Forums > General Industry > Late Cancellations


Images by Yancy

Posts: 1703

Roseville, California, US

I know that this has been discussed ad nauseum but I had to vent.

Have been trying to work with this model for awhile and we finally got something set-up. It wasn't just me wanting to work with her - she was pushing to work with me.

I spent the evening prepping my equipment, packing accessories, talking with my MUA, and plotting out locations all the while setting up shots in my head.

Get up this morning, take myshower, prep my breakfast, pack my car and, almost as an after-thought, decide to check my e-mail.

And I find this:

So I just got home from having the biggest fight with
my boyfriend. I'm devastated. He found out that I
hooked up with my ex before we got together, and I
broke his heart. I'm such an emotional mess, I' afraid
I may have to cancel with you. I'm just giving you a
heads up, because I doubt I'll sleep, and I'll look
like shit. OMG IM SO PISSED, you probably are too. But
please understand. He is the love of my life. Call me
in the morning k????

Okay, so let me get this straight - you guys fought over something that happened BEFORE you got together?!?!

And, to be honest, who gives a shit?!?! Get over it and lets friggin work!!

Dammit, I hate when this kind of crap happens! But in reality, it's my bad. She's been flaky before but I thought we had worked it out. Now I'm sitting here with no one to shoot. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!

Needless to say, I'll NEVER try to work with her again.

Oct 21 06 10:10 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Images by Yancy wrote:
And I find this:

So I just got home from having the biggest fight with
my boyfriend. I'm devastated. He found out that I
hooked up with my ex before we got together, and I
broke his heart. I'm such an emotional mess, I' afraid
I may have to cancel with you. I'm just giving you a
heads up, because I doubt I'll sleep, and I'll look
like shit. OMG IM SO PISSED, you probably are too. But
please understand. He is the love of my life. Call me
in the morning k????

From the way she talks, that sounds like someone I'd definitely want to work with....................NOT

Oct 21 06 10:13 am Link


Michael Kinshaw

Posts: 4

Aurora, Illinois, US

Know exactly how you feel.  Had the same thing happen to me.  The model (so called) contacted me about a shoot, then two days before, called with some excuse that she had to much on her plate and would have to cancel.  Then her profile disappeared and showed up under another name.  Wierd...

Oct 21 06 10:14 am Link


stan wigmore photograph

Posts: 2397

Long Beach, California, US

Anyone interested in sharing info privately on the flakes we have to put up with ,drop me a line.I am tired of this crap.

Oct 21 06 10:20 am Link



Posts: 6305

Seattle, Washington, US

A true professional does not cancel due to something of this nature. Will she be tired if she is unable to sleep of course...will she look like "shit" due to the lack of sleep.....possibly. However a model must learn to ACT....yes well as pose in order to get through these types of situations.

Also, you stated she flaked on you once before. At least you had given her a second chance...which you didn't have to do. She should have showed up ready to work. Then once the job was done.....did whatever it was she felt she had to do to make things right in her personal life.

To the models (not everyone...only to those it know who you are): Modeling is a JOB...a CAREER for some. You must treat it as one.


Oct 21 06 10:24 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Images by Yancy wrote:
I know that this has been discussed ad nauseum but I had to vent.

Have been trying to work with this model for awhile and we finally got something set-up. It wasn't just me wanting to work with her - she was pushing to work with me.

I spent the evening prepping my equipment, packing accessories, talking with my MUA, and plotting out locations all the while setting up shots in my head.

Get up this morning, take myshower, prep my breakfast, pack my car and, almost as an after-thought, decide to check my e-mail.

And I find this:

So I just got home from having the biggest fight with
my boyfriend. I'm devastated. He found out that I
hooked up with my ex before we got together, and I
broke his heart. I'm such an emotional mess, I' afraid
I may have to cancel with you. I'm just giving you a
heads up, because I doubt I'll sleep, and I'll look
like shit. OMG IM SO PISSED, you probably are too. But
please understand. He is the love of my life. Call me
in the morning k????

Okay, so let me get this straight - you guys fought over something that happened BEFORE you got together?!?!

And, to be honest, who gives a shit?!?! Get over it and lets friggin work!!

Dammit, I hate when this kind of crap happens! But in reality, it's my bad. She's been flaky before but I thought we had worked it out. Now I'm sitting here with no one to shoot. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!

Needless to say, I'll NEVER try to work with her again.

She should have called you.

You have no right to say "get over it".

You do have the right to be mad.

If she looks like hell and can't concentrate anyway, why would you want to shoot her? Sounds like a wasted day- move on and find a model that's free for today(or whenever this is for)

And do reply to her- I wouldn't call her as she didn't have enough respect to call her- tell her you're upset with her- and that you can't work together with her without a deposit.

That'll take care of that.


Oct 21 06 10:25 am Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

Just move on....who want's to work with that kind of drama anyway. I would guess that she has that kind of drama everywhere she goes. Just find a better model to work with. I would just email her and say "no worries" and I would not say another thing. Just my 2 cents

Thomas B

Oct 21 06 10:30 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Even though she didn't call she did contact you.  Yes it was lame but she did.
So as our beautiful model suggested get a deposit from her but I wouldn't make the first move.  I wouldn't email or call her.  The reasons people cancel really
aren't that important for example she could have said she was sick, etc.  The
bottom line for whatever reason they aren't there.  Collecting a refundable deposit
insures either they will be next time or you get a free lunch.  I suspect she won't
send you anything.

Oct 21 06 10:33 am Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

Images by Yancy wrote:
Needless to say, I'll NEVER try to work with her again.

I have missed dentist appointments, the dentist still cleans my teeth. Maybe the reason she gave is not the true one. Things happen. Like the old cliche, and since you are in SF, there will another MUNI along in 15 minutes.

Oct 21 06 10:44 am Link


Images by Yancy

Posts: 1703

Roseville, California, US

"You have no right to say "get over it"."

You know, Daniela, I looked at this statement again and I'm a little torn. I know this is a serious matter for her and a part of me feels for her. On the other hand, we've all had to take some serious blows and still get up and go to work or take care of business.

So I guess my "get over it" comment is on a work level and not a personal one.

She got back home and wrote me this email at 1:45 am. I think she should've called. I've had long discussions with her and had given her my cell number, telling her that my number was for her to call 24/7.

As I was writing this, she called. She cried and moaned and told me about what happened (I'll spare you the juvenile bullshit details) and, hinking about you, Daniela, I lent a sympathetic ear. But the strange thing is: SHE NEVER ONCE APOLOGIZED FOR CANCELLING!!!

I can't believe it.

Anyway, I told her that, while I feel bad for her situation, I just can't work with her and would rather not in the future.

The worst thing is I don't have anyone to shoot as a back-up today.

Yes, a wasted day indeed!

Oct 21 06 10:53 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Images by Yancy wrote:
"You have no right to say "get over it"."

You know, Daniela, I looked at this statement again and I'm a little torn. I know this is a serious matter for her and a part of me feels for her. On the other hand, we've all had to take some serious blows and still get up and go to work or take care of business.

So I guess my "get over it" comment is on a work level and not a personal one.

She got back home and wrote me this email at 1:45 am. I think she should've called. I've had long discussions with her and had given her my cell number, telling her that my number was for her to call 24/7.

As I was writing this, she called. She cried and moaned and told me about what happened (I'll spare you the juvenile bullshit details) and, hinking about you, Daniela, I lent a sympathetic ear. But the strange thing is: SHE NEVER ONCE APOLOGIZED FOR CANCELLING!!!

I can't believe it.

Anyway, I told her that, while I feel bad for her situation, I just can't work with her and would rather not in the future.

The worst thing is I don't have anyone to shoot as a back-up today.

Yes, a wasted day indeed!

I can understand you're being angry and not wanting to work with her again
and yes you should have been given a apology.  It sounds like she's very young
and often very young people have or cause or allow lots of drama.
You of course don't have to deal with it.  However.... some people have to try
and be a bit more flexible not that you weren't as she seems be making excuses
a pattern.  I thought this based on your comment about her being flakey before.
I have had models do the same and I collected a small deposit from them with
no problem.  That said, again I understand how you feel and your response was
the correct one for you.

Oct 21 06 11:01 am Link



Posts: 1438

Niles, Michigan, US

Take it in stride. I have wasted my share of time waiting or rearrainging my shoot schedule and dont let it bother me anymore, nor do I put up with it anymore. Once someone pulls that on me, they never hear from me again. There's always someone else to shoot with.

Oct 21 06 11:47 am Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

You are dealing with young, fairly attractive people.  They always have relationship problems, they always seem to have drama in their lives.  They also may be SCM's (So Called Models) who are just here for the ego trip and not much else.  Fliter thru to the good ones... they do exist and move on with a smile on your face.

Oct 21 06 11:52 am Link


Images by Yancy

Posts: 1703

Roseville, California, US

Meela. I absolutely agree with you!

Oct 21 06 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

RStephenT wrote:
You are dealing with young, fairly attractive people.  They always have relationship problems, they always seem to have drama in their lives.

so are you saying that other people don't have relationship problems, only young fairly attractive people?

and to the OP: at least she let you know instead of not showing up at all. Therefore: it could be worse.

Oct 21 06 02:12 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Sigh... me too. Me a noshow too. About 2 hrs before shoot. From a "close friend".

Yep, I'm angry too. But who cares? So, I also, will move on. I'll move on pissed off, but I'll move on.

Maybe we should all shoot rocks. They're so.... obedient. Never complain, hold a pose for hours. And totally dependable. Almost always right where you left them.

Oct 21 06 02:21 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:

so are you saying that other people don't have relationship problems, only young fairly attractive people?

and to the OP: at least she let you know instead of not showing up at all. Therefore: it could be worse.

Young people in general seem to have a lot of relationships issues, but it certainly is not limited to that one segment.  But it is a very common problem in that age group.

Oct 21 06 02:32 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

At least she let you know. Just add her to your 'never work with' list and move on.

Oct 21 06 07:23 pm Link



Posts: 172

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

RStephenT wrote:
You are dealing with young, fairly attractive people.  They always have relationship problems, they always seem to have drama in their lives.  They also may be SCM's (So Called Models) who are just here for the ego trip and not much else.  Fliter thru to the good ones... they do exist and move on with a smile on your face.

"SCM"s" I like that one, particularly from a phonetic standpoint.   tongue

Oct 21 06 07:39 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

g-man wrote:

"SCM"s" I like that one, particularly from a phonetic standpoint.   tongue

Do you wanna know what's funny this is exactly how the initials GWC got started...

Oct 21 06 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

RStephenT wrote:
You are dealing with young, fairly attractive people.  They always have relationship problems, they always seem to have drama in their lives.  They also may be SCM's (So Called Models) who are just here for the ego trip and not much else.  Fliter thru to the good ones... they do exist and move on with a smile on your face.

Thanks Stephen, you just coined a term: SCM, how do you pronounce SCM?

Oct 21 06 09:35 pm Link


tommy nikon

Posts: 138

Seattle, Washington, US

Meela wrote:
A true professional does not cancel due to something of this nature. Will she be tired if she is unable to sleep of course...will she look like "shit" due to the lack of sleep.....possibly. However a model must learn to ACT....yes well as pose in order to get through these types of situations.

Also, you stated she flaked on you once before. At least you had given her a second chance...which you didn't have to do. She should have showed up ready to work. Then once the job was done.....did whatever it was she felt she had to do to make things right in her personal life.

To the models (not everyone...only to those it know who you are): Modeling is a JOB...a CAREER for some. You must treat it as one.




I just had the same happen to me a week ago....and got the "heads up" via email, written at 3:45a,.  Of course the shoot had been scheduled for almost 5 days, I'm up the morning the email was received - BUT ONLY 'TIL FRIGGIN' 2:30am!.... I didn't "get it" until about 11am....for a 1pm scheduled meeting!


ps:  I agreed to waive MY FEES....for you!  When you cancel like that, you've wasted my opportunity to have scheduled a paying gig instead.  Or any gig...because I was COUNTING ON YOU BEING A PROFESSIONAL.

Got it "models"?

Oct 21 06 09:44 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I also have had my fair share of no shows.  I used to wonder if it was me or my
work.  What did I do?  In most cases I became angry at the models feeling that
I didn't deserve their disrespect but what I have come to understand it isn't about
me at all and my anger at them was wasted.  This is a fantastic book that people
might want to read.

One of the things the author speaks to is too not take things personally.  This
is one of the reasons I became upset.  Now I take into account many things.
In all cases I try and remove 'me' from the picture.  When someone doesn't choose
to do something its because they didn't want to.  In almost all cases people do
whats important to them.  What and how we react is also our choice.  If you feel
further chances will be a waste of time then don't work with them but I'd like to
suggest this way of thinking.  If you are NOT paying someone they are giving
of themselves for a project you choose.  Yes the photos are of value and may help
them secure future work but in many cases it won't.  My point?  Relax a bit try
and not get too upset, offer future chances and not a closed door.  Continue
contact with the person but inform them that their drama while sad isn't yours.
I'm not saying this is the way I always react and the OP has every right to his
feelings but to suggest a different way of viewing a problem we all face.

Oct 21 06 10:05 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

dfstudios wrote:
Thanks Stephen, you just coined a term: SCM, how do you pronounce SCM?

I'm not sure I should answer that...  maybe SC*M... I'll let you fill in the vowel... gasp.

Or maybe just called them SCM's and leave it at that.

Oct 21 06 10:19 pm Link