Forums > General Industry > Why do photogs tell models only use their best pic


Hope Parr

Posts: 726

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Why do the photographers on here tell models to use only their best pics in a portfolio? I am curious, reason is I prefer normal, pre-makeup photos when I am looking for a model to hire. I do not like looking at black and white, glamour or photo-chopped images. These types of images lie and deceive, is it good to have a few yes, but I think everyone should have at least one normal, non professional, no makeup photo in their port. It lets photographers know what you have to work with, what will be required for the shoot and processing the images.

Oct 24 06 01:49 pm Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

Hope Parr wrote:
Why do the photographers on here tell models to use only their best pics in a portfolio? I am curious, reason is I prefer normal, pre-makeup photos when I am looking for a model to hire. I do not like looking at black and white, glamour or photo-chopped images. These types of images lie and deceive, is it good to have a few yes, but I think everyone should have at least one normal, non professional, no makeup photo in their port. It lets photographers know what you have to work with, what will be required for the shoot and processing the images.

Of while inquiring you could just ask the model for a few snapshots...

Oct 24 06 01:51 pm Link


Scott Einuis

Posts: 337

New York, New York, US

Hope Parr wrote:
Why do the photographers on here tell models to use only their best pics in a portfolio? I am curious, reason is I prefer normal, pre-makeup photos when I am looking for a model to hire. I do not like looking at black and white, glamour or photo-chopped images. These types of images lie and deceive, is it good to have a few yes, but I think everyone should have at least one normal, non professional, no makeup photo in their port. It lets photographers know what you have to work with, what will be required for the shoot and processing the images.

All I can say is WOW!

Oct 24 06 01:53 pm Link


Hope Parr

Posts: 726

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I dont contact the model if their port does not show the type I am looking for.

DigitalSwede wrote:
Of while inquiring you could just ask the model for a few snapshots...

Oct 24 06 02:21 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

Hello, its a visual industry. Always take your best shot(s).
I will say that I totally avoid a model who has nothing but highly photoshopped images. I want to see the true look of the model, with makeup is just fine. I want to see her range of expressions, ability to pose, as well as her physical features.
All Blur tools in photoshop should be baned from at least a few images!!!!

Oct 24 06 02:27 pm Link

Body Painter

Henna Artist

Posts: 58

Portland, Oregon, US

It's to see what the model is capable of.  the more versatility, the better.  its like shopping for a computer and the store has mediocre or old ones to show you what they are really like.

Oct 24 06 02:32 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hope brings up a interesting point.  How do we as photographers really know what
we are getting?  There are some Photo shop wizards out here who could make a
beast into a beauty.  I'm not very good with Photo shop so I would like to see
a model sans photo editing and just with good make-up.

Oct 24 06 02:40 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hope brings up a interesting point.  How do we as photographers really know what
we are getting?  There are some Photo shop wizards out here who could make a
beast into a beauty.  I'm not very good with Photo shop so I would like to see
a model sans photo editing and just with good make-up.

Oct 24 06 02:40 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hope brings up a interesting point.  How do we as photographers really know what
we are getting?  There are some Photo shop wizards out here who could make a
beast into a beauty.  I'm not very good with Photo shop so I would like to see
a model sans photo editing and just with good make-up.

Oct 24 06 02:40 pm Link


J Welborn

Posts: 2552

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Hope Parr wrote:
Why do the photographers on here tell models to use only their best pics in a portfolio? I am curious, reason is I prefer normal, pre-makeup photos when I am looking for a model to hire. I do not like looking at black and white, glamour or photo-chopped images. These types of images lie and deceive, is it good to have a few yes, but I think everyone should have at least one normal, non professional, no makeup photo in their port. It lets photographers know what you have to work with, what will be required for the shoot and processing the images.

I am one to tell them that . If they have good images in their portfolio and I can't do as well as some other photographer then it's my problem.
It's visual as some one eles said and  I think they should have the images that make them look the best and only those images so they get more offers.
It's nice to have a girl come in that does not need retouching but that is only about 1% of those that are out there.

Oct 24 06 02:41 pm Link


Harold Rose

Posts: 2925

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Hope Parr wrote:
Why do the photographers on here tell models to use only their best pics in a portfolio? I am curious, reason is I prefer normal, pre-makeup photos when I am looking for a model to hire. I do not like looking at black and white, glamour or photo-chopped images. These types of images lie and deceive, is it good to have a few yes, but I think everyone should have at least one normal, non professional, no makeup photo in their port. It lets photographers know what you have to work with, what will be required for the shoot and processing the images.

Have you seen a professional model with a portfolio  of non professional images. ?
I cannot disagree with you more..

Oct 24 06 02:46 pm Link


Harold Rose

Posts: 2925

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Hope Parr wrote:
Why do the photographers on here tell models to use only their best pics in a portfolio? I am curious, reason is I prefer normal, pre-makeup photos when I am looking for a model to hire. I do not like looking at black and white, glamour or photo-chopped images. These types of images lie and deceive, is it good to have a few yes, but I think everyone should have at least one normal, non professional, no makeup photo in their port. It lets photographers know what you have to work with, what will be required for the shoot and processing the images.

Have you seen a professional model with a portfolio  of non professional images. ?
I cannot disagree with you more..

Oct 24 06 02:47 pm Link


JaysonPolansky com

Posts: 816

Sedona, Arizona, US

Hope Parr wrote:
Why do the photographers on here tell models ....

These types of images lie and deceive, . . .

Is makeup a deception? How about Photoshop-ing? How about when a model smiles when they are really sad, is that deception?

Some may think yes, some may disagree.

It just is what it is.

Oct 24 06 02:55 pm Link


Scott Evans Photography

Posts: 578

Houston, Alaska, US

Hope Parr wrote:
Why do the photographers on here tell models to use only their best pics in a portfolio? I am curious, reason is I prefer normal, pre-makeup photos when I am looking for a model to hire. I do not like looking at black and white, glamour or photo-chopped images. These types of images lie and deceive, is it good to have a few yes, but I think everyone should have at least one normal, non professional, no makeup photo in their port. It lets photographers know what you have to work with, what will be required for the shoot and processing the images.

Because you do nto use your crappiest one to sell your product,,,,the product being YOU and YOUR LOOK!

Oct 24 06 03:20 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Hope Parr wrote:
I dont contact the model if their port does not show the type I am looking for.

Um- well we can't please everyone, and we only get 20 shots- go look at their webpage for additional ones (assuming they have one), or ask for the shot.

Otherwise, you might be passing up on the right model just because he or she doesn't have the one you're looking for.


Oct 24 06 03:27 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

I never tell models what images to use in their portfolios, that being said I only realease images I am willing to have my name on. I have been tinkering with the idea of one good headshot with no face/skin retouching to each model I work with.
It is up to them to post it or not.

Right now I'm working on the best way to light a model to get her face to look great...

Oct 24 06 03:37 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

You're only as good as your worst pic.

Oct 24 06 03:41 pm Link


Hope Parr

Posts: 726

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

See, you dont get it, its not the crappiest one, its the real one.
Photo shop can make people totally different then what they really look like. Did you know allot of magazines ask for photo submissions to be non-professional photos and unedited.

Emotive Photography wrote:
Because you do nto use your crappiest one to sell your product,,,,the product being YOU and YOUR LOOK!

Oct 24 06 04:38 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Presentation is everything.
First impressions are important.
Our photos represent what we can do.
Better photos challenge better photographers and models to join us.
To capture interest and hold attention
To be memorable
To distinquish ourselves

Many other reasons.

Our portfolios are mostly for advertising.
Why would we want to use lame photos in an advertisement?

My portfolios don't count as an example because I never clean out the clutter.

Oct 24 06 04:46 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
You're only as good as your worst pic.

now you are making me nervous

Oct 24 06 04:46 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Out of 20 slots, a polaroid of body and one of face is great.   And then what?   Another 18 slots of polaroids?  How about webcam shots of the model how they realistically look in the morning.   Or after a night of binge drinking, or having sex?

All I need to see realistically is bone structure.  FAce and body.    And the nexus of how flesh sets on top of it.   That's it.   The rest can be fun shots to see what other artists have done.

Oct 24 06 04:50 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Personally, I find their reaction when I tell them there's no make-up and no hair styling in my shoots tells me a lot about how confident they are in their "natural" appearance:-) The Maxim gals run away screaming...

Oct 24 06 04:59 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Out of 20 slots, a polaroid of body and one of face is great.   And then what?   Another 18 slots of polaroids?  How about webcam shots of the model how they realistically look in the morning.   Or after a night of binge drinking, or having sex?

Actually photographs of what they look like after a hard night of partying would probably help me out a great deal.  Usually it's what i end up with on a saturday mid afternoon.

Oct 24 06 05:00 pm Link


John W Cochran

Posts: 1266

Auburn, Alabama, US

I thank most people feel this should be like their book or portfolio to take on call.  I think it should show both, the range and type of modeling they do, and also have a straight up head and body shot.  If the models don't want to do that they should at least have couple straight images to send out if requested.

Oct 24 06 05:01 pm Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

If she wants no makeup, I'll shoot that for her, no problem.  And because my real end use is paper prints on gallery walls I use minimal photoshop even for online examples, so that's not an issue.

But she only gets images that I'm reasonably happy with.  And my reasons for that are probably very different than those of the average glam photographer.

My job is to create striking images that fit into a larger conceptual series.  I don't have any illusions about making models look good... I choose models who already look good, within the context of what I'm working on, and that's not always a traditional definition of beauty.  Thus I tend to work with models whose thinking, value systems, and aesthetic sense is already in tune with mine.  I do enjoy sitting down with a model and going over a set of proof sheets, and sometimes she sees things that I didn't... a lot of my models are artists themselves, they know what they're looking at, and sometimes I learn from seeing through their eyes.

But she's not going to get an image with a distracting background, or poor composition, or some other technical problem.  I need to maintain credibility to keep working with the caliber of models that I like to work with, and I'm simply not interested in compromising that.

Fortunately, I work with some pretty awesome models, and usually they already understand all of this.

Oct 24 06 05:02 pm Link



Posts: 1361

Huntington Beach, California, US

Isn't that why we take polaroids or digital shots at castings?

Oct 24 06 05:21 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Frankly, I agree.  I'd rather see a couple polaroids without makeup or much clothing than anything else short of tear sheets.


Oct 24 06 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
You're only as good as your worst pic.

That's not true!

Oct 24 06 05:37 pm Link


J Welborn

Posts: 2552

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
You're only as good as your worst pic.

Yep that just about sums it up

Oct 24 06 05:37 pm Link


Hope Parr

Posts: 726

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

did you actually read anything?

KM von Seidl wrote:
Out of 20 slots, a polaroid of body and one of face is great.   And then what?   Another 18 slots of polaroids?  How about webcam shots of the model how they realistically look in the morning.   Or after a night of binge drinking, or having sex?


Oct 24 06 06:24 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Out of 20 slots, a polaroid of body and one of face is great.   And then what?   Another 18 slots of polaroids?  How about webcam shots of the model how they realistically look in the morning.   Or after a night of binge drinking, or having sex?


Hope Parr wrote:
did you actually read anything?

I must admit, it's often a challenge when reading your posts, but yes I did.

Let me be a bit more specific.  When a photographer advises a model to put his/her best images forward, I don't imagine them to be admonishing them to avoid having a polaroid or two.  I imagine that what they are saying or reminding is that if one has 20 slots available to show work, don't just fill the slots for the sake of filling them.  Only put your best work out there, as sometimes you are only as good as your worst shot.

Does that make sense?

Oct 24 06 06:37 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Katie Scanlan

Posts: 977

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hope Parr wrote:
I think everyone should have at least one normal, non professional, no makeup photo in their port. It lets photographers know what you have to work with, what will be required for the shoot and processing the images.

I don't think a portfolio is the place to have unprofessional images, especially not on a site like this where you only have 20 slots to showcase yourself as a model. This is why I think it's an excellent idea to meet models from the internet before a shoot. This way you not only see their true appearance but also gain a better sense of their attitude which can be just as important.

Oct 24 06 06:45 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I think you're confusing "best" shots with "most photoshopped" shots. Some of my best shots are pretty much photoshop free, and virtually makeup free.

Oct 24 06 06:46 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Who ever said that a great shot can't be one with minimal styling?

Oct 24 06 06:48 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

e-string wrote:
Who ever said that a great shot can't be one with minimal styling?

If not, I've never taken a good shot...

Oct 24 06 07:12 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Q: Why do photogs tell models only use their best pic

A: I don't

Oct 24 06 07:17 pm Link



Posts: 18

Marana, Arizona, US

Hope Parr wrote:
Why do the photographers on here tell models to use only their best pics in a portfolio? I am curious, reason is I prefer normal, pre-makeup photos when I am looking for a model to hire. I do not like looking at black and white, glamour or photo-chopped images. These types of images lie and deceive, is it good to have a few yes, but I think everyone should have at least one normal, non professional, no makeup photo in their port. It lets photographers know what you have to work with, what will be required for the shoot and processing the images.

Some thoughts on portfolios....

I think you always put your best shots up. But a 'best shot' for a model portfolio is not the same as a 'best shot' from a photographer's portfolio.  Models choose portfolio shots to show what type of experience they have, that they can capture an emotion or a feeling, play a part or promote a product or convey an artistic vision. They should show their skills, their form and their features. Frequently a savvy model will choose shots that show their eyes or their best feature promanently.

If you are annoyed at overly photoshopped images then I have a little sympathy but when I'm looking for someone to work with I want to see what they can do not just what they look like on a normal day.  Every photographer on here can spot a photoshopped image from a mile away, if every shot in a model's portfolio is heavily airbrushed then it suggests that there is a need to airbrushing, and I would suggest to the model that they replace some of those images with some casual or lifestyle shots which are not photoshopped.
If you are searching for natural looking models then of course you will look for models with natural looking photos in their portfolio. If model wants to appeal to a range of job possibilities they will have a range of photos in their portfolio... but polaroids? Snapshots? That's what test shoots are for. 

I'd advise a model to have some well taken photos of themselves with no make up etc in case someone requests shots like that for a job.  But the portfolio should show the model's talent, interests and range. The portfolio is the first thing I see - that leads to a phone call or an email and hopefully a meeting or if the shoot is important a test shoot.

Photographer's portfolios are slightly different but many of the principles are the same... for example if every image is heavily edited then you are probably not going to be asked to photograph a wedding or a news event, but you might be hired for a glamour shoot. 

You do get what you see - you just need to know what you are looking for... Hope said that they don't hire models who don't have snaphots... that's fine... Hope knows what she's looking for.  I personally don't like snapshots or webcam images because they are not usually well photographed and I can't really tell how the person looks in them.  I want to see well lit, technically sound images of models which showcase their ability to make my pictures look great.


Oct 24 06 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

This is why it isn't a bad idea to have a polaroid or two available for a photographer to see:

Play the film.

Oct 24 06 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US

best pics for what??? Best pics of what I've shot of them for their port?? well yes, d'uh, they're only gonna get the best pics, best pics for me to see what they look like??? No I wanaa see a bad, unedited, crappy snapshot pic, this doesn't seem like a real thread

Oct 24 06 09:29 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

vanscottie wrote:
best pics for what??? Best pics of what I've shot of them for their port?? well yes, d'uh, they're only gonna get the best pics, best pics for me to see what they look like??? No I wanaa see a bad, unedited, crappy snapshot pic, this doesn't seem like a real thread

The OP has a valid point; there's a difference between webcam glam and a straightforward polaroid shot. I'm figuring the model agencies know what they're doing when they ask for them.

Oct 24 06 09:33 pm Link