Forums > General Industry > Do you do MM or does MM do you ?


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Outside of all the psuedo communication that goes on in this  website ( tags , friends  , forums ) is MM really doing anything for you ...Models and photogpraphers - are you really getting those hookups , creating your photos and  moving ahead ( or does it all remain in the realm of fantasy and speculation )

Personally I would say , I am now getting about half of my models form MM and OMP ( the rest from the fashion show/event circuit or thru referral ) ...and I have reached the point where I am as busy as I want to be with my model phtography

Oct 28 06 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 667

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Garry k wrote:
Outside of all the psuedo communication that goes on in this  website ( tags , friends  , forums ) is MM really doing anything for you ...Models and photogpraphers - are you really getting those hookups , creating your photos and  moving ahead ( or does it all remain in the realm of fantasy and speculation )

Personally I would say , I am now getting about half of my models form MM and OMP ( the rest from the fashion show/event circuit or thru referral ) ...and I have reached the point where I am as busy as I want to be with my model phtography

Ive gotten a little work off of here, mostly just friendly advice and interesting pseudo communication for when I'm bored/sick/injured and have nothing better to do.  Most of the work I have had was from connections with people I knew, and then those people having a desire to work with me, and so on.  I have had a bit of work from here and OMP, but the majority of that is (honestly) not up to par with the other work, and as they say, "you're only as good as your weakest picture."

Oct 28 06 09:39 pm Link


Big Jim Slade

Posts: 258

Arlington, Virginia, US

Garry k wrote:
Models and photogpraphers - are you really getting those hookups , creating your photos and  moving ahead ( or does it all remain in the realm of fantasy and speculation )

I've had all my photo equipment in the closet for the past few weeks.  When I get some time for photography again, I think I will be able to benefit from the site.  But given that I have only been on here a few days I'm impressed that I've had one model contact me and we did a shoot.

Oct 28 06 09:57 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

I do anywhere between 4 shoots a week to 4 shoots a month.  It comes and goes, but most of it comes from MM.  smile.

Oct 28 06 10:01 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

It' s for entertainment as far as I'm concerned. I'vve gotten no work from here and frankly do not look for it. I've contacted three models from here for shoots; two did not reply and one was a 2X no show. So it's for entertainment.

Oct 28 06 10:06 pm Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

Gary...I am in the same place-great models with whom to work/create
and a fun weekly schedule.
MM does for me as I do for MM - it's mutual, enjoyable and I am enjoying the
comradery, the creativity, the forums, the interacting with beautiful people
for the most part.
...what's bettern that?

Oct 28 06 10:15 pm Link


MikeRoberts Photography

Posts: 28

Toronto, Iowa, US

I have connected on here MM and OMP with a couple models. What i usually get is "I really want to work with you" but i never hear from the models. So for now it's just entertainment.

Oct 28 06 10:23 pm Link


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

MM, OMP, and Net Model have brought me models from near and far.  True there are many flakes, both models and photographers.  There are a lot of amateurs that have little or no understanding of the business they’re attempting to infiltrate.  Those with a professional attitude find what they seek.  Others make a few contacts and complain about the flakes.  Grown up people in business make many overtures, ignore the flakes, and get on with business.


Oct 28 06 10:35 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Thom Bourgois wrote:
MM, OMP, and Net Model have brought me models from near and far.  True there are many flakes, both models and photographers.  There are a lot of amateurs that have little or no understanding of the business they’re attempting to infiltrate.  Those with a professional attitude find what they seek.  Others make a few contacts and complain about the flakes.  Grown up people in business make many overtures, ignore the flakes, and get on with business.


Ive not hear of Net Model - I will check it out ....

Oct 28 06 11:08 pm Link


K Ann

Posts: 713

Renton, Washington, US

I've been in Greece for the last 6 weeks and will be gone for the next year or so. Most of the photographer's I've met online are in the states. So, not working for me so good now.

Oct 29 06 11:52 am Link


The German Woman

Posts: 1346

Berlin, Georgia, US

I'm here to find models to test with. Also MUAs....I don't expect to book jobs from this site but networking is never a bad idea

Oct 29 06 11:56 am Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US


I've met some great models on here, that I would actually hire for a paid shoot. For real networking, I will shoot some agency girls in the couple of months, but it's still nice to have some girls out there, with real potential, who know I am and can maybe spread the word (like I do for them).

Oct 29 06 12:39 pm Link


Robert Ector

Posts: 386

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Im only here for advice. Nothing more nothing less. I dont depend on this site for getting money.

Oct 29 06 12:42 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Psudo communication huh?

I get a lot of real communication through tags and forums.
friends list is still a form of networking.

I don't exactly keep track of where I get all of my jobs but I do get plenty of paid work off of MM, and I have also gotten some exelent photography advice as well.

MM is just another tool use it or not.

Oct 29 06 06:31 pm Link



Posts: 7840


its a love love relationship

Oct 29 06 06:36 pm Link



Posts: 1237

New York, New York, US

The photos that I had posted that ended up having an agency contact me came from ALL MM photogs.
I not only got photos but GREAT FRIENDS besides...

Oct 29 06 10:25 pm Link