Forums > General Industry > Men's Health Magazine Casting/Test Shoot


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


*disclaimer* I have no idea where this belongs other than not in off topic and casting calls, etc. Feel free to move it....thanks!

This is more or less a quick vent about a test shoot that I was supposed to go on...and hey, it isn't about angel wings, so it's something new to read.

On Monday I was contacted by Marc from Men's Health Magazine/Rodale. I had submitted to a casting call on (which is a great site btw). He told me to come in for a test shoot which his client was requiring on Tuesday or Wednesday. I took the day off from work on Tuesday so that I could make it into the city from Jersey. I left my apartment at 3pm to get there by 5pm (I live 20 minutes outside the city, but didn't want to risk the traffic during rush hour)...long story short, I didn't make it into the city until 5:15pm because there was a fire in the tunnel I had to take traffic sucked. I attempted to call him to tell him I was running late, but got no answer. I continued into the city, and to the office...paid $30 to park my car, ran up 3rd Avenue, up to the 8th floor of the building and was told that he had left for the day. I left my comp card and asked his assistant to please ask him to check his email so I could explain what had happened.

I go home- email him the jist of it. I didn't get home until after 845pm because of traffic.

Next morning I get an email from him asking me to come in- stating that he was there until a little after 6. I stated that I got there before 6, and that I was informed he wasn't there. He asked if I could come in again yesterday- I said, sure, but I can't leave work early because I had just taken the day off. I said that I would do my best to be there at 6pm, but if he had to leave exactly then and simply couldn't wait, I would understand and simply miss this casting. He said to me that it was up to me and that if I wanted to come in that was fine. I said I would do my best and call him to advise him of the traffic situation so he wasn't just waiting around for me to show up. He told me that if I was running a little late not to sweat it and to just get there safely and call him.

At 5:45 I still wasn't into the city because of the rush hour traffic. I called him, got his voicemail and told him where I was, that I couldn't turn around and that I figured I would get to his office at 6:30- I apologized, but there was nothing I really could do. No phone call back.

I called him at 6pm when I got into the tunnel, and he picked up. I said I was making my way through but there was extremely heavy traffic. He says: "So, you can't turn around?"


I said- no- the tunnel is one-way...I couldn't believe a New Yorker was asking me this...I said- the only way for me to turn around is to go into the city and back out again- but I had tried so hard to get to him and he said that he could wait...and he says "I really can't give you any more time".

Um...I said- I don't know what to do- I'm coming into the city, I don't have a choice- and I will race to you as fast as I can...and you told me that you could wait. He tells me he'll give me 20 more minutes, that's it, and hangs up on me.

I get through the tunnel and down 42nd street- I'm not far, and it's 20 minutes later. I call him back and state where I am. He states "I can't wait for you- you insisted that you come, I waited around for you, you're not here, I have to be somewhere- I have business hours and you said you would be here at 6pm".

At this point, I'm frustrated because I spent, between the two days, over $50 in gas, tolls and parking..not to mention a grand total of about 5 hours traffic. I told him that I never promised 6pm and that if he had to be somewhere at 7pm, that was fine, but why didn't he tell me that in his email so I didn't come in? He states that I INSISTED I was coming in...I stated, no, I made it clear that I really wanted this tear sheet, but I also said, if you cannot wait for me, that's fine, but if you can, I will go through the traffic and everything else to get there. I said that he never told me he had to be somewhere at 7pm and I didn't understand why he was brushing off my efforts for a test shoot...a TEST shoot....I did everything I could think of, and I didn't understand why he didn't tell me be there by 615, or don't come at opposed to "sure, I can wait".

He says to me- "ya know what- this is ridiculous and I'm ending this conversation."


So, I'm in the city, in tears, because I completely wasted my time for nothing...I didn't know what else I could've done...and I didn't know why he just didn't tell me that he couldn't wait past 615 in the emails...

I went home- I emailed him. I told him that I thought it was very disrespectful and that I don't get the situation. I told him that he should've told me he couldn't have waited before I tried to get in there, and that would've been fine.

I then get an email from NYCastings this morning terminating my membership due to my "abrassive" email to one of their clients.

Nevermind how I was treated. Nevermind how hard I tried. Nevermind the breakdown in communication in his part.

so- needless to say- the frustration continues to this morning, and now I need to find out how to get another account on there without it getting terminated.

Just thought I'd share.



Oct 19 06 10:58 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

First I'm sorry things didn't work out for you.  I've read many of your posts and I
get the impression you are very serious.  Here's some advice that some may not
agree with and you didn't ask for it but anyway.  Its OK to vent to friends, heck
even here but try not and do it with possible real world jobs and clients.  Things
happened that were a bit out of your control.  So instead of expressing your anger
step back and calm down.  No angry emails, no angry phone calls.  Rather a call
and or email that you're sorry that you missed him.  Sounds like he's a bit of a ass
and the fact that he contacted the webmaster about your email confirms it.
In the future when things don't work, relax.  Pull back a bit.  Wait a while before
you call or write until you've calmed yourself.  Its not about being right its about
not burning any bridges even with assholes.

Oct 19 06 11:15 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Tony Lawrence wrote:
First I'm sorry things didn't work out for you.  I've read many of your posts and I
get the impression you are very serious.  Here's some advice that some may not
agree with and you didn't ask for it but anyway.  Its OK to vent to friends, heck
even here but try not and do it with possible real world jobs and clients.  Things
happened that were a bit out of your control.  So instead of expressing your anger
step back and calm down.  No angry emails, no angry phone calls.  Rather a call
and or email that you're sorry that you missed him.  Sounds like he's a bit of a ass
and the fact that he contacted the webmaster about your email confirms it.
In the future when things don't work, relax.  Pull back a bit.  Wait a while before
you call or write until you've calmed yourself.  Its not about being right its about
not burning any bridges even with assholes.

Yeah I know. It's always been my downfall. I don't know when to keep my mouth shut, especially when I feel like I've been disrespected.

I need to take up yoga or something lol

Oct 19 06 11:20 am Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Wow girl! 

I'm so sorry.  That's an awful experience, but it's their loss.

I'll agree that the guy comes across as an ass.  I can understand your frustration, and I would be the same way. 

I'm sure you'll have a better opportunity come along anyway!


Oct 19 06 11:22 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

NYC is not for the weak or faint of heart.
In a situation like this, if one model doesn't show up, there are a dozen more hotter ones waiting in the hallway.
This large supply of talent creates a bit of arrogance, and even though we point fingers at these casting directors, editors, agents, art directors and so forth, calling them mean a-holes and such, that will only raise them and lower us.

My VERY humble opinion is this;
When trying to crack the NYC Nut, be as precise and punctual as possible and fire on all 8 cylinders, ALL the TIME. Then you have a fighting chance with your fierce competition.

(disclaimer- worked as an editor and/or art director for 5 magazines including one in Manhattan)

Oct 19 06 11:27 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Eric S. wrote:
NYC is not for the weak or faint of heart.
In a situation like this, if one model doesn't show up, there are a dozen more hotter ones waiting in the hallway.
This large supply of talent creates a bit of arrogance, and even though we point fingers at these casting directors, editors, agents, art directors and so forth, calling them mean a-holes and such, that will only raise them and lower us.

My VERY humble opinion is this;
When trying to crack the NYC Nut, be as precise and punctual as possible and fire on all 8 cylinders, ALL the TIME. Then you have a fighting chance with your fierce competition.

(disclaimer- worked as an editor and/or art director for 5 magazines including one in Manhattan)

I think I was just surprised at the quick change of attitude from "sure, I'll wait for you" to "turn around in the lincoln tunnel bitch". lol

Oct 19 06 11:46 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Cat Platz wrote:
Wow girl! 

I'm so sorry.  That's an awful experience, but it's their loss.

I'll agree that the guy comes across as an ass.  I can understand your frustration, and I would be the same way. 

I'm sure you'll have a better opportunity come along anyway!


Thanks doll :-)

Oct 19 06 01:26 pm Link