Forums > General Industry > Diverse or Consistent Style Portfolios



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

Some esp. photogs are very similar even to the point of not changing lighting / setups  and having models that look/dress the same.
Models often want a broader portfolio.

Are you a model, mua, or photog and do you rather have diversity or consistency in your portfolio and why ?

Do you maintain different portfolios for specific groups and if so how many to whom ?

F.W.I.W.  I like to go thru different styles over time periods.


Nov 05 06 09:58 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

PIC wrote:
Some esp. photogs are very similar even to the point of not changing lighting / setups  and having models that look/dress the same.
Models often want a broader portfolio.

Are you a model, mua, or photog and do you rather have diversity or consistency in your portfolio and why ?

Do you maintain different portfolios for specific groups and if so how many to whom ?

F.W.I.W.  I like to go thru different styles over time periods.


I am an art model, and I am all about the diversity.  I have two books - one is photographic art, and the other is some of the paintings, drawings, etc that more traditional artists have done of me.  (Or pictures of the paintings, drawings, etc to be more accurate.  I only have a few originals!)

Nov 05 06 10:00 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Diversity or Consistency:  yes.

Nov 05 06 10:03 am Link



Posts: 9122

PIC wrote:
Some esp. photogs are very similar even to the point of not changing lighting / setups  and having models that look/dress the same.

You assume they can do otherwise...

Nov 05 06 10:04 am Link



Posts: 274

New York, New York, US

As a model, I'd rather consisently have a diverse range of amazing images.

Still working on the diversity part, still working on having them be consistently amazing...but it's all part of the process of learning, evolving, improving, and just enjoying what you're doing!  smile

Nov 05 06 10:06 am Link


Andre Giovina

Posts: 418

Frisco, Texas, US

yes indeed

Nov 05 06 10:06 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

PIC wrote:
Do you maintain different portfolios for specific groups and if so how many to whom ?

my personal feeling is the whole notion of a net portfolio is somewhat silly.  given my druthers i would keep my port to only one photo. 

as it is, if i express interest or respond to a project i can cull from a large base of images to create a gallery of specific work, put that into a non-public link though my site and target the type of desired work or project ability specifically.

a limited net portfolio showing wide-range diversity can say "unfocused" and create confusion, or a consistent portfolio can say "too focused on a specific area."   both of which can't show greatest strength with such limitation and causes the viewer to figure out on their own if capability is there.  working within trying to figure out "best fit for all" is not proactive enough for gaining the widest market opportunity.

that's just me, i'm sure others approach it differently.

--face reality

Nov 05 06 10:36 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

I don't have one single portfolio, I have several. I show different images, and different edits (in the old sense, not the Photoshop sense) to different people. Sometimes it's one-shot based. Sometimes it's story-based. Sometimes it's more "commercial" and sometimes more "editorial." Sometimes it's more street-based, and sometimes it's more "haut." Sometimes more narrowly-focused and sometimes more diverse (though my stuff always has a certain diversity to it because of the way I work and how I choose to shoot). Depends on whom I'm showing it to.

Nov 05 06 11:41 am Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

You can get pigeon holed as a wideangle landscape waterfall at sunset photographer and be a well known wide angle waterfall at sunset photographer. If anyone needs a wideangled waterfall at sunset photograph, they'd immediately call you.

If you have a diverse portfolio, they might not remember you. That's always been the trade off. A focused narrow portfolio make a impression that stays with them, but you get "type cast". An diverse portfolio can confuse some people.

Then there are visionary, secure people who see the lighting on fashion shots and ask you to do the same look with a food shot. Makes you want to fall on your knees and worship them.

P.S. I've just started a flower motion series of photos that's nothing like what I have before. It's so different, some people don't think they're mine.

Nov 05 06 03:23 pm Link


3rd Floor Photography

Posts: 932

Tucson, Arizona, US

I consider myself diverse because I like playing with new ideas and scheming and themeing. I can be consistent, though, if I have limited resources, which I sorta do. But I work with what I've got big_smile

Nov 05 06 03:26 pm Link