
Eric Jackson

Posts: 1290

Dayton, Ohio, US

A photographer does a shoot with a model. The photog. post a few of the images of the shoot on modelmayhem or anyother site. The model sees the images and doesn't like them, and demands the photog. take them off. What do you do?

Nov 05 06 10:13 am Link


Lo Fi Art

Posts: 1311

Alice Town, Biminis, Bahamas

an ongoing struggle between artists and critics...

Nov 05 06 10:15 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Did the model sign a release?

Nov 05 06 10:15 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Regardless of the quality of the resulting images, I want all my models to leave our sittings together feeling appreciated & respected.

Thus, I would listen & consider her concerns carefully.  I want to understand her concerns & take them into consideration.  Since all models sign a model release, I don't feel obligated to remove the images, but if the images are "average", then I probably remove them.  If the images are better than "average", she & I may have further conversations.  But in the end, it is likely that I'll remove them.  That's just the kind of guy I like to be.

However, that may or may not impact my willingness to work with that model in the future.

Nov 05 06 10:29 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

i never publish pictures that people don't like, my picture by copyright, but her face..

it's not that hard to go take another picture, and if you are a developing photographer, 6 mos later you probably won't like what you did anyways

i've had models try topless pictures with me that they haven't done with other guys, they always say, "i want to do something a little different,  but i dont want to see it on the internet..."

like kissing and telling, are you out of highschool yet?

since i am really sincere about not being exploitive they experiment, they just want to look at themselves...

Nov 05 06 10:30 am Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

Eric Jackson wrote:
A photographer does a shoot with a model. The photog. post a few of the images of the shoot on modelmayhem or anyother site. The model sees the images and doesn't like them, and demands the photog. take them off. What do you do?

If a release was signed and stated the aforementioned scenario to the photographers advantage...then you do what ever the hell you want...legally speaking!

Nov 05 06 10:32 am Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

After a shoot, most photographers send me the raw images.  They ask me to pick out the ones I like to have edited, and they edit the ones they like, too.  They always tell me, "DO NOT post the raw images.  Let me edit them first."  I always respect this and wait for a finished image that we both like.

Nov 05 06 10:33 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

you take them down.... not because you have to.... but because you're a decent human being

Nov 05 06 10:34 am Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

Project Photography wrote:

If a release was signed and stated the aforementioned scenario to the photographers advantage...then you do what ever the hell you want...legally speaking!

but would really depend for me...why do I like it..why does the model not?   is it it her expression.... a photogs port and a models port are two different animals,  ya know?

Nov 05 06 10:34 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Me personally?

As in "Chip Morton: Super Peon"?

I'd take it down because I'm here to get better at the craft. At this point in my game it is far more important for me to maintain a working relationship with a model or three. Also, I'd imagine that I'd probably agree with them.

However, this has not occurred just yet, at least that I know of. Usually it's me writing to the model, "Hey, I'm sorry but I really screwed up . . . ."  smile

Note: My outlook might change, and I reserve the right to, as I become more proficient in the skills and vision department.

Nov 05 06 10:47 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Eric Jackson wrote:
A photographer does a shoot with a model. The photog. post a few of the images of the shoot on modelmayhem or anyother site. The model sees the images and doesn't like them, and demands the photog. take them off. What do you do?

An answer requires facts not in evidence.

Let's add some facts, which may be different from what you had in mind, but are not inconsistent with your question:

A photographer is contacted by a client to do a job.  He contracts with the model, pays her agency rates plus usage fees, for which he is reimbursed by the client.  In total, the model receives well over $3,000 for the job.  She signs a release authorizing "a buyout" in print and electronic media.

The photographer, with the client's permission after the client has published them, puts them on modelmayhem as examples of his work.  The model sees the images and doesn't like them, and demands the photographer take them off.  What does he do?

Alternative:  the model sees the pictures on "another site" - the client's site.  She doesn't like them, and demands that they be taken off.  What should he (the client or the photographer) do?

The point of this is that such questions are entirely dependent on the situation.  It may be two people playing around with a camera, no big deal, and a model that the photographer wants to continue to shoot with.  Or it may be a business deal, for which the model got paid and the client (who could be the photographer) is counting on making money by using the images.

There is no single answer to the question as originally asked.

Nov 05 06 11:10 am Link



Posts: 109

Chicago, Illinois, US

If I signed a release and didn't like it I would let it slide, my port has the photos that I personally like, our eyes may be different, what he thinks is beautiful, I may not. I respect his creative vision.

Unless its tasteless, then thats a different story.

Nov 05 06 06:36 pm Link


Artistic Vision

Posts: 2207

Billings, Montana, US

depends....did they ask nicely or were they mean and rude about the request.

nicely=take em down no prob

mean and rudeness gets noone anywhere...which means pictures dont go anywhere and stay up.

Nov 05 06 06:46 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Take them down.  It's not my job to hurt anyone, ever.

Did I get it right?


Nov 05 06 06:57 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Eric Jackson wrote:
A photographer does a shoot with a model. The photog. post a few of the images of the shoot on modelmayhem or anyother site. The model sees the images and doesn't like them, and demands the photog. take them off. What do you do?

Ignore her?

Nov 05 06 07:09 pm Link


InnerGlow Studios

Posts: 1712

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Eric Jackson wrote:
A photographer does a shoot with a model. The photog. post a few of the images of the shoot on modelmayhem or anyother site. The model sees the images and doesn't like them, and demands the photog. take them off. What do you do?

Skip to the next thread.

Nov 05 06 10:40 pm Link


SunSplash Photography

Posts: 479

Orlando, Florida, US

Photoshop her face onto the body of a car.  Put 'em back up.

Seriously (that wasn't serious), this happened to me.  They were see-through wet-t-shirt shots I did, and after seeing them, her boyfriend asked her to ask me to take them down.  She agreed, saying it wasn't the direction she wanted to go in, now that she saw the pictures.  I was still developing my portfolio, and she was a pretty model, so I had about 10 minutes of wondering what to do.  In the end, the decision was hard only because it deprived me of a style I wanted in my portfolio (it was the first wet-t-shirt shoot I'd done).

The upshot is this:  I made a mistake by not making doubly sure she wanted those images posted.  She willingly posed for the images, and the model release we'd signed expressly gave me rights for posting any and all images into my portfolio.  But I'm not out to ruin anyone's life.

I often wondered if I'd just taken the "model link" out of the posting, though.  I mean, she knows it's her, and with that link present, anyone else could have found her and linked her to wet-t-shirt shots.  But without that link, nobody would have been able to figure out from that one image who the model was.  There are tens of thousands of models on OMP and anyone who has nothing better to do than go through and pick out the proverbial needle in the haystack probably works for some unconsitutional agency in the government.  The rest of us have lives.

So maybe just removing anything that links that picture with the model (name, location of shoot, id #) would do the trick?  I'd be interested to hear from models whether this would serve the purpose. 

Then, when the photographer had taken better images, take those down.

I know this original post was probably just about the quality of pictures, not the style, and so my post here would change the subject somewhat...but I'd still be interested to hear a few model responses to my situation.  Thanks!

Nov 05 06 10:53 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

laugh and ask for my day rate if she doesn't want to have a trade anymore

edit: this sin't about me being mean or not a decent human being. This is about the amount of time and effort I put into any shoot I do. You can see from my port that my images aren't bad, so any request not to have an image up means I am out real time.

time is money

Nov 05 06 10:55 pm Link


Klassic Photo

Posts: 1308

Bullhead City, Arizona, US

Use the liquify filter and make her butt the size of a minivan


I get a signed release for every shoot.

If I paid her for the shoot I  probably would discuss with her in detail and try to understand why and might or might not remove them depending on whether her request had merit behind the reasoning.  Not because she started dating sluggo and he is jealous..   

If she paid me for the shoot or it was TFCD  I would probably be nice and take them down but I would still want to discuss in detail to try to understand the reasoning,

Nov 05 06 11:01 pm Link