Forums > General Industry > You know who you are I don't have to say names....



Posts: 2853

I have been on MM for almost 2 months, and since joining I have manged to get alot of work done.  I have worked with several photographers in we managed to create some nice images.  I must say it was a pleasure working with each one of them.

In these 2 months I have learned alot, but for some reason I feel as if I am wasting my time, and energy.  I have worked with 2 certain photographers in which I did fashion with one, and business attire with the other.  I never recieved my images from either of them in which it upsets me.

The first photographer contacted me on a TFP basis for fashion shots in which we did.  After the shoot was over he then trys to charge me for pictures done on a TFP basis, but gives me one shot out of 100 images of the fashion shot.  I get the back part of my dress, and not the front.  H told me he would send images, and never did.

The second I worked with several times.  We started shooting, and I got a call from a male friend, but told him i would call him back because I was shooting.  After we were done shooting the photographer asked if he could stay in my hotel room in which I told him no.  I then asked if he could take me to get something to eat because I was drained from shooting. His response was tell whoever called you on the phone to take you.  Then stated he don't want to work me with me anymore, and he will send images in 2 months.  Now he tells me images were erased by accident, and he didnt do on purpose.  He sorry, and we can shoot them over again, or he will pay for room next time I'm in town as a option for images being erased. 

I feel like I'm not getting anything accomplished because photographers will not give me work for whatever reason.  At the same time I'm trying to build port they taking it away with my hard, dedicated work.  I put my soul, and energy into those images.  Well the most I can say is its a lesson well taught.  My heart is saddened.....I did the work for nothing....

Why? Why me? You know who you are......

Oct 22 06 12:18 am Link


Mr and Mrs Huber

Posts: 5056

Santa Rosalía, Baja California Sur, Mexico

You are obviously missing something that SHOULD throw some red flags about these people.

Are you checking their refferences? How many models do you try to speak to ? (at least three is where I'd start) .. . . 

You might also consider drafting a simple agreement form saying -

I'm going to take _____X_________ kind of photos w. photographer _____NAME_______ on ____date_____ .

The photographer agrees to return me _______ ( prints, edited pics, cd... whatever) _____.
for this date's work, withing _____ (some specific length of time agreed upon by photographer)__________.

Something simple, un-agresive, clear as daylight, and just plain UP FRONT.

If, at any time a photographer begins to rub you the wrong way durring a shoot - STOP and LEAVE.

I understand your woes.. and they are legit.. you had verbal agreements w. these people...  BUT.. . .

Do your homework on who you are shooting with.. it will greatly increase your awareness of the person with who you are shooting, as well as send the clear message from you to them - "Hey, I mean business."

Best luck, chalk up the bad apples to just that, and don't look back.

Oct 22 06 12:32 am Link



Posts: 7840


there are lots like this huni, dont feel singled out

the pros c an even do it nothing to do woth background.
i'm not afraid to name them, i have, on other threads and its only right
for example
i put myself out considerably to shoot with Ed Gordon
he is big on OMP, articles and very PRO, training photographers
moved to the states from Ireland
i saw great work, i wanted to be accomodating.

i let him bring a friend along to shoot too
NUDES and all TFP against my better judgement

i wanted to shoot tho the day in question i should have canceled
i made it
i shot with both the guys and another model - she is really awesome
we both wanted to have these shots
neither of us charged
hes and his mate took tons of images and even now 2 years later
many  e mials later
never gave us anything
not one pic
many different excuses then silence silence silence
no apology

he is constantly visible shooting tho
training photgraphers and innviting them along to learn how to be a  hot shot,,,taking trips and sending images of his trips out by e mail

its insulting

and it shouldnt happen to any other gals
how sick
that nude pics of you are  swirling around out there ...
& you thought you were colaborating together
when just being suckerred
its really upsetting

i hope they read this!!

hope you get better treatment next time

Oct 22 06 12:37 am Link


Jeff Searust

Posts: 920

Austin, Texas, US


You may have done shoots with "pros" but they treated you like crap, period.

Yes, sometimes things happen with images--I assume they were doing digital stuff, and even with film, stuff happens--I once had to explain about a roll of destroyed film because I litterally fell asleep as I was developing it, but in the whole, I would say that 2 months is too long.

Find a different set of photogs to work with, your bio says a lot.

Oct 22 06 12:54 am Link



Posts: 2853

Jeff Genung wrote:

You may have done shoots with "pros" but they treated you like crap, period.

Yes, sometimes things happen with images--I assume they were doing digital stuff, and even with film, stuff happens--I once had to explain about a roll of destroyed film because I litterally fell asleep as I was developing it, but in the whole, I would say that 2 months is too long.

Find a different set of photogs to work with, your bio says a lot.

I'm not going to get mad it just makes me stronger.  Things do happen, but it pityful to know I did the work, and didn't get anything in return.  I want my fashion, and business shots.  Its a learning experience....They can take those pictures, and crap it out for all I care...I can simply take the shots over.  The point is they were some nice images..

Oct 22 06 01:17 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Sometimes things like this happen in which you learn things..  Like to make sure models they've worked with before have gotten images and that they are not creepos.

Oct 22 06 03:17 am Link



Posts: 2853

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
Sometimes things like this happen in which you learn things..  Like to make sure models they've worked with before have gotten images and that they are not creepos.

I have, but guess I am the first to get done like this....I don't know...

Oct 22 06 03:26 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
Sometimes things like this happen in which you learn things..  Like to make sure models they've worked with before have gotten images and that they are not creepos.

boo ... no cookies for me, no images for you. wink

Oct 22 06 03:42 am Link



Posts: 2853

Tim Baker wrote:

boo ... no cookies for me, no images for you. wink

I agree with you on this....Basically thats what it I think its about, but it won't work. They can eat those images....

Oct 22 06 09:17 am Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
there are lots like this huni, dont feel singled out

the pros c an even do it nothing to do woth background.
i'm not afraid to name them, i have, on other threads and its only right
for example
i put myself out considerably to shoot with Ed Gordon
he is big on OMP, articles and very PRO, training photographers
moved to the states from Ireland
i saw great work, i wanted to be accomodating.

i let him bring a friend along to shoot too
NUDES and all TFP against my better judgement

i wanted to shoot tho the day in question i should have canceled
i made it
i shot with both the guys and another model - she is really awesome
we both wanted to have these shots
neither of us charged
hes and his mate took tons of images and even now 2 years later
many  e mials later
never gave us anything
not one pic
many different excuses then silence silence silence
no apology

he is constantly visible shooting tho
training photgraphers and innviting them along to learn how to be a  hot shot,,,taking trips and sending images of his trips out by e mail

its insulting

and it shouldnt happen to any other gals
how sick
that nude pics of you are  swirling around out there ...
& you thought you were colaborating together
when just being suckerred
its really upsetting

i hope they read this!!

hope you get better treatment next time

I realized some time ago that many of "those who are big on OMP", are not by any means professional except in their own eyes.  OMP is mostly about illusion and not big on substance.

Oct 22 06 04:57 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

I guess I have two questions for you. How do you determine if someone is big on OMP and why are you running around with knives in your hands. Didn't your mother tell you you could hurt someone with those things.

Oct 22 06 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 172

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
How do you determine if someone is big on OMP . . .

Platinum member, numerous “Showcase Images”, big fan club membership, tons of acknowledgements, linked to dozens of models, various categorical galleries, and it takes ages for all their images to pop up. tongue

Oct 22 06 06:11 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
I guess I have two questions for you. How do you determine if someone is big on OMP...

20+  naked breast showcases.

Oct 22 06 06:15 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

g-man wrote:

Platinum member, numerous “Showcase Images”, big fan club membership, tons of acknowledgements, linked to dozens of models, various categorical galleries, and it takes ages for all their images to pop up. tongue

OMP showcases, acknowledgements, etc.. does not make one a "pro". I have seven showcases and about 100 acks. and have won one of their photo competitions and won a free upgraded port for a year and I've only been on the site for four months. I guess I'm doing okay for the little time I've been on the site. But in no way do those things determine one's professionalism, or put their work up on a pedistal, or on a higher level than anyone else. OMP is just another website that's way glorified for what..??? It's just a fuckin' website.

Oct 22 06 07:43 pm Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

20+  naked breast showcases.

But if they weren't a "Platinum Member" those 20+ naked breast photos would be "semi-professional" and not of showcase quality.

Oct 22 06 08:11 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Bob Randall Photography wrote:
I guess I have two questions for you. How do you determine if someone is big on OMP and why are you running around with knives in your hands. Didn't your mother tell you you could hurt someone with those things.


i will hurt Ed Gordon with pleasure lol

he was known and appaudled by references, he was writing articles for them, very visible on the main pages - like i say,
established, good work,

a cheat and a total prick

Oct 23 06 11:50 am Link



Posts: 7840


g-man wrote:
Platinum member, numerous “Showcase Images”, big fan club membership, tons of acknowledgements, linked to dozens of models, various categorical galleries, and it takes ages for all their images to pop up. tongue

means nothing

but people should speak up when they are not trustworthy
not collude to keep them seeming PRO

Oct 23 06 11:53 am Link



Posts: 7840


Oct 23 06 11:55 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Make sure you speak with the photographer a few times on the phone first.

I always like to talk on the phone it gives you a lot of insite.  I even meet with models first if possible before a shoot to get an idea if it will work etc.

Oct 23 06 12:57 pm Link