Forums > General Industry > Scam Spotting 101


Amy J Jones Photography

Posts: 524

Fallston, Maryland, US dumb do they think you are?  "Stacey" and "Dr. Elizabeth" make the same spelling errors and do awful lot! 
I am having fun watching you toy with them.  Fun-fun-fun!

Nov 30 06 02:33 pm Link


R A Photography

Posts: 2698

Lawton, Oklahoma, US

In my religion (Avatar Anabaptist, a very small Mennonite  Mayhemite subsect) has very ordinary names, part of our belief in the simplicity of life.

OMG! That is so funny! Just the sheer fact that they didn't catch this as being a fake religion should give them did really good with this, I mean really good!

I love the Mayhemite thing...very original. I may have to use that if I get one of the scam e-mails like that.

You should add in your next e-mail that you forgot to mention that before working with any models, you require a copy of their birth certificate and a photo id to be faxed to you...tell them it's for legal purposes, and see what they happen to send back. I'm sure it will be a completely fake document, but may be interesting to see their reply.

I'm tempted to reply to one of the nigerian scams with something like I would like to help them out, but unfortunately, I don't have a bank account, so I don't use checks, and that I won't use credit due to the fact that I am scared of the electromagnetic waves that the credit card machines let off. I would tell them that I only take cash...that would surely get them to leave me alone for a bit.

Nov 30 06 02:35 pm Link


Bob Pardue Photography

Posts: 127

Lancaster, South Carolina, US

Great in-depth coverage. You know, there is an area which I won't mention (Let's call it NC) that is full of scams. Glad you are helping to spread the word.

Bob Pardue Photography
Launch your modeling career with a
Free Model Mini-Course from Bob. Go to ...

Nov 30 06 02:48 pm Link


R A Photography

Posts: 2698

Lawton, Oklahoma, US

Ok, I couldn't resist...

The following is one of the scam e-mails I received in my e-mail, and a reply I made. I am wondering what kind of reply, if any, I will get from this guy.

*Note* The name I gave is an anagram for Your an A$$hole scammer. I thought I would get a little creative with it.

Ok, here it is:

The scammer's message is the first one:

Good Day,
l am Mr. RILWAN MAHMUUD MURKTHA, Civil Servant in the Ministry of
Health. l know this proposal will come to you as asurprise because
we have not met before either physically or through correspondence.
I got your contact from our chamber of commerce here in Nigeria
and have no doubt in your ability to handle this proposal
involving huge sum of money.
My father Chief Isama Murktha (Now Late) was the Royal Head of my
community, ELEME (an oil rich town) in Nigeria. My community produces
5.8% of the total crude oil production in Nigeria and 0.5% of the
Dollar value of each barrel is paid to my father as royalty by the Federal
Government. My father was also the Chairman of ISAMA Special Oil Trust
Fund. In his position as the Royal head and Chairman of the Oil Trust
Fund, he made some money which he left for me as the only heir to
The money is Eighteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand US
Dollars(US$18.5).This Money originated from the accumulated
royalties between 1976-1998

My reply follows:

Dear Sir,

I would love to help you with your difficulties, but I do not have the proper documentation to have a bank account or credit card, so I would be of no use I'm afraid. I do appreciate you taking the time out of your extremely busy schedule to contact me specifically about this matter. I'm sure you will find another someone to deal with this matter.


Rory Sean Schoulamm

Nov 30 06 03:02 pm Link


Synthia Poppins

Posts: 76

Baltimore, Maryland, US

omg you have to work with aalayiah stacey alaiayah jean!! Dont you know how popular medical surgeon super models from france but living in nigeria are in canada these days?

Nov 30 06 03:17 pm Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

BeccaAnnPhotoGal wrote:
Ok, I couldn't resist...

Thanks for sharing Ror.. I mean, Becca.  Feel free to post any replies you get.

Nov 30 06 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Well this was unexpected:

Hi Charles,

How are you today? I received a phone call last night that my younger brother was involved in an auto crash after some drinks at the club with his friends. I have told Dr. Elizabeth about this issue and i will not be interested in the photo shoot any longer, as this has taken a great deal of my time. I will be travelling to Paris tonight to see my family.

I have informed Dr. Elizabeth about this and she felt so bad, but its not my fault, i need to see my brother as soon as possible as life is more important than any other thing on earth. I have told Dr. to put a stop order on the Checks sent to you, since i will no longer be in Canada as earlier discussed. A stop order will invalidate the checks.

I thank you for your interest in assisting me and i will you all the best in your photo work........How was your road trip? Hope you are back now.

Till i hear from you, probably i will be in Paris then.


I guess they're on to me or something.  Or maybe this is a test to see if I still want to shoot; they're now waiting for me to plead that "Stacey" make the trip anyway.  Who knows.  But they did send the cheque:  just got word from the lab that they sent not one, but five of them.  Too bad they cancelled the bogus forged cheques.  Ah well.

Dec 01 06 03:08 pm Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Okay, let's try this angle:

Hello Dr. Elizabeth,

I received the following email from Stacey today:

Hi Charles,



Am I to understand that she will not be coming for her shoot, after all the preparations I've already made?  I'm still on the road and will be arriving home soon.  I received a curious phone call from my agent:  I have apparently received five seperate cheques from you.  I assume one of them has now been cancelled, but are you planning to send me four more models?  Please advise asap.

Thank you,


Dec 01 06 04:57 pm Link



Posts: 567

Alexander, Arkansas, US

It's a scab....I mean wait scam dammit scam.

Dec 02 06 02:48 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Richard Dubois wrote:
Okay, let's try this angle:

Hello Dr. Elizabeth,

I received the following email from Stacey today:

Hi Charles,



Am I to understand that she will not be coming for her shoot, after all the preparations I've already made?  I'm still on the road and will be arriving home soon.  I received a curious phone call from my agent:  I have apparently received five seperate cheques from you.  I assume one of them has now been cancelled, but are you planning to send me four more models?  Please advise asap.

Thank you,


hahaha... Four more models. Yep...

Dec 02 06 03:08 am Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

Oh no, it can't ending! This is worse than the day NYPD Blue went off the air!

Dec 02 06 04:32 pm Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Greg Kolack wrote:
Oh no, it can't ending! This is worse than the day NYPD Blue went off the air!

Well, even The Simpsons will end one day.  Maybe.  I may yet still receive an email from them, if they buy my "sending four more models" line.  I figure one of two things happened:  Either they very belatedly figured out I wasn't serious, which seems unlikely at this point (unless they're reading this thread - hey scammers, fuck off), or they sent five cheques accidently and need to abandon the whole thing 'cause even they can't bs their way out of explaning that one.  The second possibility seems remote as well:  they make so many blunders in the details anyway.

So Greg (or anyone else), if posting the cheques so everyone sees what they look like does indeed becomes my last post, feel free to hijack with your own series scammer emails and responses.  You'll make the people at proud.

Dec 02 06 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dec 04 06 10:16 pm Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Here they are, the infamous money orders:

They sent 6 identical money orders in all, each for $855 for a total of $5130, which explains that curiously unrounded amount (and twenty bucks short I might add!).  So identical are the money orders, in fact, that they all have exactly the same numbers throughout.  They apparently got a hold of one and have been laser copying happily away ever since (the paper is quite smooth).  Dr. Elizabeth has apparently acquired a home address in Calgary, Alberta, but "she" did in fact mail this from Sweden - notice the postmark.  They no doubt have a friend up there who redirects the mail to make the whole thing seem more authentic, though I wonder why they bother since they mention Nigeria more than once in the emails.  And the mistakes continue:  They didn't get the postal code right, and "One Thousand Canadian Dollars" is not "exactly 855.00", sorry.  I can't see how any teller would deposit these, it just doesn't make sense that the Nigerian scams make any money, but they do.  I like the childlike scrawls, and the back of the envelope:  "If undelwed, please return to".  Not sure about the Chinese characters in the margins of the money orders, but at least they got my name right.

Haven't heard from our scammers in over a week, so I guess the gig's up.  If anyone feels like continuing with their own scambaiting in this thread, hijack away.

Dec 07 06 06:24 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

PLEASE figure out a way to get them contacting you again - this has made my day every time you have something new to report!

Dec 07 06 11:49 pm Link