Forums > General Industry > Photographers that make you want to quit



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I know that that will never be my style. But some nights I wonder if my style is enough. Share the port of a photographer on MM who makes you want to give up photography

Oct 28 06 02:18 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Some people might feel like quitting just because somebody else's work outshined them completely. Please elaborate wink

Oct 28 06 02:29 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

He has an interesting port with his own style, but nothing that would make me quit shooting over. My style is different from him. I learn from other's work; I don't let it discourage me to hang up the light meter.  /tim

I love Vegas' work, it makes me want to be better.

Oct 28 06 02:36 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

PLEASE don't turn this into a critique thread, just post a link to a photographer you admire, or say something nice about a photographer someone already mentioned.

Tim Baker wrote:
He has an interesting port with his own style [...] My style is different from him. I learn from other's work; I don't let it discourage me to hang up the light meter.  /tim

Oct 28 06 02:38 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Dave Wright Photo wrote:
PLEASE don't turn this into a critique thread, just post a link to a photographer you admire, or say something nice about a photographer someone already mentioned.

I did. But the OP ask us to share a port. Which I did. Your point would be?

Oct 28 06 02:41 am Link



Posts: 209

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

LMAO - there's fotorat - now there is someone who I admire big time..

I'd give my left nut to be able to spend a day with him on a shoot!

Oct 28 06 02:41 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

There are many photographers out there that I think are great, but none that I would get so discouraged to want to hang it up over. When I see work I admire, I just thrive to do better. As in the attitude of 'If they can do it, so can I...'.

Oct 28 06 03:41 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

No one makes me want to give up photography.  smile.

Oct 28 06 03:44 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Star wrote:
Photographers that make you want to quit ----- Share the port of a photographer on MM who makes you want to give up photography

uh, no,..., nobody's work has ever made me wanna quit. i mean, biggies like DeMarchelier, D'Orazio, Glaviano, those guys didn't start out at that level ...

... but i might get there one day. we'll see. if i don't quit.


* (n.b., haven't had time to view the thousands of photog's ports on MM; can't suggest anyone)

Oct 28 06 03:45 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

If u truely enjoy what ur doin, who cares what others work looks like?

Maybe this is not a hobby for u

Oct 28 06 03:53 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Photography is something I do purely for fun.

As a result, I never feel any fatalistic intimidation by those who are more skillful than myself; nor do I feel any arrogant superiority over those who are less skillful than myself.

For me the philosophy always remains the same - it has to be fun and enjoyable, otherwise there is no point in doing it. That sense of self-gratification has nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of photographs created by other photographers. It doesn't even have anything to do with the quality of my own images. It simply has to do with the enjoyment of the process itself.

Oct 28 06 04:16 am Link


Gallery Row Studio

Posts: 202

Lakewood, Ohio, US

E|||B wrote:
Photography is something I do purely for fun.

As a result, I never feel any fatalistic intimidation by those who are more skillful than myself; nor do I feel any arrogant superiority over those who are less skillful than myself.

For me the philosophy always remains the same - it has to be fun and enjoyable, otherwise there is no point in doing it. That sense of self-gratification has nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of photographs created by other photographers. It doesn't even have anything to do with the quality of my own images. It simply has to do with the enjoyment of the process itself.

I totally agree! I do love appreciation and acceptance, but I in turn flow that appreciation to the photographers I myself admire. No photographer ever made me want to quit, even the giants:))) I just think - wow, this is cool! And it gets me going:) I get inspiration from great artists, not introversion and demise:)

Oct 28 06 04:33 am Link


Bryan Benoit

Posts: 2106

Miami, Florida, US

There are many people with work I admire (Sean Armeta, Bruce Talbot, Fotorat, Eric S., etc.) but none make me want to quit... they drive me to want to become better. I guess we all have different ways of viewing the world.

Oct 28 06 04:51 am Link


The German Woman

Posts: 1346

Berlin, Georgia, US

why would you feel anything else than inspired??????

Oct 28 06 04:55 am Link


Brian Hillburn

Posts: 2442

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Star wrote:

I know that that will never be my style. But some nights I wonder if my style is enough. Share the port of a photographer on MM who makes you want to give up photography've gotta be kidding Star.You have some beautiful work and you own great style. I can guarantee there's other artists looking at your work right now for inspiration. I for one have done so, as I sure others. Now get you butt up and find your next muse. We need ya...

Oct 28 06 05:02 am Link


Harold Rose

Posts: 2925

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Star wrote:

I know that that will never be my style. But some nights I wonder if my style is enough. Share the port of a photographer on MM who makes you want to give up photography

I just don't understand???   What is the beef???    I find interesting things that I might do ,  in every photo.. Or is this a ploy,   advertising,    or begging for compliments...

Oct 28 06 05:24 am Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I think everyone has thought of quitting, but that's not all bad - at least the thought of it.  It's healthy to see work you admire and make you strive to be better.   I know I have a lot to learn and a long way to go before I will feel that my work is striking.  I look, learn, and hopefully improve.

Oct 28 06 05:44 am Link



Posts: 5

Milford, Pennsylvania, US

Give up my camera for someone elses work, NO WAY ive encouraged others to not put their camera down when things werent going their way. i do it for the love and the creativity, interesting way to meet people also, i could care less what their work looks like.

Oct 28 06 05:49 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 10525

Nashville, Tennessee, US

It's called INSPIRATION.  Let that be your guide...they set the bar strive to attain it.

If you REALLY want to slit your wrists, go here: 

Star wrote:

I know that that will never be my style. But some nights I wonder if my style is enough. Share the port of a photographer on MM who makes you want to give up photography

Oct 28 06 05:51 am Link


Stacy Leigh

Posts: 3064

New York, New York, US

well...not exactly quit...but definitely get better...I find alot of super talented photographers force me to try harder.

One of many photographers are:

Oct 28 06 05:54 am Link


Stewie Hues Photo

Posts: 94

Fredericksburg, Virginia, US

Why would you even think of quitting? That is just a waste. I personally feel that I can always improve. There are ups and downs in everything we do. Much like speeding down a freeway, someone is always driving faster than you. But do you have the same destination?

Be true to yourself. Learn from others bur find your own style. Others may inspire you or uninspire you, but only you can improve yourself.

Sid Bolden

Oct 28 06 06:20 am Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Tim Baker wrote:
He has an interesting port with his own style, but nothing that would make me quit shooting over. My style is different from him. I learn from other's work; I don't let it discourage me to hang up the light meter.  /tim

I love Vegas' work, it makes me want to be better.

The hell with the images I want that dress......

Oct 28 06 07:20 am Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

Star wrote:

I know that that will never be my style. But some nights I wonder if my style is enough. Share the port of a photographer on MM who makes you want to give up photography

Well,   there are a few,  and theres this one,  really great work

Oct 28 06 07:27 am Link


Charles Rex Arbogast

Posts: 35

Chicago, Illinois, US

Your work is fine, it is better than fashion photography styles come and go, a flavor of the month.....and there are visually illiterate people out there, behind the camera, in front, and looking at a lightbox or staring at Photoshop.......carry on...CRA

Oct 28 06 07:32 am Link


InnerGlow Studios

Posts: 1712

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Star wrote:

I know that that will never be my style. But some nights I wonder if my style is enough. Share the port of a photographer on MM who makes you want to give up photography

When I grow up, I want to be just like Christopher Brady.

But I'm not going to quit just because my growth is stunted.

Oct 28 06 01:42 pm Link