do TFPs and try to trade up in quality over several shoots and you'll soon have a robust decent portfolio.

Nov 06 06 08:43 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Don't use the long photos, they change the size of your avaitar and they mess up the page for others to see..Also do not use images that have other models in them, I want to see YOU smile, not some other model. keep shooting.

Nov 06 06 08:53 pm Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Always try to put the newest photos up from the last shoot.

Sometimes old ones are just too good to give up but you can rotate them.

Also not every photo shoot gets great results, some are just average, but usually you can find at least one great image from a session.

Make sure to get a variety, from what I saw I would be hesitant to work with you because I didn't see enough of your body to see what shape you're in, I'm not talking skin in body, but shape you just have close ups. So get a variety so people can come up with ideas, to do that you have to know how a person looks, face, body and height etc.

Nov 07 06 03:06 am Link