Forums > General Industry > Why nude pics are so popular ?


Frank McAdam

Posts: 2222

New York, New York, US

Auguste Rodin: "A woman is never so well dressed as when completely undressed."

Nov 02 06 09:19 am Link


Kollisions Studio

Posts: 1897

Los Angeles, California, US

we're programed to reproduce and sex is obviously involved in such task- its really what matters the most in our species. a nude body whether it be male of female evokes sex; people get excited. we see it as a beautiful thing because it reminds of sex which is like an agent or vehicle that keeps our species going...yeah we're like machines programed for shit like that.

Nov 02 06 09:35 am Link


Mclain D Swift

Posts: 1279

Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada

TroisCouleurs wrote:
Just got 2 polar opinions on the subject ...

Opinion 1:
Because female beauty is first of all in sexuality, in the beauty of the female body ...

Opinion 2:
Because there so many guys out there suffering from spermotoxicosis ...
Profit will be there forever

So where do you stand at as a photographer, model, stylist, publisher, etc.?

I guess my first thing is that women are flat out awesome--a wonderful creation or accident of nature (dependign on your beliefs).  My main interest and something I have gotten away from is headshots.  Women's faces are so beautiful.  I found that most models want full body shots so that's what I have been concentrating on.  I shot last night and did some great heashots and super tight crops.  I am not a big fan of body shots unless the model is nude or wearing something really cool or the setting is really cool.  My reasoning is that the eyes are where the action is so on a headshot the eyes are up front and center.  If you back out and take a full body shot the eyes are all but visible--boring.  So we spice it up and add some more visual interest--in comes the nude. Now we have the other part of the female that is so beautiful--the naked body.  So, if the eyes aren't going to be 1/4 of the screen I want to see the naked body.  I don't have the patience to shoot landscape or wildlife.  Women are my landscape.  I view a woman exactly the same way a landscape photographer views a scene.

Nov 02 06 09:44 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Iris Swope wrote:
Because the devil's been busy.

Yes I have, thank you.

Nov 02 06 09:48 am Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

I dig nipples.

Nov 02 06 04:32 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

MadamePsychosis wrote:

ain't nothing wrong with sexuality.  i am all about it, whether clothed or des'habille.  but no, i dont think michaelangelo was thinking about sex while sculpting David.  the thing probably took him the better part of a year, and he was probably thinking about accuracy, form, texture, and the rigatoni he was going to have for supper during a lot of it.

The answer is probably yes and no. They have found that greek art was very suggestive and pretty much pronographic and meant to arrouse. Though, in the process of creation, it probably wasn't as arrousing to create. I work in an adult store, and I don't sit there turned on all day simply because I am surrounded by things that are meant to turn others on. Some days it probably was arrousing, but by the same token, there were probably some days when it wasn't...

As to the original question... why not?

Nov 02 06 06:16 pm Link


SevenFire Photography by Anthony Xavier Wiggins

Posts: 52

Waukegan, Illinois, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:

This is my excuse, too.  Except I spent all of my money on tofu and Halloween decorations..

Nov 02 06 06:19 pm Link


SevenFire Photography by Anthony Xavier Wiggins

Posts: 52

Waukegan, Illinois, US

Wynd is SILLY

Nov 02 06 06:19 pm Link