Forums > General Industry > Is San Diego boring? or is it just me?


Photography Is Me

Posts: 54

San Diego, California, US

I've lived in San Diego, CA for almost 22 years now and everywhere I shoot models just seems to be the same old places again and again. I tend to get bored easily and I cant seem to find any new places to shoot. Does anyone in the SD area know of any good places?

Oct 22 06 04:33 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

It's just you.  Get outta your rut and go places you haven't been.  Get a map, mark where you've been, then go to one of the other places.


Oct 22 06 05:39 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Sorry, but it's just you. If you can't be happy in San Diego, I'm not sure you can be happy anywhere.

Anyway, it's not San Diego that makes you bored with photography. Good photography can come from any direction you point your camera, anywhere, anytime. It's about light, shape, form, message, feeling .... certainly not zip code.

Oct 22 06 05:45 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

"Boredom is a result of lack of creativity." - someone famous that I can't recall.

Now . . . as a lifelong resident . . .whether San Diego is going to hell or not is a different matter.

Oct 22 06 05:48 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Move to Ohio !

Oct 22 06 06:52 pm Link



Posts: 461

Salisbury, Maryland, US

omg Im moving back to San Diego next years there a lot to shoot there. Go To The ZOO lol

Oct 22 06 06:56 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Get in your car and go to your most reliable shoot location....
two turns before you get there,,make a left instead of a right.

Oct 22 06 07:00 pm Link



Posts: 461

Salisbury, Maryland, US

Let go Down to The YeOldePlank and have a Beer ok  wend I get back now there many place there to photo

Oct 22 06 07:08 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

It must be you. There are no boring places on earth, only boring people.


Oct 22 06 07:12 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Experimental Photoworks wrote:
Get in your car and go to your most reliable shoot location....
two turns before you get there,,make a left instead of a right.

this is a great idea.

Oct 22 06 07:15 pm Link


Photography Is Me

Posts: 54

San Diego, California, US

wow...all i ask is for a little help and I get people that think they know everything. Its funny how some people think they are better then you just because they are where they want to be in life. Maybe stop thinking about yourself and try helping the people that can use it.

Oct 22 06 07:32 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Photography Is Me wrote:
wow...all i ask is for a little help and I get people that think they know everything. Its funny how some people think they are better then you just because they are where they want to be in life. Maybe stop thinking about yourself and try helping the people that can use it.

Looks like that was almost all good advice. 

But now I feel just sooo sorry for you, I think I'm gonna sniff...


Oct 22 06 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Photography Is Me wrote:
wow...all i ask is for a little help and I get people that think they know everything. Its funny how some people think they are better then you just because they are where they want to be in life. Maybe stop thinking about yourself and try helping the people that can use it.

Incorrect. Don, Click and Experimental all gave you perfect, on-the-money tips.

I was indeed a smart ass. Not because I know everything, though, but because I don't know shit.

Oct 22 06 08:10 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Thank you...

Making a wrong turn on purpose is exactly what I do when I need to find somehting new and undiscovered.

I find it funny that some people ask about all the exotic locations in an area to shoot in, just pick up your camera and go for a walk, that is all it takes.

Oct 22 06 08:23 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I've found great locations just by wandering around with my camera in places I don't typically walk. So, yes, it's just you. Why would you ask the question and then get offended if people answer it?

Oct 22 06 08:29 pm Link


Bella Stella

Posts: 15

Austin, Texas, US

San Diego is very boring!

Oct 22 06 08:41 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

These people are trying to help you.  There are some photographers who would give their left hand to change locations with you (unless they are left handed!)  It's all in your mind ... this being bored thing.  OK, I live in this wonderful State, and when I get a little restless for a change, all I do is drive up the coast or down the coast ... or to the East a bit .. but there are plenty of locations!  Go on a road trip to some where you have not been before.  You'll be fine!

By the way, there are plenty of models to shoot with, so try doing a search for new talent.  That might help you get over your boredom too.  If not, well then as a last resort, I recommend drugs ... and not the legal kind either!  LOL   Oh did I say that?  No, I'm not a stoned ... yet!

Oct 22 06 08:43 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

sarah bellamont wrote:
San Diego is very boring!

OMG!  I checked your portfolio, and the underwater shot is amazing!  No wonder you find San Diego boring.  But I have a real live trained lion along with elephants, and other wild creatures to have models pose with. I need one other photographer to go in with me on this.  The lions modeling fee is expensive.  I'm dead serious about this!  The place less than a mile from me is this place ...  I highly recommend any "bored" models to come visit me!

Oct 22 06 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 3974

San Diego, California, US

I'm not bored at all here in SD. There's a lot of places I haven't been yet. Maybe it's the boring people you're need to make it fun and venture out.

Oct 22 06 09:22 pm Link


Sarah Ellis

Posts: 1285

Portland, Oregon, US

Wanna trade?  Columbus is lovely in the ... well... never.

Oct 22 06 09:22 pm Link


Instinct Images

Posts: 23162

San Diego, California, US

San Diego has plenty of interesting spots to shoot. There are the obvious ones like the beach and Balboa Park and La Jolla and then there are quirky neighborhoods like North Park or OB. Head inland to Julian or Cuyamaca to get some totally different scenery for outdoor shots. Even different beaches have a different look and feel - Mission Beach vs La Jolla vs Blacks Beach vs Sunset Cliffs

There's plenty of variety it's just a matter of figuring out to how to shoot it and what look you're going for.

Oct 22 06 10:31 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Photography Is Me wrote:
I've lived in San Diego, CA for almost 22 years now and everywhere I shoot models just seems to be the same old places again and again. I tend to get bored easily and I cant seem to find any new places to shoot. Does anyone in the SD area know of any good places?

Maybe it seems like the same old places again and again because you've been going to them for 22 years!  Nowhere is exciting after that long.
You should move.  smile.  I like San Diego, but geez..

Oct 22 06 10:36 pm Link


Dudley Watson

Posts: 1737

Roseburg, Oregon, US

Photography Is Me wrote:
wow...all i ask is for a little help and I get people that think they know everything. Its funny how some people think they are better then you just because they are where they want to be in life. Maybe stop thinking about yourself and try helping the people that can use it.

An old wise man once said "If you don't like the answer-don't ask the question!"
San Diego is my home town, but I moved to Oregon over 40 years ago for a job.  Learn to see what you have in front of you!  If you are 'burned out', quit photography for a while.   Some of the better pros need to recharge their batteries from time to time, but are mature enough to know where the problem lies.  Perhaps you need to look into the mirror for the cause and solution to your 'problems'.

Oct 23 06 03:19 am Link



Posts: 413

San Diego, California, US

San Diego, What A lovely Place, theres a reason why our Real Estate Prices are ridicoulous.

1. dead center in SD

2. 20-30 Min west your @ the Beach

3. 35-40 Min west you rin the Mountains and waterfalls in the cuyamacas

4. 1.5 - 2 hrs east your in the dunes.

No where in the US do you have such a diversity of climates all within one day if needed.

Oct 23 06 03:22 am Link


Dudley Watson

Posts: 1737

Roseburg, Oregon, US

sdphotoforum wrote:
San Diego, What A lovely Place, theres a reason why our Real Estate Prices are ridicoulous.

1. dead center in SD

2. 20-30 Min west your @ the Beach

3. 35-40 Min west you rin the Mountains and waterfalls in the cuyamacas

4. 1.5 - 2 hrs east your in the dunes.

No where in the US do you have such a diversity of climates all within one day if needed.

I would modify #3 to read 'east'.  If you travel 35-40 Min west, you are in the ocean!  Anyway when I was in high school, one weekend, my buddies an I traveled to the Cuyamacas to play in the snow, then that afternoon to the beach for some body surfing.  Wonderful memories from a wonderful town!

Oct 23 06 03:26 am Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

I wouldn't change...but I do love shooting in other locations. To me the easiest place to shoot is Florida, like eating cake.

Oct 23 06 03:30 am Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

When you shoot are you focused on the backdrop or the model?

Oct 23 06 03:33 am Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Shoot a retro set in front in front of or on the Midway battleship! Those would be cool pictures.

Oct 23 06 03:49 am Link


Photography Is Me

Posts: 54

San Diego, California, US

lol im glad this worked. I had to test this forum thing out someway. Ahh criticism...I love it. San Diego is great...duhh!! anyone who's been here knows that. lol, you guys. Crazy!!! Anyway glad you all responded. My favorite things...(criticism)(confrontation)and(debating)

Oct 23 06 05:20 am Link



Posts: 413

San Diego, California, US

Thats it your Outta Here!

Oct 23 06 05:22 am Link



Posts: 7840


well not for photography
but YES San Diego is unbelievably boring

shooting, however is about the only time I'm NOT bored here
shooting is great
we have it good !
talent and scenery too

but SD is sooo dull I may have to move to LA
and I'm serious

I have never been bored in my life before coming here
i went out friday and it was DULL
all the gals said SD is boooring

N county is a family based, dull conservative place
They say and compared to London im afraid I must agree
that generally the people  are boring the options are few and the dating scene is non existent

but there are many locations its just that the mind set is so small - you get stared at and stopped by the police all the time

we shot saturday in the state park fully f-dressed just nature nothing weird
that was a nightmare poor guy
we were harrassed twice
the trooper was rude to me and  my photog had his ID confiscated
small minds

Oct 23 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I've lived here 12 years now..  And my honest answer:

Don't know.. Never been there.

Oct 23 06 02:10 pm Link


Burnz F

Posts: 162

San Diego, California, US

Photography Is Me wrote:
lol im glad this worked. I had to test this forum thing out someway. Ahh criticism...I love it. San Diego is great...duhh!! anyone who's been here knows that. lol, you guys. Crazy!!! Anyway glad you all responded. My favorite things...(criticism)(confrontation)and(debating)

hahhahaa, i knew it, your full of crap, love it, hehehhee...

Oct 23 06 02:14 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Sneak in the lion enclosure at night at the Safari. That would be pic; assuming you still have an entire ass !

Oct 23 06 02:25 pm Link


Photography Is Me

Posts: 54

San Diego, California, US

Oct 23 06 04:03 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I would have killed to have a model with me when I was in La Jolla. sad

Oct 23 06 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
well not for photography
but YES San Diego is unbelievably boring

shooting, however is about the only time I'm NOT bored here
shooting is great
we have it good !
talent and scenery too

but SD is sooo dull I may have to move to LA
and I'm serious

I have never been bored in my life before coming here
i went out friday and it was DULL
all the gals said SD is boooring

N county is a family based, dull conservative place
They say and compared to London im afraid I must agree
that generally the people  are boring the options are few and the dating scene is non existent

but there are many locations its just that the mind set is so small - you get stared at and stopped by the police all the time

we shot saturday in the state park fully f-dressed just nature nothing weird
that was a nightmare poor guy
we were harrassed twice
the trooper was rude to me and  my photog had his ID confiscated
small minds

Lol...I think compared to the London nightlife most places can't compete smile but LA is definitely way more interesting for clubs, etc... than San Diego.

Oct 23 06 04:16 pm Link


Photography Is Me

Posts: 54

San Diego, California, US

Wait a sec. mgaphoto.........(ANT)

Oct 23 06 04:26 pm Link


Cliff W Estes

Posts: 482

Redmond, Washington, US

Whaddayou care about location?  You shoot girls inside without their clothes on!

BTW, that one shot looks like my favorite Hooters in Pac Beach.  Is it?

Like the majority of the posters have said, it's not where you shoot, it's what and how.

Besides, you asked if it was just you, so they answered. :-)

Keep smiling and shooting.

Oct 23 06 11:38 pm Link


Tony Yang

Posts: 580

New York, New York, US

Oct 23 06 11:51 pm Link