Forums > General Industry > Does it bother photographers when models lie about

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 47

Phoenix, Arizona, US

their age?

The reason I am asking. There is a model out there who is putting her age at 20 something. She is really mid-30's. Yes, she is beautiful and she could easily pass for 20-something.
But it made me wonder - does she really need to lie?

I mean I guess maybe my question is, isn't beautiful just beautiful?

Does it matter to you, as a photographer, how old she is?

I know I rarely post but it has really been bothering me all week since I saw that her age had not changed on any of her profiles in quite some time. She keeps having that 20-something birthday every year, lucky her!

Nov 02 06 07:58 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 47

Phoenix, Arizona, US

And that's what I get for not scrolling down.
Sorry, I will read the thread below.

Nov 02 06 08:00 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

I know a few models that do that.  Most can pass for younger but sometimes it's very obvious.  It really doesn't bother me.  As long as they have the look I'm after I'll work with them.

Nov 02 06 08:04 pm Link


Jenn Vee

Posts: 36

Union City, California, US

You would hope that it doesn't matter and that beautiful is beautiful no matter what age you really are. Since I'm not familair with the industry I haven't got the know-how to actually reply but.. i'm putting my 2 cents in: you'd hope it doesn't matter

Nov 02 06 08:08 pm Link



Posts: 572

Palm Bay, Florida, US

Not to mention the claims of some model's measurements and weight!!  Especially when it's so obvious....

Nov 02 06 08:08 pm Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

One older model I know was very up front about why she felt it necessary to put down a younger age on her profile: to show up in more searches!

How many of you on this site leave the age criteria at default settings (18 - 50) when you do your searches?  My guess is that most reduce the top age significantly much of the time, including myself.  So maybe she has a point. She just wants to be seen and considered and not dismissed due to her age alone.


Nov 02 06 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Hell, why should a model who works on maintaining her look & figure tell her chronological age.
When she probably looks 5-10 year younger than anyone on the block.  A little optomism in her stats isn't surprising either.  Just a little.

Nov 02 06 09:06 pm Link



Posts: 151

Bitter Springs, Arizona, US

If they have the look I'm after........... I will shoot with them.
they are only fooling themselves

I leave it at the default setting when doing a search

Nov 02 06 11:33 pm Link



Posts: 121

Lexington, Kentucky, US

Besides the search thing.. not sure why someone would lie about it. But, if they look like their photos.. I would think it wouldn't matter. I do have to wonder about someone who blantanly lies about their age. Kinda weird.

Nov 02 06 11:38 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

KiwiBikinis wrote:
[Does it bother photographers when models lie about] their age?

A model I had been going to work with last month listed her age on MM as 21. After some scheduling issues, I noticed her MySpace age was 16. Further checking showed 15, 16, 17 on various sites, and her age on MM as of yesterday was 2006.

It wouldn't have mattered for the project we were supposed to do...except for the release.

So, yes, it does bother me if it has a legal or artistic consequence. Otherwise, no.

Nov 03 06 01:48 am Link


HEF Photography

Posts: 1817

Jacksonville, Florida, US

It doesn't matter what she say's....when it comes to signing a model release I
always get 2 forms of ID with DOB....anyway it's how she looks not how old/young
she it....

Nov 03 06 01:56 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

It depends on the project whether the age of the model really matters.  I model too and I can pass for freak 13 yrs old with the right outfit... I kid you not!  People think I'm 15 everyday and others have told me I look even younger.  I'm 20 btw, about to be 21 in March.

For my photography though...
For me, when I search for models, and if there is a way to search for age, I do search for something between 18yrs and 22yrs.  Overall though, if I am referred a model to work with or something or just happen to stumble across an absolutely gorgeous model that doesn't fit the usual critiria(sp?) that I search for I will contact him or her if they've got that look that I'm looking for.  Before the shoot I always snap a shot of the ID and the model with the ID anyways.

Nov 03 06 01:56 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

It really is funny how a number matters. During the 80's I played in a band. I was 29, while all the other members were between the ages of 18 and 21. Management told me I had to appear to be no older than 23 or 24. Of course while the younger members were out partying, I was working hard to keep myself looking younger than I really was.

Now did the number make me play guitar any better? Not at all... It's funny how my age and looks were more important than my ability to play.

Nov 03 06 07:57 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

GLB Graphics wrote:
It really is funny how a number matters. During the 80's I played in a band. I was 29, while all the other members were between the ages of 18 and 21. Management told me I had to appear to be no older than 23 or 24. Of course while the younger members were out partying, I was working hard to keep myself looking younger than I really was.

Now did the number make me play guitar any better? Not at all... It's funny how my age and looks were more important than my ability to play.

quite a surprise, especialy considering how the music industry is so anti-hype

i wonder what hype with no music would be like


Nov 03 06 08:40 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

KiwiBikinis wrote:
There is a model out there who is putting her age at 20 something. She is really mid-30's. Yes, she is beautiful and she could easily pass for 20-something.
But it made me wonder - does she really need to lie?

truth be told, in the world of booking models for commercial purpose it is generally a request for an age range rather than a specific age.  the exception would be for bookings that require limitations such as alcohol or other products presented to adults.

if the model can truly pass for 20-something with believability then there is nothing wrong with it as it increases the booking possibility.

--face reality

Nov 03 06 08:51 am Link


RJ Raisch

Posts: 28

Rochester, New York, US

The only time I pay attention to age is if she is under 18

Nov 03 06 09:26 am Link



Posts: 194

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

I think if you can pass for it, go for it! It's the people that are OBVIOUSLY way older than what they say that to me is bothersome.  But, things like measurements and weight are pretty obvious when people look at your one should be up front about that stuff...

Nov 03 06 08:49 pm Link