Forums > General Industry > ...when the realization sets in....



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

...that really, nothing that you do matters. That you have failed in almost everything that you have set your hand to... That no matter how much you give.... people always demand more of you.... what do you do? What do you do to keep going?

Others rant about silly escort issues, and flakey models, and catty MUAs... but really what does all that matter? Nothing changes.... even if you push and push and push... and you grow empty from pushing... the things you need most to turn slip away like sand through your fingers....

What do you do to keep moving? To keep growing? What do you do to keep from becoming bitter at the very people that you started off just wishing you could help?

I'm done.

Forgive me please.

Oct 30 06 11:18 am Link


The German Woman

Posts: 1346

Berlin, Georgia, US

There's too many people around me that inspire me and motivate me. I I cannot ever feel that let down by the world with the amazing friends and family that I have.

So look around and see the beautiful people around you. You can't be that alone. You never are.

Oct 30 06 11:28 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

When the world starts crashing all around me like you just described, I find that getting laid seems to solve most of the problems... Or it at least lets me forget about them for 30 seconds.

Oct 30 06 11:30 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

John Jebbia wrote:
When the world starts crashing all around me like you just described, I find that getting laid seems to solve most of the problems... Or it at least lets me forget about them for 30 seconds.

30 seconds? that's it?

Oct 30 06 11:56 am Link


Alex N

Posts: 2185

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Keep doing what you're doing. Especially if what you're doing has the potential to bring you some happiness.

And, for the record, I think your work does matter. (And I have been intending to reply to your message and tag; just facing some voice control obstacles lately.)

Oct 30 06 12:15 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
30 seconds? that's it?

Yeah. I figure why make her suffer any longer.

Oct 30 06 12:16 pm Link


Viper Studios

Posts: 1196

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

There's nothing wrong with having dreams, but when you wakeup in the morning and realize it's just a dream, you still have to get up and go to work.

If you don't like the work you are doing, find something else.

Just as pushing and pushing won't help.

Bitching and Bitching won't either.

Most people who are successful at anything continue one when others around them are dropping like flies.

But there's also the point where dreamers continue to chase a dream with no realistic possibility of achieving it.

That's reality.

Some people dream of climbing Mount Everest.  Others do it.

To go from dream to reality, you have to raise money, get on a plane, and put on your boots.

All the bitching in the world won't get you to the top.


Oct 30 06 12:20 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
What do you do to keep moving? To keep growing? What do you do to keep from becoming bitter at the very people that you started off just wishing you could help?

I call on 2 friends; Jack Daniels and Jim Beam big_smile

Oct 30 06 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

ravens laughter wrote:
...that really, nothing that you do matters. That you have failed in almost everything that you have set your hand to... That no matter how much you give.... people always demand more of you.... what do you do? What do you do to keep going?

Others rant about silly escort issues, and flakey models, and catty MUAs... but really what does all that matter? Nothing changes.... even if you push and push and push... and you grow empty from pushing... the things you need most to turn slip away like sand through your fingers....

What do you do to keep moving? To keep growing? What do you do to keep from becoming bitter at the very people that you started off just wishing you could help?

I'm done.

Forgive me please.

big_smile  Take a little, well-deserved break from it.  Then hurry up and get the hell back here!

Oct 30 06 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 609


ravens... when you feel like that... you are at the brink of burning out. i've been there. my advice is to take a break from shooting completely. as in, do not shoot one single image... for a bit... until you start to want it again... why you ask? cause if you keep pushing yourself you're going to end up hating what i'm assuming you once loved... photography. don't think of it as betraying yourself or your craft... you have to listen to your artistic voice... if it doesn't feel right, take a break or you'll burn out and never want to touch a camera again. i think it's better to take a month or two off from shooting than pushing for another month and then leave it for good.

Oct 30 06 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

C R Photography wrote:
I call on 2 friends; Jack Daniels and Jim Beam big_smile

big_smile  Now to quote George:  "... and we drink alone."

Oct 30 06 12:24 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
...that really, nothing that you do matters. ...

Others rant about silly escort issues....


Oct 30 06 12:44 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
...that really, nothing that you do matters. ...

Others rant about silly escort issues....


Oct 30 06 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

That reminds me, what are you doing on Tuesday? I have some stuff I need sorted, cleaned, and polished. Maybe some other stuff too.

Oct 30 06 12:53 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
...that really, nothing that you do matters. That you have failed in almost everything that you have set your hand to... That no matter how much you give.... people always demand more of you.... what do you do? What do you do to keep going?

Others rant about silly escort issues, and flakey models, and catty MUAs... but really what does all that matter? Nothing changes.... even if you push and push and push... and you grow empty from pushing... the things you need most to turn slip away like sand through your fingers....

What do you do to keep moving? To keep growing? What do you do to keep from becoming bitter at the very people that you started off just wishing you could help?

I'm done.

Forgive me please.

Maybe your efforts are focused in the wrong direction or for the wrong purpose?

Oct 30 06 06:26 pm Link


The German Woman

Posts: 1346

Berlin, Georgia, US

Maybe you have been careless with a talent. I went through that. i didn't feel like nothing mattered but I hate all my phtos excpet the stuff i shot in the very beginning. So now I'm trying to get back to that. back to just having fun with it and caring about my subject and not putting pressure on myself.

Oct 30 06 06:35 pm Link



Posts: 631

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

KathyJean wrote:

big_smile  Now to quote George:  "... and we drink alone."

Don't forget my good buddy Weiser, and pal Johnny Walker, his brothers Black and Red. But most of all, there's always my dear old Granddad.

Oct 30 06 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 7840


then  you have been doing and doing
sapping your own power

cosmic creative power runs through you
this is energising
spirit and life force  run through you
when you use that
you can never run out

breathe breathe focus on life
life  given to you
and the glorious opportunities to be uplifted
by the life power supporting you
so quietly

all around are the rivers of grace into which we can step at any moment...
yet resist
either throiugh fear ignorance or lack of feeling
lack of trust

trying on own limited reserves is exhausting and creates misery
working trying efforting over and over on and on from the ego
(only concerned with what i can acheive how good i am what i need to do) cuts out the spritual Self
leads only to depression and failure

breathe and take time
rest and be
you are a part of the awe inspiring whole

you are one of my favorite parts


Oct 30 06 11:19 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I find something else to try to change the world with.

It may be empty now, but I'll be damned if I won't make a dent.

Oct 30 06 11:23 pm Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

That's when I realize that I can't change others so I change myself and things that I CAN control.

Oct 30 06 11:26 pm Link



Posts: 539

Portland, Oregon, US


when I burn out.. 

its time for a few days of skinny dipping, canoeing, running naked in the woods... basically stripping all responsibilities and getting back to nature.. away from technology..

Then my soul rediscovers God and his grace all over again.. as I realize I am just a 43 year old big kid needing affirmation and reason for life!

Oct 31 06 12:44 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

ravens laughter wrote:
...that really, nothing that you do matters. That you have failed in almost everything that you have set your hand to... That no matter how much you give.... people always demand more of you.... what do you do? What do you do to keep going?

Others rant about silly escort issues, and flakey models, and catty MUAs... but really what does all that matter? Nothing changes.... even if you push and push and push... and you grow empty from pushing... the things you need most to turn slip away like sand through your fingers....

What do you do to keep moving? To keep growing? What do you do to keep from becoming bitter at the very people that you started off just wishing you could help?

I'm done.

Forgive me please.

this is good question /topic

I think in being a photographer you need to strike a balance between honoring your creativity and right to grow as an artist with helping others realize theirs .
However if you focus too much on yourself - you run the danger of becoming selfish and stagnant ( from a lack of ohters creative input ) Conversely if you focus to much on others - you will lose your own vision and they will take everything you have to give and even ( sometimes ) ask for more

Oct 31 06 01:03 am Link



Posts: 95

Pasadena, California, US

Two quotes come to mind. " To seek fulfillment is to invite frustration" and "Madness and Chaos". The horror, the horror.

Oct 31 06 01:08 am Link


PJQ Photography

Posts: 1728

Los Angeles, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
...that really, nothing that you do matters. That you have failed in almost everything that you have set your hand to... That no matter how much you give.... people always demand more of you.... what do you do? What do you do to keep going?

Others rant about silly escort issues, and flakey models, and catty MUAs... but really what does all that matter? Nothing changes.... even if you push and push and push... and you grow empty from pushing... the things you need most to turn slip away like sand through your fingers....

What do you do to keep moving? To keep growing? What do you do to keep from becoming bitter at the very people that you started off just wishing you could help?

I'm done.

Forgive me please.

Congratulations!  I reached this realization way back in High School - I can't give any advice since I didn't, haven't and won't get over it, maybe you will, but look at it this way - In a hundered years we'll all be dead : - )


Oct 31 06 01:18 am Link


Ken Pivak Photography

Posts: 837

Los Angeles, California, US


It will let you know that everything you ever thought is right and will offer you the way to see everything in ways and means you never knew, but felt was right.

Good stuff.

Not a religion, or a cult...just a great piece of info.

It works and my wife and I have seen this work for us.

You are a talent who has hit a creative rut.  Stop shooting...listen to music and do things that bring joy to your life, even if its skipping stones on a lake.  Do what makes you laugh...Sir Raven!

Oct 31 06 01:30 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

You are forgiven. Each person runs through things like this.
I think that if the people around you continually deman more of you then you might want to change the people that are around you. Obviously something is not sitting right in your life. Its up to you to examine what that is, and make the neccessary changes to make your life better.

To keep growing and moving? The best thing you can actually do is find something new to explore. Explore yoga, or some other form of exercise, martial arts, dance. Learn to do a new skill, even something like juggling. Find something new that you can do to give your attention to. It will eventually give you more energy to put towards your photography work. Everything is innerconnected. I feel that is something that we as a society seem to forget and ignore all too often. Shift your focus and I think you'll find that photography will come back around to you again.

As for being bitter... Remember that everyone is on their own journey. You can only help someone as much as they are willing to be helped and change themselves. It isn't your place nor your job to change someone. Its impossible to change someone if they are unwilling. Maybe they aren't ready to change, maybe they don't want to change (despite what they say verbally), or maybe they realized that the change wasn't the right thing to do at the moment. I don't know, the possibilities are endless. Being there for them (if it is worth it) is aout the only thing you can do at that point.

Best of luck.

Oct 31 06 01:23 pm Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

NC17 wrote:
You are forgiven. Each person runs through things like this.
I think that if the people around you continually deman more of you then you might want to change the people that are around you. Obviously something is not sitting right in your life. Its up to you to examine what that is, and make the neccessary changes to make your life better.

To keep growing and moving? The best thing you can actually do is find something new to explore. Explore yoga, or some other form of exercise, martial arts, dance. Learn to do a new skill, even something like juggling. Find something new that you can do to give your attention to. It will eventually give you more energy to put towards your photography work. Everything is innerconnected. I feel that is something that we as a society seem to forget and ignore all too often. Shift your focus and I think you'll find that photography will come back around to you again.

As for being bitter... Remember that everyone is on their own journey. You can only help someone as much as they are willing to be helped and change themselves. It isn't your place nor your job to change someone. Its impossible to change someone if they are unwilling. Maybe they aren't ready to change, maybe they don't want to change (despite what they say verbally), or maybe they realized that the change wasn't the right thing to do at the moment. I don't know, the possibilities are endless. Being there for them (if it is worth it) is aout the only thing you can do at that point.

Best of luck.

I don't know if I've ever heard truer words than these here on MM.

Oct 31 06 01:25 pm Link


synapse grafix

Posts: 42

Los Angeles, California, US is the works that matter.
People are transient, and generally not worth the effort one invests...however: your own psyche and vision is the only ripple you make in the flux of infinity and deserves every opportunity and effort. As disappointing as social function can be it is for the most part irrelevant and boring.

To live by one's own vision is indeed the hardest way to live. When you run out of gas it can be useful to look back and see the beauty and grandeur of your own effort....not whether or not it affected the "world" they way you intended...
however, my context may not be relevant to what is known only to your mind...
hang the end, BOTH you, "the work", and "the life" deserve it.


Nov 04 06 01:11 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

The first thing that you do is to understand that life is difficult and that you have two choices - you can face the challenges and find joy in the successes, even though they may be harder to achieve than the rest of what happens to you, or you can lie down and die.

Which one will you choose?

Nov 04 06 01:16 pm Link


Bill Cowen Photography

Posts: 526

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I suggest you take your camera and go do someplace beautiful and uninhabited, like Death Valley or Joshua Tree NP. I went to both places in the spring. Best two weeks of my life. Take pictures of everything, EXCEPT people! Don't talk to anyone unless you're ordering food. Dont log on to the internet. Shoot flowers, rocks, sunsets, sunrises, clouds, anything. Reaquaint yourself with why you picked up a camera in the first place. by looking at your port, you obviously have a great eye. Take pictures for yourself. If nobody else ever sees them, whatever. Breath fresh air. Get away. And take a book. May I suggest The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand, if you haven't already read it.
Or, go to Vegas, catch a couple of shows, play some slots and get yourself a really high end whore.
I would go for option one myself.
Here's one of my favorite quotes, I believe it's from Bill Cosby: "I don't know the secret to success but I do know the secret to failure is trying to please everybody."

Nov 04 06 07:54 pm Link