Forums > General Industry > Why cant they just respond?



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

You send an email, no response, send another, still no response and you can see that both were read, put them on a special list in a database...

Life is funny, shit has a way of coming around...

People love to learn the hard way that in this Large Business we are in, it's actually very small.  It pays to be courteous and polite.

A Photographer friend of mine here on MM sent out emails to models here on MM about shooting with him.  He didn't say in the email if it was a paid job or not.  Out of around 50 emails sent out, 3 girls got back to him and were selected to go to the Bahamas for a Calendar shoot and they recieved $500 per day.  I asked him why he didn't include the details of the shoot in the original email and he told me this: "I want to work with people that are in this for more than just the money".

What amazed me more was that only 3 models asked about the details to the shoot, the others just didn't care enough...

Jan 03 07 03:45 am Link



Posts: 140

Dayton, Ohio, US

When I first joined, I sent out emails like they were candy: no responses from 99% of the recipients. Since then I've had six models ask me to shoot them and not even remember that they read and ignored my email. I know this because they said they liked my work. Not much has changed about my style except there is now more of it more frequently. My response to them: they're still waiting to hear from me ;-)

This bugs me as much as those who submit a friend request to me without so much as a tag, email or photo comment. Why should I add them to my friend list? I'm not stressed.

Jan 03 07 03:57 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

MiaVaughn-LeDeux Style

Posts: 78

Ashland, California, US

Cardillo Photography wrote:
This has probably been done to death but I am just wondering why people cannot have the common decency and professionalism to respond to emails?  I would just love to get a response...even if it is "No Thanks"

maybe they are all tied up

Jan 03 07 09:21 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

Cardillo Photography wrote:
This has probably been done to death but I am just wondering why people cannot have the common decency and professionalism to respond to emails?  I would just love to get a response...even if it is "No Thanks"

Did you email them directly, or through MM.  If you used MM, did you check to see how often they are on here and if it was read or not?  Odds are that if it was read and you had no response, the person just doesn't have manners.  Unfortunately, many parents forgot to teach manners to their children, thus we now have a society that is often rude.

Jan 03 07 09:44 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Slience means no. Clean and elegant. Why put more junk on the Internet and into my inbox.

Jan 03 07 09:53 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

rp_photo wrote:

I don't have a problem with lack of response to an unsolicited contact from me to a model. If the message remains unread, I know that the model is not that serious, at least as far as MM participation. If it was read, I assume the model is not interested at this time. I believe that everyone has the right to ignore unsolicited contacts, as it is stressful to have to reply in the negative. Also, saying "no thanks" may close the door to a later opportunity vs. saying nothing.

I do have a problem with models going silent once interest has been established. In this instance, it is rude and unprofessional. If the model changes their mind, an explanation is owed.

Saying no thank you or not at this time to me does not close the door.  By responding, you are treating me professionally.  I in turn, place the name in a database as a model that is curteous and I will be glad to work with them at a future date.  No response but a read message, my future response to them (should they ever ask for my services) will be "I am not able to assist you, thank you for asking."

Jan 03 07 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US

I like the feature that you can tell if your message has been read.  That being said, sometimes I will read and then take some time to think before I write back.  I only hope the sender isn't looking at it like "Hey, he read it, why hasn't he responded?"  Because I've caught myself doing that, but have to remind myself they may be doing the same thing.

Jan 04 07 11:17 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

I completely disagree. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with people who want to communicate with us. It never ceases to amaze me, for example, when I am in a shop completing a transaction and the phone rings. The sales clerk drops me like a hot potato, and falls all over themselves answering the phone. They have no idea who it is, but suddenly, that phone call is more important than a paying, live customer. I just don't get it.

Just because you know my email address doesn't mean I want to take the time to talk with you. Why is that so unreasonable?

And realistically, when you don't get a response -- you got a response. When you make an offer to buy or sell something, and the offer is simply ignored -- you have your answer -- offer rejected.

If you think models and photographers are "unprofessional" when they don't respond to emails, I wonder how you would deal with the world of magazines, where unsolicited, unwanted manuscripts and photos are typically discarded without response. Book publishers won't even talk to you if you don't come through an agent they know and trust. And just see what happens if you send your precious demo CD off to a record company. . .

Get real -- it's a tough world out there, and sometimes it's best to just ignore some people. I don't take it personally at all.


Jan 04 07 03:58 pm Link


Aaron S

Posts: 2651

Syracuse, Indiana, US

bang bang photo wrote:
If you think models and photographers are "unprofessional" when they don't respond to emails, I wonder how you would deal with the world of magazines, where unsolicited, unwanted manuscripts and photos are typically discarded without response. Book publishers won't even talk to you if you don't come through an agent they know and trust. And just see what happens if you send your precious demo CD off to a record company. . . you seem to think that a single person here gets nearly as much volume as any of those things you just compared?

Jan 04 07 04:02 pm Link


Steve Bruno

Posts: 102

New York, New York, US

Many if not most 'models' on this and other similar sites are just playing.

Jan 04 07 04:06 pm Link


hot topic

Posts: 123

Longmont, Colorado, US

This has happened to me twice on 2 seperate occassions.

They send ME an email telling me they are interested in talking with me about a project that feel i would be great for. So, i email them back asking them a few questions then nothing no response, no phone call. It get's annoying considering they approached ME on the idea.

I want nothing more than to expand my port and work with new photographers but i can only email and/or call them so many times.

Jan 04 07 04:09 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

I agree -- this makes me nuts too. I feel if somebody contacts me out of the blue, that they should have the courtesy to respond to me when I respond to them. But it happens all the time.

hot topic wrote:
This has happened to me twice on 2 seperate occassions.

They send ME an email telling me they are interested in talking with me about a project that feel i would be great for. So, i email them back asking them a few questions then nothing no response, no phone call. It get's annoying considering they approached ME on the idea.

I want nothing more than to expand my port and work with new photographers but i can only email and/or call them so many times.

Jan 04 07 04:14 pm Link



Posts: 9219

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

Cardillo Photography wrote:
This has probably been done to death but I am just wondering why people cannot have the common decency and professionalism to respond to emails?  I would just love to get a response...even if it is "No Thanks"

Some people don't know how to say no.  So, they take the easiest way out but not responding at all.  I personally don't like to work with anyone who doesn't response even if that person write back in few days late (knowing that he/she already read message but choose to ignore it for few days). 

  If a person doesn't response, to me, it tells me a lot about that person.  It is best just to ignore and never look back.


Jan 04 07 04:17 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Volume is only part of the story. But yes, some people ARE very busy, and run their lives very efficiently. And the more efficient, better-organized you are, the more people seem to want to talk to you.

Personally, I make an effort to respond to people who write or call me. But I completely understand people who choose not to respond. Ultimately, I think it's pretty arrogant to suggest that just because YOU call or write, someone else is now obligated to respond to you. Just doesn't feel right to me.

Aaron S wrote: you seem to think that a single person here gets nearly as much volume as any of those things you just compared?

Jan 04 07 04:17 pm Link



Posts: 9219

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

Fotticelli wrote:
Slience means no. Clean and elegant. Why put more junk on the Internet and into my inbox.

Have you ever wonder why sometimes kids don't response?  This is because the kid doesn't know what is the best way to answer.   But kids can get away with this, but not adult.

Jan 04 07 04:20 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Maybe their just too busy posting on the forum?  lol

Jan 04 07 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 204

Anaheim, California, US

Milli wrote:

I know EXACTLY what you mean.  One of my pet peeves as well.  Ignoring someone is much ruder than politely saying no.

Couldn't agree more with both of these!!! It really rude to just blow people off..... Or to even set things up and never respond to messages. Rude, rude, rude......

Jan 04 07 04:30 pm Link


hot topic

Posts: 123

Longmont, Colorado, US

bang bang photo wrote:
Volume is only part of the story. But yes, some people ARE very busy, and run their lives very efficiently. And the more efficient, better-organized you are, the more people seem to want to talk to you.

Personally, I make an effort to respond to people who write or call me. But I completely understand people who choose not to respond. Ultimately, I think it's pretty arrogant to suggest that just because YOU call or write, someone else is now obligated to respond to you. Just doesn't feel right to me.

Jan 04 07 05:19 pm Link


hot topic

Posts: 123

Longmont, Colorado, US

After sending several emails i will send a final one saying...

"just wondering if you were still considering me for the project coming up that you emailed me about. I don't want to keep bothering you so if you could let me know either way that would be great. I look forward to hearing from you"

After that i don't try again.

Jan 04 07 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

David Fish wrote:
Its called life in 2000 people read minds

Could you say that again with, I don't know, punctuation?

Jan 04 07 08:07 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

I've experienced a lot of this since I began recruiting models for my book.  For me, what's much worse than no reply is when they reply with an enthusiastic email stating how great they think the project is and how much they want to be part of it and then disappear.  Some people are just flakey.

My new policy is to eliminate from consideration any prospect who fails to return an email within 48 hours.

Jan 04 07 08:28 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

ImageConcepts wrote:
Hey I have a long thread going on Model Matters titled "Why do models take so long to reply to messages?"

A lot of people are going to say this or that, but it's not the money, length of message, or something else.  The membership here is just plain bad.

Speaking as a baby boomer, I attribute much of it to popular culture and what seems to be the prevailing mentality of people under 40.  I've witnessed a progressive coarsening of Western culture over the past 30 years.  Selfishness, rudeness, and outright nastiness are, all to often, the order of the day.

Jan 04 07 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 177

Los Angeles, California, US

I always reply...even if it is a weirdo. A polite no is always acceptable. Never burn your bridges in this industry!

Jan 04 07 08:37 pm Link


hot topic

Posts: 123

Longmont, Colorado, US

Jennifer_Marshall wrote:
I always reply...even if it is a weirdo. A polite no is always acceptable. Never burn your bridges in this industry!

Your absolutely right.

Jan 05 07 11:04 am Link


Jennifer Lauren

Posts: 261

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I respond when a photographer responds to me. Whether it's TFP or not. I am very considerate. As a model, I have photographers that contact me for work then I don't hear from them and they say, they are "serious".

Even though this is the internet. Please, remember this is a very small world.

Jan 05 07 11:13 am Link


Tiara Lestari

Posts: 11436

Jhanaydāh, Jhanaydāh, Bangladesh

WHat about when a photog agreed to work with you, but when you want to set up a time, they never respond? walah

Jan 05 07 11:15 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dawn Geary

Posts: 103

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

It's about courtesy. There are times that I am frankly too busy to immediately respond, but I will always get back to people in a timely manner. That is what a professional does. And if you're TOO busy to respond back to people, hire an assistant or stop all together.

There have been a few people that I have contacted (sometimes asking a simple non-job related question) and they do not respond. Invariably they get back to me when they need something FROM me, only I *professionally* respond that I am too busy and I apologize. Even if the reality is, I'll be spending the free time hanging out with my dog.

I will *NEVER* work with someone who doesn't have the common decency to say "No" or "I'll pass."

However, the people who do respond with "no" or "I'll pass" I have kept in touch with and 99.9% of the time have booked them somewhere down the line or have passed their information along to someone else who uses them. And I always make sure to say, "I recommend this person because he/she is professional."

People (esp. models) don't realize how much this can aid or harm them.

Jan 05 07 11:22 am Link



Posts: 273


It all depends on what is generally accepted way of behaviour is. It seems these days ignoring people is the way to go. I'm afraid all of us whining about responsibility and professionalism will join people whining why there are no 8-track players anymore to play their favorite collection of Frank Zappa.

I think it's pretty much industry standard that no answer means 'no'. Nothing you or I can do about it. Besides whining, that is. Now, the only thing I have to decide is the timeout -- for ex. when we set up a shoot, date, etc., I tell them: 'confirm and we all set' and then they disappear. I wonder if 3-4 days is ok value to presume lack of interest?

Jan 06 07 02:09 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hobby or not it is rude to act like that even more after you contact a photographer the then dissappear.

I guess it is the electronic age.  I was told off because a model said the internet is for email, why would I call!  Well to speed things up and actually get off your butt and do something, such as after a photog puts time aside etc. they expect someone to show up or at least keep in contact with them.

As one photog tells me, then why the heck are these people even on the site if they have no intention of going through with anything?

Jan 06 07 03:55 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Fotticelli wrote:
Slience means no. Clean and elegant. Why put more junk on the Internet and into my inbox.

Silence doesn't always mean no, I have contacted advertising agencies only to be called back weeks later the art director was on vacation etc.  And sometimes models don't read emails, I even missed an email when someone contacted me because the (other site) had so much bs with people I didn't bother looking there anymore.  But then one person did contact me out of the blue.

Where is this blue we keep hearing about?

Jan 06 07 03:56 am Link