Forums > General Industry > If You Have A Flake Problem... Try To Be Uncommon.



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

this pertains to both photographers (and their models who flake) and models (whos photographers flake).

The basic idea of tenent of TFP (which I think is where the brunt of flaking occurs) is that a person seeks to work with another person because they are inspired by that other person. I shoot models who inspire me, models work with me because i inspire them.... follow me?

So I was thinking, that most photographers are flaked on because those photographers shoot standard run of the mill dime a dozen shots.... photography that the model can get from just any joe shmoe... and thus the flake rate for such photographers is high because they offer nothing extraordinary and so there is no value placed in the shoot... the model feels as if something better comes along, she is not losing anything for skipping out. (yes yes I know models can be hes too.... but I am using one gender modifier to not confuse people too much)

The same is true for models whos portfolio shows the standard patt k-mart and web cam shots... such models do little to stoke a photographers inspiration.... the photog feels as though the shoot with be like pulling teeth... and thusly feels that there really isn't anything to lose if something better comes along.....

to the point... if you have a high flake rate, if it seems that 4 out of 5 models flake on you... maybe it's your work.... maybe models find no value in your flat uninspired snapshots. If you're passed over by 4 out of 5 photographers.... who after you write a few times... just seem to disappear; maybe it's you.... perhaps they are uninspired by your ten commandments of shooting with you.

Maybe the whole flake dead horse can be summed up... "get a clue, you're ordinary."

If you have a flake problem.... then try to be uncommon.

Nov 02 06 07:40 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Or use better shampoo?

Nov 02 06 07:48 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


or don't be a gwc?

Hmmm- I think the beer is talking...

or is it?!?!?!?!?!?

Nov 02 06 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
Or use better shampoo?

yeah... that works too

Nov 02 06 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Daniela V wrote:
or don't be a gwc?

Hmmm- I think the beer is talking...

or is it?!?!?!?!?!?

dani.... i thought you'd be the one voice that would completely agree with me.... now i am sad....

Nov 02 06 07:50 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Daniela V wrote:
or don't be a gwc?

I don't think that's it... I haven't had problems with flaky models.

Nov 02 06 07:51 pm Link



Posts: 58

Los Angeles, California, US


Very well said....I don't get it either, between here and the Other Model Place, I get 10-20 TFCD requests per month...I unfortunately only have time to shoot one, sometimes two per how do you choose? heres my criteria:

1. Does the model seem totally comfortable with her body
2, Is she able to convey emotion/ feeling to a picture
3. Can we do a "go see" and discuss working together
4. For out of State models, have at least two phone conversations re: the shoot
5. Emails or AIM do NOT equate to having a real discussion
6. Use the phone and/or meet in person to discuss details

Having said all that, I have over the past three years, only had one no show/no call model, and she was a very well known model, but was having re-hab issues..

I have had discussions for over two years, discussing work with various models before working together, and when it happens, it's great....don't rush things, when it's meant to will happen...

My dos Centavos.....


Nov 02 06 09:00 pm Link



Posts: 413

San Diego, California, US

# 7

Does she have boobie pics.

Nov 02 06 11:44 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


ravens laughter wrote:

dani.... i thought you'd be the one voice that would completely agree with me.... now i am sad....

You have no idea how much alcohol I've had tonight- just ignore me- Im rambling...

Nov 03 06 01:45 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Raven, I can speak from real experience here. I was displaying total run of the mill glamour pics, advertising for such and was getting 4 out of 5 models flaking, I almost gave up and went back to shooting a mannequinn, but then I put up my more alternative/morbid/bondage stuff and have only had 2 people drop off a conversation about setting up a shoot date. I have given up on the standard run of the mill and now I am trying to push some limits, see how visually gripping I can make stuff. The models seem more into it too, because it adds a whole new aspect to their ports.
Spot on with this one.

Nov 03 06 02:00 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

my area is very scarce of models actually.
the flake rate is high here for any photographer, but when I travel on vacation and get some shooting in, I've never had a flake which is nice.  smile

Nov 03 06 02:03 am Link



Posts: 2

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Nothing to make your time feel less valuable than a flake.  Only ever happened to me on TFP. It seems to be a matter of percieved value VS recieved value.
Sorry to ask, but what does gwc stand for?

Nov 03 06 02:27 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Got some news for you. Agencies are not going to be too interested in a 'photographer's' photoshop skills or his/her ability to create something unconventional.  They want to see the same type of shots and expect those in a model's port.  I advisel models who shoot with me what agencies are looking for but recommend at least one 'creative' or off-the-wall shot that seperates them from the rest.  However, if that's all they have to show an agent and they're at a casting call for Macys they can forget about having much of a chance. 

I'm seeing more photographers shoot for themselves - creating art the photographer wants - with less of an emphasis on what the model really needs in their port. 

I believe it does a new model - especially a younger one who is into the alternative or creative images - to believe agencies will want those too. 


Nov 03 06 02:41 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

phoTobin wrote:
Nothing to make your time feel less valuable than a flake.  Only ever happened to me on TFP. It seems to be a matter of percieved value VS recieved value.
Sorry to ask, but what does gwc stand for?

GWC=guy with camera. Basically means a non-trained guy who buys a digital camera and starts calling himself a photographer. No law against it; but it's the term those who have made a living at photography and/or been shooting long enough to have earned the title in the eyes of their peers use when talking about the new 'photographers' who bought a Canon Rebel or Nikon 50 and are still trying to figure out how to make it 'shoot' well.  It's a perjorative term.

Nov 03 06 02:47 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Tim Baker wrote:
Got some news for you. Agencies are not going to be too interested in a 'photographer's' photoshop skills or his/her ability to create something unconventional.  They want to see the same type of shots and expect those in a model's port.  I advisel models who shoot with me what agencies are looking for but recommend at least one 'creative' or off-the-wall shot that seperates them from the rest.  However, if that's all they have to show an agent and they're at a casting call for Macys they can forget about having much of a chance. 

I'm seeing more photographers shoot for themselves - creating art the photographer wants - with less of an emphasis on what the model really needs in their port. 

I believe it does a new model - especially a younger one who is into the alternative or creative images - to believe agencies will want those too. 


Being unique doesn't automatically imply overusage of photoshop, nor does unconventional equate to being unusable smile

Nov 03 06 03:22 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Tim Baker wrote:
Got some news for you. Agencies are not going to be too interested in a 'photographer's' photoshop skills or his/her ability to create something unconventional.  They want to see the same type of shots and expect those in a model's port.  I advisel models who shoot with me what agencies are looking for but recommend at least one 'creative' or off-the-wall shot that seperates them from the rest.  However, if that's all they have to show an agent and they're at a casting call for Macys they can forget about having much of a chance. 

I'm seeing more photographers shoot for themselves - creating art the photographer wants - with less of an emphasis on what the model really needs in their port. 

I believe it does a new model - especially a younger one who is into the alternative or creative images - to believe agencies will want those too. 


wow what a way to try and hijack a thread tim.
the point here has nothing to do with producing images for a models portfolio. If that is the only reason you're shoot, I really feel sorry for you.

The point was, if a you're having a flake problem.... try a little originality and you won't have such a flake rate.

And like another poster wrote, originality does not mean that a person has to do strange things... just means they have to have an eye or idea that is uncommon.

Nice try at a dig by the way, but I don't produce images for agencies... or for models who's only goal is to be signed with an agency. I create images that are different and eye catching.... images that inspire people to think and feel... that is what I am interested in.... agencies can go take a flying suck.

By the way, I'll let the people that I have shot who are now successful actresses and models that my work did nothing for their portfolio. (grin)

Nov 03 06 05:40 am Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
the point here has nothing to do with producing images for a models portfolio. If that is the only reason you're shoot, I really feel sorry for you.

Your logic lost me with this comment, but it is probably just me. In a TFP negotiation, the model needs to get photograph(s) for her portfolio as compensation for her time. (Again staying with the female model, just to avoid confusion.) Right? If the photographs are only suitable for your interests, shouldn't you be paying? Again, probably not understanding you. On the issue of flakes on MM, my rate is zero. I believe it has more to do with communication and luck. Anyway, I have a cute assistant and if a model were not to show, there is always more to do.

Nov 03 06 08:10 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I have a very high flake rate. I consider a flake someone that says they want to work together, we discuss the shoot, and they fall off the face of the Earth.

I know I'm not A-level talent yet, but I don't think my stuff sucks that bad.

I've never actually been stood up at a location (yet), but have had a few just not reply to mail/phone calls the day we had a shoot scheduled.

Nov 03 06 08:13 am Link


Bondo Photo

Posts: 250

Glen Burnie, Maryland, US

Do what you say, say what you mean. ("One Thing Leads to Another", The Fixx)

That's all there is to it. You agreed to an obligation, be a mature adult and do what you said you were going to do. If a model doesn't prefer your style of photography, then they shouldn't agree to model for you in the first place. If they happen to have a change of mind after they agree, they should let you know ahead of time.

I don't need to chase anyone around like a three year old who needs a diaper change.

Nov 03 06 08:38 am Link