Forums > General Industry > PSA: Photoshopper's Anonymous.



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Koray wrote:

I still couldnt figure out what neon glow is for tongue

Thank you.. I'd never tried neon glow before:

Oct 27 06 01:41 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Ive been usin Photoshop since it was called Adulus photostyler..

Before that i spent 30 years in a dark room..

I belive Photoshop is an exellent tool ...But like all tools ya gotta learn how to use it..

My Photos Speak for themselves..

But it all comes from a combination of many differnt things..

Alot of thought before hand and alot of work aft



Oct 27 06 01:51 am Link



Posts: 111

Houston, Texas, US

It all started when I found my dad's instamatic hidden in an old suitcase in the back of the closet. Before I knew it, I was making pinhole cameras in the garage. Then I started skipping lunch and saving my lunch money so I could buy a Bogen Mini enlarger at the pawn shop. I found myself spending hours... days in a dark closet in the basement burning, dodging, solarizing, and... yes... double exposing. Then one day my mom caught me hand tinting an image of the girl down the street. It was the 60's and I started hanging out with a crowd that was shooting... Color Slides! The next several years are just a gausian blur now. I had sunk to new levels and the layers piled up. My mind was completely pixilated. The pull of the dark side was just too strong.

Yes, that's me in that darkened room with the diffuse glow washing over my desaturated eyes. No image is safe from my adjustment layers.

Yes. I AM a Photoshop junkie, but I'm not ashamed. No. I am NOT ashamed. I will hold my head high. I will proclaim it from the mountain tops. And I will never give up the fight.


Oct 27 06 01:59 am Link


Monique Antoinette

Posts: 199

Bellflower, California, US

I heart Paint Shop Pro :-\

Oct 27 06 02:05 am Link


The German Woman

Posts: 1346

Berlin, Georgia, US

there's a place for each and everyone of you … 0326706063

Oct 27 06 02:08 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Annique Delphine wrote:
there's a place for each and everyone of you … 0326706063

lol, nice find.

Oct 27 06 02:24 am Link



Posts: 4672

Jamaica, New York, US

I liked Candy
She is nice
So I added suger and spice
Now She's a dandy
and I'm handy with my jobar

PICASA RULEZ, potatoshop droolz

*runs from room laughing*

Oct 27 06 02:39 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

If you post here, is it any longer anonymous?

Oct 27 06 02:58 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Hugh  Jorgen wrote:
Ive been usin Photoshop since it was called Adulus photostyler..

You may have used PhotoStyler before Photoshop, but they're not the same product. (ULead's PhotoImpact was the descendent of PhotoStyler, once Adobe discontinued PhotoStyler [and paid big bucks for the privilege of doing so, no less!] back to ULead.)

In August 1994, Smart Computing Magazine wrote:
If you are looking for a top -of-the-line program with color enhancement, paint and draw features, and professional pre-press features, you will want to look at Adobe Photoshop. It's been one of the biggest players in the image-editing market for those users who want to create their own artwork, retouch photos, or produce color separations.

The new 2.5 Microsoft Windows version is based on the popular Macintosh version. In fact, the two versions are so close that users can switch back and forth between the two environments without a lot of hassle.
Aldus Corp.'s Aldus PhotoStyler 2.0 is another top-of-the-line program, for $795, that may give the mighty Photoshop a run for its money. Like Photoshop, PhotoStyler can be used to create original artwork, retouch and edit photographs and other images, and generate color separations.

I keep hearing the claim that Photoshop was based on Photostyler, but haven't figured out how the rumor got started.

Oh, yeah; I'm Kevin, and I use Photoshop. smile

Oct 27 06 03:56 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Rainbow Fright wrote:
I heart Paint Shop Pro :-\

I use that, too. Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. I'm what they call 'cross addicted'. tongue

Oct 27 06 04:01 am Link


afterdarc studios

Posts: 1196

San Diego, California, US

shooting is fun.  post production blows... but it still needs to be done.

i need to hire someone to edit my pictures for me.

Oct 27 06 05:57 am Link


Kevin Stenhouse

Posts: 2660

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I'm noticing an abundance of Kevins. Hmmm..

Anyways... I have one of those air fresheners that lets you play "discs" of scents randomly. I've adapted my own.

Scent 1. Good ole D76 mmm...
Scent 2. E6 reversal bath oooo....
Scent 3. EP2 Bleach ahhhhh...
Scent 4. C41 developer... wow.

This is true aroma therapy for the photoshop junky, I'll let you know when they are available on ebay. Look for the new incense sticks as well. I'm open to developing specific scent/music combinations too. I find HC110 always reminds of Black Sabbath since I "did" them together.

Oct 27 06 10:54 am Link


3rd Floor Photography

Posts: 932

Tucson, Arizona, US


Hi everyone. My name is Vickie.

I'm not a COMPLETE photoshop-aholic...but I'm getting there.

I don't know how to do a lot of stuff yet, but that's okay, what I can do suffices for now.

When I buy a Photoshop for Dummies I'll come back in here and admit to more crazy stuff I've become addicted to.

Oct 27 06 12:02 pm Link



Posts: 4672

Jamaica, New York, US

Pssst. Buddy. Yeah you. I got the crack. Cheep man. 
Look, you want it or not!?! I got other customers you know.
Meet me over in the photoshop thread.

Oct 27 06 06:20 pm Link



Posts: 7840


W.G. Rowland wrote:

Thank you.. I'd never tried neon glow before:

bugger !
mine never look like that...

can one be a User Who uses .. badly?

Oct 29 06 09:31 pm Link


David Scott

Posts: 5617

Marion, Iowa, US

Man, I don't even know what I'm doing here.  I mean, I don't use photoshop that much.  I just do basic touch-ups sometimes.... and maybe do some BW conversions.    Sometimes I like to change the coloring a little.  Crop here and there...  Smooth out the skin a little... sharpening... sometimes the levels are just a little off so I mean I HAVE to fix that right?  But like.. I really don't use it much.... really..  Man is it getting warm in here?

Oct 29 06 09:44 pm Link


Kaleidoscope Eyes

Posts: 197

Guelph, Ontario, Canada

*hangs head in shame*

I've been using for 18 years now.  Yes, I started when I was 8.  At first I just dabbled in it, but then I started getting in with long-time users.  Pretty soon people were asking me to use it for them.  Then, I started getting paid to use it, and from there it was all downhill.  My partner is an even heavier user than I am.  I also started using other programs, like painter and illustrator and flash and indesign...It truly is a gateway program.

Now, every time a photographer sends me a photo that has had some generic effect/filter applied to it, I cringe inside and try not to go homocidal on them.  Nothing like a little invert and glowing edges to make a shitty photo become art, huh?  *shudders*

*sits down*

Oct 30 06 11:18 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Kaleidoscope Eyes wrote:
*hangs head in shame*

I've been using for 18 years now.  Yes, I started when I was 8.  At first I just dabbled in it, but then I started getting in with long-time users.  Pretty soon people were asking me to use it for them.  Then, I started getting paid to use it, and from there it was all downhill.  My partner is an even heavier user than I am.  I also started using other programs, like painter and illustrator and flash and indesign...It truly is a gateway program.

Now, every time a photographer sends me a photo that has had some generic effect/filter applied to it, I cringe inside and try not to go homocidal on them.  Nothing like a little invert and glowing edges to make a shitty photo become art, huh?  *shudders*

*sits down*

18 years.. Wow..  I'd love to see your work (even though I'm afraid you just slammed mine..)  wink

Oct 30 06 11:26 am Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Kevin Connery wrote:
I keep hearing the claim that Photoshop was based on Photostyler, but haven't figured out how the rumor got started.

Oh, yeah; I'm Kevin, and I use Photoshop. smile

For those who care, there's a pretty good discussion of the history of Photoshop in Biedny, Monroy and Moody's Photoshop Channel Chops.  Somehow, a few years ago, I bought a copy at B&N for a few bucks.  I stuck it away in a box because I wasn't quite ready for it.  Now that I'm a 'Shop addict, I'm glad to have re-discovered it.  (A couple weekends ago, we were cleaning the garage and throwing away boxes and boxes of old computer books, including a lot on Photoshop.  I found this in the box.  Having been tipped off by Bob Randall that it's now worth a small fortune ($169 on Amazon), and having much more familiarity with Photoshop now that I live in it -- did I really say that? -- I decided to give it a read.) 

Anyway, it's my recollection that the book indicates that it was always called Photoshop, from Day One.  It just hasn't always been owned by Adobe. 

-- rick

Oct 30 06 11:43 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

So Shoot Me! wrote:
For those who care, there's a pretty good discussion of the history of Photoshop in Biedny, Monroy and Moody's Photoshop Channel Chops. Somehow, a few years ago, I bought a copy at B&N for a few bucks.  I stuck it away in a box because I wasn't quite ready for it.  Now that I'm a 'Shop addict, I'm glad to have re-discovered it.

As you say, that book is now a collector's item--strange.

It's still the best book on channels, even though it was written for version 4. Scott Kelby's new Channels book isn't bad, but Channel Chops is much better--if you can find a copy.

There's a couple of online histories of Photoshop as well: 10 year anniversary, From Darkroom to Desktop and a brief overview of the beginnings from Wikipedia has a surprisingly decent overview of the history as well.

So Shoot Me! wrote:
Anyway, it's my recollection that the book indicates that it was always called Photoshop, from Day One.  It just hasn't always been owned by Adobe.

My copy of 1.04 was from Adobe, and was named Photoshop. (I wish I still had that floppy!)

Oct 30 06 01:04 pm Link


Kaleidoscope Eyes

Posts: 197

Guelph, Ontario, Canada

W.G. Rowland wrote:
18 years.. Wow..  I'd love to see your work (even though I'm afraid you just slammed mine..)  wink

Haha, I said I'd been using it that long, but not that I was any good at it, or in any way some type of artist.  LOL.  Besides, I'm in no way, shape or form a photographer, so I have to limit myself to modifying either the crappy pics I take with my crappy cheap digital camera, or others work.  smile  But I did do a bunch of simple editing on friends (non-professionally shot) photos to get rid acne and other things like that.  And did graphic design for a living for a while.  meh.  Other than that I just mess around with stuff. smile

I'll never claim to be GOOD at using photoshop because I live with someone who is far better at it than I am.  I'm proficient, but that's all I'll claim. ;P

And no, I didn't just slam yours, silly.  I have yet to have the pleasure of working with you, and somehow I seriously doubt you'd send me anything that had a couple of cheesy filters slapped on to it and try to pretend it's more artistic that way.  I was speaking of a couple of recent shoots where I got back stuff like that.  I was appalled, to say the least. 

However, I assume should I ever get lucky enough to work with you, you'll send me at least ONE picture that has every photoshop filter imaginable applied to it (preferably one with the bear), just to watch my eyes bulge. wink

Oct 30 06 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

i put my computer table at chest-level, so i have to stand up to use it.  this curbs any temptation towards over-ps-ing, over-porn-watching, and over-mm-ing.

Oct 30 06 04:20 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Hi.. I'm Paul...

I'll be out behind the building handing out shots of Photoshop... first one is free.


Oct 30 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 6129

I keep having dreams about purchasing an upgrade from v6. This is the nightmare I need help with

Oct 30 06 10:04 pm Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Photoshop comes in so handy around Halloween... big_smile


Oct 30 06 10:09 pm Link