Forums > General Industry > professionalism versus a foot in your AZZ


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

I am reading a few threads and the word "professionalism" keep s coming up when it comes to dealing with rude or other wise unruly clients or potential clients.


I am all professional...MOST DAYS..

If you are a little rude, I will bend..If you are having a bad day..I will bend..

If you stop on the old toes to hard...ITS ON... I wll do my best to make sure you never EVER come at me in anyway less than respectful ever again.

Have I pissed people off? YOu damned right..That was the goal. Do I regret a single outburst..HELL no.. I think hard before dropping the hammer..and when I aint "purty darlin'"

Now some people are beter polititians than I....CLAP CLAP CLAP..
Cool....NOT me grasshopper...

I learned a long time ago..My sanity is more important than my bank account. And you know what? Nobody F's with me, becuase the word is out.

Keep it real and he is the coolest...Anything less is fatal..

Sound harsh, and I rarely need to go there..but it happens....

Im not a good ass kisser.... :-)


Oct 19 06 06:15 am Link


ang m

Posts: 511

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hmmmmm  did someone do something in your coffee this morning?

I think you need a hug.



Oct 19 06 06:38 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

ang m wrote:
Hmmmmm  did someone do something in your coffee this morning?

I think you need a hug.



Damn, thats it! I forgot the Irish Rum!


Oct 19 06 06:44 am Link



Posts: 87

Bossier City, Louisiana, US

I refuse to kiss ass.  Life is too short and I have way too much charm for that (lol).  Seriously though, there are some people who are just in a bad mood all the time.  However, there are some who feel that they are the cats meow.  It had a lot to do with ego in my opinion.  If they don't get their ass kissed for whatever reason then trouble begins.  I'd not put up with it and just walk away.


Oct 19 06 07:53 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

ak68 wrote:
I refuse to kiss ass.  Life is too short and I have way too much charm for that (lol).  Seriously though, there are some people who are just in a bad mood all the time.  However, there are some who feel that they are the cats meow.  It had a lot to do with ego in my opinion.  If they don't get their ass kissed for whatever reason then trouble begins.  I'd not put up with it and just walk away.


Walk away?

Must be the Maring in me..NO, thats not it..Im just a brute...LOL

Oct 19 06 07:57 am Link



Posts: 87

Bossier City, Louisiana, US

Vance wrote:

Walk away?

Must be the Maring in me..NO, thats not it..Im just a brute...LOL

opps..yep.  I didn't know that part of you.  I guess being a brute could work too. wink smile

Oct 19 06 07:58 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

It's not called kissing ass when you are putting forth a professional attitude. I NEVER, no matter what the circumstance, ever have lashed out in retaliation against a client. This is because I can sense where a situation is going and leave the issue before it becomes a problem. You always leave them with a professional attitude and impression even if they are completely rude and showing their ass. You never know when they might realize how much of an idiot they were and it could bring their business later on. They'll remember that you kept your cool and walked away before it escalated into something ugly.

Example: I met a client for a consultation before a shoot. The client showed up and just immediately started on my equipment, lack of a "professional" studio and that my portfolio was not leather bound. I politely reminded the client that they contacted me via my website because they "absolutely loved" my work. And that I produced all my work on location or in my "home studio". Which led them into defense mode and they were getting ugly enough that I politely cut them off, thanked them for their time, dropped the name of another photographer they might want to check out and I left. Yes, I was angry and my feelings were hurt and I wanted to go off, it would have made me feel better. A year later, I was booked for her maternity photos and then her newborn baby's first photos. I am getting ready to do their family portraits for this year as well. No, I did not get an apology, but I don't need one.

So, always keep your cool. People will remember that, and even if they don't come back, they can't spread the word about your nasty attitude, even if they know they deserved it. The customer is always right....even when we know they are wrong.

Oct 19 06 08:05 am Link



Posts: 87

Bossier City, Louisiana, US

Well I have to say Dawn,,,,you did indeed deal with that wonderfully. Very classy and great points made. smile
I am sure that your client realized exactly what happened and is praying you don't remember or just won't bring it up.  I can see though where you are coming from in your post.  You did the right thing in that situation and took care of yourself as well. kudos!

Oct 19 06 08:08 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
It's not called kissing ass when you are putting forth a professional attitude. I NEVER, no matter what the circumstance, ever have lashed out in retaliation against a client. This is because I can sense where a situation is going and leave the issue before it becomes a problem. You always leave them with a professional attitude and impression even if they are completely rude and showing their ass. You never know when they might realize how much of an idiot they were and it could bring their business later on. They'll remember that you kept your cool and walked away before it escalated into something ugly.

Example: I met a client for a consultation before a shoot. The client showed up and just immediately started on my equipment, lack of a "professional" studio and that my portfolio was not leather bound. I politely reminded the client that they contacted me via my website because they "absolutely loved" my work. And that I produced all my work on location or in my "home studio". Which led them into defense mode and they were getting ugly enough that I politely cut them off, thanked them for their time, dropped the name of another photographer they might want to check out and I left. Yes, I was angry and my feelings were hurt and I wanted to go off, it would have made me feel better. A year later, I was booked for her maternity photos and then her newborn baby's first photos. I am getting ready to do their family portraits for this year as well. No, I did not get an apology, but I don't need one.

So, always keep your cool. People will remember that, and even if they don't come back, they can't spread the word about your nasty attitude, even if they know they deserved it. The customer is always right....even when we know they are wrong.


I agree that stance works for a great many....And as I said..I have limits..I think we all do...I have a MODERATE pun intended...but some people go to far, and need a can o whoop ass to be set straight....The customer is always right, is old hat... I like the new term..WE REFUSE THE RIGHT to serve anyone...especially jerks and potty mouths..

Edit..once I go there, I dont care about future bookings or referels.. Once I shut the stays shut...excpet for x-girlfriends.I need to work on that one...:-)


Oct 19 06 08:11 am Link


Joseph Moran

Posts: 214

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

ang m wrote:
Hmmmmm  did someone do something in your coffee this morning?

I think you need a hug.



...its the only thing, that theres just too little of...

Oct 19 06 08:20 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Wow! I could take some lessons here. My wife says I'm not assertive enough and let people walk on me.


Oct 19 06 08:21 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Joseph Moran wrote:

...its the only thing, that theres just too little of...

Coffee or hugs....Can we do both at the same time without spilling?



Oct 19 06 08:21 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

If you only remember one thing: when you give them something to speak negatively about, then that can project onto other future clients. One unhappy customer will spread the word to five. Each of those five will speak to five each, that's 25 and so on. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising. People don't have to know you to spread bad information about you, relying instead on the experience of others. And there view is always one sided, blaming you. No one's gonna say "Well, he was an ass back to me because I was a jerk to him." However, keep your cool and they have nothing to say. If they do say anything, you have recourse.

Oct 19 06 08:22 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
If you only remember one thing: when you give them something to speak negatively about, then that can project onto other future clients. One unhappy customer will spread the word to five. Each of those five will speak to five each, that's 25 and so on. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising. People don't have to know you to spread bad information about you, relying instead on the experience of others. And there view is always one sided, blaming you. No one's gonna say "Well, he was an ass back to me because I was a jerk to him." However, keep your cool and they have nothing to say. If they do say anything, you have recourse.

Not to sound arrogant..But I am in Holywood... I can only handle five or six major clients..and in my line of work...Being a "DICK" at times is part of the job. As a matter of fact, being a hard ass "when needed" in production is a plus.

IE... I got into it with Debbie Allens staff yesterday..She is one of my biggest clients.
I still have the contract and with more respect. Sometimes you have to lay it on the line, regardless of the potential loss. It's just the way I've always dome things...

I'ts bitten me once or twice, but I can sleep at night...

Oct 19 06 08:27 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Vance wrote:

Not to sound arrogant..But I am in Holywood... I can only handle five or six major clients..and in my line of work...Being a "DICK" at times is part of the job. As a matter of fact, being a hard ass "when needed" in production is a plus.

IE... I got into it with Debbie Allens staff yesterday..She is one of my biggest clients.
I still have the contract and with more respect. Sometimes you have to lay it on the line, regardless of the potential loss. It's just the way I've always dome things...

I'ts bitten me once or twice, but I can sleep at night...

We all operate differently. I don't think that I will ever get to a point where I will feel that being a hard ass and/or a "dick" would be a plus. But that's probably cause I don't feel that the energy expenditure is worth it in the end. Possibly why I am never stressed out over my job.

It all worked out then for you and that's awesome!

Oct 19 06 08:40 am Link



Posts: 67

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

GLB Graphics wrote:
Wow! I could take some lessons here. My wife says I'm not assertive enough and let people walk on me. Gary

well make sure when you take on this attitude, that you have something to back it up instead of just words.

like some real experience in the industry, not just some dance school..and your portfolio should be kick ass. so much so people will overlook your arrogant personality.

otherwise you'll look like.. ass..

Oct 19 06 08:49 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

_Tasha_ wrote:

well make sure when you take on this attitude, that you have something to back it up instead of just words.

like some real experience in the industry, not just some dance school..and your portfolio should be kick ass. so much so people will overlook your arrogant personality.

otherwise you'll look like.. ass..


Oct 19 06 08:50 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:

We all operate differently. I don't think that I will ever get to a point where I will feel that being a hard ass and/or a "dick" would be a plus. But that's probably cause I don't feel that the energy expenditure is worth it in the end. Possibly why I am never stressed out over my job.

It all worked out then for you and that's awesome!

Dawn, you are a woman.. We all know women would handle all things better.
Women always seem to come at things in business much calmer...well except for those butch ladies...different story..The most well temperd business people I know are women.. MOSTLY...the exceptions are..OVER THE whoa!

.US DUDES are brutes..but thats why you love us.. :-)

Oct 19 06 08:52 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

_Tasha_ wrote:

well make sure when you take on this attitude, that you have something to back it up instead of just words.

like some real experience in the industry, not just some dance school..and your portfolio should be kick ass. so much so people will overlook your arrogant personality.

otherwise you'll look like.. ass..

First... I am not arrogant..I think I prefaced that..I ws speaking to the Hollywood way of thought where being nice all the time gets yu NOwhere fast in many circumstances..

As to Mrs. Allen.. Ues there is a Dance school..There is also Red Bird Production..

Which produced shows like Pearl... Amistad... She also directs on Everybody hates Chris..there is a Disney Production in the works and A Broadway Production name The Bayou Legend. Hardly just a dance school.

I was makng a point, as to Hollywood and my attitude towards people who come at u like jerks and are disrepectful. that is all....

My point was, that in a worlsd of all this PC, how much does one really have to take?

Often times I think it's too much, regardless of where yuo are in life. If I were a garbage man, I would be the same way. Though, I admit.I'd be looking for a job pronto.

I take it back... I am arrogant...usually I keep it cloaked..
Sue me if yu like.its all good.


Oct 19 06 08:59 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

_Tasha_ wrote:

well make sure when you take on this attitude, that you have something to back it up instead of just words.

like some real experience in the industry, not just some dance school..and your portfolio should be kick ass. so much so people will overlook your arrogant personality.

otherwise you'll look like.. ass..

I know you aint cappin on my port...
Na, you wouldnt go are just too nice for that.

Oct 19 06 09:05 am Link



Posts: 67

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

vance working at debbie allen corporation world headquarters (the entertainment epicenter)

debbie allen: "VANCE! get me a cup of fucking bitch!!"

vance: "yes miss allen, sorry for making you angry miss allen..would you like a doughnut? "

debbie allen: "NOW BITCH!"

vance: "sorry"

debbie allen: (sternly looks at vance)

vance: (makes a zipping gesture across his lips..)

Oct 19 06 09:11 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

_Tasha_ wrote:
vance working at debbie allen corporation world headquarters (the entertainment epicenter)

debbie allen: "VANCE! get me a cup of fucking bitch!!"

vance: "yes miss allen, sorry for making you angry miss allen..would you like a doughnut? "

debbie allen: "NOW BITCH!"

vance: "sorry"

debbie allen: (sternly looks at vance)

vance: (makes a zipping gesture across his lips..)

LMAO..that was funny....

You got the stern look right!

And she always slaps me when she calls me bitch..:-) It our "THING"


Oct 19 06 09:18 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Vance wrote:


I agree that stance works for a great many....And as I said..I have limits..I think we all do...I have a MODERATE pun intended...but some people go to far, and need a can o whoop ass to be set straight....The customer is always right, is old hat... I like the new term..WE REFUSE THE RIGHT to serve anyone...especially jerks and potty mouths..

Edit..once I go there, I dont care about future bookings or referels.. Once I shut the stays shut...excpet for x-girlfriends.I need to work on that one...:-)


I quoted all of this because Dawn Elizabeth really understands how things work. If you do this, then no one can come back on you. They WILL come back to you though for business down the road, and they'll tell their friends, and things will multiply from there.

The thing I'd like to note is that she did refuse to serve the "jerks and potty mouths," quite firmly in fact, and wasn't walked on at all. However, the manner in which she did it gained her business down the road, plus a great deal of respect I'd dare say.

The ability to negotiate and remain emotionally uninvolved is a definate skill that takes lots of practice. Just like it takes practice not to get frustrated with traffic on the road. But it IS possible. Becoming angry and irate is simply the easy way out.

Oct 19 06 09:53 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

NC17 wrote:

I quoted all of this because Dawn Elizabeth really understands how things work. If you do this, then no one can come back on you. They WILL come back to you though for business down the road, and they'll tell their friends, and things will multiply from there.

The thing I'd like to note is that she did refuse to serve the "jerks and potty mouths," quite firmly in fact, and wasn't walked on at all. However, the manner in which she did it gained her business down the road, plus a great deal of respect I'd dare say.

The ability to negotiate and remain emotionally uninvolved is a definate skill that takes lots of practice. Just like it takes practice not to get frustrated with traffic on the road. But it IS possible. Becoming angry and irate is simply the easy way out.


Again, I agree...
I am awesome in trafic..doesnt bother me one bit...I am no politician..My mother always told better own your own company and you better be damned good, or you will be poor old and broke.

Well.. I own it..and I am decent, and lucky...

As a matter of fact am great with I stated... I have a line drwn in the sand... and I know I am not the only one because I have seen it on all levels. From the richest to the poorest.

As a matter of fact we all know high profile people in the limelight who are known asses. They are still at the top of their game.

In reality, you can damn near get away with being a total ass as long as yo have something to offer. And word of mouth alone in today s age is not enough to sqaush anybody. There are simply too many oportunities and circles to traverse.

NOT THAT one shold go out of their way to do so. Some do..
I was talking about a very small percentage of people I have dealt with, and in many ocassions..I am not the first person to go off on them..We all know it usually the same ones that make a habit of crossing the line.

Dawn is right.. Hell, I am sure I will be teaching my kids the same....though I am sure I will toss in a few lessons on whoop ass as a back up.


Oct 19 06 10:04 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Vance wrote:
I am reading a few threads and the word "professionalism" keep s coming up when it comes to dealing with rude or other wise unruly clients or potential clients.


I am all professional...MOST DAYS..

If you are a little rude, I will bend..If you are having a bad day..I will bend..

If you stop on the old toes to hard...ITS ON... I wll do my best to make sure you never EVER come at me in anyway less than respectful ever again.

Have I pissed people off? YOu damned right..That was the goal. Do I regret a single outburst..HELL no.. I think hard before dropping the hammer..and when I aint "purty darlin'"

Now some people are beter polititians than I....CLAP CLAP CLAP..
Cool....NOT me grasshopper...

I learned a long time ago..My sanity is more important than my bank account. And you know what? Nobody F's with me, becuase the word is out.

Keep it real and he is the coolest...Anything less is fatal..

Sound harsh, and I rarely need to go there..but it happens....

Im not a good ass kisser.... :-)


You such a bad ass dawg! you go boy!

Oct 19 06 11:19 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

ang m wrote:
Hmmmmm  did someone do something in your coffee this morning?

I think you need a hug.



I want a hug!!

Oct 19 06 11:19 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Vance is a no nonsense guy and I have the threads to prove it.  We've locked
horns several times and with me being all kind and friendly, go figure.  My wife
reminds me of you.  She's blunt and takes no shit.  She's the kind of women that
will tell you as she's holding a brick in her hand she plans to hit you with it.  This
so theres no confusion over who threw it.  Her directness, etc while honest has
gotten her into some bad situations and cost her jobs and friends.  Me I tend
to be more indirect although based on my threads you might not think so but
with people I'm more flexible and understanding of all my imperfections and theirs to.  What ever works for you is best.

Oct 19 06 11:27 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Vance is a no nonsense guy and I have the threads to prove it.  We've locked
horns several times and with me being all kind and friendly, go figure.  My wife
reminds me of you.  She's blunt and takes no shit.  She's the kind of women that
will tell you as she's holding a brick in her hand she plans to hit you with it.  This
so theres no confusion over who threw it.  Her directness, etc while honest has
gotten her into some bad situations and cost her jobs and friends.  Me I tend
to be more indirect although based on my threads you might not think so but
with people I'm more flexible and understanding of all my imperfections and theirs to.  What ever works for you is best.

Dayum, My x-would have tossed the brick, then asked for hair money...You have a good one ..
Keep it rocking ..

FYI.. I quit using that word...DAMN YOU!

Oct 19 06 12:37 pm Link