Forums > General Industry > All models & Photogs: Go to your Portfolio now..


Carissa Winland

Posts: 364

Austin, Texas, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:

I want to, but I'd just feel awkward..... some of them don't link to models at ALL so I would be afraid to run into the answer of "I don't feel like linking everyone, so why should I do just you? Why are you special?". Now none of the photographers I have worked with would be that rude but you get my point.

I can understand that, but generally people respect assertiveness. If you frame it in a way like I mentioned, very polietly, I think you might surprise yourself.

Oct 27 06 12:47 pm Link


Copley Photography

Posts: 91

Nashville, Tennessee, US

TXPhotog wrote:
1.  If you want to find models to work with, surf model profiles.  My profile isn't there to help you find models.

2.  Only five of the models on my profile are MM members.  There really are other models out there.

Amen brother... hahaha  But then again, I'm afraid I'm guilty of it myself...  Maybe I'm NOT the only photographer out there, after all...  Go figure.    I just love what I do.

Oct 27 06 12:47 pm Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Yuriy wrote:
I also think your statements, or at least their wording, are becoming more asinine as this drags on.

That's alright, Little Brother. I'm amusing myself very well with my statements and wording.

To each their own.

To link or not to link. That, is the question, that each of us should answer for ourselves.

So far though, your opinion is on the minority side and that's fine. Do as you will, but the debate will go on.

Oct 27 06 12:54 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Dredful Jaymz wrote:
To each their own.

To link or not to link. That is the question that each of us should answer for ourselves.


That is my point.

Have a nice day now. smile

Oct 27 06 01:06 pm Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Yuriy wrote:
That is my point.

Have a nice day now. smile

And my point is, I wouldn't expect models to link you in their port, but you obviously don't need that, but also, that were I a model out here on MM trying to network and get work, I wouldn't work with you, EDIT unless you were paying.

Your personal site is a different story, but this is MM.

I will. You have a good day, also.

Oct 27 06 01:10 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Dredful Jaymz wrote:
were I a model out here on MM trying to network and get work, I wouldn't work with you, EDIT unless you were paying.

This is silly. 

Any model whose strong motivation to work with a photographer is to get a link from his profile to hers is a fool.

The purpose of working with a photographer is to make pictures.  Photographers should be selected to work with because they make the kinds of pictures the model wants.  Other considerations are a distant second, if that.

The notion that someone should be able to "network" models from my MM profile is a little silly.  Anyone looking for MM models in the Houston area would be very disappointed, credits or not; of the five MM models in my profile, only one of them lives within 150 miles of me.  Any model in Oklahoma or New Jersey who expects to get a lot of networking benefit from some photographer looking for models in a Houston photographer's portfolio is also a little foolish.  The place for models to advertise themselves is where people will find them:  on their own portfolio.

If a model chooses to give me credit, that's fine.  If not, that's fine too.  I don't need the credits, and I don't expect credits from some model in Massachussets to do me a lot of "networking" good.  You make this out to be vastly more important than it really is.

Dredful Jaymz wrote:
I just happen to big a big advocate of helping those who help me.

Fine.  Help them.  The best way to do that would be to take excellent pictures for them. But the way others choose to run their own portfolios, quite frankly, is none of your business.

Oct 27 06 02:24 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

I think the point that has been missed here by most in this thread is that there are several levels of people on MM.

Some of us work in diffrent circles,
Some of us are working for mm credits, and tags, and comments.
Some of us are working the art scene and have been working with anonimus artists who do not want their name out in public yet or ever.
Some of us have clients that have nothing to do with MM.
Some of us work with clients who have a portflio on MM but MM is not their main job.
Some of us have three web cam snapshots up and are asking for 300.00 hour bikini shots.

Now if you will let me run my buisness my own way I'm going to see how fast I can get kicked out of Pat Johnson's studio by asking him for David Bowies's contact info, because I need a refrence...

*hugs TX*

Oct 27 06 03:55 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Some of us like cookies..

I like pie.

Oct 27 06 03:57 pm Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

Are we getting a spanking? I like spankings. Ooh I am so bad. Give me my spanking.

Oct 27 06 03:58 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Miles Chandler wrote:
Open it up, and look at each photo. Is there a LINK to the photographer or model? Are they on MM? Please add one!
I can't count how many times I've come across an image I've seen in another portfolio and thought "Why didn't they link that?? I was wondering who the model/photographer was!" Besides (if you're a model) that link will lead viewers to more images of you.
It only takes a second, and many of us really do surf that way to find people we'd like to work with. Don't be lazy: a huge row of names on your front page is not the same thing. That's great for references, not for finding out whose work you're looking at!
Seriously, is there some reason why people don't do this?

I'll get to it when I get to it.  This site doesn't exactly load up very fast.

I do provide info for all knew photos I upload.  And not everyone I have worked with is on here.

Oct 27 06 04:01 pm Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

TXPhotog wrote:
Fine.  Help them.  The best way to do that would be to take excellent pictures for them. But the way others choose to run their own portfolios, quite frankly, is none of your business.

It obviously wasn't your business, then, about the tags in the first place since you don't prefer to use them, but you stuck your snotty nose into this thread and basically said "Blow it out your a**es! I don't do links!". But for those of us who will, this is a valid thread to bring attention to a recent MM bug.

So instead of feeling picked on, you should've stayed away from the thread. Go put your nose back in your own business.

Oct 27 06 04:53 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

DigitalCMH wrote:
I'll get to it when I get to it.  This site doesn't exactly load up very fast.
I do provide info for all new photos I upload.  And not everyone I have worked with is on here.

Sure, but it looks like most of yours are linked anyway, which is nice (seems to me- especially since your work is so polished). Most of my models aren't from MM either- I just try to link to any that are.
In fact, I am more likely to put a model in my port here if she IS on MM, because I have a near-infinite number of pics to chose from for my gallery, so why not use images that show my connection with others in the community?
(no, I'm not saying everyone should do that, it's just something I keep in mind)

Oct 27 06 05:08 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Some of us like cookies..

I like pie.

Do you like
apple pie?
cherry pie?
or Iona Creme pie?

Oct 27 06 05:09 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 10525

Nashville, Tennessee, US


Miles Chandler wrote:
Open it up, and look at each photo. Is there a LINK to the photographer or model? Are they on MM? Please add one!
I can't count how many times I've come across an image I've seen in another portfolio and thought "Why didn't they link that?? I was wondering who the model/photographer was!" Besides (if you're a model) that link will lead viewers to more images of you.
It only takes a second, and many of us really do surf that way to find people we'd like to work with. Don't be lazy: a huge row of names on your front page is not the same thing. That's great for references, not for finding out whose work you're looking at!
Seriously, is there some reason why people don't do this?

Oct 27 06 05:12 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 10525

Nashville, Tennessee, US

If you look at your finer fashion will NOTE the CREDITS include all involved in the COLLABORATION of the artwork.  INCLUDING, but never limited to:  the MODELS, the MUAs, the HAIRSYLISTS, the WARDROBE STYLISTS, some even go so far as to include the CATERER.... 

just a tip

TXPhotog wrote:

Dredful Jaymz wrote:
were I a model out here on MM trying to network and get work, I wouldn't work with you, EDIT unless you were paying.

This is silly. 

Any model whose strong motivation to work with a photographer is to get a link from his profile to hers is a fool.

The purpose of working with a photographer is to make pictures.  Photographers should be selected to work with because they make the kinds of pictures the model wants.  Other considerations are a distant second, if that.

The notion that someone should be able to "network" models from my MM profile is a little silly.  Anyone looking for MM models in the Houston area would be very disappointed, credits or not; of the five MM models in my profile, only one of them lives within 150 miles of me.  Any model in Oklahoma or New Jersey who expects to get a lot of networking benefit from some photographer looking for models in a Houston photographer's portfolio is also a little foolish.  The place for models to advertise themselves is where people will find them:  on their own portfolio.

If a model chooses to give me credit, that's fine.  If not, that's fine too.  I don't need the credits, and I don't expect credits from some model in Massachussets to do me a lot of "networking" good.  You make this out to be vastly more important than it really is.

Fine.  Help them.  The best way to do that would be to take excellent pictures for them. But the way others choose to run their own portfolios, quite frankly, is none of your business.

Oct 27 06 05:15 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Face Arts wrote:
If you look at your finer fashion will NOTE the CREDITS include all involved in the COLLABORATION of the artwork.  INCLUDING, but never limited to:  the MODELS, the MUAs, the HAIRSYLISTS, the WARDROBE STYLISTS, some even go so far as to include the CATERER.... 
just a tip

It's mostly true, but you know who usually isn't credited? The model! I've seen Vogue and Harper's pictorials where they credited the PERFUME the model was wearing (you know, because it made such a difference to the images) but didn't mention the model's name. I guess if they're in international mags, you're supposed to recognize them right away. Bizarre.

Oct 27 06 05:20 pm Link


Holly Dell

Posts: 567

Los Angeles, California, US

Give credit where credit is due.

I like to credit who I've worked with either by listing the photographer's name or link (if available), because I believe that is a good courtesy.  I do note in my model release that while crediting is appreciated it is not required.  Why?  Because I don't want to be ripped on for not crediting someone due to time constraints or whatever and if I really didn’t like working with them, but still loved the photo enough to post, well, I guess you get the idea.  I credit TFCD projects as well as even the photographer’s I have paid.

As for those involved in fine art projects that don't want to be credited, it is easy to list as Model = anonymous or uncredited, it just shows that you are professional enough to care.  I do understand when it is not listed, because a lot of work posted could be from a tear sheet where the model was compensated accordingly.  Being given a credit is a nice favor done by the photographer in this case.  I try to link as a favor to those I've worked with, because it shows I care about their work and networking and so forth.  While I do not rely on credits for future work, I do appreciate them and may contact those who have not offered credit and see if they need my MM #, website link, etc.

As for magazines giving credit, I have noticed where the model and photographer and maybe the mua and hairstylist are given credit, but generally for editorial work only.  Print ads rarely provide that information.  And on MM often the photos list the photographer's website directly on them like a watermark.

Well, stay professional with love.

smile Holly

Oct 27 06 05:45 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Face Arts wrote:
just a tip

Why, whoever would have guessed it?

A team works an editorial with an express understanding as to what the deliverables will be, including tearsheets with credits.  TFPs are just that, not TFCs.  When/if the negotiation includes credits, they will be given.

A team works a commercial job with no expectation of getting credits, and in fact they rarely appear in those fashion magazines you cite.  Just a tip.

Oct 27 06 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I uploaded lots and lots of photos about a month ago, and recently went through and recredited people. What I tried to do is put the credits with the proper name as well as a link, but when the uploader got fixed a month ago, I just uploaded like crazy. Still dealing with it, and the glitch makes it even worse.

Oct 27 06 05:59 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Dredful Jaymz wrote:
It obviously wasn't your business, then, about the tags in the first place since you don't prefer to use them, but you stuck your snotty nose into this thread and basically said "Blow it out your a**es! I don't do links!".

As is, I hasten to add, my right.  You seem to think it's just fine to berate others for not using links, but "sticking my snotty nose into this thread" when I disagree with you.  Why is it that you can tell people what to do, and the OP can, but others can't do it differently without someone being nasty about it?

Dredful Jaymz wrote:
But for those of us who will, this is a valid thread to bring attention to a recent MM bug.

Sorry, doesn't wash.  The OP wasn't even aware of the bug when he started this thread.  For you to come around later and claim that is the reason for it is, to be kind, disingenuous.

Dredful Jaymz wrote:
So instead of feeling picked on, you should've stayed away from the thread. Go put your nose back in your own business.

Excuse me?  The OP asked, "Seriously, is there some reason why people don't do this?".  Some people might think that question invited comment from people who do not do it.  Others, like you, seem to think it means only the holier-than-thou "advocates" get to post in the thread.  I disagree.

My nose is in my business.  I haven't told you how you have to make your profile, or what a schmuck you are for not doing it my way.  Do as you please.  So will I.  That is what keeping out of other people's business is all about.

Oct 27 06 05:59 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Face Arts wrote:
If you look at your finer fashion will NOTE the CREDITS include all involved in the COLLABORATION of the artwork.  INCLUDING, but never limited to:  the MODELS, the MUAs, the HAIRSYLISTS, the WARDROBE STYLISTS, some even go so far as to include the CATERER.... 

just a tip

I can't wait for Caterer Chat on MM.     I wonder if they'll have a thread called "Caterer CHAT ISn'T for takeout!"

Oct 27 06 06:01 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
I can't wait for Caterer Chat on MM.     I wonder if they'll have a thread called "Caterer CHAT ISn'T for takeout!"

Tyler is still struggling with how to label the Craft Services forum now that he has already used a food analogy to describe one of the others.

Oct 27 06 06:05 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
I can't wait for Caterer Chat on MM.     I wonder if they'll have a thread called "Caterer CHAT ISn'T for takeout!"


Oct 27 06 06:05 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Experimental Photoworks wrote:

Do you like
apple pie?
cherry pie?
or Iona Creme pie?

Hey Hey.... the Iona Creme pie is MINE I tell you. MINE!

Oct 27 06 06:06 pm Link



Posts: 6129

KM von Seidl wrote:

I can't wait for Caterer Chat on MM.     I wonder if they'll have a thread called "Caterer CHAT ISn'T for takeout!"

ok you... i snorted my grey goose!
thanks for quarterizing my nasal passages!

Oct 27 06 06:07 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

oldguysrule wrote:
ok you... i snorted my grey goose!
thanks for quarterizing my nasal passages!

Well, that's what happens when you put your nose in the damn glass. 

Wouldn't have this problem if you drank through your mouth like the rest of us...

Oct 27 06 06:09 pm Link


J Welborn

Posts: 2552

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Experimental Photoworks wrote:
All the MM links had been erased by a glitch bug in the system weeks ago.

many members have not replaced them untill we knew they had not come back or were going to stay fixed.

Yep i noticed that because I always link the models images

Oct 27 06 06:12 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Dredful Jaymz wrote:
So instead of feeling picked on, you should've stayed away from the thread. Go put your nose back in your own business.

These kinds of comments are completely inappropriate.

Roger is valid in every point he has made and never became condescending towards you even though he strongly disagreed with your point of view.

I hope that the next time you feel like your point of view is the only valid one you will bite your tongue and retort more considerately.

Oct 27 06 06:26 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

TXPhotog wrote:
Sorry, doesn't wash.  The OP wasn't even aware of the bug when he started this thread.  For you to come around later and claim that is the reason for it is, to be kind, disingenuous.

To be precise, I had noticed my own links vanished (and I replaced them) but had no idea it had been a site-wide phenomenon.

TXPhotog wrote:
My nose is in my business.  I haven't told you how you have to make your profile, or what a schmuck you are for not doing it my way.  Do as you please.  So will I.  That is what keeping out of other people's business is all about.

For my money, your opinion is welcome. It was an honest question, although I admit I hadn't expected strong "anti-linking" positions in response- I figured it was just people not bothering because they didn't think it important.

Oct 27 06 06:29 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Miles Chandler wrote:
For my money, your opinion is welcome. It was an honest question, although I admit I hadn't expected strong "anti-linking" positions in response- I figured it was just people not bothering because they didn't think it important.

Truth be told, I just don't think it is important.  I had links up for all the MM models I had shot - not because I felt I had to, but because I enjoyed working with them, and felt they could use the acknowledgement.  When The Glitch hit it wasn't important enough to me to go back and put them up again, except for one model's pictures because they became the subject of a thread.

I don't want to seem "anti-link".  Rather, I wanted to make an affirmative case in opposition to the suggestion that people have to or should put up links, and to the claimed importance of it all.  Fact is, it doesn't have nearly the power or utility that the advocates were claiming, at least in some cases, and it seems to me that needs to be said.

Oct 27 06 06:39 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Well said!

Oct 27 06 06:42 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Miles Chandler wrote:
if I find a photographer who lives nearby and see a model I'd love to work with ...

noticed over a quick glance that there aren't links to the models in your images; is this just a glitch? i mean, really, how much time can one devote to that?

other, if you see a model you'd like to work with on another photographer's page, why not just slip him/her a note and ask? thereby paying credit to that photographer too?

just two cents,

* (n.b., none of the models on my current page have MM profiles ... but have linked when was possible)

Oct 27 06 06:47 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

TXPhotog wrote:

1.  If you want to find models to work with, surf model profiles.  My profile isn't there to help you find models.

2.  Only five of the models on my profile are MM members.  There really are other models out there.

got it in one and someone admits it as well.

Oct 27 06 06:49 pm Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

when omp was in its infancy i linked a number of models.  all of them were with agencies and thought giving the 'net a spin might be something worthwhile. 

within a few weeks they all were laughing in hysteria at the weird offers they were getting from out of the blue, both from their own portfolio presence and quite possibly through links i provided.  my approach since has been we are both on our own. 

i don't ask for or expect reciprocal linking and i explain why i don't do the same.  if they choose to link back that's fine.  if they don't, that's fine too.  if nothing else it gives consistency, removes favoritism and those i've chosen to work with understand and accept that. 

so what's the next molehill we can build a mountain from?

--face reality

Oct 27 06 06:52 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

FaceReality wrote:
so what's the next molehill we can build a mountain from?

--face reality

model releases?

Oct 27 06 06:54 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

FML-Photography wrote:
noticed over a quick glance that there aren't links to the models in your images; is this just a glitch? i mean, really, how much time can one devote to that?

* (n.b., none of the models on my current page have MM profiles ... but have linked when was possible)

Only 4 of the images in my port right now are of MM models.. and they are all linked. The others, well obviously it doesn't apply:-)

Oct 27 06 07:25 pm Link