This thread was locked on 2008-09-19 11:16:00
Forums > General Industry > is shooting web models a fetish?


Stacy Leigh

Posts: 3064

New York, New York, US

ok so lets qualify further.  Web model as in never will be a real fashion agency model when you are a fashion photographer,  or never will be a commercial model when you are a commercial photographer, I am talking about photographers who shoot high end or are attempting to create high end shooting web models that are 5 foot 1 and 140lbs.  they are not useful.  the shots can not be used yet the photographers still search them out and shoot, why?

Koray wrote:
I used to respect you even if you know or more.


Oct 24 06 12:11 am Link



Posts: 1466


KM von Seidl wrote:

can't one be obsessed with shooting as well as hoping to get lucky?

One can.  I never said anything was right or wrong or mutually exclusive just asked the question.

Stephen Eastwood

Oct 24 06 12:13 am Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

than you have no business here answering to this question... Is no one reading my original post!  if there is some financial gain then that is a reason to shoot them!!!

Stephen Eastwood

I have a different word than "arrogant" for the personality type usually "shining" through in your answer your question... would appear that there is no answer to your question.  (But you knew that.  You worded it the way you did to make sure of it.)  Reading through the inability to spell you frequently exhibit (or maybe it's just because you're such a brilliant man that you don't need to get it right), you've already made a pre-judgment.  Shooting models you've decided are a waste of time, which you've decided brings no value....  And then you ask what the value is? 

For whatever reason -- perhaps they just aren't as ignorant as you -- those photographers have decided there is some benefit.  The fact that the particular benefit eludes a person of such obvious mental impairments as yourself doesn't mean there is no value to it. 

-- rick

P.S. Sorry...spent too much time in The Pit tonight, I guess.  Either that, or I'm already tired of seeing pap like this in other Forums.

Oct 24 06 12:14 am Link


Monika Maple

Posts: 124

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

To be challenged, to experiment & to have fun.  Even those who make a living off their photography, like to indulge in some senseless photography, purely for the joy of making a fun/great/excellent/exciting/ect image, without the client telling them how and when to do it.  Don't you ever take your camera out just for the joy of shooting anymore or is it all just work to you now?  If that is the case, then you have turned you passionate job solely into a job tongue

Oct 24 06 12:15 am Link


Office Perils

Posts: 14

WINSTON SALEM, North Carolina, US

maybe its just a hobby?

maybe they wanna get better? and the best way to get better is by doing?

Oct 24 06 01:06 am Link


Frozen Instant Imagery

Posts: 4154

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I make no money from shooting web models (or any models, or anyone for that matter) - I have yet to sell a single image. But I feel so much richer than I did before I started shooting seriously (which was about the start of this year - I am one of those new photographers you might have been talking about). Richer in that I have built up a portfolio of images that I made, and I can be proud of - they are the kind of art I have wanted to make for many many years, but couldn't for lots of reasons.

Those reasons included my own lack of skills (until digital came along I had trouble learning how to take better photographs - digital gave me a feedback cycle fast enough to learn). And I had no idea where to find models who would pose for me (I like art nude, and finding art nude models before the web involved courage I simply didn't have! There is no way in the world I could have approached an agency). I have managed to establish a small presence on the web, in the form of a number of web portfolios, which demonstrates to potential models that I am a real photographer, so that makes it easier for me to approach other models.

For me, at least, web models and web portfolios have allowed me to do something I've wanted to do, and couldn't.

Is that any kind of answer to your question?

Oct 24 06 01:27 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

art for art's sake? fun? better to take pictures on a day off than doing nothing?
jeez, people.

Oct 24 06 01:33 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

curious since there are some technically good photographers who actually waste time shooting models that are of no value to there portfolio for no financial gain.  Why?  is it a fetish?  or are they hoping to get lucky? and if they are hoping to get lucky why are they not more confident that they can get just as lucky with the real useful models as well?  And I am not counting the occassional friend of said photographer that wants pictures of themselves, I mean photographers that actively seek web models for shoots. 

Stephen Eastwood

For the sake of debate....

  I attempt to shoot high end fashion with 5'1" 140lb models, in an attempt to show those in "the industry" that you don't need girls to be tall and skinny to make a good shot.
  I personaly loathe the fact that ads & mags are only using models that almost no one looks like, and want to make a statement against it. Showing that the average girl, can be made to look just as good. If the team I'm working with has enough skill.

*Disclaimer* No, that's not true at all. But it would have been a good answer!
I try to shoot agency type models, girls either with an agency, or have been, or will be in the future.

Oct 24 06 01:47 am Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Really?  I'm editing a pic now with swedish swimsuit models fucking on the tv next to me and I haven't even got a semi going..

You folks really arouse easily..

Yeah, but I'm not into Swedes.

Anyway, the types of models I'm shooting for aren't in high demand by the "agencies".

There's a lot going on in this world and it doesn't all revolve around agencies, advertising, and NYC.

Oct 24 06 02:36 am Link



Posts: 1466


OK, this may not be coherent as I took some sleeping pills and am woozy at the moment, but want to type this one before I pass out tonight.  so I apologize in advance for that.

Anyway on to what I want to type.

To an extent I did start this thread to be somewhat antagonistic today  the pit made me more confrontation than usual and while I wanted to start this there it really belongs here not there.   I also do believe what I wrote, I never passed judgement on it one way or the other, but asked and even qualified the question and made a specific which is why would someone shoot something they have no use for,  I did say that more than once.   now several people got mad at me, and thats fine but they should be aware that I never did say there was anything wrong with it, they took it that way and thats fine,

also I do want to say on a side note, that to have respect for someone based on a skillset and then lose it based on a supposed personality makes no sense, respct should be earned and should be for that which it was earned, why would I respect or lose respect for someone based on there personality when the initial basis f that respect was based soely on a technical or artistc work, I would have respect for a proficiency on that area and not grant and attribute further rspect for them as a whole without getting to know more about them, and in the same thought process I would not lose the respect I had for there ability based on anything other than that ability, its like loving someone work and having respect for them and then finding out they are black, or not black, or male or not male and losing respect for them becuase of it, makes no sense to me, or hating wagner cause it was hitlers favorite. 

Ok,  that has nothing to do with this and I am rambling.   Now this is just a statement and I freely admit that I feel shooting and creating the shots I do (I do not consider my work art its more commerce even when shot for no reason other than boredom)  is a fetish of mine, only I shoot with purpose in mind, my question was asked that shooting a webmodel that does not fit your goal, or have any finacial reason or any artistic reason is that a fetish?  and I got several answers.  thanks, for that, and I am sure many will not get this far and will leave hating me, and thats fine if I was worried that much I would add this to my first post as an edit, I won't I feel the question should be asked and people (photographers mainly) should think if there is some secondary gain assoiated with seeking someone for shots that you really wont show anyone or use but perhaps others like them to get more models to shoot. 

Sorry even I know that I am not making sense typing this at this point...  I hope to add or edit this to say what I wanted it too in the afternoon tomorrow.   

Stephen Eastwood

P.S. it sounds bad when I said I took a bunch of pills,  I am not killing myslef, I hav been on pain meds all day and took them to pass out now that its almost 4 am, all legit use.  Looking at my first line of this post looks like I am writing a suicide note, for those who were hoping, no luck!   I had fun today though, maybe I can get addicted to starting trouble in the forums...

Oct 24 06 02:48 am Link


Stacy Leigh

Posts: 3064

New York, New York, US

I for one think you take fantastic photos, but that doesn't mean I have to respect you as a person. I honestly think you were not being nice- and you can mince words and try to change your story, but your posts' speak for themselves.

It's funny because I am only 5'2" useless, huh??? According to you I am.

I'll see you at the top buddy wink

Oct 24 06 07:40 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Thank You!  finally someone who has a good valid answer!

I had a perfectly good, valid answer too.  (I love Mizz Holden's, though.)  Just because it isn't what you wanted to hear doesn't make it any less true.  Sometimes art actually IS the answer.  It's not all debauchery.  (Just most of the time.)  wink

Oct 24 06 09:20 am Link